

9/3 Rangers @ Angels [Game Thread]



エンゼルス - 大谷翔平 (8勝-1敗、防御率 3.00)
レンジャーズ - グレン・オットー (0勝-0敗、防御率 0.00)



reddit.comのコメント欄より: ソース

ロサンゼルスタイムズ紙のエンゼルス担当記者 - Jack Harris


throatbutterz Looking at his stats now, I honestly had no idea how terrible he was this year. I feel like he got off to a pretty solid start but just got worse over the course of the year. Also had no idea that he was the worst defensive SS in the league this year.

thermal_ss I was surprised as well. I really liked Iglesias, but this is a business at the end of the day.

phelinephile Definitely bummed about this but it makes sense.

bappi27 WTH! I really like JI. He seemed like a nice guy with decent bat and glove and Angels only pay him 3.5mil, way cheaper than Simba. If the team has to cut someone, that gotta be JUp. He's just awful.
(おいおいマジかよ、こっちはホセ・イグレシアス大好きなんだけど! いい奴だし打撃も守備もしっかりしてたろ、契約金もアンドレルトン・シモンズよりもはるかに安い350万ドルしか支払っていない。誰か切り捨てる必要があるならそこはジャスティン・アップトンにしておくべきだろ、あっちの方がどうしようもないじゃないか)

throatbutterz I honestly thought so too until I actually looked at his numbers. 82 OPS+ and his defensive metrics are absolutely awful. -1.2 rWAR this year.
(正直私も彼の成績を見るまではそう考えていたんだけど、OPS+は82だし彼の守備に関する統計はちょっと擁護できないレベルの酷さだった、今季のrWAR とか-1.2だったし) OPS+:打者を評価する指標の1つ。OPS+が100をリーグ平均としOPS+が150の打者は平均より50%高い得点力を持つことを意味する。

joonarcade IM IN SO MUCH PAIN

PokeSonyeondan This HURTS

Agent K He had a lot of heart and his interactions with Shohei were great. I remember being impressed by a lot of Jose's saves recently. Sad to see him go. :(
(彼は本当に度胸のある選手だったし大谷とのやり取りは見ていてとても素晴らしいものだった。ホセのたくさんのセーブに感銘を受けたのを覚えている。彼がエンゼルスから出て行くのを見るのは悲しいよ :( )

hansan4ever Gonna miss Iggy's homer hugs. :(

Mooncake76 Same. Gonna miss seeing him and Sho together

bappi27 If Ohtani doesn't hit anymore HR for the rest of the year, then you know the reason.


CompetitivePatient33 Ohtani gonna be too sad to have a good game :(

Admiral_Ackbardown Why would our boy be sad? Who do we have to kill?
(なぜ俺たちの大谷が悲しんでいる? 俺たちは誰を亡き者にすればいい?)

Entire-Strategy-4214 Iggy’s gone

spooky_ed Ohtani day.

TV's on, beer is ready, pants are off, let's go!

Pierre-Delectos-Sock Can't wait to see the legend pitch in person. First game in 7 years!

Admiral_Ackbardown Have fun!

Mooncake76 Alright, I’m here from the beginning and my buttcheeks are ready

sackerficemath "ケツの肉も引き締める準備万端だ"

guess that's you getting ready for Cishek

Mooncake76 I’m ready for anyone (other than Raisel who makes me feel warm and fuzzy)

Rally Chris Lets do this Ohtani and Ångels beat those Rangers!!!

CatBunnyCarrot I can't wait!!!!! It's a happy Friday!!! Go Shoheiiiiii, go Angels!!

Ɖogecoin Ångel Raider Sam Let's go Ohtani and Angels. Win tonight.

Andy Chan17 Let's go

phelinephile Let's go Halos! 😇 👏 👏 👏👏👏

米Fox Sportsの MLBアナリスト -


sackerficemath Holy shit

MandiMiller Duuuuude! My heart froze for a second.
(おいおいおい! 心臓が一瞬止まったぞ)

Mooncake76 Please be okay Sho

GameSmashing13 Stop hurting SHOHEI please

Sakaguchi123 not to his pitching hand again

theobnoxioussquirrel Why is his hand a ball magnet lately😞 hope he’s good to go

merewyn Can someone tell me exactly where the ball hit Shohei’s hand? I’m at the game and no one can tell
(大谷の手のどこに今の打球が当たったか誰か具体的に教えてくれないか? 今球場にいるんだけど誰も分からないでいるんだ)

GetDrafted Surprisingly they only played 2 replays, none of which focused on Ohtani getting hit. It seemed like he kept looking at his thumbnail. Hoping the fact there weren't many replays means he's ok

Mooncake76 Oh good.. he’s ok..

brohtani quick out but thats 18 pitches in the first inning.

sackerficemath I'll take it..no runs scored = good inning




garbanzo-beanzz The GOOSE

Paulsnoc The goose!!!

Mooncake76 Goooooose!!!!

mweolbwa 🦆

tristpa2 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 Phil Gosselin=Gosse=goose

(クワックワッ) HONK HONK:ガン/ガチョウの鳴き声


garbanzo-beanzz HONK HONK HONK

Valk72 The goose is loose

bigflyohtanisan GOOSE IS LOOSE

kindanope LETS GOOOOO

donkeyjr Goose has been red hot!

sackerficemath Early lead!

Mooncake76 More run support for Sho please

Mooncake76 Nice steal for Goose!

CompetitivePatient33 GOOSE FLYING

spooky_ed The Goose is quite literally loose




Mooncake76 Walshy!!!!

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Great job guys!

garbanzo-beanzz Lmaooo

tristpa2 Goose 🦆🦆 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆

sackerficemath WOW...he scored!

CompetitivePatient33 lol wtf

CydoniaKnight how tf did he score on that after that hesitation

Valk72 Texas outfield doesn't seem to have a lot of good arms.

bigflyohtanisan WTF LOL that was a crap throw by the left fielder, Otto is getting screwed by his defense
(今の左翼手の糞送球は何よw 相手の先発のオットーは自軍の守備にひどい目に遭わされてるな)

metmaz123 What the hell was that throw hahaha

8va 5 comments on the Rangers game thread, oof

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Can you blame them! Lol

Im_A_Halo_Masochist You can definitely see why Texas is in last place. LOL

ry0ma0ki I’m starting to feel bad for Otto

Mooncake76 I’ll feel bad for him after this game

8va Sorry Otto, your ERA needs to be sacrificed for .500




garbanzo-beanzz Oh

sinchichis Sheeeeit

CydoniaKnight fuck

CompetitivePatient33 FUCK

Mooncake76 Eeek

Youmu_Chan darn

Fly_Like_Ohtani noooooooooooo

winterbIoom HE MAD

8va Shohei is pissed lmao

Valk72 Good, the anger will make him stronger

Mooncake76 I would not want to face pissed Shohei

Valk72 That was a pretty bad pitch...

Rover16 Pissed that he missed his location cause that fastball was a meatball nearly middle. If you're going to throw that location you need 99 or 100 like Cole!

Mooncake76 I know Sho can be better than this

Fly_Like_Ohtani Ohtani will get back down to 3.00 and 9 wins I believe!!!

winterbIoom u can do this shohei!!



MLB.comのピッチングアナリスト - Rob Friedman


5BRRP5RCVzcZY6z Nasty

Valk72 That nasty splitter

mutdua Yeah Sho!!

Ruby Carrion Wow! 😯

Bradley McClelland How are you supposed to get a hit off of this dude?😂😂😂

Daddies In Pearls I'm gonna need Shohei Ohtani to be pissed more often.

phelinephile Hi, everybody! Just tuning in now. How's our 🌟 doing on the mound?

Rover16 good. One mistake pitch cost him the homer. The other 3 hits were all infield singles.


kindanope Are you kidding me

sackerficemath How many fouls balls are we gonna see .....

choconut5 Fuck, this is an incredible AB by Helm...

lalalaoki Finally

bigflyohtanisan Fucking hell finally man

Rover16 That's gotta be the longest at bat against Ohtani this season.

AKASHI2341 How long was that at bat with Heim?

BerlinStar17 Like 13 pitches

Valk72 THis isn't gonna end well, this AB is too long.

brohtani man pitch count already too high if he aim for 6th

MLB.comの統計情報を配信するアカウント『MLB Stats』


Mooncake76 Nice!! 100

AKASHI2341 100 😳

jrfreak96 a FUCKING 100, let's go Shohei!!

garbanzo-beanzz WHEW

sinchichis 💯

lalalaoki 100!!

Fun-Raise-3120 100!

bigkinehaole Has he hit 100 mph in a while?

claire_004 I don't remember he ever hit 100 last month

BerlinStar17 All star game

bigflyohtanisan 100 let's go!!!

sackerficemath WOW...triple digits!

Iggyforthewin32 He hit 100 like 3 times!!!

mutdua Beast mode activated!

Mooncake76 Phew!

garbanzo-beanzz Love that

ABCKR_1 Shotime indeed

Rover16 What a nice end to the inning as that could have been bad.

GetDrafted That was heart pounding lmao

sackerficemath Dude hit triple digits 3 times in the inning...wtf?!!?!?

bigflyohtanisan Shohei is the only starting pitcher we have that has that extra gear, I love it

Kampy_ I like how he has evolved over this season to save that switch for the later innings. Early in the year he would throw hard from the start, but now he saves it for "special occasions" lol
(大谷は今シーズンを通してあの "切り替え" を後に取っておくことができるように進化した、それがなんとも好ましい。開幕してからすぐの頃は序盤から全力で投げていたけど今はこういった特別な場面のために全力投球を取っておいてくれる)

ApolloX-2 Shohei is really really special and an absolute thrill to watch

Kampy_ I watched a something recently where guys were talking about the difference between, say, 95 and 100 when you're standing at the plate, and those extra 5mph make a huge difference.

Like, at 95 you have a split second to react and decide what to do. But at 100, it's physiologically impossible to react... to make contact you basically have to make a guess with your swing and hope you get really lucky

brohtani 70 pitch for Shohei, 60 for Otto

AKASHI2341 Last inning for Shohei?

maverickoff I am by the bullpen and nobody is really warming up. Just stretching.

claire_004 I hope he can still go 1 more inning

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Let's score some damn runs for our boy now!

Rover16 Let's get ohtani some runs now! I want him to get to 10 wins!
(さぁ大谷のために援護点を取りに行くぞ! 彼には10勝してもらいたいんだ!)

claire_004 This team is so frustating to watch

jumpinghamster BIG CHANCE!
(さぁ大谷、大チャンスだぞ!) ※5回裏、大谷第3打席、2死1塁3塁

CydoniaKnight shohei for the love of god please

jumpinghamster Shohei do your thing please

metmaz123 Please Sho…this is it…pleaseeeeee

mweolbwa Ah shit

claire_004 Fuck

kindanope I HATE MY LIFE

CydoniaKnight Existence is pain

hansan4ever Ugh, I screamed! :(


Buffalongo I thought that was gone 🥲

AKASHI2341 I really thought that was gone

owledge That's out of the park at Yankee Stadium

metmaz123 Prob last inning for Sho…please dominate this inning




Ohtani looks gassed Nice strike Sho

sackerficemath That pitch was just mean.

mutdua Good job Sho!!

jumpinghamster good pitching Shohei!

AKASHI2341 Era back to 3.00

KamartyMcFlyweight Ohtani looks gassed

Fun-Raise-3120 Another QS by Shohei...lets get the man the W

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Give Shohei one more inning! please Joe
(どうか大谷にもう1イニング投げさせてくれ! ジョーマドン監督、頼む)

Kampy_ okay... we gonna talk about the guy dressed as a Kabuki Warrior behind home plate?

metmaz123 LOL, Japanese guy in the stands screaming “HE CAN STILL PITCHHHHH” in Japanese hahaha

claire_004 Despite those HR, solid performance by Ohtani. His strikeout stuff not in there today, but he still dealing nicely

brohtani Heim at bat really cost him an inning.

Im_A_Halo_Masochist The Angels need to score some damn runs for Ohtani. This is Texas for God's sake!!!




sanmed327 Stassi!!

Mooncake76 Max!!

Iggyforthewin32 Stassi!!!


metmaz123 Yes yes yessss


metmaz123 LETS GOOOOOO

-LongSchlongSilver- LETS FUCKING GO

claire_004 Yeah, this is getting fun

sinchichis fuck yeah baby

Im_A_Halo_Masochist YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!

jumpinghamster I'm really happy now

claire_004 Wut ?

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Shohei!

metmaz123 Whoa didn’t expect Shohei to come out

Mooncake76 Glad to see Sho pitching another inning

KamartyMcFlyweight uuuuhh...does shohei have the stamina for another inning? his control already looks wonky
(uuuuhh...でも大谷にはもう1イニング投げるだけのスタミナが残されているのだろうか? 彼のコントロール力はすでにちょっと怪しくなってたでしょ)

Im_A_Halo_Masochist What a PITCH!!!

KamartyMcFlyweight OHTANI ERA BACK AT 3.00

Kampy_ Sho doing that screaming grunt thing again. LOVE IT
(大谷がまたあの唸り声をあげている、LOVE IT)

Mooncake76 Nice… nice

Lonerismo He gets better the deeper he goes, crazy.

AKASHI2341 Holy shit 110 pitches

claire_004 For anyone who doubt Ohtani can pitch for more than 100 pitches, watch this game

sanmed327 Damn he walked him.

AKASHI2341 They letting him stay in? 😳

sanmed327 Omg Maddon is really leaving him in???

winterbIoom one more out sho

garbanzo-beanzz C’mon Sho

Mooncake76 You can finish this Sho!

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Shohei is being streeeeeeeetched out!

kindanope i believe, let’s go Sho
(私は信じている、let’s go Sho)

SuperMario_49 Can’t believe Ohtani is still in at 110+ pitches. Finish this, Shohei!
(大谷が110球を超えて投げ続けているなんて信じられない。この回を終わらせるんだショーヘイ! )

claire_004 And still reaching 99 mph, crazy

sackerficemath How do you throw 99 on the 114th pitch?

Princessxanthumgum We ride or die with Shohei

Rytho You can do it Shohei!

SuperMario_49 Let’s go Shohei!

garbanzo-beanzz YEEEEHAWWW

米国の地域スポーツネットワーク『Bally Sports West』

Odd_Variation_5330 Omggggggg



Eeriepotato220 YESSSS


Rytho HERO

sanmed327 OMG OHTANI

spooky_ed I love Ohtani so much.

Im_A_Halo_Masochist What a F'n PLAYER!!!!!!

Mooncake76 Shohei, you beautiful beast ❤️

mweolbwa YES SHOHEI 😊

mutdua That’s our mvp!!

(俺 の M V P 、この男が大好きだ)

side_acc_for_jimin__ MVP/my husband

Ok-Rip-326 ohtani is such a beast

metmaz123 ACE! FUCKING ACE!


Tun710 Sho!

SuperMario_49 A 7 inning 110+ pitch masterclass from the home run leader! How is he NOT the MVP???
(7イニング、110球超え、ホームランリーダーによる最高の登板! どうしたら彼がMVPに選ばれずに済むというのだ???)

BaconCat_97 Who els has Shohei making you feel like ways you haven’t felt in years?

Mooncake76 He has awaken things in me I didn’t know were there

BerlinStar17 Holy shit

tristpa2 ALERT: Ohtani ERA under 3

Rover16 Phew! I was getting scared that a good pitching out was in danger of being ruined, but he got out of the jam!
(ひゃー! 大谷はここまで素晴らしい登板をしてくれていたけどこの2死1塁2塁の場面はそれを台無しにするんじゃないかと戦々恐々としていたが、この窮地を見事に抜け出してくれた)

f04036065 I'm fucking tearing

claire_004 That was amazing performance by Ohtani. I lost any words to praises him

AKASHI2341 Amazing job from Ohtani but I really appreciate Maddon’s trust in Shohei, they have amazing chemistry. I think one of the reasons Shohei is succeeding this year is cuz of maddon tbh

rocketlauncher5 THANK YOU JOE


quagnar What a pro. Pro-tani

Fun-Raise-3120 That was an gutsy inning by Ohtani. That's the kind of stuff a real Ace is made of

mweolbwa So happy Ohtani got his ERA under 3, now let's give him this win

phelinephile Way to go Ohtani! Now let's get this win for him!
(よくやった大谷! さぁ彼のために勝ちを決めるぞ!)

Pierre-Delectos-Sock 6 more outs let's fuckin doooooo this

spooky_ed Oh lawd it's Cishek

freethegrizzlybears Why TF is Cishek out there?!

claire_004 Cishek after Ohtani always give me PTSD

sackerficemath commence butt clenching

Mooncake76 I’m ready!

KamartyMcFlyweight Cishek's been good lately. I believe in him

jumpinghamster I really believe Cishek. pleaaaaaaase!!!

Lonerismo I believe in Cishek without inherited runners


CompetitivePatient33 jesus

sinchichis Holy Christ

sackerficemath OMG STEVE....

sackerficemath Cishek: no inherited runners? fine, I'll do it myself!
(シシェック:「走者の引き継ぎが無しだと? いいぜ、俺が自分で走者を出してやる!」)

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Damn it!

Iggyforthewin32 Bruh wtf. The Cishek experience

theobnoxioussquirrel Throw a strike you bum

Buffalongo There’s the Cishek we know and love

Fun-Raise-3120 Come on we HAVE TO protect this win...I don't care if we lose the next three

SuperMario_49 I swear if Cishek ruins another great Ohtani outing…

sinchichis I can’t watch

エンゼルスの地元紙OC Registerの記者 - Jeff Fletcher


Mooncake76 Nice Cishek!

sanmed327 Thanks Cishek!

Mooncake76 Good job Steve!!!

Im_A_Halo_Masochist I LOVE YOU Cishek!!!!

lalalaoki 😭👏👏👏

mweolbwa Cishek, I knew I could trust you 👏

mynameisbudd Like I said. This motherfucker is so good
(言ったろ? このマザーファッカーはとても素晴らしいって)

Iggyforthewin32 Cishek a god

KamartyMcFlyweight Never doubt Steve Cyshek again


meursault2000 I'm still stunned every time Cishek does great.

sackerficemath Butt has unclenched!

jumpinghamster Cishek!!

SunsFan97 Nice that was probably one of the best innings from Steve this year.

tokyo_bee Let the first batter get on base, then he becomes a MLB pitcher.

Perseverance792 I stopped watching out of the unbearably high stress of a one run game with bullpen arms . . . looks like Cishek did very well, and I'm glad.

kei19970210 Cishek, What's wrong? it's not like him to make such a great inning. yes I love his pitch tonight.
(シシェック、どうした? こんなに素晴らしいイニングをするとかまるで彼じゃないみたいだ。いやもちろん歓迎しますけど)

DJ_Aux_cord Raisel time

jiableaux come on, riggy!!! get that save, son!
(さぁラの付く方のイグレシアス!!! またここでセーブを記録してくれ!)

freddychuckles Do it for Shohei!





freddychuckles YES!

hansan4ever YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

CompetitivePatient33 LTBU!

jumpinghamster L T B U ‼️

theobnoxioussquirrel LTBU!!!!!!

lalalaoki LTBU!!!!

kindanope LTBU!!!!!!

Rytho Iglesias is something else

Im_A_Halo_Masochist We only got one IGGY left! Our best IGGY!!!

Mooncake76 Can we please keep Raisel?

Im_A_Halo_Masochist L




LTBU=Light That Baby Up:
エンゼルスの本拠地球場であるエンゼルスタジアムの名物オブシェ “ビッグA” の先端部にある "The Halo(天使の輪)" の明かりを灯せの意。

