

Metaphor: ReFantazio — Announcement Trailer - 2023/06/12


アトラス『メタファー:リファンタジオ』公式アカウント twitter.com


StarInsomniac アトラス:「あら? あなた、もしかしてリーク情報が全てだと思っていたの? まぁ可愛らしい」

iV1rus0 Yeah I was like ATLUS' logo again? Are they finally porting SMTV to PC and Xbox? Never crossed my mind that it would be Project Re:Fantasy.
(ぐうの音も出ない。『ペルソナ3 リロード』の発表の後に再びアトラスのロゴが出てきた時も「また? ようやく『真・女神転生V』をPS/XBOXでも出すのかな?」とか思ってたました。まさか2016年に発表されたアトラスの新規RPGプロジェクト“PROJECT Re FANTASY” がここで出てくるとは夢にも思いませんでしたよ)

Well done for debuting the game on an Xbox show, normal Atlus would have live streamed a Japanese only trailer on a random day with no build up for global fans.
(でもXbox Games Showcaseでのサプライズデビューは大成功だったと思うわ、いつものアトラスなら何のアナウンスも無しに字幕も無い日本人向けトレーラーをライブ ストリーミングして世界中のファンの度肝を悪い意味で抜いていただろう)

moffattron9000 Someone at Sega realised that Atlus should be run like a normal company.

zetbotz So the leaks were a diversion? Altus more cunning than a fox who’s graduated from the University of Cunning.

as cunning as a fox:

Is it as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning:


Zeph-Shoir I am very glad this one didn't get leaked.

thedreadfulwhale I thought Atlus forgot about Project RE: Fantasy but color me surprised.
(アトラスは『PROJECT Re FANTASY』のことなんて忘れているんだろうなぁ~なんて思ってたからびっくらこいたぜ)

HanshinFan Legit yelled so loud when the Studio Zero logo came up that I woke the baby and got my wife pissed lmao

blazecc Yeah, super hyped.

KF-Sigurd 「相変わらずバカみたいに映える、それでいてUIとしても素晴らしいデザインだ。どの画面も超クールっすわ」

deathjokerz 「デザインに凝ると文字が読みにくくなるものだけど、あんなに派手でありながらちゃんと視認性が高いUIを作れることに驚くわ」

Metal64Game Admittedly I was hoping for something a little more "next gen" with the graphics, but idc, Atlus's bread and butter has always been amazing turn based gameplay and a crazy story.

eddmario I mean, Persona 5 was a PS3 game and still looks fantastic.

Shakzor goes to show much more important a strong artstyle is

Kinterlude I've said this time and time again. Artstyle that is original will often age better than the look of games that try to be realistic or too graphic-centric.

Maxximillianaire If you go through the trailer slowly you can see social links and that each character basically has a persona. Some of the ability names are the same as those from SMT/persona too

Weird-Illustrator870 This honestly looks flat out like a new persona game, while still having its own personality.

Alastor3 the only thing missing from it being called a persona is the school/days cycle?

kuzunoha13 yeah, atlus is probably tired of the high school setting.

Footlongpenetrator So Persona basically but fantasy instead of school ?

Looks pretty dope tbf.

ItsZant You can see in one shot it says location Akademia so school will still play a part it seems.
(”アカデミア” という文字が見えたし学校は引き続き役割を果たすっぽいっすよ?)

This announcement is a big deal, this game can become the greatest jrpg ever made, the pedigree of the people involved is on another level if compared to every other game announced in this fake E3
(アトラスの完全新作、これは一大事だ、このゲームは史上最高の JRPG になる可能性がある。なんせ開発にかかわっている人間の "実績" は別次元だ、今回の偽E3 (※Xbox Games Showcase) で発表された他のすべてのゲームと比較しても期待値が違う)

LeoBocchi My jaw fucking dropped, like I couldn’t believe this happened, years in development, like congratulations for Atlus for keeping this under wraps for so long

TheBatIsI So this is the game the core Persona devs are making next huh? Definitely something to check out.
(つまりペルソナの開発の中心になった人たちが次に作ったゲームって認識でOk? これは注目せざるを得ないな)

AwesomeManatee It's not P-Studio (the Persona team), but it is led by P5's director.

Jenaxu Give me amazing music and awesome characters and I'm sold

It’s Shoji Meguro, and it sounds like the soundtrack will be more orchestral like Strange Journey. So it’ll probably be amazing
(音楽の担当は目黒将司だってよ、それとトレーラーの曲を聞く限り『真・女神転生 STRANGE JOURNEY』みたいなオーケストラ調になりそうだな。つまり、期待していいということだ)

Funky_Pigeon911 This is essentially the true follow up to Persona 5 in a sense because the core team leaders (director, music, and character design) all left the Persona team to make a new team that's behind this game.

This is easily my most anticipated game for next year, I just hope it's not super late next year.

Weird-Illustrator870 I'm happy to see this game looking like its basically what Bloodborne was to Dark Souls, to Persona though. I've really lost interest in most JRPGs recently and if it was just a standard fantasy RPG I wouldn't really be interested.

Vlayer My faith in this game is pretty damn high solely because of the people involved.

mw19078 「だがもしチ〇コデーモンが登場しなかったら、私はこのゲームに失望することになるであろう」 ※海外では決して少なくない数のマーラファンがいる

smartazjb0y I mean just looking at the designs so far, maybe every monster is gonna be phallic in some form


PositiveDuck Its ridiculous how stylish and slick that UI is..

fabioarapi1043 Best UI designers in the industry!

-Hanai- well it very clearly just looks like a beefed up version of it.

Lugonn Atlus getting some great screentime this conference. Anyone remember when P5 was coming out and all Sony would give it during E3 was half a second of sizzle reel footage?
(今回のXbox Games Showcaseでは随分と紹介時間をもらえたな。ソニーがE3で秒単位の紹介動画しか流さなかったP5の時とは大違いだ)

Impaled_ Remember when persona only became the phenomenon it is now only after 5 came out

DavidSpadeAMA Persona 4 Golden was the Vita's killer app and it was known as such for years. Persona 3 was a hit thanks to great reviews from gaming magazines at the time.
(『ペルソナ4 ゴールデン』はVitaの看板商品だったしVitaで遊べるゲームの代名詞として長年にわたって知られていただろ。『ペルソナ3』も当時の欧米ゲーム雑誌からの高い評価を受けてヒットしてたし)

Impaled_ It was still very much a niche game at the time, everything changed after 5 released

PhilosophicalPhil Being the killer app for a dying platform doesn’t help much in the general consumer mindshare, though. But I do think the great word of mouth from P4G made people much more excited for P5, which helped it succeed as much as it did.
(瀕死状態のゲーム機の看板商品とか言われても一般消費者からしたら「なにそれ?」でしかないだろ... とはいえP4Gは非常に好評だったし大絶賛する口コミが人々のP5に対する関心と期待を呼び、それがP5の成功に貢献したとは思う)

Galaxy40k Obviously it's impossible to know for sure based on one trailer, but first impressions are definitely "Persona, but fantasy." Which honestly makes sense, given how popular Persona games are and it's what the studio is good at. I thought P5 was a lot of fun and prefer fantasy settings, so "P5 but fantasy" is good enough for me, haha.

brzzcode Holy shit after 6 years of silence this game appeared, so fucking hyped to see a new IP from the team of Persona 3, 4 and 5 on the new Studio Zero. Looks insanely good and stylish
(6年の沈黙を破ってまさかの登場ですよ! ペルソナシリーズを手がけた人間が率いる新チームの新作とか興奮せずにいられるか! 映像もいい、めっちゃいい、めっちゃスタイリッシュや!)

nathanlopez5610 That’s coming out much sooner than I expected. Excited for Atlus! :)
(しかし予想していたよりも発売日がだいぶ早いな。今から大興奮だよ! :))

LordSevla Can't wait to play Metaphor ROYAL in 2027.