

Match Thread: Turkey vs Japan

roundsareway Brilliant time for our game. Almost everyone at work lmao.
(ほんと素晴らしい時間に始まってくれるな、トルコ人の大半が仕事中だぞw) 代表親善試合の開始時刻:
日本=2023年9月12日 21:20
トルコ=2023年9月12日 15:20

Gas_pack03 Aint nobody watching this shit. Wish Japan scored 4 on our shit squad.

ylnzkrt Japan is going to destroy us

Gypaetus-barbatus I hope we get destroyed so badly, so that even the morons at TFF can’t take any other action than to fire Kuntz or pressure him to resign.

Open-Employ3158 Hope Japan destroys us good so we can get new coach and possibly management etc

xae86 Japan has the historic chance to kick two german Managers out of their jobs in one week.

Full-Comfortable8074 Lets hope so

TheGamerPandA It begins !



kazthegentle What a goal by Japan !

kazthegentle Aaaaand it was almost 2 lol...

TheGamerPandA Lol what is that defense so close to 2-0
(なんすかウチのあのディフェンスはw 危うく0‐2になるところでしたよw)

kazthegentle Our left back is a joke...

AK1441 Once again our midfielders are afraid of contact. Good luck on winning games like that.

FatihKilic This is just embarrassing

(チャグラル・ソユンクとかなんでスタメンに入ってるわけ? しかも代表チームのキャプテン? あいつ過去1年半の間ほとんど出場に出てなかったろ?)

aeneas_cy Ermenistan sonrası bu maç da bize artık neden futbola yatırım yapmamamız gerektiğini gösteriyor. S*k gibi oynuyoruz. Sanki profesyonel futbol japonyada değil bizde 90larda başlamış gibi.

Tr_Omer Asil sorun her sene geri gitmemiz

bishey3 It's funny how much better they are at offense than us. Sharp quick passes and accurate 1-2s. All of our attacks on the other hand is complete improvisation...

Tr_Omer Japan is not even playing advanced football they just have players that stick to game plans instead of trying to do their own fucking thing every time they feel like. They have the guy creating, the guy opening up space and the guy who is giving a second option. We have Idiot #1 and Idiot #2 hitting each other because they dont even look up while moving with the ball. But this is all basic stuff I dont know why fans can see it but TFF thinks we are just a bit unlucky.




Jemal2200 Lmao

kazthegentle Twoooooo

kazthegentle Don't know who's worse at that goal, Uğurcan for that miserable save or the defence for being so open

asir100 No words

TheGamerPandA Acayip rezilliz ya

mray5 Bu maçı sinirlenmek için izlemeyen var mı

bjkozy Bakalim Kuntz efendi kendini nasil savunacak mac sonrasi

ItsKBS Irfan Can Eğribayat really deserved a call up, especially with Uğurcan and Altay looking like a shell of their former selves

bishey3 Don't let Uğurcan's mistake distract you from the fact that Salih Özcan is extremely mediocre.

kazthegentle Almost all are.

enisd1905 Japan is really fun to watch, I'll just support them from now on

ShitassAintOverYet Şakasız Japonya'yı tutuyorum

kazthegentle Me too 🙈

bishey3 This is Japan's 2nd team btw. Most of the players from the Germany game isn't playing right now. Imagine playing against that team lmao...

kazthegentle For real??

bishey3 Only their left back is the same. 10 different players from the Germany starting 11...

Jemal2200 Ohhhhh




kazthegentle Aaaaand threeeee

TheGamerPandA Lmao 🤣

ZeroCoolthePhysicist Yikes.

ItsKBS I don't even know what to say

snjizz And mitoma isn’t even playing lol

Sure_Cap_194 Why Ugurcan is so bad now

kazthegentle He's been bad for a while bro

erhan28 Now? He's always been like that.
(最近? 最初からずっとでは?)

Cimb0m I seriously can’t watch the NT anymore. Even with a new coach it will take years to change.

MOTEVE Japan about two get two managers sacked in two games.

aeneas_cy Taraftarlar haklı olarak yuhalamaya başladı!

Interesting-Movie318 We are getting shagged big time and its not even halftime🤣

Diligent-Turtle Not one player in this squad has any soul or talent. Absolutely pathetic. We making Japan look like prime 2010 Spain out here.

kazthegentle To be fair they are a good side, but we are making them look invincible. We make any team look good at this point 🤣

TCBozkurt The thing I like about Japan is their level of discipline. No other national team has that kind of discipline. It’s amazing!

Objective_Minds It’s in their culture, which isn’t a surprise they’re smacking us right now

MOTEVE I would be fine with losing to Japan. They just hammered germany 4-1. BUT we are playing like shit and we arent even challenging them

ErenDemirok1 I do not even care if we qualify for the Euros or not, we are going to get embarrassed over there whatsoever

Euros 9-0 incoming…

kazthegentle There's no positives to this game so far, exception maybe being the potential sacking of Kuntz.

「⚽ゴォール! オザン・カバクのゴールで点差は2点に」


(ゴォォォォル! 俺たち息を吹き返しましたよ!)

Cimb0m Kuntz is getting a 2 year extension to his contract after that goal 😂

bloodydingbat If you honestly have any hope of Turkish football for years to come, get yourself checked out.

TheGamerPandA We scored now they can probably not get their hands down till we concede again

nebilm2 Biz zaten voleybol ülkesiyiz 😎😎

kazthegentle Our men's volleyball team sucks as well 🤣 its just the women making us proud 💪🏼
(トルコ人であることに誇りを感じさせてくれるのは女子の方だけっすけどね、男子の方はサッカー同様にポンコツですよ) ※バレーボール国際大会『バレーボールネーションズリーグ2023』でトルコ女子代表は決勝で中国を破り大会初優勝を飾った

「前半戦終了、シュテファン・クンツ監督は後半どうすべきでしょうか? ✍👇皆さんの意見を書いてください」

GVN10_ İstifa etmeli

Ripple_Tron_Btc İstifa

virgomathias Eşyalarını toplayıp ayrılmalı

canclkkrn Almanya’ya doğru yürümeye başlamalı

Guardsports İstifa mektubunu yazabilir

fikretkarakaya Bence hemen gitmeli !

oemer10line Guys whats your problem? Thanks to our great Coach Kuntz and our Visionary Hamit Türkiye leveled Germany in performances!
(君たちシュテファン・クンツ監督の何がそんなに気に食わないんだ? 我らが偉大な監督たちのおかげでトルコサッカーは今やドイツに追いついたと言っても過言ではないだろ?)

「⚽ゴール! ベルトゥ・ユルドゥルムのおかげで点差は1点に」


kazthegentle Wow both goals we scored are very lucky

aatayPo90485695 Şansa gol atıyoruz. Vur içeri sekerse biri atar.

bishey3 So far the MVP for us is the goal post lmao

OktayCakici34 Tek tesellimiz genç Bertuğ...🇹🇷 ⚽️

senol_eke33248 Bu çocuk çok iyi ilerde daha çok başarılara imza atacak

Bueni1993 Bence bizim açımızdan iyi olmadı çünkü berabere gine kalırsa Kuntzu gönderemiyoruz halen.

OrdinaryusLefter Abi cidden şu milli maçlardan zevk alan var mı ya? En sen ne zaman keyifle izlediniz diye sorsalar 2008 felan derler galiba.
(今トルコ代表の試合を本気で楽しめている人間なんているのかね? 最後に楽しかったのなんてベスト4に駒を進めたユーロ2008とかでは?)




Jemal2200 İsmail come on man

Q7_1903 He had all the time to foul him but he does it at the pen area..

alperpier That penalty was the most brainless thing I've seen in years

33Azrail33 Bro Ismail has like 27 IQ man it's sad
(イスマイルさんのIQは27とかなのでは? 悲しいね)

TheGamerPandA 4 goals against Germany and us lol

33Azrail33 Let's look at it on the bright side, if we hold this score we are officially better than Germany.

kazthegentle This is probably the worst national team I've seen since I started watching them as a kid...

mray5 Either you were born after 2014 or you have a bad memory
(2014年頃の酷さを知らないということはそれ以降に生れたのかな? そうでなかったら記憶力を疑った方がいいぞー)


「日本 6-0 エルサルバドル
日本 4-1 ペルー
ドイツ 1-4 日本
日本 4-2 トルコ



SerkanKarakavu1 Şaşırdık mı kesinlikle hayır
(この結果に驚いたか? いいえ全くそんなことはありません)

bishey3 Japan could have won this match 6-0 if they had some luck. They created plenty of good opportunities. All of our goals were random chance.

Baroni97 We scored more than Germany, this team can win against Germany flawless logic lessgoo 💪💪
(でもちょっと待って、ドイツが日本に1‐4で負けたのにうちらが2‐4で負けたってっことは、今度ドイツと対戦したらウチらが勝てるってことでは? 完璧なロジックじゃないですかやったー!)

y_ates232 En azından Almanya kadar güçlüymüşüz. Hatta 1 gol fazla attık Almanya dan, demekki biz Almanya danda güçlüyüz. ALMANYA BİZİ KISKANIYOR!!
(ドイツより1点多く取ったということはトルコはドイツよりも強いということだ! 今頃ドイツの連中はハンカチをくわえて悔しがっているだろう!)

MBUDAK7645 Alamanya bizi kıskanıyooooor😂😂 Onlardan daha fazla gol attık.
(こっちは2点も取ったからな! そりゃあもうドイツ人は嫉妬していることでしょうよ!)

sametk80 5 yemedik çok şükür

anilllltttccc Kuntz istifa!!