
『WBC 準決勝・日本vs.メキシコ戦実況スレ』

Game of the Day 3/20 ⚾ Mexico (0-0) @ Japan (0-0) 7:00 PM ET


フロリダ州ローンデポ・パークで7:00 PMより開幕

野球日本代表 - 佐々木朗希
野球メキシコ代表 - パトリック・サンドバル


米FOX Sports



ContinuumGuy Sasaki vs. the world. This is gonna be fun.

rollo2masi (レッド ソックスファン) Really stoked to watch Sasaki pitch live.

dejvipasco (ブルワーズファン) I'm here to see Roki pitch.

tango602 (イギリスファン) Been looking forward to this all day, going to be interesting to get a first look at Roki Sasaki.

bichettes_helmet (ブルージェイズファン) I'm so excited to watch this, I haven't been able to catch any of the Japan games because of the time difference

ayasofya02 (ブルージェイズファン) Exactly - been only able to catch the highlights. Only downside is that this isn't in the Tokyo Dome, but excited nonetheless

bbatardo (パドレスファン) Can't wait for this one. I anticipate it being closer than USA vs Cuba was.

spacewalk__ (レッズファン) i don't know who to root for as i like both countries equally in an equally vague sort of way

Leftfeet (ガーディアンズファン) Do you prefer sushi or tacos?

Maverick721 (ロイヤルズファン) Cheering for Japan for the epic final match with the US

KRH11 (エンゼルスファン) Alright Japan, I am rooting for you but I do need you to start hitting after Sandoval leaving the game. I need my boy Sandy to shine after all.

elgo_rila (メキシコファン) I should be nervous, but I used up all my nerves after Friday’s win over PR. More than anything I’m just happy i get to watch my two favorite teams of the tournament face each other. Really proud of what México has accomplished so far. Hopefully Randy puts on another show and Sandoval holds his own against the baseball god that is Shohei Ohtani.
(本当なら緊張しているはずなんだが、準々決勝のプエルトリコ戦ですべての神経が擦り切れたせいか妙に落ち着いている。なにより私としては日本とメキシコという大好きな国同士の対戦を観戦できることが嬉しくて仕方がない。メキシコがこの大会で成し遂げたことを本当に誇りに思う。 プエルトリコ戦で好捕を見せてくれたランディ・アロサレーナがまたいい所を見せてくれることを、サンドバルがは大谷翔平という野球の神に対して引けを取らない好投を見せてくれることを願うばかりだ)


DavidStyles23 (メキシコファン) Let’s go 🇲🇽

Sarcasm_is_a_scam Let’s go japan!

ryananderson_27 (ブルージェイズファン) GANBATTE SAMURAI JAPAN


「102マイル(約164キロ) 今夜の佐々木朗希は本気も本気だ 😳🔥」

OKOptimistic_ 101 DAYUM

badscene518 (フィリーズファン) 101 right out the gate

The420YeetMan (マリナーズファン) jesus fuck 101

YoungKeys (ジャイアンツファン) That 100mph fastball moves sorta weird too

tommypopz (ナショナルズファン) Movement at 101 fuck

necrosythe (フィリーズファン) ump cant see pitches this fast

shadow_spinner0 (ヤンキースファン) 102 good Lord

meptmept 102????? LMAOOO
(時速102マイル???? いやいやいやw)

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) Jesus, 102!?

dark_petrichor (マーリンズファン) 102 my lord

underhunter (メッツファン) 102 god

AfternoonAlarming765 (レイズファン) damn this mf throwing 100s like this nuffin

YoungKeys (ジャイアンツファン) That's a fucking splitter? That has more movement than most sliders
(今のはスプリッター? なんかMLBのスライダーよりも動くんだが)

Andromeda3141 (ファン) Holy cannoli, 100+ with wicked movement??

rollo2masi (レッドソックスファン) This dude’s movement, man. Dear Christ.

DepletedFury (ファン) electric stuff

yeahnothanks (エンゼルスファン) Good lord

ayasofya02 (ブルージェイズファン) 102mph fastball and a splitter like that? Sasaki is worthy of the hype
(速球は時速102マイルでスプリッターはこの切れ味? そりゃ米国でも話題になるわけだわ)

IncredibleHolc That splitter is fucking NASTY

alecardvarksax (ドジャースファン) First time seeing Sasaki and wow

HandBananas (ブレーブスファン) 👀👀

herpderpmcflerp (ジャイアンツファン) What is that ball doing Jesus

Supertiredhero (米国ファン) Good god

Sharpeagle96 (レイズファン) How do you hit that

Piero_lune (ブルージェイズファン) What the hell

米国の投球分析家 - ロブ・フリードマン


米FOX Sports

Sp_Gamer_Live (メキシコファン) 102? Oh yeah we are SO FUCKED
(102マイル? なるほどね、俺たち詰んだわ)

naranjitayyo (メキシコファン) Bros throwing 102 out of the gate
(皆さん見ました? いきなり102マイルですってよ) RIP me

UltimoMan7 (ドジャースファン) 102 lol

Deathtank12345 Only 21 years old…

adrian_t45 (アストロズファン) Sign this mf right now

oyarb Sasaki is a beast.

Djason_Unchaind (メッツファン) That split finger is nasty to go with the 102mph heat.

whatmodern 102 made my dick huge

Forsaken-Gap-3684 Damn

Something_319 (カージナルスファン) You gotta feel bad for the NPB hitters, how do you hit this guy

necrosythe (フィリーズファン) Lmao they're just guessing. Ridiculous
(メキシコ打線も完全に当てずっぽうで打ってるやんw こんなの馬鹿げてるわ)

DepletedFury (ドジャースファン) Japan's pitching is just absurd

Apprehensive_Major45 Japan pitchers are stacked

whatmodern That inning was so quick

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) Let's go Sandy!

3luejays (ブルージェイズファン) Lefty heavy lineup should favour Sandoval

MikkoJai Well Japan hasnt faced any good pitchers this tournament so lets see how they do against an MLB pitcher

ContinuumGuy Sandoval has to be on today because uhm I don't think Team Mexico will be scoring many runs tonight.

digitaldumpsterfire (エンゼルスファン) Ngl Sandy should be fine tonight. He's used to working with no run support.

KRH11 (エンゼルスファン) 💀💀💀 パトリック・サンドバルの2022年シーズンの成績:6勝9敗 防御率 2.91


yeahnothanks (エンゼルスファン) Nice one sandy!

GummyMummys (エンゼルスファン) THATS MY STARTING PITCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!

elgo_rila (メキシコファン) Lol, after watching sasaki, Sandoval looks like he’s pitching in slow motion. Still beautiful tho
(佐々木の投球を見た後だとサンドバルはスローモーションでピッチングしているように見えるなw それでも見事なピッチングだったけど)

samarajan (ジャイアンツファン) holy hell, sandoval is dialed in

SplitTail6 (エンゼルスファン) I’m so proud of Sandoval. He’s been solid this WBC.

The_Astros_Cheated (ドジャースファン) Wow, Ohtani got K’d on an absolutely filthy pitch

YaBoiWhit (アストロズファン) Sandoval looking so crisp

ayasofya02 (ファン) Sandoval is locked in. That's a stellar inning

pwnd32 Oh boy this is gonna be a hell of a pitching duel



MLB.comの記者 - Sarah Langs
「佐々木朗希、2イニングを終えた時点で51.7% - 29球中15球が時速100.0マイル超え 2イニングで51.7%を達成したのは統計を取り始めた2008年以降ではハンター・グリーン、ジェイコブ・デグロム、ジョーダン・ヒックスの3人だけ」

buycurious900 (レッド ソックスファン) Sasaki is nasty

CrystalYKim damn his fastballs are consistently 100+ mph wut

ayasofya02 (ブルージェイズファン) Sasaki throws a casual 100

BlandSandHamwich (エンゼルスファン) Sasaki doesn’t even look like he’s TRYING to throw that hard. wtf is this dude made of?

mug3n (ブルージェイズファン) Most effortless 100mph I've seen.

KRH11 (エンゼルスファン) His pitches have so much movement man.

KeithMcBeefEatTeeth (メッツファン) that splitter makes me tingle

HighKing_of_Festivus (ブレーブスファン) His warm up pitches are 93 mph lmao




rollo2masi (レッド ソックスファン) I ❤️ Yoshida so much

petalsandplumes Yoshida has been so consistently good throughout these games!


OKOptimistic_ Nootbar so cute <3

RazinsWetDream (ブレーブスファン) Shohei and Noot 😍

FSUnoles77 (ファン) I'd like one Ohtani hug please.

eiileenie (メッツファン) Shohei and Noot are too cute together ugh I want a 24/7 broadcast of those two interacting with each other
(大谷とヌートバーのコンビが可愛すぎる、この2人のイチャイチャを24時間365日放送してほしい )

cara636 i love the Shohei - Lars bromance so much. One of the best stories of the WBC for sure
(大谷とヌートバーのブロマンス大好きだわ、今回のWBCで最高の出来事の一つだと思う) bromance=brother + romance:性的な関係はない男性同士の親密な関係


totaldomination (米国ファン) Sandy is dealing! (サンドバルが絶好調や!) dealing:「対応する」や「扱う」を意味する単語だが「打者が手も足も出ないような球を投手が投げている」という意味でも使われる

The_Astros_Cheated (ドジャースファン) Sandoval is dealing

YeetTheRich13 (ブレーブスファン) Sandealing

HandBananas (ブレーブスファン) Sandoval looks amazing

ferrumvir2 (レッド ソックスファン) I hope Sandoval has the type of performance today that gets him the respect he deserves. Dude was really fucking good last year but went under the radar

Obsidizyn sandy was a victim of the angels offense. dude shouldve had 15+ wins
(サンドバルはエンゼルス打線の一番の被害者だからな、他のチームなら15勝以上はできていただろうに) パトリック・サンドバルの2022年シーズンの成績:6勝9敗 防御率 2.91

peachypal (スワローズファン) For anyone wondering, yes Sandy’s pants always look tight.

choconut5 Murakami has really sucked this tourney.

loadedryder (ヤンキースファン) Not surprised Japan is having difficulty getting guys on base considering the level of pitching they’ve faced thus far.

「ホームラン! ルイス・ウリアスの3ランでメキシコが先制」 日本0-3メキシコ

kirbyfaraone (エンゼルスファン) HOLY FUCK

fajitabowl (ドジャースファン) holy shit

atowelguy (ロッキーズファン) HOLY SHIT MEXICO

gsmithers Oh nooooo

ZeroXtreme18 (メッツファン) oof

Sarcasm_is_a_scam Mexico is strong

Ryuuken1789 God damn it...

HandBananas (ブレーブスファン) OH SHIT

Objectitan Oh fuuuuuck

haasenfus (レッドソックスファン) wow wow wow

trunksfuture27 Wow 2 weak ass hits followed by a three run dinger… baseball is a ruthless sport man

freddychuckles (メキシコファン) Didn't expect that 😳

MattyJ613 (レッドソックスファン) Goddammit

hmcrosswordpuzzle roki nooooo :(

FlyUnder_TheRadar (メッツファン) Sasaki has been nails, but the dude hangs one meatball and gets punished for it. That's tough.

AfternoonAlarming765 (レイズファン) Baseball is rough man, all it takes is one bad pitch and that one wasn't even bad lmao

TheMightyJD Now we’ll see what Japan is made of: They’re down against a team that has similar talent (still less but closer than previous opponents) and they are playing essentially a road game.

They haven’t faced a situation like this.


steelersfever (ブレーブスファン) YOSHIDA!!!!!!!!!!!

peachypal Yesssss!

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) He just hits

strcy (レッドソックスファン) Yo! Shi! Da!

TJWQJR (レッドソックスファン) I am madly in love with Yoshida.

VistaVick (レッドソックスファン) best offseason acquisition

choconut5 Yoshida gonna dominate the MLB.

docsandcocaine (ブレーブスファン) Homerun now would be glorious

Maverick721 (ロイヤルズファン) Come on Japan.... score..

PlatinumHalo C’mon, Murakami!

trunksfuture27 Murakami this would be the time to smoke one…

ryananderson_27 (ファン) GRIND THE PEPPER

kredditeva101 (ファン) Murakami has been ice cold the whole tournament…..should I even have faith?

peachypal Please Murakami! You can do this!

lucaam03 (メッツファン) cmon Murakami

baconinja09 (米国ファン) Now's the time to unleash that power Murakami

pwnd32 Murakami has not been hitting well in these clutch situations, please turn it around

Rytho Murakami could change his narrative here


Tonedog14 Wow

OBlastSRT4 (ヤンキースファン) That was very hittable.

choconut5 Murakami you shit stain, do sonething.

choconut5 God Murakami sucks. Worst player on team Japan.

Maverick721 Lol what's a strike zone?

jlange94 All the pitches thrown there were strikes with only one of them swung at. Yikes.

suarezj9 Dude just stood there

coastalpandas (パドレスファン) What are you waiting for mune

RicGryllz (ジャイアンツファン) Looked at 4 straight pitches smh

RaiderDamus (ジャイアンツファン) What is Murakami even doing?

FreshPaintSmel What was he even looking for?

claire_004 (エンゼルスファン) How this guy hitting 50+ HR

qwertythe300th (レンジャーズファン) Murakami what the fuck 😭😭😭😭😭😭

furious_platypus (ジャイアンツファン) Murakami is just here for the free front row seat apparently