
『7月4日 エンゼルス対パドレス戦・実況スレ(※パドレス3連戦2戦目の翻訳)』

7/4 Angels @ Padres [Game Thread]


パドレス (39勝-46敗)
敵地ペトコ・パークにて午後 3 時 40 分スタート

エンゼルス - 大谷翔平 (7勝3敗、防御率3.02)
パドレス - ジョー・マスグローブ (6勝2敗、防御率3.80)


BerlinStar17 No fucking way

styleboyz You have got to be shitting me

DunbarDiPianosa You've got to be kidding...

Crioca Fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

TheRealNexusPrime rendon noooooooooo

HeverPacheco why god

SuperShadowStar cursed...

Teddy_Ohtani We are cursed...

gopackgo555 Cursed franchise.

iminsideabox Haha we are cursed :)

elbirts0707 Hahahahahaha

farlow525 I fucking hate it here

BerlinStar17 It’s over, it’s never been more over


cruelcinema Literally am out of words

Young_Lion76 We need a field hospital.

minecraftboi324 Yo this IL team could make the playoffs

Normijah625 Jesus shohei

Obsidizyn god dam sho

Hummingbird234 Wtf Renfroe

69CunnyLinguist69 My penis just got pretty smol bois!


Plus65Knight OMG .. wtf ?!

FlanTypical8844 OMFG

fixingyourmirror ey yo what the fuck was that

Griezmann1991 What the fuck are you doing

KeonBroxtonAllStar What the fuck is this team doing

GameSmashing13 Cmon guys…

riddo492 Oh fuck off

rallytime27 we’re so bad lol

mysterysackerfice FUCKIN KILL ME ALREADY

Adventurous God ducking damn it, this game is over.

nkotch3 I’m so depressed y’all

prisonrach I’m just sad right now

YoniMaster808 Fuck

Teddy_Ohtani Fuck

Rover16 Fuck

styleboyz Fuck

Crioca fuk

The0utlanded fuck

iamanonymous00110 oh my goodness

minecraftboi324 💀it’s over

chriskot123 We are cursed

GyozaLife Unicorns being bullied🤜💥🦄

mysterysackerfice I hate baseball so much right now

minecraftboi324 This isn’t fun anymore guys

Teddy_Ohtani I'm sad rn ;(

Normijah625 Jesus christ what the hell

Obsidizyn FUCK

SummonMason I thought Padres were bad…

styleboyz Angels are slumpbusters again wtf. We’re cursed

Consistent-Horse-273 Time to take some break from Angels baseaball

styleboyz Damn what a rough stretch of games. This sucks

themysteryteam I hate baseball

Obsidizyn lol smells exactly like that 14 game losing streak last year.

Taylermadeit Will the Angels ever win again

FalkoneyeCH it's never been more over

SuperMario_49 This season has fallen apart. My goodness

69CunnyLinguist69 My fucking penis so fucking smol rn. Should be big on July 4th with America's pastime. Now just smol and lifeless.
(すでに小さくなっていた俺の股間のアレがさらに小さくなっている。どういうことだ、今日は7月4日だぞ、アメリカ独立記念日だぞ、そのおめでたい日に "アメリカ人の娯楽" と言われた野球を見ているのに、どうして俺の股間はこんなに小さくしなびているんだ!)

Gentleman-Rudeboy Game over. Season over. Any hope for the Angels for the next 30 years over

minecraftboi324 That angels fan leaving😭💀💀

Rideblue123 The wheels have come off completely.

Sullyville Everything went wrong today... so FAR.

philosopherfujin Series is officially cursed

Business-Fee7286 LOUP REALLY???
(ここでループ? マジで???)

NoRefrigerator62 An Aaron Loup experience is just what this game needed.

boots42069420 Loooouuuup

yeahnothanks Ace Loup stepping up

TheRealNexusPrime ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Why is this game still 7th 😂 Seasons over !!
(2 0 2 3 年 シ  ー ズ ン 終 了 !!)

Business-Fee7286 well...it's so over

Jackster15 Stop, we’re already dead

mnikolaevna Kill me now

midoppy :( please

Jhopedaisensei Why is this game still 7th 😂

green_chocolates Let’s rest the bullpen. Give Squid the mound.

Onitsukaryu Who’s filling in for DH?

GyozaLife Adell is coming.

Raullller Adell!

Im_A_Halo_Masochist ADELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SuperMario_49 Great hit by Adell!

BabyFaceIT Ohtani benched but same outcome. A triple. Let’s go!

hbthingy Adell should have been in at the beginning!

Rover16 Adell is going to save the season!
(今シーズンは終わった? アデルさんは俺たちを救う気満々みたいですよ!)

Onitsukaryu Only Adell can save us!



「マイク・トラウトが左有鉤骨(ゆうこうこつ)骨折で10日間の負傷者リスト入り」 ※トラウトは前日の試合中に左手首を負傷して途中交代、今朝まで検査結果待ち状態だった

sanmed327 (エンゼルスファン) So does anyone want to tell me how bad this is?

Thel3lues (アストロズファン) 6-8 weeks

sanmed327 (エンゼルスファン) Thanks for this. Going to go lie down on the street now

KimHaSeongsBurner (パドレスファン) If you’re in San Diego for the game, you can safely go lie down on 5th Avenue, because it’s blocked off to traffic.

saulUG (ブルージェイズファン) Just saw someone go lie down on the street just now

Ayatori (エンゼルスファン) Lmao just saw a guy laughing at some dude lying down on the street

darthllama (ブレーブスファン) Fuck. Trout and Othani are never making the playoffs together, are they?

AlphaGodEJ (ヤンキースファン) so do teams even need to pitch to shohei now?

KimHaSeongsBurner (パドレスファン) Sadly for the Angels, Padres barely pitched to him last night, even with Trout hitting ahead of him.





Fishsticksboi21 (エンゼルスファン) 「神は死んだ、でなければ神はエンゼルスを憎んでいる」

rosieDMDL (エンゼルスファン) トラウト:負傷
レンドン 負傷x2 おそらくこの後3回目もする

Jeff__Skilling (アストロズファン) holy fuck

Lebigmacca (ドジャースファン) Whole starting infield injured 😭

jasonis3 (カブスファン) This team is just cursed

HelpMeWithMyHWpls (カブスファン) You can build a playable roster with those players

HelpMeWithMyHWpls (カブスファン) Wheels flew off quicker than the Titan sub imploded.

BoredAtWork_91 (アストロズファン) What kind of controller is Arte using?

istrx13 (マリナーズファン) Look I hate the Angels just as much as the next Mariners fan, but now I’m starting to feel bad.

battle_schip (マリナーズファン) Rendon has played less than 60 games every season he’s been on the Angels

Pinguthe19th (メッツファン) Death, taxes, and Rendon going to the IL

gin_rummie (ファン) angILs angILs=angels+IL(負傷者リスト)

death, taxes and XXX:「死と税金から逃れられないように、人はXXXから逃げることはできない」といった意味。アメリカ合衆国建国の父の一人であるベンジャミン・フランクリンの言葉 - In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes(この人生において確かなものは何もない、死と税金を除いては)が元ネタ。

bkbeam (ヤンキースファン) The Angels are spontaneously combusting

HelpMeWithMyHWpls (カブスファン) Padres have literally destroyed the Angels season in one series

topatoman_lite (パドレスファン) And none of it is the Padres fault. They haven’t hit anyone with a pitch or anything

TheMe63 (ヤンキースファン) At this rate the Angels won’t have a team by August

akitakiteriyaki Angels need a 60 man roster

d_gorder (マリナーズファン) Dread it, run from it, Angels baseball returns all the same
(恐怖しようと、逃げ惑おうと、運命は変わらない。エンゼルスはエンゼルス野球から逃れられないのだ) ※「Dread it, Run From it, Destiny Arrives All the Same (恐怖しようと、逃げ惑おうと、運命は変わらない)」:映画『アベンジャーズ/インフィニティ・ウォー』で悪役のサノスが言うセリフ

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) This season is freakin’ over…

smellybe (エンゼルスファン) End me 💀👻



ColaBottleBaby (エンゼルスファン) I'm already dead

ColaBottleBaby (エンゼルスファン) Pain

nanao2018 (エンゼルスファン) Pain…