


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

Beer-Me (ドジャースファン) What!?!?!

brok3nstatues (ドジャースファン) Dude what

wako944 (ドジャースファン) WHAT THE FUCK

chwoodstock (ドジャースファン) What the fuccccccccck

Jag13 (ドジャースファン) Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck!

shitsngiggles55 (ドジャースファン) Uhhh what
(な?! はぁぁぁ?!)

DarkLordV (ドジャースファン) Oh no. Please no.

DUBNoYa (ドジャースファン) Bro what 😭😭😭

senorroboto2k5 (ドジャースファン) IPPEI NOOO

yunith (ドジャースファン) 「なんて取り返しがつかないこと! 大谷の通訳なんて世界最高の仕事の一つをしているのにどうしてこんなことができるんだ? この件について質問を浴びせられることが確実な大谷が気の毒で仕方がない」

mr_rogers_neighbor (ドジャースファン) 「ギャンブル依存症になると、とんでもないことをやらかすようになるからなぁ」

yunith (ドジャースファン) 「本当にな、あれほど良い人である大谷に対してあまりにもひどい裏切りだわ」

SkylerCFelix (ドジャースファン) Ignore the job. He was essentially Ohtani’s best friend.

UnabashedPerson43 (ドジャースファン) He was just yucking it up with Shohei in the dugout last night. Hope this doesn’t mess up Shohei’s season.
(昨日の開幕戦で普通にダッグアウトで大谷と笑いあってたやん... このせいで大谷のシーズンが台無しにならないことを願うばかりだよ)

archangel_n7 (ドジャースファン) 「本当だとしたらあまりにもひどすぎる話だろ、今頃大谷は一体どんな気持ちでいることか... 彼の精神状態が心配だ、彼の周りの人たちが上手く支えてくれればいいのだが」

yentrib (ドジャースファン) 「ドジャースが一平を解雇したそうだし、どうやら本当のようだぞ」

archangel_n7 (ドジャースファン) 「今そのニュースを見たところだよ。うへぇ、夢のような仕事に夢のような環境にいても、依存症を克服するには十分ではなかったようだ」

AlfalfaWolf (ドジャースファン) This was Ohtani’s money being gambled on sports. How did Ippei access millions of Shohei’s dollars.

This is bad news. Bad, bad news.

Eeriepotato220 (ドジャースファン) They’ve been best friends for almost a decade and were taking pictures together with their wives just a few days ago. Ippei was like family to the Angels too. Actually insane.

bassbiz (ドジャースファン) Ippei how could you?!?! one of Shohei's closest confidants, fuck this is so messed up 😩🤬
(一平、どうしてそんなことができるんだ、大谷の最も親しい腹心の一人だろ! クソ、これはめちゃくちゃだ😩🤬)

Thee_Cat_Butthole (ドジャースファン) Not the headline I was expecting to come out of the Seoul series…

wizgset27 (ドジャースファン) Ohtani getting stabbed in the back by his long time best friend was not on my baseball 2024 bingo card....

paids90 (ドジャースファン) Very sad to read. People should consider this with Ohtani over the next few weeks. This will have a very real impact on him.

RentalGore (ドジャースファン) Mother fucker, I was hoping for a stress free, drama free early part of the year…but noooooooo…

Kush_n_40s (ドジャースファン) Ippei never gonna be able to step foot in Japan again

kritycat (ドジャースファン) What a heartbreaking betrayal. Must have had some pretty convincing evidence to present to the Dodgers for them to fire him so fast.

Really glad Shohei has bonded with his teammates, and his his wife and pup. This must be devastating.

efexx1 (ドジャースファン) Hearthbreaking honestly. He was his best friend, manager, interpreter... basically a babysitter for the past 7 years.... I really hope it doesnt cause him to slump or getting depressed...
(正直言って胸が張り裂けそうだ。彼は大谷の親友でありマネージャーであり通訳であり...過去7年間にわたってずっと大谷を世話してきた男だ... この件のせいで大谷がスランプになったり落ち込んだりしないことを心から願っている...)

ringdinger (ドジャースファン) Ohtani must have found out during the two exhibition games where he had no hits off a bunch of scrub pitchers. otherwise how did he go hitless against those Korean teams?
(今考えてみたら大谷が親善試合で無安打に終わったのもあのあたりで裏切りを知ったからとかじゃないだろうか? でなければ韓国相手にあそこまで何もできなかったわけがない)

vektonaut (ドジャースファン) In all likelihood, Ohtani didn't JUST learn about this. He and his lawyers have probably known for a decent amount of time.

vektonaut (ドジャースファン) Damn I hadn't thought of that. Most of us are probably thinking Ohtani just now found out, but you're probably right - He's likely known for a while.
(そんな可能性は全く考えもしなかったし、ここにいる人間のほとんどが大谷はこのことを今知ったばかりだと思っているだろうけど、たぶん君は正しい - 大谷もしばらく前から知っていたか知らされていたと思うわ)

Mambatime0824 (ドジャースファン) Per ESPN article, he asked Shohei to pay for his debt and Shohei was pissed so yeah, SO has known for a while.

Mambatime0824 (ドジャースファン) ESPN article is more detailed- He says he initially bet on Draft Kings and then with an individual OC based bookie and claims he didn’t know what he was doing was illegal in the state. He got 4.5m in debt and asked Shohei to help cover his debts. Was getting paid $300k-$500k a year as a salary.


a-chill-guy-22 (ドジャースファン) Holy fuck what???

grarrnet (ドジャースファン) Shits crazy.

SkylerCFelix (ドジャースファン) Holy shit…

Crumbmuffins (ドジャースファン) What the hell this came out of nowhere! Isn’t he in Korea with the team?!
(ちょっと待って寝耳に水過ぎる! 一平ってドジャースと一緒に韓国入りしてんじゃないの?!)

itsyourdestini (ドジャースファン) Got fired in Korea

Trumpetslayer1111 (ドジャースファン) They are going to leave Ippei in Korea forever.

playmeortrademe (ドジャースファン) Whelp, we have no choice now… mookie is gonna become shohei’s translator

IVANZXT (ドジャースファン) Time to learn Japanese and apply for the job.

bagustin8 (ドジャースファン) What the da fawk. Ippei was so likable too. An all timer bag fumbler.

LocDog24La (ドジャースファン) Damn! What a fking idiot. Dude had the best job in the world but greed bit him in the ass
(どんだけアホやねん! 世界最高の仕事に就きながら欲をかいたばかりにこのザマだよ)

Anfini (ドジャースファン) What an all-time idiot Ippei is. Dude’s going to be the guy that Asian parents will tell their children to not be like him.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』



mightyrj (ドジャースファン) Damn. This was some hella foreshadowing.

Lanai (ドジャースファン) This makes so much more sense now… /s
