


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/whatsthisplant (この植物は何板)』

TXsweetmesquite 「なんてことだ・・・なんてことだ・・・あれは竹だ!

deleted My condolences

TikiTraveler I’m sorry for your loss.

thehighepopt Kill it, kill it all now.

cipher446 Yep, get a flamethrower.

supremeaesthete Get a panda

modestmolerat you have bamboo. may god have mercy on your soul.

imleekingout (スレ主) Oh seriously? I’m from the UK I didn’t think bamboo would grow here spontaneously
(竹ってマジ? 私はイギリス人なんだけど竹がイギリスで自然に生えてくるなんて思わなかったぞ?)

TXsweetmesquite One of your neighbors likely has some. It looks to be a running variety, and not a clumping variety, so that means it can spread quickly.

themcjizzler But isn't the UK too cold in the winter for bamboo??

ECU_BSN Bamboo is the cockroach of the plant family.

HippyGramma Bamboo grows in a wide variety of climates.

onion_flowers There's several bamboo species that are cold hardy actually

JennyIgotyournumb3r I was surprised when I took a walk in a metro park in Ohio in winter, and saw it flourishing there.
(その通り、私も冬にオハイオ州 (1月の気温は-5℃~-12℃) の都市部の公園を散歩していたら竹が元気に育っているのを見て驚いたよ)

bzsbal How would you go about killing bamboo that came from a neighbors yard? Our neighbor planted some last year.
(隣人の庭から生えてきた竹ってどうやって駆除すればいいの? うちの隣人が去年、竹を植えたんだけど)

toxcrusadr Nuke it from orbit.

DodgyQuilter Only way to be sure.

veryabnormal It was popularised by the TV gardeners who fix your garden over the course of a weekend with quick planting and a load of decking. Bamboo will find water and then just not stop spreading underground. I remember seeing someone on telly lift a floorboard in their living room and it was just completely stuffed with bamboo under the floor/

Enasta I’m getting ready to move back to the UK after being in the US for 13 years. I recently watched a few gardening shows to see what UK styles are like. I was pretty shocked at the casual use of bamboo in these shows. I can’t believe it’s not listed as invasive in the UK!
(私は13年前に渡米して最近イギリスに戻る準備をしていたところなんだけど、今時のイギリスのガーデンスタイルがどのようなものかを知るためにガーデニング番組をいくつか見たんだが... それらの番組で竹が気軽に使われていることにかなりショックを受けたよ。イギリスで竹が侵略的植物として登録されていないとか一体どうなっているんだ!)

sandrad33 I had an actual nightmare 2 nights ago that bamboo was growing through my home’s foundation. One of our stupid neighbors has bamboo. We seemingly have it under control on our property last year, but subconsciously I’m clearly still worried about it lol


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/GardeningAustralia (オーストラリアでガーデニング板)』

「ご覧の通り隣の家の竹が私の裏庭にも生えてきてフェンスが傾き始めています、どうすればいいかアドバイスをもらえますか? よろしくお願いします」

jeffreyportnoy Do you have access to a time machine?

Shouldjustlurk 🪓💣🗡️🔪⚡️🔥💥☠️☠️☠️

stepopaus Get Panda!

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/GardeningUK (イギリスでガーデニング板)』



eionmac No! Do not ever consider planting bamboo.
(おいやめろ! 馬鹿な真似はよせ!)

Leo_Bonhart_ Do not put bamboo in the ground. Never.

DrachenDad No bamboo! It gets everywhere and spreads like wildfire.
(竹はダメだ! 竹はどこにでも生えて山火事のように広がるぞ!)

Eightarmedpet Never grow bamboo in the ground, ever, especially this close to a house.

Mr_Kiplings It's a nightmare. Grows way too fast, nearly impossible to remove it once established.

OnceUpxn growing bamboo anywhere Is a mistake 😔

Illustrious-Tea-8920 Do not, ever, grow bamboo in the ground. It spreads, and will break apart fences and walls trying to spread itself.There are so many things you could do with that space. Pots, rockery, bench, etc.
(竹は、絶対に、地面に、植えるな。竹は一気に広がる、フェンスや壁を破壊してな。竹を植えなくたってそのスペースでできることはたくさんあるだろ? 植木鉢でもベンチでも何でもさぁ)

PhantomUser666 Absolutely not. It'll grow huge roots and damage the property and the road and everything else.

Dismal_Eagle_5574 I just spent 2 YEARS removing bamboo. Don't plant bamboo. Maybe try miscanthus instead

Powerful-Payment5081 I fought against the devil's plant for 6 years before moving house. It gets everywhere and grows through anything . There must be other less intrusive plants you can use.

noahnear It took me 5 years to kill the bamboo down the side of my garage that grew from one of the neighbour’s gardens. It really is a nightmare.

Do not plant bamboo anywhere.

grimmyzootron As everyone else is saying, don’t plant bamboo. It easily gets out of hand and is nightmare to get rid of.

Psychological-Bee760 Only in a pot

deleted Do not ever plant bamboo! Even in a pot shoots will propagate everywhere

Objective-Head9976 Only plant if you have pandas

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/landscaping (造園板)』

「芝生の横に竹林がって竹が次から次に生えきます。その都度に刈り取っているのですが他に何かできることはありますか? 今年は竹がさらに速く広がっているような気がするんですが」

OhioBricker 「なんという悪夢...!」

Hydrasophist 「造園家にとってはエイリアンもののホラー映画を見ているようなもんやで」

organic_soursop 「なんて恐ろしい...なんて恐ろしいんだ...!」

unwhelmed 2 foot steel plate buried at edge of where you want to stop it, pull up everything that sprouts. Mowing it down won’t stop it.

ZoneAdditional9892 2 foot won't do it. The roots will go over and under it.

Eastern_Committee_31 Know someone who did this and after a year, the roots just bore holes through the plate. Might need a thick one.

sprunghuntR3Dux I think 6 foot deep is the recommended depth. Bamboo will go under a 2 foot barrier. OP is in for a lot of work removing the bamboo. I did it once. It took ages.

organic_soursop A barrier is best, but you can also put in a decently sized trench to make an air gap, but the danger is the bamboo will just go deeper to find a path to free ground, and you would have to maintain the trench regularly. I'm sorry. This is a Biggie.

MoonTrooper258 Luckily, it should naturally stop when it reaches either a mountain range or ocean.

PASchaefer Time to install either a mountain range or an ocean.

flockonus OR hire a freelance panda 🐼

finnky Tbh if it were me I’d just concede and let myself have a bamboo forest yard.

wentyl And then?

AdmiralScroll Pandas

No-Nefariousness205 Plant some mint and let us know who wins

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/landscaping (造園板)』

PleasureMissile 「パンダを借りてくるんだ」

Most-Artichoke5028 Nuclear warhead. It's the only way.

SinickalOne Judging by the previous posts regarding bamboo and it’s proliferation once it takes hold, only option may be a flamethrower.

OldGeezerInTraining Getting rid of bamboo is like trying to get rid of kudzu.
The only real option is to move.

wafford11 (スレ主) Ahhhh fuck me

neilmac1210 Thoughts and prayers.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/landscaping (造園板)』

「竹の除去をしたことのある方はいますか? 造園業者に言えば竹の除去にどのくらいの費用がかかるか見積もってもらえますか? 写真にある葉の2/3は竹ではなく木のものなので木はそのままでかまいません。もう竹に耐えられそうにないんです」

Hapsmig1 「パンダを買おう、そっちの方が安い」

motorwerkx 「ちなみに自分でやろうとすると正気という代償を払うことになるぞ」

waspnestofbeverly (スレ主) 「今まさにそれを実感してますぅ 😭」

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/landscaping (造園板)』

CephusLion404 It's horrible. We just paid $1100 to have it removed from my brother-in-law's back yard and it keeps coming back.

antisara Only do it if you hate yourself and love pulling up shoots every single day for the rest of your life, your children’s lives as well as your neighbors and and their children’s lives.

DesignNormal9257 It’s so terrible that you can be sued for planting it in some places.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/gardening (ガーデニング板)』

FitFarmChick You need a panda… that’s the only way…

Darnbeasties You’ll need a couple of pandas

Chuckie413 Buy a panda!

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/gardening (ガーデニング板)』

tmssmt 「地球の核ってわかる? そこまで掘れない?」

A_bleak_ass_in_tote Dammit I thought surely no one's already come up with the joke I was going to make. Need to wake up couple hours earlier next time.
(ちくしょう! 私が言おうとしていたジョークなのに、誰も思いついていないと思ったのに甘かったか! 次のチャンスのために今後は数時間早く起きるようにしないといけないなこれは...)

MoneyKeyPennyKiss I think we were all thinking the same thing.

fablexus Mariana.

JourneymanHunt To the depths of hell.

magichat1234chris Don’t forget to fill it with napalm

IRideZs Bamboo is the definition of “if there’s a will, there’s a way”

HighlyImprobable42 I feel like in a post-apocalyptic haze the only survivors will be cockroaches and bamboo.