
「Only in Japan」

Only in Japan - 2020/12/11

(はごろもフーズ『シーチキンチキン バトルズ イン ザ ギャラクシー』)



9gag.comのコメント欄より: ソース

What's going on in Japan?

some weird shit

Nani the Fuck?=What the Fuck?=なんじゃこりゃ?/ナニコレ?


「もっとやれ」「もっとくれ」を意味するインターネットミーム。通称『Kylo Ren's "More, More!"』。




fancy_potato77 All the money, all the effort, everything they put into, to make this ad, well-done japan

iimotion Would totally buy it just for the ad. Chicken kingdom all the way!!! (この広告だけを理由にこの商品を買ってもいいと思わせられる。自分はニワトリ王国に全力で付いて行きます!!!)

cheshire5 But.. what is it?

metsenstal food commercial

fighterdx Atleast Japan knows how to make people watch ads without skipping.

thepaulkwauk Where can I buy this product? Take my money.
(この商品はどこで買えますか? どうぞ私のお金を持っていってください)

nimerga Best comercial ever.....i need an extended version of this anime jajajja!!
(史上最高のコマーシャル.....私にはこのアニメのフルバージョンが必要だ!!) jajajja:スペイン語で「ハハハ」と発音し笑い声を表す言葉

kodasa I'd watch that anime

sambhatti805 Oh Japan, please never change.

bolas_de_gorila Please, Japan, make a movie about it


26_wizard childhood memories literaly flashing back in my brain

ebibison HOLY SHIT I PLAYED THIS. Thanks for bringing back the memories

calicabforall Lol was looking for this, thanks
(笑ったw これをちょうど探してたんだ、ありがとう)

wudai I love the game. The naming of the bosses are impressive too. Queen Fossil, dimensional diver...etc.
(私はゲームが大好きだ。ボスのネーミングも印象的だった。 化石女王、次元ダイバー...などなど)

good shit=good stuff=良いモノ

Havent laughed this hard in a while

yudhistirapn Japan never fails to amaze me

cute_cate_ Japan, never change please.

tinysim Never change Japan.

helium91 I love Japan

「海のニワトリ Vs 陸のニワトリ...が宇宙に???」

win_doge "the battle between Sea chicken Vs Land chicken finaly goes to space... (マグロとニワトリの戦い、ついに宇宙へ)"

...still a better story than disney star wars

yazanalawneh97 Way better than the new star wars movies

popeontoast still more character developement, story and action than the new disney star wars movies.

james281 Still better acting and story than last of us 2.

jamzg Chicken and fish in space? How....is this... It is impossible to even imagine, wtf?
(ニワトリと魚が宇宙に? 一体どうしたらこんな...こんな...想像することさえ不可能だろ、なんじゃこりゃ?)

ghoulbox i would REALLY love to see this turn into a 26-episode anime. the tuna and chicken just make animal noises and the narrator is the only one speaking human language.

mehopivopija Man..just woke up after a bad dream.. finishing my jolly and drinking a bier so i can fall asleep again. And this is first what i see? Damn it

moobles8080 at least they keep things entertaining

albertoersa As over the top as it might seem to the rest of the world... thats some fucking good marketing tbh
(世界の他の国の人間には並外れて異常なものに思えるかもしれないが... これは正直とても優れたマーケティング手法だと思う)

relaxed Now this is quality marketing

limrasson Ye okey, this is 100 times better than your usual "Look at this family, look at them they are happy and are constantly smiling like the fucking Joker. You want to be like them? Buy our product which has nothing to do with any of this."
("この家族を見てください、この幸せそうな様を、常に絶えない笑顔に包まれた家族を見てください。あなたも彼らのようになりたいですか? ではそれらと一切関係のない私たちの商品をご購入ください" みたいなよくあるCMより100倍優れている)

ojl123456 Anime of the year nominee

mrriff I would pay to watch this anime.

true_autism I'm getting some strong Legend of the galactic heroes vibes here

demnumbers Sumimasen nani the fuck

angel_pash I don't even know what it is but I want it

danieleduardop1 I would eat this shit like there's no tomorrow.

kganolin Hahaha omg lol, sooo good!

eroi whoever design this ads need some recognition.

trungtinl621 The animation budget is way higher than some recent anime

abhi88mcet Made me smile..banzai

amu4786 Hey it´s an awesome add.

pats6x Looool i was not expecting that
(笑ったw この展開は予想してなかった)

eddneton now i want a series...

darkdelaura01 this has better animation than the entirety of marvel and dc animated movies

asianiels This is amazing, I need more

nowhereatall You know... if this shit was on YouTube’s ads I might like them

vaztro234 Still, good shit tho
Look at the details

bajilag what a good anime, when the episode 2 release ?

yeah312 "Only in Japan"

You mean only in Japan can they make an epic space fight between fishes and chickens?

eldarkicker daaaaam thats some nice advertising :D

sora1331 I would actually start using my tv again if commercials r that

nekoparacum If only the ads in my country were this enjoyable

ninsusinak i wish all food comercials were like that!

srmrox That's pretty good advertisement.

dyinglight654 Why don't Western countries make TV ads like that...

coolavy Damn, that was quite awesome. Thanks OP.

wantedmc6 they manage to make everything fun in this cursed world

dekiho Another version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h_d4uhmaqQ

satresa The Fuck=What The Fuckの略語=なんじゃこりゃ

sidacki What the fuck did I just watch?

engmohamedgama2 Da fuck did i just watch

aint_kiddin Bullshit. I dont live in Japan and i can see it just fine.
