

8/3 Athletics @ Angels [Game Thread]


エンゼル スタジアムで午後6時38分より開幕

エンゼルス - 大谷翔平 (9勝-6敗、防御率 2.81)
アスレチックス - ジェームズ・カプリリアン (2勝-5敗、防御率 4.50)



ライゼル・イグレシアス (クローザー)


ミッキー・モニアック (外野手)
ジャディエル・サンチェス (外野手)
タッカー デビッドソン (先発投手)
ジェシー・チャベス (中継ぎ投手)




dont_trust_lizards I know this feeling all too well from little league ✊

proteinMeMore It’s gonna be a circus out there

GhettoSymphonyy I’d rather stick Ward in LF at this point

RichardsFiveCents Is it just me though, Ward in RF is nowhere as good as Marsh in LF? (ウォードのライトでの守備ってさ、基本的にセンターを任されていたマーシュがレフトを守る時よりもだいぶ劣るよね)

GhettoSymphonyy Yeah that’s accurate. Ward is fine defensively but Marsh is legit really good. It’s his bat that sucks

Todal9 It’s hard to be as good as Marsh in the field. He’s a legit center fielder. Too bad he can’t hit.

basic_luna ward came up as a catcher and didn't switch to the outfield until around 2019 so it isn't too surprising

trickdog775 Disappointed we didn’t deal out Adell

Possible_Tap8558 shame marsh left but adell stays

Maddonomics101 No team wanted him. At least with Marsh we got a good catcher. Maybe Adell can become a decent DH but I doubt it
(アデル君はどこからも欲しがられなかったので... マーシュの抜けた穴は大きいけど少なくとも良い捕手を手に入れることができたのはよかったと思う。アデルはDHとしてならいい選手になれ...なれるかなぁ?)

tucktheworld30 He’s only 23. He still has time. With all the issues the angels have it’s far from just adells fault. I was hoping he’d get traded so maybe he could develop somewhere they’re capable of developing a talent


223 hours ago tonight's line up


Weird-Afternoon7389 no Adell?

asianlikerice Looks like they are testing out Moniak.

spartashonor Yea but why Sierra over Adell?

Lebigmacca They really would rather play Sierra over Adell smh

xmrjaredx Give me a fucking break. What are we doing playing Sierra over Adell?

my_wife_reads_this Sierra has better defense?

Educational-Pass404 This is probably the best lineup right now but it still looks awful. God, look at 7-8-9. Kill me.
(たぶん現時点で最高のラインナップなんだろうけど、それでも酷いものは酷い。いやもう7~9番とか見てごらんよ、Kill me)

Weird-Afternoon7389 Is moniak any good?

awungsauce Hasnt been good in the bigs but was the 2016 no. 1 pick. Showed signs of success in limited at bats in spring training and the minors earlier this year.

marketing_person Trouty never coming back

digitaldumpsterfire Or you just don't watch for the news. They've been saying for a week that he would start swinging the bat today, not that he would be back today. If all goes well, we can expect him within the next handful of days

znk916 Ohtani pitching every 5 days now?

Didn’t see this reported by any of the beat writers, but it looks like Nevin told the Japanese media that Ohtani asked to pitch every 5 days from now on, which is why his start was moved up to today. Would be great if someone could translate the linked article.



znk916 Yup, that’s a 5-man rotation schedule.

Creative-Reading5903 Makes sense. If he does plan to move on to another team next year, this will help to dispel any concerns about his scheduling needs. For the rest of this season, starting more games with Ohtani will help them to win more often.

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Refreshing to see a modern superstar with Ohtani’s determination and work ethic. Especially when you consider the Angels position in the standings and the lacking team depth that surrounds him. He’s a pro’s pro! 😇
(この勝利への強い意志、責任感はどうよ! 最近のスーパースター選手には見られないこの献身ぶりのなんと新鮮なことか。しかもチームの質も順位も低迷している中でですよ、大谷はプロスポーツ選手の中のプロスポーツ選手だわ!)

MuffinsTLW Let's goo shohei let's get that W
(大谷頑張れ! 勝利を手に入れよう!)

Monttavius i hope we can put up some run support for our boy :)

umiuptown Ohtani theatre begins

Sullyville Ohtani's worst inning is always his first, so I'm not expecting too much here.

Sullyville Moniac's face reminds me of the liquid metal terminator from T2.




CrateDiggingCat good good good

Creative-Reading5903 👏👏👏

umiuptown Aw clean 1.2.3

Delicious-Elk1605 rare clean 1st inning for Shohei

Total_Preparation_67 great pitch count for him

mweolbwa Let's go Shohei! 👏

jumpinghamster 🦄🦄🦄

theaussiesamurai 2 Ks down, 8 to go!

MuffinsTLW Thaf was Nasty
(今のは "Nasty(汚い)" だったわ)

mmcc120 Ohtani is filthy
(大谷さん "filthy(不潔)" 過ぎやで)

Mountain-Ad451 Go take a shower Sho, you nasty boy!

digitaldumpsterfire I volunteer to help him get clean 💧💧💧👀👀👀
(もし手助けが必要というのであれば、喜んでお背中流します) 「filthy」や「nasty」という言葉は「不快/不潔/意地悪/たちが悪い」などを意味するが「エグい/最高/素晴らしい/格好いい」のようなポジティブな意味でも使われる

Educational-Pass404 Strikeout and get strikeout. Another Shohei day. 😂😂😂

Obsidizyn ward and walsh actually drive in less runs than squid

Sullyville stable consistent rifo

Delicious-Elk1605 I LOVE GIFO!!!!

KamartyMcFlyweight I'm in love with a man and his name is Luis Rengifo. I want to move in with him only for him to illegally sell the house we have shared ownership of and then sue him for fraud

mysterysackerfice Venezuelan authorities want to know your location



ArteOut All ohtanis pitches are workin tonite.

Obsidizyn as much as i love to see ohtani stirkouts 12 quick outs and getting in 7 or 8 innings is best

speakersandwich Good to know Moniak can catch a routine fly ball!

zhangerang Adell sweating

Captainpayback I'm at work but please share with me how money moniak looking so far

owledge He just flew out to the warning track on the first pitch he saw

KamartyMcFlyweight he hasn't struck out even once so far!

Captainpayback 👍🤪

BubblyBaker5718 Just tuning in and checking out the Box score. Not surprised to see i have missed just about literally nothing other than some Ohtani strikeouts lol
(今見始めた。そしてスコアボードを見たんだが、どうやら今日も大谷の奪三振劇以外に見逃してしまったものはないようで。驚いたかって? いいえ、少しも)



CrateDiggingCat Beautiful

sofastsomaybe I am once again asking for some runs

KamartyMcFlyweight Now that Raisel's gone I think Stassi takes the crown for Current Angel Who's Disappointed Me The Most. He was so good at the plate last year, one of the best hitting catchers in the league, and now he's just not getting the results. Sigh.

Obsidizyn give me suzuki over stassi anyday

owledge I hate to say it but Stassi’s stint of good batting had flash in the pan written all over it. He was batting like .170 when he was with Houston
(こんなことは言いたくはないが、去年の良かった時期は本当にたまたま良かったというだけだったと思うぞ。スタッシがアストロズにいたときなんて打率は .170とかだったし)

KamartyMcFlyweight I shit talk max and then immediately the beautiful framejob. why are angels catchers all masochists

mysterysackerfice I wasn't aware that worked on Stassi. Thought it was reserved for Suzuki only.
(え、スタッシもそうなの? 悪口を言うときに限って活躍するのはカート・スズキの専売特許だと思ってたのに)




Total_Preparation_67 hey...

jumpinghamster damn

sky31 Damn

BerlinStar17 Don’t love this

choconut5 Thanks Gifo.

BubblyBaker5718 Gifo giveth and Gifo taketh away.
(レンヒフォは与え、そして奪い給う) 『The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away: Blessed be the Name of the Lord (主は与え、そして奪い給う。主の御名はほめたたえられよ)』: 旧約聖書』「ヨブ記」1章13節~21節の言葉。


sky31 🤡🤡🤡🤡

KamartyMcFlyweight well ain't an earned run at least

WhalesForChina Scoring comes much easier to everyone else, it seems.

Creative-Reading5903 Well now Ohtani’s going to have to hit a home run.

Ok-Philosophy-8830 Rengifo made 5 errors in 83 innings in 2021 at 3B

choconut5 Jesus Christ Walsh.

Creative-Reading5903 What happened, Walsh?

sanguinearrowfall Walsh please, you are not _this_ bad

prmark34 Im starting to think it would actually kll walsh to have a productive at bat

CaskStrength898 Not even a productive at bat. Holy shit Walsh sucks this year.

kxm06 Come on Moniak just a single

mweolbwa Ugh. 😐

youareallnuts Oh god we suck

choconut5 This garbage team does not deserve Ohtani.

ohtanicel17 From a .125 hitter to a .179 hitter. Formidable lineup!
(さすがは打率.125~.179の打者たちだ、迫力のラインナップやで! )



Obsidizyn shohei basically refusing to throw a fastball...interesting since they are fouling off a ton of offspeed
(しかし大谷は速球をまるで拒否しているかのように投げないな... 結構な数をファウルにされちゃってるのに)

kxm06 How many sliders has Shohei thrown today? It feels like a lot…
(今日大谷スライダーを何球投げた? かなりの数投げてるでしょ...)

BubblyBaker5718 At this rate Sho might not get his 10+ strikeouts which is a bummer. Eapecially since his pitch count is a tad inflated due to the error last inning.

Rover16 I want Ohtani to keep the 10k streak alive.




Teddy_Ohtani GIFO!!!

CrateDiggingCat Gifo!!!

Delicious-Elk1605 Gifo!!!!!

Total_Preparation_67 Our lovely Gifo!

mweolbwa Hell yeah Rengifo!!


Creative-Reading5903 👏👏👏

sanguinearrowfall So fucking clutch, GIFO!!!!!!!

sinchichis Best hitter on the team!!!!

speakersandwich Rengifo taketh, Rengifo giveth

CrateDiggingCat Gifo giveth taketh thing

itneveeffoc Gifo makes up for the error! Dude has been a STUD!!!
(エラーの埋め合わせをしやがった! 大した野郎だぜレンヒフォのやつは!!)


jumpinghamster Rengifo the fugitive🏃🏾💨‼️

theaussiesamurai It's not even a meme any more.

Luis "International Fugitive" Rengifo is a good baseball player.
(ルイス "国際指名手配犯" レンヒフォは間違いなく優秀な野球選手だ!)


Total_Preparation_67 Yay!!!

Creative-Reading5903 Sierra!!

itneveeffoc Sierra!!!

freddychuckles Well done!

inselfwetrust Dudes fast as hell. Dear god

speakersandwich Adell shaking right now

sofastsomaybe For the "why play Sierra over Adell" crowd

sanguinearrowfall Well, Adell is out of a job

mysterysackerfice Omg.. Did we get a run for Shohei??

Total_Preparation_67 It's a miracle, right?

umiuptown First run for Ohtani in three games lol

xara8arax Gees first run for Ohtani in 3 games…smh (嘘やろ、大谷の過去3登板で初めて援護できたとか...やれやれ)

RamAngelLakerMizzou did I hear that right? First support run for Sho in his last 3 starts?
(今のアナウンサーの言葉聞いた? 大谷の過去3登板で初めての得点だってさ)

If true... aye aye aye that's sad

umiuptown Shohei would’ve have had like 18 wins by now if he were playing for NYY or HOU


Teddy_Ohtani Solid defense Sierra!!

sanguinearrowfall Dude Sierra is looking so good

itneveeffoc No way adell makes the play in Left Field that Sierra just made.

Ok_Cattle770 Adell, this is baseball

Comprehensive-Day630 Adell is out of a job !!

Creative-Reading5903 Sierra might actually prevent Adell from getting regular playing time.

Educational-Pass404 They start hitting against him. Let's gtoh and rest, Sho

BerlinStar17 Great play sierra!!! Worrying pitch by Sho
(素晴らしい守備だったぞシエラ! でも大谷の投球が心配になってきた)

Educational-Pass404 He's tired. It showed.



jumpinghamster 😭😭😭

_Androxis_ Fuckkkk

Teddy_Ohtani Ok....

kxm06 Damn

Pho3n1xNZ I'm sad

Total_Preparation_67 so sad

itneveeffoc Damn. Yeah Sho looks fatigued this inning. You could feel something bad coming.

Abyss333333 He just kept throwing sliders. Eventually it becomes obvious

PlatypusReal6481 too much slider

kxm06 Why is he throwing so many sliders?

Comprehensive What is up with the slider usuage?! For real?!?

ydnALoL Love Ohtani but you can't keep throwing the same pitch over and over again.

kxm06 Stassi should also stop calling sliders like come on

Educational-Pass404 Pull him out. He's tired. It's gonna get ugly here.

Creative-Reading5903 He has looked tired for a while.

xara8arax Ohtani looks tired today. He needs a day off or two

Troutify Dude can throw 101, I don’t get the last 3 starts fascination with the slider.

itneveeffoc My totally unsubstantiated guess: Sho knows he doesn’t have the velo right now.

sanguinearrowfall Think he needs a day off, his fastball wasn't good all game and he knew it

white_Steve_Nash Shohei is never going to get his 10th win with us lol.

speakersandwich Shohei's 10th win curse :(

kxm06 Will Shohei ever get his 10th win? I remember last season, he kept getting a no decision
(大谷が10勝できる日は本当に来るのだろうか? 去年は勝敗がつかない試合ばかりが続いたのを覚えているわ)

Educational-Pass404 It looks like a real curse now. Shit. I hate it

mattman092 Ohtani seems a bit off this week. Hope he’s okay

Total_Preparation_67 at least his earned runs are 2

kxm06 He needs a day off. Like an actual one not a team one. I know he dictates his schedule but at some point as a manager you gotta put your foot down

Creative-Reading5903 It seems like no one wants to say no to him.

CrateDiggingCat 2er over 5.2 innings and it feels like he's failed. He's set his bar up so high.