

8/21 Angels @ Tigers [Game Thread]


コメリカ パークで午前 10 時 40 分より開幕

エンゼルス - 大谷翔平 (10勝7敗、防御率2.69)
タイガース - エドゥアルド ロドリゲス (1勝3敗、防御率 4.38)


Redditの『エンゼルス板』 (※2日前)

mango_script This is it boys!!! The Trout has been unleashed!!!
(お待ちどうさまだぜ皆!!! ついにトラウトが解き放たれるぞ!!!)

Rogueofoz Fish man is back this is not a drill

Monttavius He’s backkkkkkk

prmark34 We’re still trash, but at least we’re trash with mike trout and shohei ohtani on the team.

WurstThrowEver Our lineup is back to RenGoatfo, FletchGod, GOATani, GOAT FishMan, and Taylor Ward with 4 DFA level bats who make me wish for death








AlexYMB Dodgers are insane lmao
(ドジャースの連中パネェなw) ロサンゼルス・ドジャース(LAD)は上位下位共に全球団トップ

HustlingBackwards96 Wow I expected us to have a strong 1-3 but #3.
(エンゼルスの1~3番が全体の3位とな? ここまで強力だったとは知らなんだ)

Of course our 7-9 is last, no surprise there. Last by a huge margin too.

Spinmove55 And that is why we fail.

BubblyBaker5718 3/60 and 60/60


That is actual insanity. I knew the gap would be huge but good lord.

znk916 You could do 4-9 and we'd still be dead last in OPS, not only this year but for the last 21 years. Literally dead last, 630/630 teams.


HustlingBackwards96 Omg

atherelonst12 worse than the 2010 mariners?? wow
(2010年のマリナーズより悪いの?? Wow)

ServerStoneMonkey This is a horrific statistic. Any idiot organization can see this. The fact Angels have not improved after all of those years is just ridiculous.
(いくら何でも酷過ぎるだろこの数字は。どんな馬鹿な組織でも問題があることに気づくけるレベルだよ。なのにエンゼルスは何年経っても改善していない? あまりにも馬鹿げている)

BubblyBaker5718 Oh my god.

Ive known that our 4-9 guys have been some of the worst in the business but i didnt realize it was literally worst-in-the-last-21-years worthy.

RabidR00ster That’s what happens when your farm system sucks. You can buy 2-3 really good hitters, but you definitely can’t buy 9.

ZucchiniOne5395 When people ask how can angels be so bad having Trout and Ohtani, show them this graphic.

AGame7600 I wish I hadn't seen this lol 🙃


Total_Preparation_67 This team changes the batting order every single day.

sanguinearrowfall Much better batting order this game

ZucchiniOne5395 Love this batting order. I hope his toe is alright

Educational-Pass404 Hmmm. Hope it doesn't rain. The rain fucked Detmers's start yesterday and our offense too

LogicalHarm I'd believe it hurting Detmers ability to grip the ball, but I think the offensive woes are just dumb luck

Sullyville After yesterday's foul I hope Shohei's toe is okay. Otherwise I feel pretty good about today.

frogstyle It's been aged since I've watched an Ohtani start live, hope it doesn't get rained out! The lineup is looking much better too.

No_BigA Go Sho🦄

Educational-Pass404 Let's go Angels

Fun-Raise-3120 Get Shohei the win today!

1回裏、タイガースのライリー・グリーンが先頭打者本塁打 エンゼルス0-1タイガース

Lebigmacca Bruh

frogstyle Well, fuck

contrcl No :(

LosAngelesAnus okay no what no 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

BerlinStar17 That was absolutely demolished

Total_Preparation_67 not ideal, but just solo

Lebigmacca Shohei gets no run support so I’m already feeling an L :/

Educational-Pass404 Wtf Sho??? God.
(おいおいどうした大谷??? マジか)

Abyss333333 Command already looks off. Don't think it's gonna be a good one today

Abyss333333 Velocity super low.

Lebigmacca Only throwing 95 😬

kk570 Command and velo both down…

Normijah625 Gonna be a long one today

Educational I don't like this at all. Calm down, Sho.

Abyss333333 that slider was a meatball.

fun_zone C’mon Sho baby

BerlinStar17 Something is not right with Shohei

sanguinearrowfall Ohtani doesn't like humidity I guess

my_wife_reads_this How's the weather?

Obsidizyn 74 and cloudy but humidity is at 75%

u8myramen_y He’s def off

Creative-Reading5903 I’m looking at the pitches in the mlb app. It’s ugly.

Quipo1 This one lookin rough, every pitch down 5mph



エンゼルス地元紙の番記者 - ジェフ・フレッチャー

contrcl First inning issue has been common with Shohei, but I'm still worried today bc his command seems...off?

live4coasters Two things are common with Shohei's start: first inning struggles and struggling in humidity

u8myramen_y Yeah it’s definitely humidity affecting his pitches. Prob can’t grip as well as he likes.

Obsidizyn which is interesting because Japan is very humid in summer so its not like hes not familiar with it

BubblyBaker5718 Well silver lining is that knowing Ohtani if he can just get out of the first two innings without any more damage theres a good chance he'll still be able to throw a quality start

frogstyle Whatever's causing the contr ol issues, I hope he gets it out of his system by the next inning!

Sakaguchi123 Is it just me or does it feel like many of you are overreacting. First innings always suck for Sho. It’s going to be okay. He’s still one of the best pitchers in the game.
(君たち過剰反応しすぎと思うのは私だけかな? 大谷はいつも初回に苦戦するけどその後は安定するから大丈夫でしょ。彼は今も球界で最高の投手の一人だぞ)

kxm06 They are overreacting. Ohtani rarely gives up more than 3 runs. They only time it was 5+ was with the braves and the Yankees. People just have extremely high expectations for Shohei especially since the offense is so bad. (However he does look like he doesn’t have great command today tbh)

Sakaguchi123 sho’s going to have 70 pitches into the 3rd inning but will somehow still go 6-7 innings lol

maverickoff Last season he also had a similar game when his velo was down and after the game they said it was arm fatigue, next game after that he was back to normal.

Educational-Pass404 Hope he can get back to normal next game because it's vs Jays.

umiuptown He gives up a solo homer and the world is ending. We need to worry about the offense.

Total_Preparation_67 give him 10 or more runs support once in a while

Sullyville Sho's first inning is always his worst. Let's give him time to get into his rhythm.


kxm06 Finally a strikeout

Teddy_Ohtani First strikeout let's go Sho!!

Total_Preparation_67 Now I'm really concerned.

Educational-Pass404 He hang a lot of sliders in the middle of the zone. God, I'm deadly worried


Teddy_Ohtani F U ump

fun_zone Ump’s fucking us today. Not good with Sho’s control issues on top of it.

Educational-Pass404 God, I can't bring myself to watch it anymore. This is so damn scary

YoChristian He doesn't have it today.

Current_Internet7625 Jesus first time sweating seeing Ohtani pitching.

contrcl It's been ages since the last time I sweat like this when watching Shohei pitching

kxm06 Please get out of this Shohei. A ground out or fly out

Teddy_Ohtani His pitching side go down but his batting side go up after all star break, it's looks like the same as last season but in opposite way.

itsEddieT Shohei RISP king both ways



Abyss333333 Holy fuck thank God

HeverPacheco Uffffff that was close

BubblyBaker5718 Good days.

Bad days.

Shohei is still the RISP god

kxm06 Whew that had me sweating y’all
(( ´ー`)フゥー...、汗だくになりました)

Sullyville Even Ohtani says "Whew" at the end there.

Captainpayback Whew. Good job shohei.

LosAngelesAnus that was so tough to watch 😓

hvycotton I would've been devastated if he walked in a run.




BerlinStar17 Good fastball!!!

Current_Internet7625 Third inning much better!

Sullyville You can always see how Ohtani feels about his performance on the way back to the dugout. It's written on his face.

frogstyle Please don't let this be one of the games where we lose 1:0!


aj_og What the hell blue?

Educational Fuck ump. Terrible

Teddy_Ohtani F U ump again

Ohh_Tyler This ump is shit

sanguinearrowfall This ump is actually blind

TustinSaiyanz27 I finally catch a game and they decide to put ray charles behind the plate on an ohtani start. This man has some issues!

Captainpayback Umpire pitch calls should be reviewable. Too much room for error and too much opportunity to sway a game.

Educational-Pass404 Walking someone before Greene is not ideal at all

BerlinStar17 Cmon Sho, you had him 0-2. Ugh

Sphunxx Dude pitch 4 balls straight while being 0-2

hvycotton Ump is trash but Shohei put away pitches are way off

Current_Internet7625 Another wild pitch?!

Creative-Reading5903 How many times has that happened? Too many.

Lebigmacca Max Passi Max Passi=Max Stassi+Passed ball(捕逸)

kxm06 Another walk…

Current_Internet7625 Wow it’s getting hard to watch now.

Shohei pleaseeeeee!

kxm06 Omg pls get out of this Shohei

Rover16 Ohtani's control already wasn't good today and now the rain screwing his control even more.



HeverPacheco I laughed when I saw the ward falling

contrcl I'm dying :(

hvycotton love sho but he pitched bad and needs to fix this fast. next starts are against good teams

Sullyville might be his last inning for this game today

The0utlanded Sad

Rover16 Damn! Now I wish this game was rained out! Humidity plus rain was a terrible combo!
(くそ!これならいっそ雨で中止になってくれていたら良かったのに! 高い湿度と雨のダブルパンチはさすがにきつかったか)

Sphunxx Only 0-3 and already over BC offense is trash

frogstyle 3 runs with our offense seems insurmountable nowadays :C

HeverPacheco Squid baby

BerlinStar17 Hell yeah Squid!!! 🦑

Lebigmacca Squid only hits well in the rain

ReviewRoutine Squids like water

Creative-Reading5903 Kurt pinch hitting for Shohei??

LogicalHarm uh ohhhh where's shohei

TOMDthrowa Jfc why put Suzuki in

Valk72 If Kurt is pinch hitting for Shohei, it mean he must have had some discomfort.

donkeyjr It's prolly from the foul ball that hit his foot, even his a bat was weird af..

aj_og I hope Sho is ok :(

kxm06 Please don’t be hurt please don’t be hurt

BerlinStar17 please be ok Shohei

GrumpeeFatKat What the fuck????

Why is Ohtani pulled offensively????

merewyn Because something is clearly wrong with him physically?

Creative-Reading590 If something is wrong with Shohei, it probably has to do with all the times he’s been beaten up and still played through it. He needs to learn to take rest days.

Educational-Pass404 Hope Sho is okayyy. Honestly, this is nothing comparing to his start vs NYY. It's fine that he had bad day.


Educational-Pass404 I'm glad it's not his foot hurt. But stomach virus??? Wth did he eat???
(足を痛めたとかじゃなくてよかったよ。でもウイルス性の腹痛て??? 大谷さん何喰ったのよ???)

Valk72 That would certainly explain why he was so bad today

donkeyjr Stomach virus for Shohei Ohtani, Ohtani got the shit too now... Wth is in Angels food...

Lebigmacca Right! Early in the year like every couple days someone would have a stomach bug
(ほんとだよ! 今年の初めとか数日おきに誰かが食あたりになってたし) エンゼルスでは開幕直前から4月にかけて食中毒が頻発しレンドン、トラウト、マーシュ、シンダガードが下痢で休場していた

Creative-Reading5903 …this team has a bad history with the stomach bug.

Lebigmacca Why do people on this team have the shits so often. That can’t be a coincidence
(なんでこのチームの選手はこんなに下痢を起こすのよ? さすがにここまで頻発すると偶然とは言えないぞ)

Rover16 I bet Ohtani still wanted to hit, but was probably taking a shit when his turn came up to bat!

Educational-Pass404 Okay. That's hilarious now. Imagine he pitched while holding the shit in. 😂😂😂

donkeyjr His control was off because he got the runs? lol

Comprehensive-Day630 If true (stomach virus) why didnt they push his start back and start herget?!

It was obvious something was wrong when stassi kept talking to ohtani after the 2nd and 3rd inning returning to the bullpen

Creative-Reading5903 I don’t think Nevin actually manages Ohtani.


KindlyPirate7160 My dude looks like he wants to poop so bad….get well soon Shohei

mysterysackerfice That's the look of a man trying to not to shit himself. Been there a few times.

Sullyville i know that look. stay close to a toilet.

Valk72 Come on Shohei, you have to tell the staff when you're not feeling good. And Nevin, there is a difference between giving your players a long leash, and protecting your players from themselves.

Creative-Reading5903 I know Shohei said he didn’t tell anyone he hadn’t been feeling well until after his warm-up, but it seems clear just by looking at him. Nevin said that he left it up to Shohei whether or not he wanted to start. This was probably one of those times when the manager should have decided.

「大谷翔平選手がウイルス性の胃腸炎で本日の試合を途中欠場 - エンゼルス広報より」

Jbaquero (ヤンキースファン) The Angels hitting made him sick to his stomach

TheChrisLambert (ガーディアンズファン) Sick to his stomach watching Phil Nevin coach

w7ndfa11 (ドジャースファン) Sick to his stomach with The angels

freakanature Tough to stomach an abysmal supporting roster
(ろくに援護もできない選手に囲まれたら胸糞も悪くなるわ) Sick to one’s stomach:

hard to stomach:

Brian_Stryker (フィリーズファン) This team is literally making him sick.
(エンゼルスの連中、大谷をSick(うんざり)させるだけじゃ飽き足らず文字通りSick(病気)にさせたやがった) make someone sick:直訳だと「人を病気にさせる」だが基本的に「人をうんざりさせる」や「人の気分を悪くさせる」の意味で使われる

the_mustard_tiger69 (ジャイアンツファン) I'm surprised he even went out there. When I had the stomach virus I was running to the shitter every 15 minutes until i decided to live there the rest of the day

throwawaybay92 (エンゼルスファン) I used to get diarrhea all the time during little league. Clenching your ass and pitching is very difficult.

torero15 (エンゼルスファン) Sometimes he is too competitive. Him pitching sick is still probably our best pitcher though.

_Darth_Malak_ (フィリーズファン) Dude was willing to vomit and/or shit himself on the field if it gave them a chance to win. While I obviously feel he shouldn’t have been out there, you have to give him major props for how much he wants to play and win.

throatbutterz (オリオールズファン) Goddamn Ohtani, you need to look after yourself first. It's not a postseason game. He takes competitiveness to a whole other level.

hungry_n_hornyy (ドジャースファン) He's sick of losing, Angels. Free him.