
『4月5日 エンゼルス対マリナーズ戦実況スレ(マリナーズ3連戦3日目)』

4/5 Angels @ Mariners [Game Thread]


敵地T-モバイル・パークで午後1時10 分より開幕

エンゼルス - 大谷翔平
マリナーズ - クリス・フレクセン


※マリナーズ3連戦1日目 twitter.com


「本日マリナーズ3連戦最終戦をご覧になる予定の皆さま、ハッピー・ショーヘイ・デイ ☀️」



CrystalYKim Happy Ohtani day everyone!

Golfnut80 O’Hoppe and Urshela back on the menu! LFG!!

tristpa2 Trout in the lineup is a welcome surprise

zodiac1018 Great lineup glad Trout ain't getting the day off, we need our best players for our best pitchers, need to capitalize and win this damn series

KRH11 Hopefully, Shohei will get a dub today! Amazing last start but just unfortunate...
(今日こそ大谷が勝ち投手になれることを祈るぜ! 前回も素晴らしい登板をしてくれたんだけど残念ながら打線がね...) Dub="Win" のダブリュー (double-u) の略

yeahnothanks Losing to the Mariners just feels extra terrible doesn't it. Let's not do it anymore

GummyMummys The lineup let him down last start. you cant do it twice. get some runs

Nolan Brooks Let’s score some runs for him this time

WhalesForChina I will gleefully accept a 4-2 opening road trip

Halos-117 Same. Going over .500 on the road is more than acceptable. Assuming we win today of course.

DunbarDiPianosa Bounce back game let's go!


Fuzzy-Clothes4075 160-2 here we come



merewyn Pitch to Mike Trout you fucking cowards

sanguinearrowfall Pitch to Trout you cowards

YouPresumeTooMuch They fear the fish

HazyGold As they should.

8va Gotta cash in on those free bases, my dudes :(

SmoothDragon21 please

TVloverCam Another frustrating first inning ☹️

TRKillShot That inning is the epitome of angels baseball to me

Responsible-Major-95 Yeah it’s classic Halos.

st1r Aight Ohtani get through the 1st and it’ll be a gem

TVloverCam Shotime 😍

KamartyMcFlyweight i hate how Ohtani is the best player in the world yet i'm always constantly worried about him doing well.

dinosorcerer For real.



TVloverCam Ohtani??

BerlinStar17 Ugh not a good start, bad control

TVloverCam This is not good

Weaver4prez They haven’t swung once

Lebigmacca Cmon Shohei settle down

choconut5 Ohtani's control is off early again.

Sullyville Ohtani's first inning is always a little shaky. Then he settles in.

st1r 1st inning always the hardest for Shohei

ShittedMyBritches Godammit

Neverend3r uh oh

Hummingbird234 Pain…

DeadbeatCassanova Rough start. Ohtani needs to find his control.

HazyGold Relax Sho. Calm down.

kxm06 Even in his last outing he was kinda shaky despite 0 runs. Hopefully he find his control soon…

st1r God I hate 1st innings lol



Jcoch27 Great pitch

DeadbeatCassanova Painted that corner

Ok-Philosophy-8830 PAINTED
(鮮やかに決まった!) paint:〔絵の具やペンキで絵を〕塗る/描くという意味だが野球では「ストライクゾーンの枠にかろうじて重なるぎりぎりのコーナーを攻める投球」を意味する

triggergza Nasty

DunbarDiPianosa There we go!

ShittedMyBritches Hell yea good call Pat

Rover16 This ump is the best! Calling the close calls correctly as strikes!
(この球審最高じゃね? どの球も正確にストライク判定してるし)

Jcoch27 I love Pat Hoberg

zhangerang Pat Hoberg really the goat holy

kleinm433 My jaw just dropped with all those correct calls on the corners. What a stud.

SultansofSwang Hoberg is a machine damn

ShittedMyBritches Oh shit we got the robo ump today

Jcoch27 He'll be the standard by which we program the robots

Ok-Philosophy-8830 Forget robo umps

Clone Hoberg

st1r If we had 500 hobergs we wouldn’t need robo umps

Ok-Philosophy-8830 A Hoberg at every home (plate)


kxm06 Whew let’s get that run back boys
(( ´Д`)=3 フゥ なんとかなったな、さぁ打線の皆さん得点するお時間ですよ!)

MautDota3 Could have been a lot worse I guess.

st1r Aight 1 run pretty standard Ohtani 1st inning, gonna be lights out after this

glass__beaches Shaky start but Shohei took control as usual

pakekify That last pitch was nasty

Ifeelvery-fine The painter

gopackgo555 Hopefully he settles in now.

Jakearooni Alright sho has found has control, mariners get a one run head start, now they’re screwed



投手はボールを受けてから走者なしでは15秒、走者がいる場合は20秒以内に投球モーションに入らなければいけない。 違反した場合は「1ボール」がペナルティとして与えられる。


DeadbeatCassanova Why did Ohtani get a pitch clock violation?

Apprehensive_Major45 his booty is too thicc

Rover16 Not letting the batter get set and lock eyes with him. The mariners broadcast showed ohtani talking to the ump after the inning to get an explanation on what he was doing wrong.



freddychuckles Did Shohei just reach into the umpires ball bag to grab a ball? 🤣

guitarburst05 SHOHEI! You can’t just grab an umps balls like that!

quagnar LOL Sho helping out

Jcoch27 He left a lil tip for those corner calls

XYG Is Shohei Ohtani the first player who stole a baseball from an ump?
(球審からボールを盗んだ初の選手では? また大谷が記録を作ってしまったか)




Jcoch27 LOGAN!!!

KamartyMcFlyweight O HOPPE!


pakekify O'HOPPE!!!

choconut5 O Hoppe!!

Pls don't come back Stassi.



DunbarDiPianosa O'Hoppe!!! What a massive dong
(オホピウム君! しかも特大ホームランじゃないですか!!)

quagnar My god. That O'Hopium!!!
(なんてこった、オホピウムの名前は伊達じゃないな!) O'Hopium=O’HOPPE(オーハッピー)+HOPIUM(ホピウム)

Hopium:希望を意味する "Hope" と薬物を意味する "Opium" を組み合わせた造語。バラ色の妄想(現実逃避)をもたらすアヘンのような作用を持つ架空の薬。希望という名のアヘン、根拠のない希望、エンゼルスファンが正気を保つために常飲するお薬

Sakaguchi123 This guy is so clutch lmao

TVloverCam ROTY O’HOPPEEEEE ‼️‼️‼️

Alert-Abalone204 Give O'Hoppe a lifetime contract. 💅

ShittedMyBritches That’s our fuckin catcher

NakedHomelessPirate LFGGGGGGG

GummyMummys O"HOPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MulhollandMaster121 Lesssss goooo baby!

ABoldOne O’HOPPE!!

rck496 I'm literally in love with this kid

_itspaco Ohoppe so damn good

Friendship7446 Woooo! My boy O'Hopee!!!!!!!

KamartyMcFlyweight feels like the Urshela/O'Hoppe pipeline has produced more runs than Trout/Ohtani lol
(あれ? なんだろう? 8番ウルシェラと9番オーハッピーのコンビの方が大谷・トラウトコンビよりも得点してね?w)


TheOverlook237 Marsh is a nice player, but we won this trade. Finding a Catcher like this is way harder then finding an outfielder like Marsh

sanguinearrowfall For the Phillies they already have Realmuto though who is a catcher god, they were just filling a need like we were. Win win imo.
(フィリーズには捕手の神であるレアルムートがすでにいるからね、我々だけが一方的に得したわけじゃなく彼らも我々と同じようあのトレードでにニーズを満たした。 だからあれは Win win だったと思うぞ)



MautDota3 Those are some nasty pitches but they are literally just not chasing.

kxm06 His pitches look pretty good to me it’s weird that they’re not chasing anything…

TVloverCam Another full count 🙄

aj_og 3 walks by sho already is kinda weird

burnsrado Apparently the Mariners were told not to swing at anything today

Valk72 Hm it seems like the Mariners approach is to not swing early in the game.

Valk72 I think it's more of a strategy from the Mariners, a pretty good one for now, you have to give them that.

merewyn This is always the Mariners approach, guys. They take a lot of pitches and wait to be walked.

Jcoch27 Complete opposite of our approach lol

SultansofSwang Oh man 40+ already.

Teddy_Ohtani 46 pitches in 2 innings yikes...

pwnd32 If Shohei keeps going to full counts and walks, we’re definitely going to need more runs in this one

msijacoke Command is definitely nonexistent today, keeps hanging pitches and keeps walking batters

Can only hope his next few innings are 1-2-3 outs else this is going to the bullpen again

MrNapoleonSolo Team definitely going to need to pick up Sho. He may not get through 5.

sagansaid7 need to get more runs on before the bullpen gets on



constance_a_l ugggggg

BerlinStar17 Goddamn it first pitch hbp

rstepaniuk0 Sho's control is way off today..

Celestialsite Setting up the double play by hitting a guy. Calculated

st1r Jeez

sagansaid7 bro

BerlinStar17 Cmon Sho

Educational-Pass404 Come on Sho, at this rate we will have another brawl

Rover16 Damn. I hope ohtani can get through 5 today because his control just isn't there today.

TVloverCam He’s not even barely missing the zone. He’s missing by a lot!

Educational-Pass404 His command is in hell rn. I have to clench my butt to see

kxm06 This is the worst his control has been since the beginning of the 2021 season

rstepaniuk0 It's been a looooong time since I've seen Sho have such a lack of control.

Valk72 Sometimes a pitcher's control is off, it's one of this day for Shohei.

Rydogger I wonder if he's got a blister. Wild control and his velocity seems down
(またマメでもできてしまったんだろうか? コントロールは乱れているし速度も落ちている気がする)

Weaver4prez Could also just be the cold

KamartyMcFlyweight really should start warming someone up, he clearly doesn't have it

ShittedMyBritches Ohtani pitching like this and getting the W would be hilarious

KingOfAllDogz At this rate, he won’t even qualify for the W

Valk72 He has the mental fortitude to battle through it.

Valk72 If he goes out of this inning, do you let him back in the 4th to see if he can finally settle down and push it to the 5th?
(でもこの回を何とか切り抜けたとしてこのまま4回も登板させるか? 5回には落ち着いてくれるはずだと期待して投げさせ続ける?)

msijacoke Aight man get the bullpen ready I can't watch him pitch right now this shit is painful to see him go to a 3-2 count and consistently walk batters. Even lucky they haven't scored more than 1 off him yet.

st1r It’s a miracle they only have 1 run so far

Jcoch27 Come on Sho throw strikes


MulhollandMaster121 Whew.
(( ´Д`)=3 フゥ)

TVloverCam Thank god that was so scary 😭
(助かった! めっちゃ怖かった!!)

HazyGold Finally! That was scary.
(ようやく3回裏が終わった! 恐ろしいイニングでしたわ...)

rstepaniuk0 Whew...Ohtani so clutch man haha.
(( ´Д`)==3 フゥ さすが大谷、勝負所に強いな、はっはっは)

KamartyMcFlyweight when max scherzer has a bad day he gives up three home runs in a row. when ohtani has a bad day everyone grouses but somehow we're still in the lead

CrystalYKim When shohei has a bad day, it just means his pitch count is up but no runs 😆

Valk72 He battles through it, damn is Shohei mentally strong!

KrabS1 Ohtani doing ace things: he doesn't have it, he's struggling, laboring through every batter, and he's somehow given up just one run in 3 innings.

constance_a_l Good job Sho.

Dablackbird Oh my God... We are spoiled, shaky Shohei and just 1 H and 1 R

SultansofSwang Gotta fight each AB and give Sho some rest now. Come on offense!


Silent_Rocker Fantastic play by Lamb. Huge DP
(ジェイク・ラムさんナイスプレー! この併殺はデカい!)

sanguinearrowfall Wow what a play by Lamb

DunbarDiPianosa Much needed DP

Teddy_Ohtani Nice Double play!

mr_turkey214 Nice



DrunkSpaceGrandpa shohei is so good man

JoyBurner Wow what the hell was that pitch he got Julio to swing on?! The movement 🤮
(なにあのフリオ・ロドリゲスを打ち取った球は?! 動きが凶悪過ぎるだろ)

Jcoch27 Such a dirty pitch

YellowShorts God damn that sweeper (I'm just gonna call it a slider) was nasty!
(今のスライダー? スイーパー? はエグかったわ)

freddychuckles That slider, my goodness 🥵
(あのスライダー見た? なんてこったい)

st1r There’s the WBC slider

Ok-Philosophy-8830 That was the pitch he threw to Trout

DrunkSpaceGrandpa that movement was insane

MrNapoleonSolo Best pitch he's thrown all game. WOW!

Rydogger He might be able to go one more

pwnd32 He probably should be pulled but Ohtani is the type of competitive dude to want to go 5 just to prove he can do it

74Dragonz Don't give a fuck. Ohtani 'struggling' is a better option than anything coming out the bullpen.

TVloverCam I hope he can complete 5 to get that W!

ZealousidealDay1633 give us one more inning shohei!!!

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Shohei’s struggling a bit, but he’s battling like a champ! Hopefully the rest of the team can help him out a bit.
(大谷は少々苦戦しているようだがその戦いぶりはまさに王者のそれよ! そんな彼を打線が少しでいいから手助けしてくれることを願うわ)

sprtsmac It's time for the offense to step up. We need some more runs.

st1r Scoring this inning

ShittedMyBritches So many fuckin pop ups

hvycotton Im getting pop up phobia

rstepaniuk0 Chris Flexen, who whiffs and ks nobody, is dominating our hitters today...

keepcalmjusthoop Is flexen this good? Or Angels hitting just that bad?
(これクリス・フレクセンがそれほど優秀な投手ってこと? それともうちの打線がヘッポコなだけ?)

sagansaid7 maybe a bit of both. but more of the latter i would say for today

8va I'm uncomfortable because this reminds me of the close game against the A's