英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』より



英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※3年前、2021年5月)

JustinoBurrit0 DUDE FR??

ningyizhuo So you're telling me my dream is coming true ???

thetravelleroftyria My heart. OH MY HEART. I will be buying this. I will be buying this so quickly. I don't care. Take my money. This is what I've been longing for.
(嘘でしょ? 嘘でしょ?! こんなの絶対に買うに決まってるじゃないですか! 早速購入させていただきます。まだ開発が始まったばかりだろうと私は気にしません。どうぞ私のお金をもっていってください。これが私がずっと望んでいたものですはい)

muddy120 My dream has become a reality, I knew this would happen but didn’t expect it in this way! Amazing stuff! So hyped for this!!!!
(私の夢が現実に... いつかリメイク版が作られるとは思っていたがまさかこんな形で実現するとは! すごいよ! すごく興奮してきたよ!!!!)

Rayki1500 Literally just bought og dq3 on switch whyyyy (Still hype)
(よりにもよってスイッチでドラクエⅢを買ったまさにその直後にこんな発表があるとか... whyyyy (それでも「興奮はしているけども!))

omnidohdohdoh I have a confession. As a fan, I have never played this game before and this remastered makes me happy.

muddy120 Dragon Quest 3 is a masterpiece and a amazing game so I can’t wait for this. Definitely play this incredible title.

muddy120 DQ 3, my favorite game in the series is getting remade in the amazing 2D Octopath style. I can't wait omg, I'm melting with so much excitement, my god this amazing stuff to see. So glad my DQ 3 Remake prediction came true.
(ドラクエシリーズの中で一番のお気に入りであるⅢがリメイク、しかも『オクトパストラベラー』スタイルのゴージャスなHD-2Dで! なんてこった、待ちきれない、あまりの興奮でとろけそうだ! こんなに素晴らしいことになるだなんて、DQ3リメイクの予想が当たって本当に良かった!)

capnwinky I knew from the very first moment I laid my eyes on Octopath Traveler that it was going to lay the groundwork for some astonishing classic remasters. I just could’ve never imagined seeing this. I hope Chrono Trigger gets this treatment too.

Kosano Yeah this artstyle is definitely the move to remake old games like these, and honestly if a new game came out like this it wouldnt look dated at all. I was hoping for Pokemon to go this direction by keeping the 2d pixels but have it in this artstyle and environment but they just keep moving in a direction that is far from their origin

deleted Love this game, have replayed the original multiple times and the mobile port, so this is great!

retroanduwu24 This looks gorgeous so far

FreewayWarrior This is beyond beautiful. I mean, damn, man, just... Just look at it! 😍

[deleted] Just saw the trailer, so excited. 😹

Alarmed-Classroom329 looks so fucking good.

Sword_of_Dusk Day 1 buy for me. Looks so freaking beautiful!

TheBiles Oh fuck yes. I hope it has all of the features of the GBC version.

Hibbity5 I’d love for a revised system to the Monster Medal system

BarrothObama Looks like I’m finally playing III

[deleted] I was hoping the rumors were true and this couldn't be a better way to celebrate the 35th
(ドラクエⅢリメイクの噂が真実であることを願っていたら本当にきやがった、これ以上に35周年を祝う方法が他にあるだろうか? いいやない!)

muddy120 One of the best games ever finally about to come out and be remade again in the best ever fashion it ever got! Can't wait for this so much.
(史上最高のゲームの 1 つがついに史上最高の形で再びリメイクされようとしている。とても待ちきれる気がしない)

Erdrick68 This make me so happy I need new pants.


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2023年2月)


Roshu-zetasia You have to be patient, February 10 is the anniversary of Dragon Quest 3 in Japan. I don't think Enix is so tough as not to show anything at least to its Japanese audience
(もうちょっと我慢するんだ、2月10日は日本におけるドラゴンクエスト3の記念日... さすがにスクエニも、少なくとも日本の消費者に向けて何かを発表するはず、そうだろ?)

Targren Didn't they say the same thing last February, and get crickets?

Keon_Violet I ended up buying Octopath 1 because I was tired of waiting

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2023年6月)
『ドラクエⅢのHD‐2Dはどこ? どこにあるの?』

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2023年7月)
『”もうすぐ” とは一体』

どうもただのせっかちなドラクエファンです。ドラクエⅢのHD‐2D版は個人的に最も期待しているゲームです。なので6月21日のNintendo Direct の発表で、今度こそ何らかのニュースがあることを期待しています。



英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2023年11月)

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2023年11月)
『ドラクエ3のリメイクはどこ⁈⁈ もう耐えられないよ!』

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2024年2月)

HairiestHobo Remake? What remake. There was never a remake annouced.
(リメイク? 何のことです? リメイク版の発表なんて一度もありませんでしたよ)

It was all just a shared psychosis.

No-Instruction-5669 For real I think it was a collective DQ nerd fever dream

SwashNBuckle Fuck it, I'm playing the Gameboy version. I'll just start over when we finally get the remake.
(リメイク版なんて知るか、こうなったらゲームボーイ版をプレイしてやんよ! リメイク版が出たらもう一度やればいいんだろコンチクショウ!)

We_Trusty_Few You don't want to play the Trilogy on Switch?

SwashNBuckle Nah, I don't like the way they look. Plus I'm a Gameboy collector so I have the actual cartridge.

CzarTyr I can wait on 12 because it’s a new game, let it cook. However dq3 is a remake. Yes it’s a complete graphical ground up game but I’m shocked it’s taking so long
(ドラクエ12の方なら待てる、完全新作だしそれが良いものになるならいくら時間をかけてもいい。でもドラクエ3はリメイクだろ? そりゃグラフィックは最初から作り上げなきゃいけないかもしれないけど、ここまで時間がかかっていることに正直驚くんだけど)

Scrumf It would be easier to wait if y'all stopped reminding me 😁

retrotriforce Sorry xD

No-Hovercraft6918 I just want a DQ Builders 3

Alexnikolias So badly.

(本当にコレ! 神様お願いします!)

Thejokingsun We can always dream 🥺

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/dragonquest (ドラクエ板)』(※2024年5月27日)





DjijiMayCry WOOHOOOO!!!

zivlynsbane That’s nice but… when?
(良かった良かった... で、いつ発売なんです?)

ShiftSandShot ...Nothing else?

Opperbink Fucking finally they're saying something. 3 years since announcement. Thank Christ they're immediately (re)confirming the multi-platform release.
(ようやくスクエニがドラクエⅢについて触れてくれたな! 発表から3年は待たせすぎだぜ。これでマルチプラットフォームで発売されることが(再び)確認されたぞ! ありがたいことだ)

Paulbasaur Can’t wait!!!

sandukan Well thanks for the reminder, can we get a release date?

ProfesssionalCatgirl Well that's not very specific

Animam-efflabo Interesting that the teaser doesn't explicitly say "Dragon Quest 3"

nvrfndme they probably decided to remake whole trilogy and this might be explanation why it took so long

TsyChun Don't give me hope like that please

CzarTyr I highly doubt that but that would be crazy

entrydenied I can see them reusing assets across all 3 games

OhUmHmm This has always been my conjecture since the initial announcement. Reasons:

Most monsters in DQ 1 / 2 are in DQ 3, so there's not much extra animation cost. Horii explicitly hinted it at it during the reveal, mentioning wanting to do 1 and 2 until a producer jumped in and told him to be quiet.
(DQ1/2のほとんどのモンスターはDQ3にも登場するため追加のアニメーション制作コストがそれほどかからない。それに堀井氏は発表の際にそれを明白にほのめかしていた(プロデューサーが割って入って静かにするよう言われていた) )

To a western audience, easier to bundle all 3 games on a cartridge if you are looking to charge full price or near full price. I can't imagine DQ 1 +2 alone being close to full price unless they add tons of content.

Narrative reasons.

BaldursGatekeeperIII I hope this is the case because it'd be cool for new people to experience those games in some form on modern consoles.

ZarianPrime but it's the DQ3 logo artwork

TragGaming That, my fine feathered friend, is the Mark of Erdrick. Which is present in all three DQ 1/2/3. It's why (among other more spoilery things) that series is referred to as the Erdrick Saga/Legacy/Trilogy
(共よ、だからこそですだ、あれはエルドリック (海外版のロトの呼称) の紋章だ。そしてそれはDQ 1/2/3 の 3 つすべてに存在する。このシリーズがエルドリック・サーガ/レガシー/三部作と呼ばれるのはこのためだ)

Inner_Radish_1214 Kinda worth the wait now damn

casedawgz I can’t wait to see the Prince of Cannock’s coffin in glorious HD2D

ReyDeathWish For the price of one? That’ll be seriously insane.
(三部作がゲーム1本の値段で買えるってこと? それが本当なら信じられないくらいに素晴らしいことだよ)

alchemist87 HA.

ShiftSandShot Probably something akin to the Etrian Odyssey collection. Three games, purchaseable separately for 30-40, but with a somewhat cheaper bundle available at 70-80.
(たぶん『世界樹の迷宮Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ HD REMASTER』みたいに1作だと30~40ドル、バンドルで70~80ドルとかでは?)

Wewolo Alright, I'm gonna buy this on Steam AND Switch and gift it to a friend with an XBox just to make the sales go up

GalaEuden Release date when?

Ok_Health_6132 Apparently we will know it in the Nintendo Direct in June ! 🤞
(噂によると6月のニンテンドーダイレクトで判明するらしいぞ! 🤞)

zivlynsbane Nice, I hope so! And more news about dq12 would be nice.
(いいね、本当にそうであることに期待するよ! できればドラクエ12の情報もあると尚嬉しいねぇ)