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「超大型台風ヤギが中国に上陸、海南省海口市の高層ビルの窓を吹き飛ばす 👀」

niconiko Made in China

djudge Made in China

pesdo33160 made in china

nopeeeeeeeee made in china, make sense.

coolsimex Chinesium?

sp1n4l CHINESIUMMMM 100000%

yioopbm Chinesium

patate2727 El famoso Chinesium

rafffe1 Made of the FINEST chinesium.

nohiro Chinesssssssssssiuuuuuuuum

(画像で使われている82番の元素は本来は鉛で元素記号は『Pb』、『CE』とは「China Export」のこと)


My wrench broke in three places... It must be made of Chinesium!



buddy_sour 「中国の資本主義とは、資本主義の料金を支払って共産主義の材料を手に入れることである」

kalws dude wtf u talking about? i have yugoslavian and ussr tools in my house that are 40 years old, not one of them broke. mean while the newer parts are always problematic.
(おまえ共産主義舐めてんの? 俺の家には40年前のユーゴスラビアとソ連の工具があるがどれも壊れたことがないぞ。逆に最近の最近のものはいつも問題だらけだ)

pets8989 "communistic materials" were at least in USSR often extremely durable

hfery yeah, thats why houses built by communists in 50s are still standing

namviet It has nothing to do with communism

hajtomjones This only happens in China because of how they structured the economy.

dogeverywoof their building was very high quality and was built to last unlike crappy Chinese buildings that collapse after 2 years.

funmee look like added balcony window for enlarging space, and with poor attachment

azn_dude I know Chinesium and all but that was 200kph wind (126mph) from the Yagi typhoon

neumayr That is an intense storm, I’m pretty sure my European house would get damaged too.

aj271171 To be fair, that was a very strong wind and houses in my country won't survive either.

corbell12 Pretty sure american cardboard houses wouldn't last either during a typhoon


9gag.com / reddit.com

「スーパー台風 #Yagi が今日、中国海南省文昌市の海岸に上陸、風速235 ~ 265 km/h の突風を記録した



chinhnk9 lmao. perfect
(笑ったw 完璧過ぎるw)

otherbarry01 this was the first comment when I opened comments this shit got me so good

juanitabananas I can hear this one

meowmeowwwww Thanks for the ticket to hell, I laughed

floriavgarden Why so many people outside?!

catebaguette you gotta go to work mate no excuses

chinhnk9 I think "hello boss, typhoon hit tomorrow,may i ask for couple days off" doesn't work

reapaica "You're still coming to work, right?"

krokcodile Should they were more prepare for this. I mean there will always some kind of warning or forecast for this kind natural disaster.

thejustsomeone Yeah that’s what I was thinking, on the video I saw people walking around like it was just a regular Monday

sined87 Why would you be on the street during that?

omeomy The people out in the streets blows my mind. Like, were they not aware there was a fuckin Typhoon coming?!

cuttthroatbill Why are there even people outside? Go inside and bunker down.

Lisrus What, You don't wear your skirt on a moped during a hurricane?

Pinksters Lady with the umbrella made me bust up laughing.

touchdafishy This is a great example of NOT ALL Asians are smart

avatarxs apparently 400k people were evacuated but not everyone had a chsnce or dont want to.

giralard The longer you watch, the worse it gets

timpool191tim Isn't it nuts that people live where this happens every year.

fluorescentbody never experienced a typhoon before, is it also low temperature? how long does it last???
(台風って経験したことがないんだけど気温も低くなったりするの? どのくらい続くものなの?)

kapov1 it is just a hurricane with a different name.

cannibalewok Hope they had home insurance

truthlies Even though it sucks for them. I would love to try and stand in those heavy winds

vic762 So, arent the buildings supposed to be typhoon resistant in these areas?
(この地域じゃ台風が結構な頻度でくるんだよね? 建物は台風に耐えられるように出来ているんじゃないの?)

elcornholio the power of nature is amazing. I just hope nobody dies

boxcarstripes But why are they outside? These storms don’t sneak up on you…..
(しかしほんと何で人々は外に出ているんだ? 嵐は突然襲ってくるわけではでもないのに)

Druggedhippo It's madness. Why are people out at all, in any capacity.

An equivalent Category 5 Tropical Cyclone in Australia would result in total shutdown of everything in it's path, sand bags handed out, public events shutdown, beaches closed, outdoor entertainment shut, shops and schools closed, public emergency being declared, police would be patrolling the streets forcing you home or to a shelter.

There shouldn't be anyone outside unless it's an emergency worker and even they know to get indoors once the winds start picking up.

Cococrunchy Being southeast Asian myself although I m not in Vietnam, what I can share is that typhoon at this scale were rare for the region. We get strong wind or storms from time to time but not at this scale. And regarding the weather announcements, most of the populations are not checking their weather every day, being in tropical region we just assume the weather either will be hot or rainy, all year long.

So if the weather forecasters on TV or radio said thunderstorm is coming, most people will just prepare their raincoat or unbrella. Combined those factors with real typhoon, you get what we see in the clips.