


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』
reddit.com/r/baseball / reddit.com/r/Dodgers / reddit.com/r/Dodgers






claire_004 「ああ、記憶が蘇る。そうだった、大谷は4~5イニングまで時速92~94マイル台しか投げないと思ったら100球近く投げたところで誰も打てない時速100マイル+の速球を投げるようなやつでした...」

lookkoolsports (ホワイトソックスファン) 「終わったわ」

Chemical-Fly-787 (ドジャースファン) Imagine if Glasnow could hit 40 HRs a season, that’s what Shohei is lmao
(グラスノーが年間40本塁打を打つところを想像してみてくださいよw そんな冗談みたいな存在だからな大谷は)

animealt46 (オリオールズファン) Only pitchers with incredible command can do that. Everyone can throttle it down but if you are throwing 90mph meatballs then it doesn't really help, your 90mph 4S has to still be elite.

But then again there's pitchers like Bobby Miller who somehow throw 101mph meatballs. Not sure what direction to ramp with that one.
(え、ボビー・ミラーみたいに時速101マイルなのに甘い球になっちゃう投手はどうすればいいいのかって? ...どうすればいいんだろうね?)

officerliger (ドジャースファン) Pros can hit 100+ when it’s straight, it’s the movement that makes a fastball dangerous

NoDrugsAndAlcohol (ドジャースファン) For a spring training noob, is this good/normal for standard ramp ups to begin the year?
(スプリングトレーニングについて良く知らない初心者なんだけど、時速92~94マイルってのは初ブルペンにしては良い方なの? )

mikeesq22 (ドジャースファン) No one is throwing their top velo at this point in spring training. So 92-94 for a guy who throws 97-99 sounds like he's right where he needs to be for a first bullpen in SP.

Rentfreelakerfan (ドジャースファン) 94 is league average... and he looks like he was just getting a good workout in. I say this is a good sign for a first pen

Honestly_Summer (ドジャースファン) yea this is really good considering he’s coming back from surgery and it’s his first bullpen

Public-Alternative24 (ドジャースファン) For a reference, Kikuchi who throws 95-96mph during a regular season, he throws 90-91 at spring training. 92-94 at spring training means he will throw 97-100 in October.

MiracleMets (メッツファン) League is cooked

RebeeMo (ブルージェイズファン) now the league is double fucked.

horsepoop1123 (カブスファン) 「大谷を称賛せずにはいられない。彼が打撃でも投球でも球界トップレベルでこなせるという事実は、私にとって今でもまったくもって信じ難いことだ」

AhLahLah (レッドソックスファン) 「大谷がまた二刀流を見せてくれると思うとワクワクするね。だって彼がいなくなったらもうそんな姿は二度と見られないかもしれないんだぜ?」

PMMeYourSpeedForce 「ああ、これは何度も語られてきたことだが一生に一度見れるかどうかという天才を見るのは本当に魅力的だ」

SlipperyTurtle25 (レッドソックスファン) We might get more 2 way players, but none of them will be as elite at both as Ohtani is.

Lucky_Alternative965 (ドジャースファン) I literally NEVER understood those guys saying he should retire the pitching. His best offensive season is still arguably his 2023 season. There has been literally no evidence that him not pitching makes him a better hitter. The dude was literally the best hitter in baseball in 2023 while pitching.
(大谷は打者に専念すべきとかいう人がいるけど全く共感もできなければ理解もできないね。確かに去年の大谷は凄かった、だが彼の打者として最高のシーズンを送ったのは間違いなく2023年シーズンだ。投手をやめることで打者としての能力が高まるという証拠は何一つない。二刀流をやっていた2023年の大谷は文字通り野球界最高の打者だった) 大谷の23年の成績:
打率.304/出塁率.412/長打率.654/OPS 1.066
打率.310/出塁率.390/長打率.646/OPS 1.036

weguccino (ドジャースファン) I've always said this to people who say he should drop pitching or something, Ohtani is like a star in the supernova stage of his career. It'll would be a disservice to him, baseball and sports in general to hold him back. He knows the risk but he wants to pitch and he wants to be the greatest. He may or may not burn out but he's out brightest star representing baseball, let him shine and enjoy the "Sho."

RookieAndTheVet (ブルージェイズファン) If anything, he's not going to run as much as he did last year, which is still a shame.

pzycho (ドジャースファン) What are the odds that Kershaw teaches Ohtani his curve and Ohtani is able to just completely replicate it?

COLLIESEBEK (マリナーズファン) Didn’t he add a 2 seamer after seeing it in live at bats and being like “that’s filthy, I gotta do it now”

PM_YOUR_SMALLBOOBIES (エンゼルスファン) He went from, "No, i don't throw 'sink'" to "Oh, sinker is my best pitch" after seeing a nasty one from Clay Holmes

wako944 (モントリオール エクスポズファン) Pretty much, copied it from Clay Holmes

binger5 (アストロズファン) Give him the MVP now.

RichAbbreviations966 (ドジャースファン) I’m so fucking happy to be a dodgers fan

elsancho760 (パドレスファン) Have a feeling we won’t be seeing him pitch much longer. 2 TJ in 4 years is brutal luck. Would be surprised if he pitches more than 30 games.

UltimateProSkilz (ドジャースファン) Second surgery wasn’t a true TJ so he may have better longevity than you think

caominh200206 (ドジャースファン) What’s better is that unlike the Angels who always pushed him into his climax, our org does care about his condition properly by not forcing him playing in high workload

wwhty44 (ドジャースファン) Interesting that he’s doing a windup instead of throwing out of the stretch like he usually does
(いつものセットポジションじゃなくワインドアップで投げてるのか、興味深いな) 【セットポジション】




Dahleh-Llama (ドジャースファン) I had to look up old footage of how Shohei used to pitch I wonder what is the rationale for that new step back before the windup and the pitch.

Honestly_Summer (ドジャースファン) i’ve seen ppl say it reduces pressure on the arm so maybe that

rocknnrollla (ドジャースファン) Although I would love to keep that arm protected, I can’t wait to watch the first game Shohei pitches as a Dodger.

filmmark (ドジャースファン) 2025 is gonna be a year!


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) Would be more than happy with 7-4 with a sub 3.5 imo

GutterRider (ドジャースファン) 8-3, 2.58 ERA. Calling it now.

jaydubb90 (ドジャースファン) I’m gonna assume he gets maybe 20ish games give or take so I’ll guess 8-10 wins in those 20 games.
(4月は丸々休っぽいし登板できるのは20試合くらいか? なので8~10勝はいけるんじゃないか?)

TehLoneWanderer101 (ドジャースファン) 9 or 10. If he starts late and they implement a 6 man rotation, that seems reasonable.

Goldelux (ドジャースファン) Only the 11 that matter at the end.

BurnerAcctObvs (ドジャースファン) I want him to go maybe 13-3 with a sub-3 ERA and have a 30/30 season offensively.

That might be the greatest season ever

DepTravisJunior (ドジャースファン) The one thing I would love to see Ohtani accomplish, is to win a Cy Young. That, combined with an MVP as a DH (in a season where he didn’t pitch), would very succinctly encapsulate how outrageous his talent is. Without a full workload it won’t happen this year, unfortunately.

KillMeNowFFS (ドジャースファン) 10-2 , 2.69 ERA

Ambitious-Coffee-154 (ドジャースファン) If he gets the run support and bullpen support, 15 wins is easily in reach.

Major_Wager75 (ドジャースファン) The biggest factor is run support is different here than his time on the Angels.

jayteazer (ドジャースファン) All of em. He'll win it all.

pretty-as-a-pic (ドジャースファン) Every day our pitchers aren’t on IL is a victory