

5/27 Angels @ Athletics [Game Thread] - 2021/05/28



エンゼルス - 大谷翔平(1-0、2.37 ERA)
アスレチックス - クリス・バシット(4-2、3.69 ERA)



twitter, reddit.comのコメント欄より: ソース , ソース , ソース


brenrodo Wow we might actually win 3 in a row

Ralph Sho-time! Win win!

Kelli miller Let's go Angels

Tylerrr Hopefully he can actually throw around 100 pitches this game and go at least 5

HexerDavid Hope that Sho's velocity issues from last start are resolved. And remember, no matter what happens at least we aren't the Pittsburgh Pirates.
(前回の先発登板ではショーヘイの球速が落ちていたからね、その問題が解決されていることを願っている。それと皆、たとえ何が起こったとしても、我々は少なくともピッツバーグ・パイレーツではないということを忘れないで) ※ピッツバーグ・パイレーツは18勝31敗でMLB30球団中28位、エンゼルスは22勝-27敗で30球団中23位

noriowonori Ohtani Kenobi please carry us!

エンゼルスの地元紙OC Registerの記者 - Jeff Fletcher

Seri What!!???

Taiga Wait what

Henry Huh?????????

username Wait what wtf

James McIntyre WTF

Henrypeacock69 U gotta be fucking kidding

Mike Stewart Nooooooo

zach What is going on

Rina What happened to shohei????

hansan4ever Oh man... I really hope he's not injured....

MuffinsTLW Same that will just break me

BT270719 Praying it’s just a blister
(単なる "まめ" であることを願う)

GothicShrek7 not injury related


kxjniji I almost had a heart attack reading this

wharblegarblemuricah ohtani is not pitching because he got stuck in traffic LMFAO

momo❀ whatt?

Youmu_Chan Dumbest thing I've heard for this week.

MLB.comのエンゼルス担当記者 - Rhett Bollinger



danyun damn why didn't i take the BART to Oakland randomly today

Taiga Okay that makes sense lol, fuck that was stressful
(納得いったわw ハラハラさせられたぜ)

Squidman007 Shohei Ohtani is the first ever player to be scratched from a start because of traffic and then DH since Babe Ruth
(大谷翔平がベーブ・ルース以来初となる "交通渋滞に巻き込まれたせいで先発が取り消しになった直後にDHとして出場した最初の選手に")

BZS72 Ohtani always doing something new!

rydog317 Making history every day!

Jbaquero The only thing that can stop Ohtani now: traffic

Burdwatcher Now THAT'S home field advantage!

HeroicTechnology fuck San Francisco traffic.

phelinephile could you imagine the entire angels team filing onto your bart car?!

jellybeans_over_raw Literally a comedy

Willy I need a picture of the Angels on BART

11to17 not the whole team because they travelled in two busses and the first bus got to the stadium without any issue

iankure Found out only Suzuki and Ohtani were in the same bus and it’s the one that got in a traffic jam

lucabrassiere MLB needs to conduct a thorough investigation into this “delay”. It seems like somebody in Oakland doesn’t want Ohtani on the mound...

regretMyChoices I just checked MLB.tv for the start time, and was immediately worried when I saw Sandoval listed instead of Ohtani. I'm just glad this weirdness happened and not some sort of injury

lucabrassiere Does that now mean Ohtani will be added to the lineup today?

hansan4ever Yup, he's DH-ing. :)

iankure Dude, this Ohtani guy is a super star, and you ask him to get a BART public metro subway transportation?

LOL… i mean i guess it would be cool to spot Ohtani and get his autographs in the subway but man, he is getting single A treatment LOL…

Begs1429 He doesn't have his own helicopter yet? Smh Angels
(彼はまだ自分専用のヘリコプターを持っていないんです? エンゼルスは何をしているんだか)

エンゼルスの地元紙OC Registerの記者 - Jeff Fletcher



itachen Was Sandoval not affected by the same traffic delay? Wondering why he was able to get warmed up.
(サンドバルも同じ渋滞による遅刻の影響を受けたかと思ったがそんなことないのか? なぜ彼はウォームアップできたのだろう)

codename_hardhat They had more than one bus apparently and not all of them were affected.

itachen Gotcha, thanks for your reply!

lucabrassiere Sandoval just keeps getting better and better with every start! Love that we’ve decided to add him to the rotation, hopefully we can continue to inject youth into this team as the season goes on.
(サンドバルいいね、先発出場するたびにどんどん良くなっていってる! 彼をローテーションに加えることにしたことは英断だった。シーズンが進むにつれて、この調子でエンゼルスにサンドバルのような若者を増やしていければいいのだが)

GothicShrek7 Everyone that paid extra to see Ohtani pitch is getting their money’s worth with Sandoval out out there 🔥

8va Honestly, there's no way I can get mad at Sandoval tonight given the circumstances. The bullpen, however...

mutdua Good walk Sho!!

BokLauLikesRice Walkhei obptani

Poli_Sci_27 Sho’s at bats are becoming Trout like.

bigflyohtanisan Shohei is seeing the ball much better, fewer wild swings, love it

winterbIoom notice how they started walking sho after trouty got injured lol

Rytho Now they sometimes straight up pitch around him though with Trout gone.

Rover16 I haven't looked up the numbers, but I'm guessing Ohtani has walked more times in the last 2 weeks than all of the season before.

米国のスポーツ専門局『Bally Sports West』

mutdua Good job Sandy!

ddontworyboutit Nice Sandoval!

Sofia⁷ you did well sandoval

Patrick O'Neal 5 scoreless innings for Patrick Sandoval in a spot start- that’s excellent.

mizterPatato Excellent outing by Sandoval.

ectomorphicThor I’ve been telling you guys since forever... Sandoval has incredible potential


サンドバル - 5回を被安打5、四球2、失点0(投球数84球)

リリーフ投手(※) - 1回を被安打5、四球2、失点4(投球数32球)


エンゼルス0 - 4アスレチックス

試合終了:エンゼルス0 - 5アスレチックス

theobnoxioussquirrel And here’s the blowpen
(そして "blowpen(ブロウペン)" ですよ) Blowpen=Blow(台無しにする)+bullpen(リリーフ投手陣)

Buffalongo Classic blowpen

cchoi712 Typical Angels blowpen 🤦‍♂️

skylinegtrr Blownpen 😮‍💨

Segal-train Haha what a brutal inning.

WurstThrowEver Lmao 3 relievers combined for 5 runs. We pay these guys to get outs, right?
(リリーフ投手3人投入して5失点w 我々は彼らに"相手からアウトを獲るため" にお金を払っているんですよね? "相手に得点させるため" じゃなくて)

theobnoxioussquirrel Lmao our bullpen couldn’t even get through an inning with a single pitcher.

lucabrassiere Imagine having Sandoval go 5 scoreless innings only to have the blowpen give up 5 scores in a single inning...

SuperMario_49 It shouldn’t take 3 different pitchers to get 3 outs in 1 inning. This is atrocious

boyer This bullpen is atrocious.

8va How much would it cost to eject our bullpen into the sun?

Buffalongo Make the bullpen take the BART back to the hotel

Thrust-bot siiiiiighhh sigh=はぁ(ため息)

SuperMario_49 Seeing the Angels’ current performance upsets me more considering how good of a start they had to the season. Damn man, everything just fell apart quick...

Thrust-bot every time man :(

-LongSchlongSilver- Lmao


kxjniji I'm so tired

lucabrassiere Is it even possible for a team to have a worse bullpen than ours? Lol if so, I need to know who

PurpleWelcome7142 Avalanche in 6th inning. I knew this was coming.

antiph4 LMAO.

Every. Fucking. Time.

wallstreetwagers Who is coming up with these shifts?

Thrust-bot Watching this bullpen is about as painful as chewing glass

wallstreetwagers Phenomenal defense once again

stuckinthepow Our bullpen and defense hate baseball.

mango_habenero Our defense is terrible

tikilouise They need to put beepers in the balls so our fielders have half a chance to know where on earth the ball is

skylinegtrr DFA whole blownpen!!!

getMyHairDid yup.

just yup.

AmateurZombie 左)先発投手から後を継ぐや否や5失点するリリーフ投手陣

RunsWithForeSkin So accurate

theobnoxioussquirrel Yep, angels baseball

IStayForTheComments Welcome to the PAINgels boys
(諸君、ペインジェルスにようこそ) PAINgels=Pain(苦悩)+angels(エンゼルス)
