
『9月23日 ツインズ対エンゼルス戦実況スレ(エンゼルス3連戦1日目)』

GAME THREAD: Angels (65-85) @ Twins (73-77) - September 23, 2022


Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) At the game, gotta see the MVP

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) Target Field: 53 degrees

BillyTenderness (ツインズファン) Weather looks pleasant out there.

conniejarnold (ツインズファン) Turned my heat on for the first time this season. 😢
(今シーズン初めて暖房をつけたわ 😢)

krpiper (ツインズファン) Hmmm I was hoping to go to the game to watch Ohtani pitch but maybe it will be a rainout?

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) Anyone at the park that can report on conditions?
(誰か今球場にいたりしない? そっちの天候はどうよ?)

(ツインズファン) I’m at Cowboy Jacks - cloudy, not raining currently

JaxonJackrabbit (ツインズファン) I’m not far, but it’s mostly just been cold and cloudy, not much rain.

Sp_Gamer_Live 「実は大谷を見るためにここにいる(小声) 」

BillyTenderness 「ぶっちゃけここにいる全員がそうだと思う」

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) Hey Shohei it doesn’t rain like this often, it be cool if you bought a house here and didn’t sign an extension

Helpful_Mango (ツインズファン) This team has not been particularly fun to watch as of late, but I’ll be watching today. Gotta see Ohtani!
(最近のツインズは特に見ていて楽しいものではなかったけど今日は見るぞ。大谷に会わなきゃ!) ※ツインズは現在ア・リーグ中地区3位、ワイルドカードの最後の枠に入っているマリナーズとは9.5ゲーム差がついている

timthyj (ツインズファン) I'm torn about tonight. I live in Minneapolis, normally root for the twins, but I went to high school with Trout and Shohei is a once in a lifetime talent.

Guess I'm hoping for 6 scoreless from Ohtani, homers from him and trout, but twins win 3-2. The "Tungsten Arm" O'Doyle angels classic
(やはりここは大谷が6回無失点、トラウトと一緒にホームラン、なおエンゼルスは2-3でツインズに敗北したというエンゼルス伝統の "なおエ" に期待すべきか)

kjates (ツインズファン) I’m here to watch Ohtani while in my office folding worship aids and making choir folders. My expectations for this game is that someone get hits. I’m not naive enough to think it will be us.

fscottnaruto (ツインズファン) Postpone the game so I can go to the game and see Shohei

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) if they postpone it he gets pulled

fscottnaruto (ツインズファン) Noooooooooooooo

fscottnaruto (ツインズファン) My cat is licking the hell out of my wrist



Reesyrz (ツインズファン) Did no one think to look at the radar?

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) They REALLY want to get this game in today. Nobody wants to play another double header.

Reesyrz (ツインズファン) I just meant they could have waited 20 minutes to start the game.

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) The Raining MVP

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) That looks miserable.

rik1122 (ツインズファン) I don't know how anyone could pitch effectively in this rain

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) Shohei: Struggling

Angels fans: FUCK

Twins fans: FUCK

MLB.comのエンゼルス担当記者 - レット・ボリンジャー
「大谷翔平が1回裏に1死満塁の場面を招くもダブルプレーで切り抜ける。ただし "4-6-5 (セカンド⇒ショート⇒サード)" の順でのダブルプレーだったため、二塁のアウトが記録された時点で三塁がフォースアウトにならず1失点に」


Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) Lol

pjokinen (ツインズファン) What the hell even happened there

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) I just got an alert we scored a run, which is shocking because I am at the game

pm_me_cute_sloths_ (ツインズファン) Lol same, I didn’t think they scored
(同じくw 今のは得点にならなかったと思ってたからビビったわw)

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) At least they got one run out of it.

jizzmoat (ツインズファン) C'moooonn

Skolney (ツインズファン) Twins have a lead aaaaand it's gone
(ツインズが先制したヤッター! と思ったら一瞬で同点にされました)

pimfram (ツインズファン) That was fast.

PAUMiklo (ツインズファン) LOL standard twins game, immediately give the run back.

jonn_jonzz (ツインズファン) We are a community that gives back.

Canada-Fan (ツインズファン) that was crushed

Fedcab (ツインズファン) Was that our old trainer in the Angel's dugout?
(もしかしてあそこに見えるのってうちの元トレーナー? エンゼルスのダッグアウトにいるの)

michelle_MPLS (ツインズファン) Yes, that’s him. Matt Biancuzzo.

cdizzle6 (ツインズファン) Dual threats here. The .135 wonder, followed by the .104 wizard.
(とか言ってるうちにツインズが誇る二大兵器、打率.135 の野球界の驚異ことマーク・コントレラス、そして打率.104 の空振りの魔術師ことジャーメイン・パラシオスさんの打席だぞ)


"What the...F" 😂


pimfram (ツインズファン) He damn near got neutered.

cdizzle6 (ツインズファン) Yikes!

Canada-Fan (ツインズファン) Try not to hurt Ohtani...

pm_me_cute_sloths_ (ツインズファン) Ohtani insisting on helping clean up the broken bat 🥺🥺🥺

fscottnaruto (ツインズファン) My sweet king 😭😭😭





cdizzle6 (ツインズファン) Stassi should have never been on base. Fucking umps.

pjokinen (ツインズファン) Man I hate extra strikes

Reesyrz (ツインズファン) Confirmed: mother nature wants Judge to win MVP

pm_me_cute_sloths_ (ツインズファン) Why is it only raining hard when Ohtani is pitching lol

BillyTenderness (ツインズファン) Despite what a clusterfuck this game has been, Ohtani technically just finished 3 no-hit innings

BillyTenderness (ツインズファン) They have Ohtani and Trout and still are 8 games behind us in the Wild Card race; it's pretty astonishing


pm_me_cute_sloths_ (ツインズファン) That’s Ohtani’s 200th K, how many does Judge have
(今ので大谷の200奪三振目ですよ、あれジャッジさん? あなた何個奪三振を記録しましたっけ?)

pjokinen (ツインズファン) Yeah Roy, if Ohtani is a top five hitter and top five starting pitcher he should win MVP every year.
(ああロイ、その通りだ、大谷が打者のトップ5と先発投手のトップ5に入り続ける限り、毎年彼がMVPを獲得すべきだ) ロイ・スモーリー:ツインズの名物解説者/野球アナリスト

cdizzle6 (ツインズファン) Agreed. No one is even close, really.

Reesyrz (ツインズファン) Roy is salivating over Ohtani and for once I don't blame him.
(ロイが大谷を見て舌なめずりをしている、まぁ今回ばかりは彼を責めないよ) salivate over~:~が美味しいだろうと想像する/よだれが出るほど~が欲しい

kjates (ツインズファン) Can someone tell me where the Roy Smalley cannibal jokes started

jonn_jonzz (ツインズファン) He likes human flesh

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) You've been here long enough to know things like that need no explanation.

whentheworldwasatwar (ツインズファン) Wait we have no hits.

Vantagejr (ツインズファン) Fuck it, I want Ohtani to no-hit us, just to boost his MVP status over Judge
(知るか! もういっそ大谷には最後まで我々をノーヒットに抑え込んでもらいたいね、大谷がMVP競争でジャッジよりも優位に立つための踏み台になってやんよ)



pm_me_cute_sloths_ (ツインズファン) dammit :(

Canada-Fan (ツインズファン) Oops he did it again

kjates (ツインズファン) Well that’s not very fun

whentheworldwasatwar (ツインズファン) Can’t ask for much more from varland. Good outing.

kjates (ツインズファン) I’m shocked at how many people seem to be at the game given the weather and our team standing. I know it’s Ohtani, but people are not just at the ballpark but enthusiastically cheering. I just didn’t expect it.

tonderk (ツインズファン) It’s a beautiful day for baseball

Canada-Fan (ツインズファン) ROBO UMPS

DoctorPlasticCuts (ツインズファン) Robo umps, robo umps, robo rumps

kjates (ツインズファン) YIKES ump that was a missed call

davegammelgard (ツインズファン) This umpire is something.

whentheworldwasatwar (ツインズファン) Bases loaded no outs, Twins nemesis.

cdizzle6 (ツインズファン) Sure is.

Athena-196871 (ツインズファン) 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

whentheworldwasatwar (ツインズファン) Nobletiger. NOBLETIGER= No-Outs Bases-Loaded-Ending (with) Team-Incapable (of) Getting-Easy-Run=0死満塁のチャンスもチームが無能なせいで無駄に


LogMundane2649 (ツインズファン) Wow not even going to tie it

rollpitchandyaw (ツインズファン) Why did I expect anything different...

pm_me_cute_sloths_ (ツインズファン) Ok you can tie it next inning now

Redditの『エンゼルス板』 - (※昨日の続き) reddit.com/r/angelsbaseball



Poorestmanincrypto (エンゼルスファン) SHOHEI!!!!!!

YouPresumeTooMuch (エンゼルスファン) Shohei RBI!

Creative-Reading5903 (エンゼルスファン) Shohei RBI!

Fischer (エンゼルスファン) Hoo yeah

mysterysackerfice (エンゼルスファン) Sho: Fine, I'll do it myself!

sinchichis (エンゼルスファン) MVP! MVP!

Unsapient1 (エンゼルスファン) RISP GOD

u8myramen_y (エンゼルスファン) Ohtani is the most clutch player in the league. That’s just facts. His RISP numbers as a pitcher and a batter is all time great.

PurpleWelcome7142 (エンゼルスファン) Shohei is something else.

sinchichis (エンゼルスファン) Don’t get why Loup is out there. He did his job wonderfully
(ところでなんで6回に投げたループさんが7回も出てきているんですかね? 彼のお仕事はもう終わったはずですよね?)

digitaldumpsterfire (エンゼルスファン) Noooooo you can't let Loup pitch in more than 1 inning! It doesn't work!

Putrid_Fox_5826 (エンゼルスファン) Lol nevin testing our patience with loup rn
(あれかな? ネビン監督代行はループを使って我々エンゼルスファンがどこまで耐えられるか試そうとしているのかな?)

Creative-Reading5903 (エンゼルスファン) It’s ok. Loup’s powers are activated by rain.

CrateDiggingCat (エンゼルスファン) I'm going to keep my mouth shut about Loup here

kxm06 (エンゼルスファン) Just got time to watch the game now. Shohei gave up 6 walks?!?

Educational-Pass404 (エンゼルスファン) Yep, rain and his command were really off today. Surprised that he still got 7K.

mysterysackerfice (エンゼルスファン) jankees/judge counter: 9

Yamato_and_Musashi (エンゼルスファン) Thank you, our Aaron

Putrid_Fox_5826 (エンゼルスファン) Huh…. Loup did really well…

Pho3n1xNZ (エンゼルスファン) Good for Loup

owledge (エンゼルスファン) Big props to Loup tonight. 5 outs on 13 pitches

CrateDiggingCat (エンゼルスファン) Loup was literally a reliever tonight

「ジミー・”人間バグ野郎”・ハーゲットがウィッフルボールで8回裏最後の打者を三振に打ち取る」 ウィッフルボール:スペースの限られた場所で手軽かつ安全に野球をするにはどうすればよいかという着想から生まれたボール/野球を原型としたスポーツ。ボールの穴が空いているおかげで空気の抵抗力を利用して様々な変化球を投げられる

Pho3n1xNZ (エンゼルスファン) The Human Glitch!

CrateDiggingCat (エンゼルスファン) My god Jimmy that's illegal

YouPresumeTooMuch (エンゼルスファン) Slim Jim is a monster

Creative-Reading5903 (エンゼルスファン) I had no worries.

YoChristian (エンゼルスファン) I'd give anything to keep Jimmy! He's exactly the kind of closer the Angels need going forward.
(ハーゲットがエンゼルスに残ってくれるなら何でも差し出すわ! 彼はまさにエンゼルスが今以上の場所に進むために必要なクローザーだもん)

Educational-Pass404 (エンゼルスファン) So, Tempura will be our closer today. Hmm. I think we need more runs 🤔🤔🤔


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kxm06 (エンゼルスファン) No way!!

PlatinumHalo (エンゼルスファン) 700!!!

Teddy_Ohtani (エンゼルスファン) Holy Shit!! Albert 700HR!!

Putrid_Fox_5826 (エンゼルスファン) Albert hit 700!

BelieveWhatJoeSays (エンゼルスファン) pujols hit 700 wow

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) HE DID IT!!!!!

ReviewRoutine (エンゼルスファン) HE DID it

sinchichis (エンゼルスファン) Wow he fucking did it!!!

Eeriepotato220 (エンゼルスファン) Congrats Albert!!!

Im_A_Halo_Masochist (エンゼルスファン) Congratulations Albert Pujols #700. 😁 (700号おめでとうプホルス)

Creative-Reading5903 (エンゼルスファン) Wow Pujols did it. I just watched the highlight video. I’m happy for him.

dustymag (エンゼルスファン) At Dodger Stadium. Probably a great night.

Obsidizyn (エンゼルスファン) man congrats to pujols, with 200+ hr as an angel.

rgoop820 (エンゼルスファン) I forgot Pujols played for the Angels

mysterysackerfice (エンゼルスファン) LTBU!

logicsystem (エンゼルスファン) LTBU!!!

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) LTBU and congrats to Albert Pujols!

Creative-Reading5903 (エンゼルスファン) Another win for Ohtani!

Sakaguchi123 (エンゼルスファン) 14th win!!

Obsidizyn mweolbwa (エンゼルスファン) 14th win for Shohei! LTBU!! 👼❤️
(これで大谷14勝目だぜ LTBU!! 👼❤)

jumpinghamster (エンゼルスファン) LTBU‼️


No_Personality8042 (ツインズファン) Officially eliminated. Wild card time. Let’s go!

davep1992 (ツインズファン) I wear my twins hat year round because I love the embarrassment
(私は1年中ツインズのキャップをかぶっています、なぜかって? それは私がはずかしめを受けるのが大好きだからです)

The-Berg-is-the-Word (ツインズファン) Humiliation fetish, nice.

jonn_jonzz (ツインズファン) I cannot stress this enough: baseball is fucking stupid.