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「スタジオジブリが宮崎駿の新作映画『How Do You Live (君たちはどう生きるか)』を2023年夏に公開すると発表」

Studio Ghibli Sets New Miyazaki Hayao Film, ‘How Do You Live,’ for Summer 2023 - December 13, 2022

- 記事の要約 -

スタジオジブリが伝説の映画監督・宮崎駿の最新映画『How Do You Live (君たちはどう生きるか)』が来年7月14日に日本全国で劇場公開されると発表した。


スタジオジブリ公式アカウント (英語版)
「宮崎駿監督とスタジオジブリによる新作長編映画が発表! 『HOW DO YOU LIVE』(仮題)は2023年7月14日全国劇場公開」

『How Do You Live (君たちはどう生きるか)』は日本の児童文学者である吉野源三郎が1937年に出版した同名の小説を原案にした作品と伝えられている。




「宮崎駿の最新映画『How Do You Live (君たちはどう生きるか)』の新たなビジュアルが公開」


タイトル:『How Do You Live (君たちはどう生きるか)』
公開日: 2023 年 7 月 14 日」

Kaizo 「The goat (Greatest of All Time/史上最高) の映画監督がお戻りになった 😭」


Berkguy (🇲🇦 arc) 「THE KING IS BACK」

Najane Kaun 「Holy fucking shiiiittitititititititititit 🎊🎊🎊🎊💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯😻😻😻😻😻🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵」

MordeGumball YEEESSSSS!

Dançando com Britney YEEEEES 😭♥️♥️♥️

1929 finallyyyyyy



Adam Gods work is coming

Marc Santiago This will be an Oscar winner in 2024!🏆

Joe LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!! 🔥🔥🔥

Puzzled-Journalist-4 Finally!

Speech500 I can't describe how excited I am for this

Iyutako I can't believe it's finally happening after all these years. His last film was The Wind Rises in 2013, making a full decade long gap.
(待ちに待たされたけどついに宮崎駿の新作映画が! 信じられない、彼の最後の映画は2013年の『風立ちぬ』だ、まるまる10年だぞ)

🌿 Li Kovács 🌿 Hyrule 🍃 I’m so excited! Been waiting to know more about it and I’m happy there’s a release date now!
(本当に興奮している! ずっと気になっていただけに公開日が発表されて嬉しいよ!)

Potatoslayer2 Fuck me I never thought we'd see the day this film gets released. This movie was announced five years ago in 2017

I'm so ready for more Miyazaki

stracki YEEES! Oh god, how happy I am that this film is finally getting released. Miyazaki is my favorite filmmaker of all time and with this being in production for such a long time (and Miyazaki not getting any younger), I was afraid that it would remain unfinished.
(YEEES! いやほんとついに公開が決まって嬉しいわ。宮崎駿は私が一番好きな映画製作者だ、一方でこの作品は制作が発表されてから随分時間が経過していたし彼も結構な年齢だったから未完成のままになるのではないかと心配していたよ)

NekkerBE Wasn't expecting this, as the date of release was set in 2026 on IMDB. Furthermore, Toshio Suzuki made clear in an interview: that with the pace the film now had, they were finishing about five minutes a month. This is such a nice surprise.
(映画情報サイトのIMDB でも公開予定日が2026年とかになっていたからな、まさか来年公開とは予想していなかった。鈴木俊夫のインタビューでも "現在の制作ペースでは月に約5分" みたいな話をしていただけに余計にね。これはとてもうれしいサプライズだよ)

Yoruhi On one side, very excited! On the other side, I thought that The Great Miyazaki already retired??
(もう大興奮ですよ! と思う一方で疑問が、グレート宮崎ってもう引退したんじゃありませんでしたっけ?)

Persona oh boy another final miyazaki film


Tinwus I heard that this'll be the last one from somewhere.... Is it true?

thetopmotions Don’t worry Miyazaki has made his “final film” like 7 different times already he’ll actually retire when he’s dead and buried
(彼は "最後の作品" をすでに7作くらい制作してる、彼が実際に引退するのは死んで埋葬されたときだ、というわけで心配する必要はないさ)

deathjokerz Retirement to him is more like a break, actually.

polaristar He's not going to retire until he's dead or close to it.

Erufailon4 I think he'll be making films as long as he can hold a pen

high_king_noctis I don't think even the eternal retirement called death can stop him from coming back

cppn02 Unless he is in such bad health that it's literally impossible I expect him to be making movies until he's dead.

Ketooth I remember how often Miyazaki said in an interview that he is retiring.

This man just can't

Duamerthrax Often times, when the media reported that he was retiring, what he actually said was he'll be doing less of the work, but that doesn't drive clicks.

SmilyT1 I wonder if this is the final 'final' movie that he'll be making. Nevertheless pretty excited in what he has to deliver!
(実際のところこれが本当の "最後の作品" になるのかね? なんにせよ次はどんなものを見せてくれるのか、実にワクワクさせられるニュースではある!)

MaxAugust He is 81 and has been making this film for six years. It is fairly likely this will be his last.

But who knows.

orsimertank 「ところであの公開されたスケッチだけど、あれは鳥の中の鳥がいるのか?」

justinCandy 「鳥の仮面をかぶった鳥?」

Lowellia I thought it was just a bird with an eye in its mouth

Generalkhaos I see a bird, but also a snake

Quick-Commission-159 Is it just me that sees the snake

bugjarr It was the only thing I saw at first lol

TheSaladDays I thought for sure this would be a more realistic movie a la The Wind Rises, but now I'm wondering if it's going to lean more towards fantasy. It's been a while since he did anything with strong fantasy elements so I'd really like that. Ponyo was the last fantastical movie he did and that was already 14 years ago

nezeta What is this bird? A bird wearing the skin of another bird?
(この鳥は本当に何なんだろうね? 鳥の皮をかぶった鳥のように見えるが?)

Anyway great news but somewhat sad as this will be likely to be the truly last work from Miyazaki...

cookingboy Btw this is the plural "you" here, since that part is lost in translation due to English not having a plural version of "you".
(ちなみに『How Do You Live (君たちはどう生きるか)』の「You」は複数形の方の「You」だ。英語には「You」の複数形がないからこの部分の本来の意味が失われてしまっている)

TimeShenanigans How Do Y'all Live?

ondroo For some reason I read this in Chris Tucker's voice 😂
(なぜかクリス・タッカーの声で再生されて笑った😂) y’all=「You all (あなたたち)」を意味するアメリカ南部の人たちが使う「南部弁」

toadfan64 I really hope this truly isn't his last film, but at 81 years old, I can't really see him doing another film to this level, or any of his previous movies again.

I think Kubrick is the only other director close to him in my books for such a high volume of top quality work, so it will be a shame once he retires.

Sleepy_Azathoth He´s my favorite director so I'm so happy I'll be able to see one last movie before he retires. It's gonna be a very special day for me.

Ninjaboi333 This one is going to be interesting from an awards perspective.

A July 14 release date in Japan means that it'll probably be coming Stateside maybe November or December. That is prime Oscars season and should be an early favorite for Best Animated Feature.

On the other hand it is going up head to head against Wish, which is the 100th anniversary Walt Disney Animated Feature film coming out in Thanksgiving. And on top of that there is Pixar's Elemental coming in the summer.


