
『7月7日 エンゼルス対ドジャース戦・実況スレ(※ドジャース2連戦1戦目の翻訳)』

7/7 Angels @ Dodgers [Game Thread]





[試合後スレ] エンゼルスがパドレス3連戦に全敗

Street_Midget It’s over.

Halos-117 God hates us

Segal-train Brutal game to end a brutal series

WowDoILoveEatingAss Was at the game today, it’s just hurtful

breakfast_cats I used to think the anti-suicide commercials were annoying but now I realize they are necessary.

GalleonRaider Sigh. Swept.
((´Д`)ハァ… 全敗か)

Taylermadeit Padres first sweep of the year 😂 of course it’s the angels
(パドレス今年初のスイープですってよ 😂 もちろんその相手はエンゼルスでしょうよ)

trillothy Slump busters baby

ceilingfan818 On Ohtani's birthday? Come on now
(大谷の誕生日にこれ? しっかりしろよお前ら...)

StylistArt Ohtani had been carrying this team and this is what he got for his birthday. Pain

garoood How quickly we’ve gone from buyers to potential sellers
(トレードの "獲得する側" から "差し出す側" に変わるまで一瞬でしたね...)

kxm06 We might be below .500 by the all star break…

Longo_Two_guns 15 in a row here we come

i_run_from_problems Remember June? Man that was fun
(6月を覚えているかい? あの頃は楽しかったなぁ)

prmark34 I sincerely dont know what we’ve done as a fanbase to deserve this

We consistenly pack the stadium, even in years where the team has been awful. We’ve been in the top 10 in attendance for years

We’re one of the most loyal fanbases on the planet, and we cant get ONE SINGLE SEASON in the past 10 years where depth, injuries, or inconsistent play dont completely fuck us over

u8myramen_y The fans deserve better

jnuclear Packing the stadium is a big part of the problem.... Why change what keeps working for Arte's wallet.
(むしろその "酷い年でも観客動員数が多い" ことが問題だよ... 弱いチームのままでも儲かるんだから勝てるチームに改革する必要なんて無くなるだろ?)

Remember, his priorities are making money. And he's doing that just fine.

N-E-B Maybe losing Ohtani and all the jersey sales, merch sales, and Japanese ad deals will be a wake up call.

PoroAhri what is baseball if not for suffering

Ewashhh If you don’t like that then you don’t like angels baseball

(I don’t like angels baseball)
(タ ス ケ テ)

Fun-Raise-3120 Ohtani cools off. Everyone is injured...this is over boys

PsychologicalRange55 I think he shouldn’t even swing a bat.

gemsvecrunch If you look up at his fingers its really bad. He shouldnt bat at all. But also with nevin changing order and extra pressure for Shohei it just getting more tough at bat

option-trader Yep, those swings yesterday did not look like him at all. It seemed like he was just trying to get weak contact. He should be out until after the all star break.

freethegrizzlybears Nail in the coffin for the season

Mousse-Silent its rough being a halos fan 😞
(応援せど応援せど エンゼルスがそれに応えてくれることはなく ぢっと手を見る)

thefullm0nty I see realism is now setting in for a lot of people lmao

SportsRMyVice I was dumb enough to think we would win this series.

Jcoch27 Well we made it further than last season. Maybe next year we can stay good until the All Star break.
(でも去年よりは前進したろ? いつも序盤だけ元気なエンゼルスが6月まで好調さを維持できたんだ、来年は前半戦が終わるまでは維持できるかもしれないぞ!)

GregStrongjaw Of course we now have to face the fucking Dodgers as we hit 500 and below.

MoreTrifeLife Hopefully they can sneak one or even better two against the Dodgers before the break


『7月7日 エンゼルス対ドジャース戦・実況スレ(※ドジャース2連戦1戦目)』

Response_Legitimate Jesus

boots42069420 Jeez

styleboyz Angel fans don’t deserve this punishment


SportsRMyVice Didn't we have 25 runs recently? Where is that team?
(俺たち最近1試合で25得点してませんでしたっけ? あのチームはどこへ行ってしまったのさ?)

theobnoxioussquirrel Hello .500 my old friend

_Androxis_ pÅin

riptide123 Bye Ohtani

HeverPacheco Goodbye Ohtani

Goodbye my friend

You have been the one

You have been the one for me

_Androxis_ Dread it, run from it, .500 arrives all the same
(恐怖しようと、逃げ惑おうと変わらない。勝率5割こそがエンゼルスの運命なのだ) ※「Dread it, Run From it, Destiny Arrives All the Same (恐怖しようと、逃げ惑おうと、運命は変わらない)」:映画『アベンジャーズ/インフィニティ・ウォー』で悪役のサノスが言うセリフ

Sullyville Final Destination

nanao2018 Gave 5 home run today… some of them were not meatball. Dodgers shows us the power of their offense 😞
(ここまでにドジャースに許した本塁打は5本... 別に全てが甘い球だったわけではなく一部は良い球だった。ドジャース打線に実力とパワーを見せつけられたね...)

GyozaLife Let's score 25 this inning.

Rover16 Winning 3/4 from Texas and all that hopium seems like a distant memory now!😭
(レンジャーズ相手に4戦で3勝したことも、ホピウムで満たされていた6月中盤も今では遥か遠い出来事のようだ) Hopium:希望を意味する "Hope" と薬物を意味する "Opium" を組み合わせた造語。バラ色の妄想(現実逃避)をもたらすアヘンのような作用を持つ架空の薬。希望という名のアヘン、根拠のない希望

Copium:対処するを意味する "Cope" と薬物を意味する "Opium" を組み合わせた造語。辛い現実を乗り切るために服用する架空の薬。辛い現実から目を背けるために自分自身につく嘘


Onitsukaryu We need a real first baseman….also vintage Loup is back!

sho_hidaka Even the good Loop we’ve had for a month has gone

anydayhappyday Welp, Loup is back to his old ways.

trillothy There’s the Loup I remember. Welcome back buddy.

riptide123 He’s always sucked lol

AgathaAllAlong The All-Star break feels like mercy

figuroso See you guys next season... maybe

SportsRMyVice I think I'm gonna cry

freethegrizzlybears Angels baseball baby


[試合後スレ] エンゼルスがドジャースに敗北

breakfast_cats 「このチームのファンであることは精神的拷問であり、人権侵害とみなされるべきである」

aj_og 「まったく楽しくありません」

AnonymousUser2357 I want to die

tsdwm52 Wasn’t that long ago I thought we might have the best team in socal

p-mode The pain is immeasurable.

splitter47 Last two batters couldn't even just strikeout so I could see one last Ohtani AB. Useless.

ghost_rider24 It doesn’t even hurt anymore. It was fun watching Jo rob the HR and moniak smack one.

Hopefully it turns around after the break.
(オールスターブレイク後にチームが好転してくれることに期待しよう) ※↑コピウムを吸うとこんな感じになる

theburritobanditos .500 ballclub baby
(エンゼルスが "結局最終的に勝率5割くらいに収束するチームの会" に復帰したぜベイビー)

TehRegulator We did it!

Latter_Address9580 BACK TO .500 BABY

i_run_from_problems Against all odds, we manage to secure that .500 record yet again

westsider86 This is the loss that truly broke me on the season

Easystreet66166 This feel like 2022 again. The starters are all rookies and call ups.

YellowMarkerIsGreat The Angels may never reach above .500 ever again

westsider86 Angels are 91-106 under Nevins tenure as manager. Time to move on?

Antihero4hire The skipper is the least of this organizations problem.

Key-Magician-2237 Back to .500, behind Seattle 🤮 Pain Pain Might be under .500 after tomorrow.. Trade Ohtani - give DH spot to Adell, rebuild the team with young players like Moniak, Neto, Detmers.
(勝率5割に復帰、順位はマリナーズに追い越され4位に、明日は借金生活に突入するかもしれない... もう大谷をトレードに出してアデルをDHにして若手のモニアックやネトやデトマーズを中心にチームを再建するしかない...)

SuperMario_49 I applaud Angels fans for still showing up to Dodger Stadium, especially after the devastating Padres series!


GenericUsername886 Nothing but pain 🥲 Also it looks like the guy in the glasses behind you is looking at your jerseys and having some sympathy for you 😂
(お辛い、お辛いなぁ... それと君たちの後ろに座っている眼鏡をかけた男性が、君のユニフォームを見て同情しているように見えるのがまたw)

David_Brinson (スレ主) Yea it was a rendon jersey my wife bought for me for my birthday a year ago. He literally told me later in the game if I’m okay😂
(実際そのメガネの人に「大丈夫?」って心配されたよw ちなみに私が来ていたのはレンドンのユニフォームで何年か前に妻に誕生日のお祝いにプレゼントしてもらったんだ...)

flipback360 Pain!!! Thats probably gonna be me and the wife in Seattle in September. We are Angels fans in the PNW.

WildWing22 Y’all are all of us 🙃

dongerbotmd Your faces are all of us these past two weeks
(ここ2週間はこんな顔してませんでした? 俺たち全員?)

meisterwolf PAINGELS PAINGELS=Pain(お辛い)+Angels