
『8月26日 メッツ対エンゼルス戦・実況スレ(※メッツファンの反応)』

GAME THREAD: Angels @ Mets - Sat, Aug 26 @ 07:10 PM EDT


メッツ (59勝-70敗)
シティ・フィールドで午後 4 時 10 分スタート

メッツ - カルロス・カラスコ (3勝7敗、防御率6.42)
エンゼルス - チェイス・シルセス (4勝1敗、防御率4.00)



「8月26日 試合前スレ」

(メッツファン) 「2023年のメッツの成績はここまで59勝70敗です。2022年のメッツの成績は101勝61敗でした。








KantExplain (メッツファン) Good evening, Metfriends!

TruthCalm7491 (メッツファン) I can’t believe people care that much about the nationals overtaking us.

We suck, and we need to suck hard to get a top 6 pick.

AtmosphereVarious440 (メッツファン) we’re pretty close to a top 5 pick lol
(ドラフト指名権5位も射程圏内に入ってきたぞ!) ※MLBのドラフトでは「弱いチームに有望な選手を入れて戦力の均衡を保つ制度」であるウェーバー制が採用されており、成績最下位から順に指名権が与えられるシステムになっている。


Hustlediva (メッツファン) Cookie vs Ohtani? I predict lots of homers
(今日はカルロス・カラスコvs.大谷とな? これはホームランがたくさん見れそうですね)

Setec-Astronomer (メッツファン) Ohtani has a 2.500 OPS against Carrasco (granted, only 4 at bats lol). This'll be fun.. lol
(カルロス・カラスコを相手にした時の大谷のOPSは 2.500 ですってよw こりゃ楽しい試合になりそうですな!(まぁ確かにまだ4打席しか対戦していないけど))

WithAShirtOn (メッツファン) Who knows, maybe it'll be one of those "even a stopped clock is right twice a day" starts tonight.

see_mohn (メッツファン) I like Carrasco and want him to have some good games in what may well be his final season, but I also want to see Ohtani hit a home run while I'm there tonight...

Skoobitybopp (メッツファン) Isn't it crazy that an injured ohtani still provides more value than our entire lineup.

LucasDudacris (メッツファン) Ohtani-San Ga Hoshi!

alihasan631 (メッツファン) Im afraid if the mets managed to sign ohtani somehow. Every start is going to worry me hoping he doesnt get hurt kinda like when degrom was on the mound for us.

Caledor152 (メッツファン) We would be lucky to have the opportunity to worry
(俺たちがそんな心配をする立場になれるとでも? よほどの幸運が訪れない限りないから)

smugbox (メッツファン) Heading to the game tonight despite Carrasco pitching, LFGM






JoelsCaddy (メッツファン) He’s breaking our stadium

LI_Weather (メッツファン) Tell him if he signs with the Mets he doesn’t have to pay for it

unrisenasu1983 (メッツファン) Please send the uniform and contract along with the invoice!☺️👍

james (メッツファン) He’s going to look so good as a met




AtmosphereVarious440 (メッツファン) there was just no way ohtani wasn’t hitting a rocker off carrasco lol

Hustlediva (メッツファン) Cookies like a little league pitcher for Ohtani lol

Hustlediva (メッツファン) I’m just shocked it wasn’t a homer

i_am_the_senate_ (メッツファン) Average Carrasco outing

Orange8920 (メッツファン) Even in a losing season I'm so tired of watching Carrasco. He has to be among the worst starting pitchers in MLB at this point.

Hustlediva (メッツファン) How many innings y’all think Cookie will go today? I say 3.2
(カラスコは今日何回まで投げれると思う? 私の予想は3.2回だね)

alihasan631 (メッツファン) Lol renfroe looks like trout

Canada-Fan (メッツファン) Too bad he doesn't play as well...





Keekee4101 (メッツファン) His pitches do NOTHING.

smugbox (メッツファン) Carrasco is just so so so bad

FlyUnder_TheRadar (メッツファン) My lord, watching Cookie is painful. He just doesn't have it anymore, and they keep throwing him out there to get bombed every 5th day.
(なんとまぁ... 見るに堪えない。やっぱカラスコはもうピークを過ぎた感があるわな。そしてなんでメッツはそんな彼を、毎回ボコボコ打たれるだけなのに5日置きに出すことをやめないんですかね?)

Orange8920 (メッツファン) Let's be real that we're all here to gaze at Ohtani for 3 hours
(お前ら正直になろうぜ? 俺たちがここにいるのはメッツが勝つのを見るためではなく、3時間大谷を見つめるためだろ?)

liguy181 (メッツファン) I love the Mets fans cheering for him lol

7toCiti (メッツファン) Im at game right now and people are cheering so hard for this ohtani triple you would think he’s on the Mets lol

FlyUnder_TheRadar (メッツファン) We should let Shoehi hit for the cycle.

Clemenprez (メッツファン) ohtani may very well hit for the cycle today

JoelsCaddy (メッツファン) He might not get the chance to hit only a single

WithAShirtOn (メッツファン) Man, Ohtani is awesome!

UbiSububi8 (メッツファン) I’m totally simping for Otanhi at this point - he even slides well.

pusgnihtekami (メッツファン) Ohtani might sign with an NL East team at this rate just to feast on this pitching staff (and the back-end of this lineup as a pitcher).
(でも待って、このままだとメッツが大谷を獲得するどころか大谷に「メッツの投手は与し易い」と思われてナ・リーグ東の他のチームに持っていかれてしまうのでは? 投手の立場から見てもウチの打線は「与し易い」と思われてしまうのでは?)

mrdm88 (メッツファン) He won’t be pitching for awhile

pusgnihtekami (メッツファン) He'll be signing a long deal and can almost guarantee success on both sides of the plate.

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) Just let the man get healthy, so he could be better for some other team next season. This is bad.

Setec-Astronomer (メッツファン) I'm honestly surprised they haven't shut him down so he can get his surgery.

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) Especially in a lost season

justasian (メッツファン) Cookie is so bad holy hell

Orange8920 (メッツファン) I feel bad for people who have season tickets or bought them in advance and find out Carrasco is pitching

TeleportsBehindYou1 (メッツファン) Carrasco just isn't a MLB pitcher anymore.

56Metro (メッツファン) 1.2 innings, fucking bum shit

No_Cardiologist_1446 (メッツファン) Top 6 draft pick here we come!!! Hype

Caledor152 (メッツファン) I have three starting pitchers on my FA wishlist this winter for 2024. Can you guess which spot is being replaced?

Setec-Astronomer (メッツファン) All of them except Senga and Quintana.

Ohtani, Yamamoto, Innings Eater, please.
(大谷さんと山本由伸、あと適当なイニングイーターを獲得してくださいメッツさん!) Innings Eater:イニングを消費してくれる先発投手=決して派手な成績は残さないが試合後半まで長く投げることができる無難な仕事ができる投手


Hustlediva (メッツファン) Well this series put the nail in the coffin for Ohtani not coming here

lightningnick01 (メッツファン) Haven’t been able to watch the game tn, how are the vibes guys?

groudhogday (メッツファン) What do you think

56Metro (メッツファン) So what college football team do y’all cheer for?


KantExplain (メッツファン) Everybody in the stands rooting for a cycle.

KantExplain (メッツファン) I've never seen a baseball crowd so overtly aroused.

UbiSububi8 (メッツファン) Okay, now I’m kinda rooting for him

unkemptkitsch (メッツファン) How can you not?



UbiSububi8 (メッツファン) That was a perfect half inning. He did all that and the Mets held the halos scoreless.

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) There's been a lot of hard to watch games this year, but for some reason, this one is extra difficult.

groudhogday (メッツファン) Mets make bad teams look great

UbiSububi8 (メッツファン) Three innings without a hit.

Blue387 (メッツファン) -_-

Han_Sandwich_1907 (メッツファン) LINDOR!

UbiSububi8 (メッツファン) A BASE HIT!!!!

groudhogday (メッツファン) We got bloops!



JoelsCaddy (メッツファン) What the fuck

Blue387 (メッツファン) Lindor scores!

I think?

myassholealt (メッツファン) What the hell just happened???

i_am_the_senate_ (メッツファン) What just happened???

madman75x (メッツファン) What the hell just happened

KantExplain (メッツファン) Holy fuck, what?

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) What the hell?

liguy181 (メッツファン) Oh fuck Silseth

savagetortoise (メッツファン) I've never seen anything like that.

ChiefKelso (メッツファン) What happened? Can't see from stands
(何が起きたの? スタンド席からは何も見えなかったけど?)

SFXXVIII (メッツファン) First basemen’s throw nailed the pitcher in the face

groudhogday (メッツファン) Ummm excuse me??

UbiSububi8 (メッツファン) Oh, man

tphez (メッツファン) jeeeeez

robmcolonna123 (メッツファン) Where did he get hit? Can’t see from the stands
(シルセスのどこにぶつかったの? 自分がいる席からは見えなかったんだけど?)

AltLawyer (メッツファン) Left temple basically

JoelsCaddy (メッツファン) There’s swelling above his left eye

liguy181 (メッツファン) Bizarre's the right word Hope Silseth is ok, that's bad

Basic_Bichette (メッツファン) That's one of the worst places to be hit. It's not at all surprising that he didn't react immediately

Designer-Brief-9145 (メッツファン) That is the ugliest play I have ever seen.

myassholealt (メッツファン) I know they're winning and will probably win this game, but this angels team is rough.




Blue387 (メッツファン) McNeil scores!

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) Good stuff, DJ.

Caledor152 (メッツファン) DJ very nice

savagetortoise (メッツファン) Loup was so good for us that one year.

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) I know Loup makes Angels fans clench to the max.



liguy181 (メッツファン) :D

lawoftar (メッツファン) leone!!!!!!

FlyUnder_TheRadar (メッツファン) Now thats the Leone I know.

pusgnihtekami (メッツファン) That's the Leone I remember.

Awatts2222 (メッツファン) Leone is starting to look like Leone.

Hustlediva (メッツファン) Welcome back Leone

lawoftar (メッツファン) its nice to watch leone happen to someone else
(ウチのチームでレオンされたときは腹が立ったけど、他のチームがレオンされるのを見るとこんなに楽しいんですね) ドミニク・レオン:2023年5月4日にニューヨーク・メッツとメジャー契約、2023年8月1日にジェレマイア・ジャクソンとのトレードでエンゼルスに移籍


Blue387 (メッツファン) Oh no!

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) FUCK you, Soriano!

liguy181 (メッツファン) You gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT

rdelgiudice (メッツファン) CHARGE THE MOUND

theredditoro (メッツファン) Plunk them all !!!!

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) We know Soriano didn't do it purpose, that's not the point. Throwing near a guy's head is serious, especially when the Angels had a pitcher beaned in the temple.

David-S-Pumpkins (メッツファン) You can't hit a guy in the fucking head.

i_am_the_senate_ (メッツファン) 6 HBP’s in 31 innings is crazy
(というかこのホセ・ソリアーノって31イニングで6回も死球出してんの? どうかしてるぞ?)

rdelgiudice (メッツファン) That's pretty much just throwing and hoping the ball goes near the plate without it hitting someone

Blue387 (メッツファン) Damn it!

lawoftar (メッツファン) we cant score

Keekee4101 (メッツファン) Getting out of that inning without any runs is just unfortunate.

米ニューヨークポスト紙の野球コラムニスト - Jon Heyman


AtmosphereVarious440 (メッツファン) lame


groudhogday (メッツファン) LOL the angels fans are mad

KantExplain (メッツファン) Everybody in the stadium is mad.

liguy181 (メッツファン) At a point, the season's over why not let him hit? Give the fans a taste of what's to come?
(もう今季は終わってるのにどうして敬遠なんてするのよ? )

MrMoscow93 (メッツファン) Let Ohtani hit! I don't care if he hits a HR. He's more fun than anything going on with the Mets right now.
(大谷に打たせろ、ホームランになろうが関係ねぇ! 今のメッツがするどんなことよりも大谷の方が見ていて楽しいし)


JoelsCaddy (メッツファン) Welp

Blue387 (メッツファン) The ballgame is over

lawoftar (メッツファン) it was over when carasco took the mound

Hustlediva (メッツファン) Amazing that after all tonight’s Angels antics and bad plays that we still lose. Although with Cookie pitching it’s easily explained

NY2PHX (メッツファン) We are the 7th worst team. Half game ahead of Pirates and 3 ahead of Cards. We need to redouble our tanking efforts.

Peregrinator31 (メッツファン) Holy fuck I still have 17 tickets left to use for this miserable season.