


「山本由伸がレギュラーシーズン最終登板を終える:7.0回、無失点、被安打3、奪三振11、与四球2、総投球数112球」 /

Grand-Falcon-8956 Bro is a beast he has a 1.21 era in 164 innings

Quople (ダイヤモンドバックスファン) His career ERA is showing as 1.73 in 960.2 IP before this start is factored in. That’s insane
(今日までの通算防御率を見たら960.2回で 1.73 とか表示されたんだけど。非常識にもほどがあるわ)

goldfish_11 (レッドソックスファン) Wow... last time I saw a post about this guy, he had a no-hitter. Now he's giving up three hits in a start?
(Wow... 前回Redditの野球板で山本が話題になったのは彼がノーヒットノーランを達成した時だっけ。そして今度も被安打3のみ?)

Nobody should bid on him when he gets posted. Just let him go to some downtrodden team that has finished in last place three out of the last four years.
(みんな聞いてくれ、もし彼が今オフにポスティングシステムでメジャー移籍を決めたとしても入札合戦はすべきではない、こんな選手を金持ち球団に渡したら他のチームは終わりだ。というわけで、過去4年間のうち3回は最下位に終わった不遇のチームに彼を行かせるべきだと思うんだが、どうかな?) レッドソックスの過去5年間の成績:
2023 ア・リーグ東地区5位 (78勝84敗)
2022 ア・リーグ東地区5位 (78勝84敗)
2021 ア・リーグ東地区2位 (92勝70敗)
2020 ア・リーグ東地区5位 (24勝36敗)
2019 ア・リーグ東地区3位 (84勝78敗)

TheBeepB00p (メッツファン) He’s ours you’ll get Blake snell and like it.

pdowling92 (レッドソックスファン) Por que no los dos?
(そうですか? いやでもせっかくなんで両方もらっちゃおうかな?)

tmaxedout I'd like to see one team sign both Yamamoto and Ohtani. Perhaps a team that already has Senga.


Djason_Unchaind (メッツファン) Give me Imanaga as the 6th starter as well.

Big_N (メッツファン) Look at me, I'm the NPB now
(俺たちが日本プロ野球だ) "Look At Me. I'm The Captain Now." (俺の方を見ろ、今から俺が船長だ): ソマリア海賊に船を乗っ取られた船長を描いた2013年のアメリカ映画『キャプテン・フィリップス』のセリフがインターネットミーム化したもの。基本的には『ろくでもない存在に何かが乗っ取られた状況』をからかう際に使われる

sdpcommander (カブスファン) "Perhaps a team that already has Senga. (千賀がすでにいるチームとかどうかな?)"

Or perhaps a team that has Seiya Suzuki...

Metrostars1029 (ヤンキースファン) Come to Papa

RicharlisonsLeftNut (オリオールズファン) Gimme.

Cheekiest_Cunt (ドジャースファン) He’s a dodger if we don’t get Ohtani

Ginger_Menace1 (ジャイアンツファン) We found him first, just let us have him.

Expensive-Notice-509 Starting bid 250/10

jediofpool (ブルージェイズファン) More likely 7/250

Bat2121 (Bat2121ファン) This bidding is going to get stupid, but we have 2 starting pitchers on the team, so we genuinely have the most pressing need of any team. Steve won't be outbid.

goldfish_11 (レッドソックスファン) We have one starter plus Nick Pivetta.

LikeABawss22 (カージナルスファン) Have you met the Cardinals

DontGiveUpTheDip (カージナルスファン) We have a washed Miles Mikolas and half of a Steven Matz

regarding_your_bat (ヤンキースファン) Cashman was there when he threw the no hitter. Apparently the Yanks are really interested. Will be interesting to see where he ends up.

Skullbone211 (メッツファン) Cohen is going to offer this man the GDP of a small country
(コーエンはこの男に小国のGDP並みの金を提示するであろう) スティーブ・コーエン:世界でも最も裕福なスポーツチームオーナーの1人として知られる実業家でメッツのオーナー



(ヤンキースファン) 「キタ―――(゚∀゚)―――― !!


Tippyshortmouth (ヤンキースファン) There literally is no bigger market than NY, CASHMAN PLEASE DO SOMETHING

trippy1 (ヤンキースファン) Don’t fuck this up Cashman

smalllpox (ヤンキースファン) Please make this happen. This is literally the only move I care they make this offseason

(ヤンキースファン) If Cash comes in with a low-ball offer on this dude I officially give up. 26-year-old starter with ace upside to slot in behind Cole, available for nothing but money.

Same_Dot9698 (ヤンキースファン) Can never have too much pitching. I think IF Cashman sticks around he is expected to land this guy. Free agent class sucks. Not sure if Bellinger will be worth it or not.
(先発投手は多すぎて困ることはないしな。まぁキャッシュマンは現地に視察までしに行ってるしこの調子で粘り続けるなら獲得できるんじゃないか? 今オフのFA市場は割に合わない投手だらけだ、コディ・ベリンジャーの予想契約金とか見た? 正直それだけの価値があるかどうか)

Jetersweiner (ヤンキースファン) Yea but both the Dodgers and Giants are gonna be all in on him and you never know what that psycho Steve Cohen is going to do.

I’d rather not give him a monster deal if it impacts their ability to acquire a big bat this year or next

CerdoNotorio (ヤンキースファン) As important as bats are, the amount of times we've gone "man if only we had gotten Verlander we'd probably have a WS" shows how valuable a starter with legitimate ace upside can be
(そりゃ強打者は重要だけど、今年「バーランダーを獲得できていればワールドシリーズすら狙えたのでは?」って状況を何度も経験したろ? 真のエース級投手がどれほど価値があるかは皆も痛感したろ?)

Chem1st (ヤンキースファン) Yeah, it's also way easier to find a top level bat than it is to find a top level starter.

DA_87 (ヤンキースファン) Sign him and Ohtani and we’ll be good. 👍

NoBook9868 (ヤンキースファン) The Mets will get him cuz their owner will wake up one morning and decide he's mine and I'll pay whatever...while we have Hal in charge who's fine staying mostly the same and has his limits in spending


TDH818 (ドジャースファン) 「ロサンゼルスは大都市の中の大都市だし日本人もたくさん住んでいる。さらに野茂英雄、斎藤隆、前田健太といった日本人選手が在籍していた歴史もある。いいね、これはチャンスあるぞ」

CaptMarvel23 (ドジャースファン) Best Japanese food in the US.

CaptMarvel23 (ドジャースファン) I’ll take your word for it. I actually live in Atlanta now after being born and raised in LA and i just miss the plethora of options as its my favorite cuisine. Had it here, nowhere close to as good as in LA.

Out of all the baseball teams available in the MLB, he’ll probably get the best Japanese food in LA.

vespamike562 (ドジャースファン) I can imagine that Japanese food in Atlanta would suck. I’m betting that Mexican food is bad there too.

brandon0297 (ドジャースファン) I'm in atl too, always trying to find the best Mexican food.

ttam23 (ドジャースファン) Friedman is gonna definitely gonna make a big splash this winter based on his comments. But I still believe ohtani will be their first priority.

Lebigmacca (ドジャースファン) I need this man in dodger blue so bad

ONE_PUMP_ONE_CREAM (ドジャースファン) Pleeeease. We need starting pitching.

mrot777 (ドジャースファン) Well, come on down Mr. Yamamoto. We love the Japanese culture here in Los Angeles. Let's win a ring!!!!
(山本さんいらっしゃ~い! ここロサンゼルスの人々は日本文化を愛している。一緒に優勝リングを勝ち取ろうぜ!!!!)

fracklefrackle (ドジャースファン) Must get him. He is #1 target. I have given in that we want Ohtani, so get both. Not much else needed.

Goatyachty (ドジャースファン) Sadly I think the Mets are going to pick him up, they have senga and senga wants him, he even said he'd like to go play for the Mets with him. And Mets are always willing to pay their players. I think Yamamoto is more important than ohtani for us.
(残念ながら山本はメッツに持っていかれると思うわ。あそこには千賀がいるけど彼も山本が来てくれることを望んでいると、メッツで一緒にプレーしたいとさえ言っていた。そしてメッツは選手に金を使うことに躊躇がない。我々にとって山本は大谷より重要だと個人的には思うんだが )


AllAboutTheCado (メッツファン) That's us, right?
(ビッグ・マーケット・チームに移籍することを希望、つまり俺たちだな! でしょ?)

twayhighway (メッツファン) come to daddy

DaGonzzz28 (メッツファン) I’ll pick him up from JFK if he wants

tomfields (メッツファン) YOU SIR ARE A MET

0rangePolarBear (メッツファン) I want Yamamoto so bad

NuanceManExe (メッツファン) This guy needs to be our #1 target this offseason. Grab him and then Montgomery and our rotation problems could be solved next year.

GK86x (メッツファン) Seriously, give him a blank check.

Albie9 (メッツファン) Senga, Yamamoto, Ohtani. The 3 samuraigos.
(千賀、山本、大谷。 スリーアミーゴスならぬスリーサムライゴの誕生や)

MightyActionGaim 「さぁ、日本プロ野球米国支部を設立しようか 😤」

Onefortwo (メッツファン) Yamamoto and ohtani. I say we go full Japanese starting rotation. Who can be the four and five pitchers?
(山本と大谷をゲットして日本人だけで先発ローテーションを組もうぜ! あとは誰が4人目と5人目の投手になれるかだな)

STierney927 (メッツファン) I’d say we can get Daisuke out of retirement

intwizard (メッツファン) Trade for Maeda and Fujinami

Edit: I didn’t realize Fujinami was bad

Caledor152 (メッツファン) He's not bad. It's just his stuff is better for the bullpen. The A's where using him as a starter.

Caledor152 (メッツファン) He had a few good moments out of the pen for the Orioles but yea overall it was not a good first year for him. I think the stuff is there to BE good at some point though.

robmcolonna123 (メッツファン) I don’t think saying Fujnami is bad is accurate. His stuff is really good. The issue - he started with the As.

Look at Senga. Senga is obviously far more talented. It would be like comparing Cole to Montgomery. Montgomery is a good pitcher, but he is no Cole. That’s the difference level between Senga and Fujinami.

But it still took A LOT of work from the Mets organization to get Senga from where he was in the offseason to where he ended up.
(だが "入団直後の千賀" が "現在の千賀" になるにはメッツという組織による多大な努力が必要だった)

Fujinami was with the As. He didnt have even remotely the level of resources Senga did to adapt to the MLB. Different ball, different mound, not spending every game with a dome, different hitter tendencies, etc.

For guys like him you’re much better looking at stuff, and he has good stuff. His fastball touches 100 MPH with crazy movement, his sweeper has great movement and spin, and his split finger drops a ton.
(藤浪のように "MLBにきちんと適応した後" を見れていない選手は成績で見ずに "どんな球を投げているか" を見たい方がいい、そしてその点において彼は良いものを持っている。彼の速球は動きがクレイジーだし時速100マイルに達する、スイーパーは素晴らしい動きとスピンを誇り、スプリットの落ち幅もデカい)

FlyingSaucer2023 (メッツファン) You are wrong on who is the more talented though. Senga is more polished, but Fujinami is by far the more talented one. Talent is what you are born with. Skill is what you acquire. Senga has more skill, but Fujinami is more talented.

robmcolonna123 (メッツファン) Gotcha. Yea I’d agree with that. When I said more talented I meant the better pitcher.

「米スポーツメディアThe Athleticの記者によると山本由伸はMLBで他の日本人選手と一緒にプレーすることについて「オープンな考えを持っている」らしい。さらに千賀滉大はレギュラーシーズンの終わりに球団に山本獲得を願ったとのこと」

jlaro55 (メッツファン) Yeaaaaaaaaa!

sIamram (メッツファン) I mean this is pretty big, One of the reasons why Ohtani signed with the angels over the mariners is because he believed that the mariners are ichiro's team
(これはかなりデカいぞ、大谷がマリナーズではなくエンゼルスと契約した理由の一つが "マリナーズはイチローのチーム" という印象がどうしても離れなかったらしいし)

ZenbrotherGS (メッツファン) I had no idea that Japanese players don’t want to play with each other in the mlb. I thought the complete opposite.

NYerInTex (メッツファン) Easily my #1 off-season desired acquisition. Ohtani is soooo amazing, but it’s a long term, risky contract and I feel we are likely to need to overpay that much more considering our current state as a franchise.

Snoo-me (メッツファン) Uncle Steve, pls bring out the check book

dazindannyyy (メッツファン) Please please please come to queens. PLEASE