


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』



米スポーツメディアThe Athletic の記者 - Sam Blum






Sarcastic__ 「こうして水原一平は「Generational bag fumble (夢のような仕事を自ら捨てた稀代のバカ)」として歴史に名を刻んだのでした」 bag fumble/fumbled the bag:

horsepoop1123 (カブスファン) 「大谷と親友になることで50万ドルもの大金を得ていたのに、その彼から金を盗みスポーツ賭博で何百万ドルも失って逮捕されるとか想像してみてくださいよ」

mysterysackerfice (エンゼルスファン) 「大谷と一緒に過ごしたうえにお金までもらえる事を想像してみてくださいよ...」

iamtherealsteve (ドジャースファン) Judge notes Ohtani alsoalso tipped Mizuhara five figures a year and paid his rent.

Judge: “Why is Mr. Mizuhara saying has all financial difficulties? Frankly I find this a bit misleading.”
(裁判官: 「なぜ水原氏は経済的に困窮していると主張するのか。率直に言ってこの表現は少々誤解を招くと言わざるを得ない」)

Judge is tearing Mizuhara’s lawyer to shreds tbh.

“Your client is talking about how he had to pay for expensive flights for his wife from Japan but didn’t Mr. Ohtani pay for her flights?

Mizuhara lawyer: “Yes I believe he did”

Judge also wondering how Mizuhara can claim financial strain when he also received a Porsche SUV from Ohtani. The government argued about the impact to Ohtani, both financially and to his reputation
(判事はまた水原被告が大谷からポルシェのSUVも受け取ったのに経済的困窮を主張できるのか疑問視した. さらに判事は大谷が受けた金銭面だけではなく評判面での被害について言及した)

legendfourteen (ドジャースファン) The statement Ippei submitted to the judge was moronic. I cannot believe his lawyer let him submit that

weguccino (ドジャースファン) Ippei's lawyer letting that letter to the judge go though has gotta be malpractice cause everything in there was a lie and the judge burned his ass on every single statement.
(あの判事の心証を悪くする事にしか役立ってない陳述書を出させたのは間違いなく「弁護過誤」だろ) 弁護過誤:弁護士が業務において弁護士としての注意義務を怠ったために依頼人や第三者に損害を生じさせてしまった場合のこと。弁護過誤があった場合は損害を受けた被害者は弁護士に対して損害賠償を請求することができる

Kissa2006 (エンゼルスファン) Exactly. As the judge said: "Mr. Mizuhara’s letter to the court undermined him because it was filled with misrepresentations and omissions, he lacks credibility."

Ornstein90 (ドジャースファン) Shohei paid for his rent, his flights (and wife's), 99% sure he picked up the tab for food especially on travel, free Porsche, access to Shohei's American-side funds, on top of getting paid by the Angels/Dodgers in the six figures

(経 済 的 困 窮 と は 一 体)

Jeff_Banks_Monkey (オリオールズファン) All he had to do was chill with the most famous baseball player in the world. Gambling is a real addiction but so many actions of his were just plain stupid
(世界で最も有名な野球選手と一緒に過ごすだけで良かったのにギャンブルなんかに手を出したばっかりに... 確かにギャンブル依存症は恐ろしいが、単純に彼の行動の多くが愚かだった方が問題だったかもしれない)

UnchainedSora (ヤンキースファン) And from the sounds of it, he started stealing money before he started gambling

PaleontologistIcy949 (レンジャーズファン) For anyone out there having a rough time: take solace in the fact that you will never mess up this badly.

ny2k1 It really does put it in perspective.

Mission_Pay_3373 (レッドソックスファン) Went from being the friend of one the best baseball players of all-time, to getting sentenced to just under 5 years in prison. Bag fumbled

shroomsAndWrstershir (エンゼルスファン) He was himself also known and semi-beloved by Ohtani fans. Ippei was the one non-player to get a standing ovation during start-of-season intros at Angel Stadium.

God_Damnit_Nappa (エンゼルスファン) Damn, what a bro willing to do nearly 5 years in federal prison just so Ohtani wouldn't be suspended for a year

I would hope this would shut up the idiots claiming Ippei is just the fall guy but I'm sure some people are still going to claim Ohtani was still the gambler.

Rover16 (ドジャースファン) You still have people saying that same stuff today despite all the evidence. As the Judge noted today, the reputation damage Ippei did to Ohtani is a factor.

Shap6 (レッドソックスファン) Doesn't that seem kinda low? Not that i'm a lock em up for life kind of person but it seems like plenty of people get much longer sentences for less serious crimes
(刑罰が軽すぎると思うのは俺だけ? 終身刑にすべきとまでは言わないけど、もっと軽い犯罪でもっと長い刑期を宣告された人が大勢いた気がするんだけど)

Dreyven It's not a violent crime.

I think someone said the sentencing guideline for this is 5 years which this hits pretty spot on. Personally I don't think it's too low, maybe even on the high side? He didn't actually hurt anyone and still has to repay the money

Kissa2006 (エンゼルスファン) I think it's so high because he didn't really show remorse. The judge seemed pretty pissed at him.

ThePrussianGrippe (カブスファン) His defense team’s strategy of focusing on his ‘financial hardships’ instead of going after a gambling addiction angel was an interesting choice to say the least.

brandont04 This is when he needed Ohtani's money the most, to get a better attorney.

kingofmymachine (ドジャースファン) 「で、一平はこの賠償金1700万ドルを一体どこから手に入れるつもりなんです?」

GoLoosh (ドジャースファン) 「そりゃおめぇ大谷の個人口座からだろ」

hubagruben (レッドソックスファン) 「出所した一平:「もしもし? 俺だよ俺、大谷翔平だよ。今回は本当。ハハ。いやいや間違いなく今回は本物の大谷だから。とにかく今は時間がないんだ。で、可能かどうか聞きたいんだけど…」」