

Angel Stadium erupts as Shohei Ohtani emerges from the dugout to pinch hit with the bases loaded, eventually tying the game with a sac-fly.


米メディア「FOXスポーツ・ウエスト」のアナウンサー - パトリック・オニール
「1点差に迫った7回1死満塁の場面で休息日を与えられたはずの大谷が代打で出てきたのを見てエンゼルスの観客は大騒ぎに。15000強の人間が大歓声を上げている! 」




reddit.comのコメント欄より: ソース , ソース ソース

stupidnatsfan Thats fucking awesome

oneluv_hug Pretty sure they've forgotten who mike trout is

WurstThrowEver That was such a hype shot of Ohtani leaving the dugout

lucabrassiere That is the most hyped entrance ever

Sexton-Hardcastle00 That kinda felt like a wrestling entrance when Ohtani emerged from the dugout

sakibomb523 That was a straight WWE entrance and that was awesome
(素晴らしい、WWEの入場シーンそのままやんけ) WWE:アメリカ合衆国のプロレス団体

Rover16 Omg the hype when ohtani came out!

Tun710 Ohtani came out from the dark tunnel like a badass
(大谷が暗いトンネルから "badass" のように出てきたんですけど) badass:ヤバイ人、クールでかっこいい人、タフで強い人、すご腕のプロなどの意味。単にカッコいいだけでなくハードボイルドなカッコよさを持つ人に使われる。

my_wife_reads_this ohtani came out of that dugout like the bear Jew lol
(大谷がダッグアウトから出てくる様子が "ユダヤの熊" みたいで笑ったw)

my_wife_reads_this Very Bear Jew like entrance.
(すごく "ユダヤの熊" っぽい入場だわ)

my_wife_reads_this Petition to have the stadium do the bear Jew entrance for Ohtani from now on
(これからは大谷が出て来るたびに "ユダヤの熊" の入場音楽を流すよう球場に歎願しよう)

Palm-Market That would be amazing
(それ最高) ユダヤの熊:クエンティン・タランティーノ監督の2009年の映画『イングロリアス・バスターズ』の登場人物。家族をナチスに殺されたユダヤ系米陸軍中尉が秘密特殊部隊を組織してナチスに復讐するという物語で "ユダヤの熊" こと軍曹ドニーがトンネルの真っ暗闇の中から現れて協力を拒むドイツ軍下士官を野球バットで撲殺するシーンが人気。


garbanzo-beanzz The sound the crowd made when they saw Shohei come out of the dugout… I want that for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner

Segal-train One of the best clips ever

Palm-Market So fun to be at the game when everyone is in on the ohtani hype. When he stepped up everyone went nuts.

So rad.

Tun710 I thought that was gone

AKASHI2341 Bro fr a little bit higher and it would’ve been gone

stentorrotifer Damn a little bit higher and that's a grand slam

Tun710 111mph off the bat! I thought that one was gone when he made contact but it didn’t have enough angle.
(打球速度は時速111マイルですってよ! 打った瞬間はホームランになるかと思ったけど角度が足りなかったようんだ)

Rover16 No grand slam but I'll take the sac fly!

kxjniji WE WON???? 😭😭😭

rbc2344 WE WON

Shut Up Fred WE WON


KingOfAllDogz Holy shit we won

crushedredpartycups now we just need to win the rest of the year and we’re set!

Mooncake76 Easy!

IbnArte oh shit we didn’t get swept

xThe-Legend-Killerx Don’t do that.. don’t give me hope

Segal-train Haha this was such a fun and weird game. I mentioned before game I didn’t think the lineup would perform as bad as it looked and happy I was right.

I’d love to see JUP leading off more - his approach was great tonight and won us the game. Sho coming out of the tunnel was such a cool moment too.

We Nasty † I couldn't believe how loud the stadium got when Ohtani came out. Damn shame it wasn't at full capacity because I'm sure the floors would've shaken.

Bsizzle18 Was at the game! When Ohtani came up it went crazy!
(私は現地にいたよ! 大谷が登場したときはどうかしてるってくらいに大騒ぎだった!)

sikaMarkanico This was an important game to win 😂20-27 is a much better sounding record than 19-28.

Also, Ohtani didn’t even get his full day off today, which I expected Joe to put him in if we ever threatened. Shohei’s liner could have easily been a slam had he been under it more. It was a successful AB nonetheless. Go Shotime!
(それと結局大谷は今日も丸一日休むことができなかったな、エンゼルスがピンチになったらたぶん監督のジョー・マドンは大谷を投入するだろうと思っていたが。もうちょっと当たりが良ければホームランになっていただろうけど、なんにせよ代打としての役割はちゃんと果たしてくれた、Go Shotime!)

AKASHI2341 Cant even give 1 day of rest to Ohtani lol

Paulsnoc He’s like crack.

throatbutterz When Ohtani came in to pinch hit, I got goosebumps.

Palm-Market Another game Shoei dragging this corpse a cross the line.

live4coasters If he isn't MVP at this point, it's rigged. He's shown time in and time out that when the team wins, 90% of the time he has a hand in it

Bwardrop So nice to see him become such a champion. It’s a pleasure as a baseball fan to see what he’s doing.

DasLegacy I was there and holy shit it was amazing

Wu_Tang_In_a_Pouch Right?! I can’t remember ever getting so pumped about a pinch hitter before
(だよな?! 代打にここまでワクワクさせられた記憶なんてないわ)

shigs21 Dude is literally carrying the team

ChugSampson Do people over there fully appreciate the walking legends they have in trout and ohtani? I guess my question is whether dodgers fans tune in to see what these freaks are going to do each game
(カリフォルニア州の人たちってトラウトと大谷という生きる伝説が自分たちのところにいることがどれだけ幸運なことなのかをちゃんと理解しているの? ドジャースのファンもこれらの唯一無二な選手たちの活躍を見守ってたりする?)

DasLegacy Oh we most certainly do. They're all we have atm, and we cherish the hell out of them!

Dast_Kook I watch virtually every game and it drives my wife nuts that they constantly lose yet I'm always tuning in. I know how awesome Trout and Ohtani are and I watch with the intention of not missing my generation's versions of Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle.

CRT_SUNSET I do! I’ve made the drive down to see Trout a few times over his career, and have gone down once to see Ohtani. Planning another trip this season once pandemic restrictions lift completely.

IveGotaGoldChain As a Dodger fan I feel like it's even better for me because I get to enjoy them but I don't give a shit how the Angels do so them not winning doesn't ruin their performance at all

shigs21 i only watch ohtani highlights. The rest of the angels . . . well, yeah, not that great

loves2spoogeguys Someone told him to smile less and he looks badass
(誰か彼にもうちょっと笑顔を控えるように言ってあげて、その方がもっと "badass" に見えるから)

Wu_Tang_In_a_Pouch Dude that was wild. I was at the game and everyone went insane as soon as we saw the on deck batter head back to the dugout.

TurkeyPhat look at those fuckin shoulders, mama mia

icticus2 seriously. it makes his head look abnormally small

TrevorBauersTits Tbh I still haven’t figured out if the body is big or the head is small

FindTheFishyFish Saw him last month. Dude is big.

TrevorBauersTits I would like to see him irl

guitarburst05 Shohei is legitimately the blindingly bright spot of light in a pretty rough season. He's so fun to watch regardless of what he's doing. He's full of charisma and energy.

BeezKneez52 Ohtani-San is our hero! He saves the day!
(大谷さんは俺たちのヒーローや! 今日という日をまた救ってくれた!)
