
「東京オリンピックでまた別のワンピースファンが! SUUUUPER! 」

Yet another One Piece fan at the olympics! SUUUUPER!



reddit.comのコメント欄より: ソース

「東京オリンピックの男子砲丸投げ決勝を見ていたらアメリカ代表のペイトン・オッターダールがフランキーのポーズをとっていた。しかも "SUUUPEEERRR" と彼のお決まりのセリフまで再現」

「東京オリンピックの男子走幅跳決勝の入場シーンでギリシャ代表のミルティアディス・テントグルーがモンキー・D・ルフィのギア2のモノマネをしたのに続き、今度はアメリカ代表のペイトン・オッターダールが同じように男子砲丸投げ決勝でフランキーの "suuuuuuuuuuper " のポーズを再現」

週刊少年ジャンプ連載『ONE PIECE』の原作公式アカウント
「親愛なる男子砲丸投げの米国代表、ペイトン・オッターダール氏へ。あなたの努力と成果に最大限の敬意を表すと共に、あなたを含めた 世界中の「NAKAMA」の活動を私たちは心から賞賛いたします」

mattpkc Suuuuuuuuuuper!!!

All-the-way-okay SUPERRRRRRR~

xaidan lynn Suuuuuuuppppppppeeeeerrrrrrr

captn_dummie_21 Suparrrrrrr.

RandomThiccBoii That's pretty Super ngl

daniel4ido You love to see it

GregariousEarwax He actually says super lol
(実際に "スーパー!" って言ってて笑ったw)

Pipemeat i can hear the super even tho there’s no audio
(音声がなかったのにちゃんと彼の "スーパー!" が聞こえたわ)

on3moresoul There's definitely audio, I can hear it in my brain space.

KaizokuOni55 This is honestly so cool. Never thought I'd see OP references at the Olympics. I hope Oda sees these clips and is proud of himself. :)
(これは正直とてもクールだ。オリンピックでワンピースをネタにするアスリートの姿を見れるとは思ってもみなかった。これらの動画を見た尾田栄一郎が誇りに思ってくれていることを願うよ :))

HamezBaxter There was a Greek long jumper who did the gear second pose and then got super excited to explain it.

Hrachy96 And then went ahead to win Gold

januarysdaughter Hey, he's American! That's pretty cool!

No-Classroom-7310 Is Franky an American?

He's a perverted cyborg that runs on cola.

Yeah. It checks out

UchihaTomYT And Franky has a literal tank, guns in his arms, and flashy nipples clearly American!

ZackNero03 In an SBS (fan question for Oda), he did state that if he had to give nationality to each Straw Hate member, Franky would be American.
(ファンの質問に答えるSBSのコーナーで、尾田先生は麦わらの一味に国籍を与えるとしたらそれぞれ何人になるかという質問に "フランキーだったらアメリカ人" と答えていたんだよ)

Heroism4499 he probably saw the guy going Gear Second on reddit or Twitter and was like "I can one up him" and went SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPERRRRRRRRRR
(彼はきっとtwitterかredditでギリシャ代表がギア2をやっているのを見たんだろ、んで "俺の方が上手くやれる" とか思った結果が "SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPERRRRRRRRRR" なのだろう)

__L1AM__ Actually he was set on doing the gear2 pose but had to ask people on YouTube for a backup plan since the greek athlete did it first. 😁
(実際は彼もギア2をやるつもりだったそうだ、でもギリシャ代表に先にやられたのでYouTubeで人々にプランBを相談する羽目になっていた 😁)

cloudyreader1 Wait, for real? Could you give me a link to the video, please?
(ちょっと待って、マジで? そのYoutube動画へのリンクプリーズ)

kuxha Someone has linked it above too.

here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZNW50sFVL8

DaREALHwangster I hope Eiichiro Oda sitting in front of the TV feeling proud of himself that he has fans all over the world.

ukung512 That was soooo suuuuuperr. Now you're our nakama.
(なんと見事な "suuuuuperr" だ。これで彼も我々の "仲間" だな)

paing997 Someone please ask ODA about this in next SBS, i want to know his reaction.


SirMeep2 Is it just me, or is there a big one piece boom since the entire lockdown story started and everyone had nothing better to do than find this masterpiece and love it?

I am pretty sure that 2 one piece fans among worlds top athletes are not just coincidence.

Liimbo It’s not just 2. There are quite a few NBA players that are One Piece fans. But with that said it’s really not surprising that one of the most popular media series in the history of the world has a lot of notable fans all over the world.

januarysdaughter I remember last year, some football player walked into practice dressed as Afro Luffy and proclaimed Luffy would be King of the Pirates.

UberThetan Don't leave us hanging. If you can't remember the player can you at least remember the team? This sounds hilarious.

belchik30 this might be it.



mambaforever2481 "NBAプレーヤーの中にもワンピースファンはかなりたくさんいる"

Which nba players? I think i know about isaac bonga, but can't remember anyone else.
(どのNBAプレーヤー? ワシントン・ウィザーズのアイザック・ボンガが好きなのは知っているけど他は思い出せない)

ワシントン ウィザーズ日本語公式アカウント

R4hu1M5 Rudy gobert and Steven Adams that I know of.

米スポーツメディアTheAthleticのニュース編集者 - Erik Horne
「スティーブン・アダムス、ウォリアーズ対スパーズを見る代わりに日本のアニメ "ワンピース" を見ていたと語る」

mambaforever2481 That's dope, i had no idea. The person who surprised me the most is travis scott, i would've never thought he likes one piece.

Karbi28 Lot of rappers are into one piece/ anime in general, I’m pretty sure lil uzi also said one piece is his favorite.



AbhiGoodies Suuuuuuuper legendary 😎😎

OrganizationSolid967 Whatafuckibglegend!
(なんという男の中の男!) legend/legendary: 伝説。偉大な人、尊敬に値する人、男の中の男、女の中の女に使われる賛辞

nolanng I recognized this on live too! :))

Usernamesareso90s Why can I hear Franky’s voice lol

Gcons24 Let's fucking gooooooo, I bet the Japanese fans in the crowd loved it too

Bourriks Perfect man, perfect place, has only one chance to do this pose there in a lifetime, not wasted, great job.

TheBlackLuffy I need to start watching the Olympics, or at least this year. So many anime fans popping up apparently.
(オリンピックを見始める必要があるようだ、少なくとも今年は。 どうやらたくさんのアニメファンが現れているみたいだし)

AsianSensation1087 The generation that grew up watching Anime has arrived and ready to take over.

AaaaaaTeeeleia Little by little the crew assembles! Only 8 left
(少しずつ船員が集まってきたな! 残りはあとたった8人だ)
