

4/3 Dodgers @ Angels [Game Thread] - 2022/04/04



エンゼルス - ノア・シンダーガード (1勝-0敗、防御率 0.00)
ドジャース - ウォーカー・ビューラー (0勝-0敗、防御率 3.86)



reddit.comのコメント欄より: ソース , ソース

米FOXスポーツの記者 - Ken Rosenthal


joadellfansv2 WHAT

PerryRBW WTF 😭

Angelsfan14 Wut?

avgbsblfan643 what the fuck

8va Holy shit, what?

tristpa2 I did not see this coming at all. Don't know how I feel about it tbh

iambiglucas_2 Yeah, there are absolutely are better players but Upton is a veteran bat who can absolutely mash when he's hot. Really not sure how I feel about it.

Darkstarr89 Agree! What happens if one of Trout/Adell/Marsh/Ward gets injured? It will end up being the Salt Lake Bees of Anaheim all over again.
(同意だ! トラウト/アデル/マーシュ/ワードのいずれかが怪我をした場合はどうなる? チームの主力・打撃力が怪我で失われたらどうなるかは去年見てきただろ、去年みたいにまた『ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス・オブ・アナハイム』が『ソルトレイク・ビーズ・オブ・アナハイム』になっちゃうぞ) ※ソルトレイク・ビーズ:ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス傘下のAAA級(マイナーリーグ)チーム。昨年のエンゼルスは主力選手の怪我が頻発し「これではエンゼルスではなくソルトレイク・ビーズだ」といった自虐的なコメントが度々出ていた

Zenithreg He spent most of his Angels tenure injured so we'd better off with a Salt Lake Bee than him.

TrojanMonkey2717 Super surprising. That being said, I do believe the best version of this years team involves mixing and matching Adell/Marsh/Ward in the outfield with Trout. And since Ohtani is locked into the DH position, Upton’s best chance for playing time is a 1B platoon hitter for Walsh, but he didn’t really look sharp there on the field.

Distinct-Spare4500 Idk what to feel about this, but it doesn’t seem bad

bm97 Not a fan of this.

He was actually playing well this Spring

tristpa2 Hits 2 homers in the same game, gets DFA'd.

zvice9 1 spring game excuses 3 seasons????

Duckman93 One spring training game, who cares

FreshPaintSmell Unusual timing but I think this is the right move. He’s basically a DH against lefties at this point. Better to have a younger, more athletic outfielder on the roster.

ResearcherLoud3122 I know its good for the team but i’m surprised that i don’t like it. But i hope they parted ways on good terms

THERAPISTS_for_200 I feel bad for Trout, that’s his close friend.

Jcoch27 This move actually makes me a bit sad because he was so fun to watch when he was hot

ohgodmyface Honestly always loved him, even when he was bad.

It hurt, but I loved him.

nawson123 He was a great Angel! Thank you for all the memories you helped create for our family. Best of luck J-Up
(彼は偉大なエンゼルス選手だった! 我々のチームのためにしてくれたこと、そしてすべての思い出に感謝する。幸運を祈るよジャスティン)

0_evo1 we will miss you J-up.

tastycakes4568 Salute.

a1ranthony thank you justin!!



clipsjp LET’s gooooooo

sharpLess89 Holy

mweolbwa OMG WARD

Sakaguchi123 AHAHA NO WAY WARD

nothingshort WOOOOOOOOW

my_wife_reads_this Lmao WTF
(笑ったw いきなり何事よ)

natefreight That was SMOKED!


yeahnothanks Ward is so ready to be an everyday guy

TrojanMonkey2717 Ward > Upton
(ウォード > アップトン)

mmmbacon914 Justin who?
(ジャスティン...? 誰ですかそれは?)

sharpLess89 Upton who?
(アップトン? 誰ですそれ?)

GoatTnder Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward

(よくやったウォード! エンゼルスゼネラルマネージャーのペリー・ミナシアン様、理解しました、あなたは正しかった、ジャスティン・アップトンをDFAにするというあなたの判断を疑ってすみませんでした!)

tristpa2 Ok I'm less sad we dumped Upton now

bitchimchiefkeef Ohtani and Trout both make outs and we still put up 3 runs in the inning.

mesorangerxx This batting order is lethal

garoood I have a feeling we’re going to start off hot this season

KamartyMcFlyweight three runs on the Dodgers' ace in the first inning. feels pretty good ngl

Princessxanthumgum Can we keep doing this in the regular season? This feels good
(この勢いをシーズン開幕後も持ち越してくれませんかね? ええ気分やで)

yeahnothanks Greatest angels team since 2002

Princessxanthumgum I’ve never been more excited for Angels baseball in my life.




phelinephile AAAAAAAAAAAAAH 🎉




TrojanMonkey2717 SHOHEI!

Sakaguchi123 SHOHEI OH YA

yeahnothanks FUCK YEAH

mweolbwa OHTANI HR ❤️

pachauaia Hes so fucking good

tsdwm52 OMG this is fun!

0_evo1 I’ve missed this 😍😚😚😚

Adam it’s so beautiful

B-Cat So beautiful and smooth 🐐 🦄 🙌🏻

Susan1400 What a beautiful swing. So easy looking. Incredible.

Distinct-Spare4500 Oh god his swing is so sweet I’m aroused

PurpleWelcome7142 That ball was crushed.

digitaldumpsterfire Shohei's homeruns are always better when they're against the Dodgers and Astros.

Corona2789 Please god give us a full season of him and trout healthy in the line up.

Smilodon48 Trout and Ohtani have never had more than 400ABs together in a season iirc. They've had a ROY and 2 MVPs between the two of them since Ohtani's rookie year. But never have played at full strength together. The entire world needs to see them together at full strength at least once.

AlmostLucy That’s my opening day starter!!

upverse Thursday please come sooner

エンゼルス地元ラジオ局のレポーター - Trent Rush







somerndmdude Just catching up but it looks like Thor did pretty well?

yeahnothanks Great

tristpa2 Amazing

tsdwm52 Yep. Sharp.

nothingshort Dominant. Curve was filthy.

live4coasters I'm already overly attached to Thor and I will cry when he inevitably signs a 5 year $150M deal with the Rangers next offseason

Segal-train I feel pretty certain a successful season from Thor will result in a multi-year deal with us.

WurstThrowEver I imagine Thor gets offered a fat extension by midseason as long as he stays healthy and pitches well.

tsdwm52 Thor’s fun to watch.

pricemcdice His two seamer/sinker was absurd tonight.

RadiantVes Fastball was hitting 95~, half fastballs, half secondaries.

I think he's almost ready, just hope he can go back to the 97 avg later into the season.

rollo2masi He can probably start hitting 97-98mph a couple weeks into the season tbh

Skyheart1004 Joined late so I sped through the first few innings but damn Thor really popped off there. Those pitches were absolutely disgusting. My expectations are raising again........Please I really want this to be the year...

yeahnothanks This team is downright competent this year

8va This team looks super fucking fired up. Can't remember the last time they had this kind of energy!

RadiantVes aw they took out shohei

KamartyMcFlyweight no sense bullying an underdog team like the Los Angeles Dodgers

mweolbwa Wow, Herget is doing great

youareallnuts Feels weird to see our relief pitchers actually throwing strikes.

sharpLess89 The Bullpen feels like overkill, what is this feeling?

Imperial10 Is this what hope feels like?

live4coasters This pitching can't be Angels pitching

A-Disgruntled-Snail I love everything about this Herget feller. aka Nerd. aka Slim Jim. aka Slenderman. The shades. His demeanor. The pitches.
(ジミー・ハーゲット、またの名をNerd(オタク)、またの名をスリム・ジミー、またの名を "細い人"。外見も投球も振る舞いもなんか好きだわ)

bigkinehaole Man I’m excited for this bullpen

tristpa2 Remember when Herget randomly showed up last year?

YouPresumeTooMuch Him and Warren showed a lot of potential, but it was too late when they showed up

SunsFan97 herget's already better than cishek ever was for us /s

YouPresumeTooMuch Cishek was awful. If you want to let the runners on base score, put in Cishek

WurstThrowEver Cishek was fine, but yeah the runners on base was an issue.

Philip Martinez Holy shit, the amount of people there for a spring training game is crazy! The Angels better have an awesome year!
(というかオープン戦なのにこの観客数がやべぇな! こりゃエンゼルスも気合を入れなあかんで!)

YouPresumeTooMuch Nice, sold out the A in spring training!
(素晴らしい、今の実況を聞いたか? オープン戦でチケット完売だってよ!)

i_run_from_problems Damn... sell out!?!?!

YouPresumeTooMuch Wish I was there

Mets Fan Brandon Nimmo stan account How am I the only one that thinks it’s absolutely crazy that Angels sold out a spring training game! 44 thousand people at an exhibition game!!! Attendance is gonna crazy this year
(オープン戦でチケット完売ってクレイジーすぎるでしょ! 非公式戦に44,000人だぜ? 今年の観客の入りは凄いことになりそうだ)

meursault2000 What’s happening here? Is this team finally headed to the playoffs?
(一体何が起きているんだ? もしかして我々のチームはついにプレーオフ出場を果たすんです?)

YouPresumeTooMuch 🎤 🐟

mmcc120 And he didn’t even do anything!

YouPresumeTooMuch Just keep swimming

my_wife_reads_this That's a big ass yakult sign

sharpLess89 you can thank Ohtani

greenburrito Isn’t it to make you shit better?

Princessxanthumgum Yakult is delicious


WurstThrowEver LTBU!

Paulsnoc LTBU!

mweolbwa 😇 Amazing game ❤️

YouPresumeTooMuch LTBU!

ABoldOne LTBU!

KamartyMcFlyweight LIGHT THAT BABY UP! LTBU=Light That Baby Up:
エンゼルスの本拠地球場であるエンゼルスタジアムの名物オブシェ “ビッグA” の先端部にある "The Halo(天使の輪)" の明かりを灯せの意。


KyotoGaijin LTBU! D O M I N A T I O N !
(LTBU! 圧 倒 的 で は な い か!)

MartOut well that was fun.

sofastsomaybe We just 4-hit the Doyers, LTBU

uncivil_engineer42 The Angels? With good pitching?
(これがエンゼルス? エンゼルスに良い投手陣?)

kayleeshepheard Always enjoy beating the Dodgers, even in preseason!

well that was fun. Keep it up for a whole year please


Monttavius Oh my. Oh oh my. This looks SO good. And this is like, our starting lineup, for every game? Bruh

tristpa2 Not even. No Fletch tonight

greenburrito I can’t fucking wait for baseball

yeahnothanks Love how excited and positive we are in here lol

nothingshort I hope it lasts!

live4coasters My buttercup is getting real built up

BHAFan18 I can’t take it any longer, bring me Opening Day!


選手名 守備 所属元 移籍先 契約金
ノア・シンダーガード 先発 メッツ エンゼルス $21,000,000(1年)
マイケル・ローレンゼン 先発 レッズ エンゼルス $6,750,000(1年)
ライセル・イグレシアス 中継ぎ エンゼルス エンゼルス $58,000,000(4年)
アーロン・ループ 中継ぎ メッツ エンゼルス $17,000,000(2年)
ライアン・テペラ 中継ぎ ホワイトソックス エンゼルス $14,000,000(2年)
アーチー・ブラッドリー 中継ぎ フィリーズ エンゼルス $3,750,000(1年)
シーザー・バルデス 中継ぎ オリオールズ エンゼルス (マイナー契約)
A.J.ラモス 中継ぎ エンゼルス エンゼルス (マイナー契約)
ダニエル・ポンセデレオン 中継ぎ カージナルス エンゼルス (マイナー契約)
カート・スズキ 捕手 エンゼルス エンゼルス $1,750,000(1年)
オースティン・ロマイン 捕手 カブス エンゼルス (マイナー契約)
キーン・ウォン 2塁手 エンゼルス エンゼルス (マイナー契約)
アレックス・コブ 先発 エンゼルス ジャイアンツ $20,000,000(2年)
ディラン・バンディ 先発 エンゼルス ツインズ $5,000,000(1年)
スティーブ・シシ​​ェック 中継ぎ エンゼルス ナショナルズ $1,750,000(1年)
ルーク・バード 中継ぎ エンゼルス レイズ (マイナー契約)
ジュニア・ゲラ 中継ぎ エンゼルス 未定
ベン・ローウェン 中継ぎ エンゼルス 未定
フランクリン・バレット 遊撃手 エンゼルス アストロズ (マイナー契約)
スコット・シェブラー 中堅手 エンゼルス ロッキーズ (マイナー契約)
フィリップ・ゴセリン 2塁手 エンゼルス ブレーブス (マイナー契約)
デクスター・ファウラー 右翼手 エンゼルス 未定
フアン・ラガーレス 中堅手 エンゼルス 未定
ジョン・ジェイ 右翼手 エンゼルス 未定
ジャスティン・アップトン(New) 左翼手 エンゼルス 未定 DFA(2022/04/02)
