



BeaMiaVA Nooooo

Imlemonshark Bro…

KORZILLA-is-me Your friend’s dinner makes me sad

endlesssaturdays Moderation, my guy.

Active_Commercial_37 Ahhhh Pollock sticks, the fast-food of the sea.

Lacriphage I like surimi but that is too much surimi.

DreamfulSloth I love imitation crab 😂 looks yummy to me
(カニカマ好きだから十分美味そうに見えるぜ 😂) カニカマは英語で「Imitation crab (模造カニ)」「Crab stick (カニスティック)」「Surimi (すり身)」「Pollock sticks (スケトウダラスティック)」など様々な呼ばれ方をする

Oversteer_ 「これフォークとスプーンいる?」

Teacher-Investor 「あれは大きさの比較のためにあるんだよ、ってかカニカマ多いな!」

Born4thJuly What's the spoon for...curious

AutomaticAccident So the fork doesn't feel lonely.

BecauseJimmy Just peel it like string cheese

DigbyChickenZone Yeah, it's a snack similar to string cheese, just peel off a bit at a time. That's the fun of it!


vinsmokewhoswho 「たま食べるおやつとしてのカニカマは好きだけど1食分丸ごとカニカマは考えたことすらなかったぜ...魚やエビがないときのパスタソースの具材に便利よね」

starlightshower 「私が若かった頃は両親がかなりの頻度でカニカマを購入していたな。用途が本当に広くて使いやすい、でも常に料理の一部として、または小さなおかずとしてそうであって、まさか大皿にそのまま盛られるのを見る日が来るとは思わなかったぜ...」

Lepke2011 My grandma used to mash them up with some chopped onion and celery and mayo to make a sandwich. It was delicious!

MitchEatsYT Budget lobster roll, yum
(低価格ロブスターロールやな、美味そう) ロブスターロール:米ニューイングランドの地元料理、アカザエビの肉をホットドッグ風のパンに挟んで焼いたもの

Murderlol I just made that last night with a little old bay seasoning and Japanese mayo, it was delicious
(それオールドベイ・シーズニングと日本のマヨネーズを使って昨夜作ったわ、美味しかった) オールドベイシーズニング:アメリカなら一家にひとつはあると言われるくらいメジャーな調味料。どこのスーパーでも手に入るお魚料理用の魔法のスパイス。

LemonLimeAlltheTime Sounds good

zoodee89 Microwave with some butter and heavy shot of Old Bays.

CoffeeGood_ I love to chop these up add a little white wine a pat of butter and chopped garlic it’s delicious, in moderation of course.

RambleRound I’ve thrown it in instant ramen, it’s pretty good.

jchester47 Sauteed with a little butter, lemon, salt, pepper, and paprika is surprisingly good. So is the imitation lobster.

insultant_ 「カニカマは海のホットドッグ」

krazyboi 「内臓とか屑肉ばかりでできているホットドッグ用のソーセージと違って少なくともちゃんと魚肉を使っているという安心感がある」


carstanza 「なんかもう見事なまでに悲しいな」

PeterLinguine (スレ主) 「これが現代のアメリカだ」

feenaHo 「ねぇあなた大丈夫? 本当に大丈夫?」

PeterLinguine (スレ主) 「大丈夫じゃないです」

Dapper-Big-6203 Im sorry man.

SilentCitadel Well now I’m sad

PeterLinguine (スレ主) Sorry

adventuringky Delicious

PeterLinguine (スレ主) Needs dipping sauce

sliver989 Savage

pegabear Oh dear

sixtheganker That’s actually pretty healthy

PawelSpook Surimi is great

insultant_ The hotdog of the sea 🌊 🌭

NetMiddle1873 I feel like I've been seeing this here a lot. I saw some at the store last week and really wanted some. "But with what?" I asked myself. This sub has shown me the way. I can eat fake crab by itself and be sad and that's an acceptable meal.


THEOp3R8R 「こいつは見事な残念メシっぷりだ」

kubrickfanclub_ 「これだよ、これこそ私がここ "残念メシ板" に来る理由だよ」

PrizeArticle1 (スレ主) It just looked so pathetic...

CemeteryJuice If it's kraft then no, it's not pathetic.

PrizeArticle1 (スレ主) Grocery store brand. I'm sorry

Dethdemarco omfg i hope you're well
(ねぇあなた大丈夫? 本当に大丈夫?)

deleted I bought a whole 10 pack of sea food sticks on a whim. I ate them all one by one. My boyfriend was disgusted. It was awesome.

PrizeArticle1 (スレ主) They are fantastic

[deleted] I showed this comment to my boyfriend and he said "It's nice to know there are other mutants like you in this world, and that I'm not the only one who has to live this blighted existence." Hahaha!

SkrtSkrt70 Double the amount of crab, give me a side salad, we got fine dining right here

Red01a18 I know a guy who puts Ketchup on that.

Shoelesstravis I do this all the time

CranberryBogBody Imitation crab: the food I miss most after going vegetarian. And that’s why I’m on this sub

adc604 Imitation crab is the shit!

madelineferguson Fake crab is the best food in the world

stevet85 Wow. The pain in this photo is overwhelming
(この写真から伝わってくる圧倒的な "お辛さ" はどうだ)

linkxzelda I laughed so hard wtf why is this so funny


GuaranteeHistorical 「実に素晴らしい残念メシっぷりだ」

insectsummer 「どうもです 😌」

isaacamaraderie Cursed food…

Estrafirozungo This should be part of the hall of fame of r/shittyfoodporn
(これはもう "残念メシ板" の殿堂に入れていいのでは?)

Julia_716 Not gonna lie, toast those buns with garlic butter and then submit to r/foodporn instead…
(でもパンをちゃんと焼いてガーリックバターを塗ったら "残念メシ板" じゃなくて "極上メシ板" に投稿しても良さそうな気もする...)

insectsummer (スレ主) that actually sounds pretty good! This wasn't lol
(それだとちゃんと美味しそう! この写真はそれとはだいぶかけ離れているなw)

Active-Culture I fuck with this...sometimes I just put some old bay on imitation and a little melted microwave butter shit slaps
(ぶっちゃけるとたまにこれやるわ... 私の場合はオールドベイ・シーズニングをカニカマに振りかけてレンジで少し溶かしたバターを垂らすと美味い)

mdjng Thats no cocktail sauce thats ketchup, you aint foolin me

insectsummer (スレ主) it's very poor quality cocktail sauce
(安物低品質のカクテルソースなので) カクテルソース:主にシーフードと合わせて冷製または室温で食べられるソース。ケチャップを加熱したホースラディッシュと混ぜたものが基本でレモン汁やウスターソースやタバスコが加えられることもある

rchdeck Doesn't look that bad, how did it taste?

insectsummer (スレ主) soft and sad



Apptubrutae 「私はカニが大好きだ、そしてカニカマを食べてもカニらしさなんて全く感じない。

kneaders 「これ! 魚肉版のさけるチーズみたいなものだよね」

CandOrMD LOL, exactly! I am from Maryland, where we take our crabs Seriously, and I also like imitation crab as a whole distinct thing. It's cheap, filling, low-cal, and tasty.

deleted I have never in my life seen something so accurately described! Fishy string cheese.

deleted It's a great source of cheap protein. I like it.

rathat I think it would be more popular if it wasn't always referred to as imitation crab.
("imitation crab (模造カニ)" なんて呼ばれ方をしなければもっと人気の贖罪になっていたと思う)

Age_of_the_Penguin In France, it's everywhere and we call it Surimi. I wasn't aware it was supposed to be any kind of substitute, especially one for crab, until a couple years ago. We just have it as its own thing here.
(フランスだと "Surimi" と呼ばれてそれこそどのスーパーでも売られているぞ。というか私なんて数年前まで元々はカニの代替品であることを知らなかったくらいだ、ここじゃ普通に "Surimi" という魚肉を使った商品という認識だからね)

starfries That's the way it should be! Calling it crab just disappoints people.
(それこそ本来あるべき姿だよ! "カニ" なんて言葉を使っても人々を失望させるだけだし)

rambologic My Latina mom would make this often growing up. Crab mixed with clamato, cucumber, finely chopped Serrano chiles, salt and pepper. Serve it on a tostada with mayo or crema. Very tasty and very addicting.

ifimhereimrealbored I make something like this all the time! Generally I add tomatoes and avocado (then skip the mayo) so it becomes somewhere between ceviche and guacamole. Just that as a meal is one of my fav dishes.
(私もよくそれと似たものを作るよ! マヨネーズは加えない代わりにアボカドとトマトを入れるんだけど、ペルー料理のセビーチェ(魚介類のマリネ)とメキシコ料理のワカモレ(アボカドを使ったサラダ)の中間のようなものかな? それだけで1食分として十分、私のお気に入りの料理だ)

sabrinalafond Yummy! Will definitely give it a try :)
(聞くだけで美味そう! こんど試してみるわ)

meatsmoothie82 Fake crab crab rangoons are one of my favorite garbage foods of all time.
(カニカマを使ったクラブ・ラングーンは私一押しのジャンクフードの一つ) クラブ・ラングーン:ワンタンにカニ肉のすり身とクリームチーズ、ワケギ、ニンニクを詰めて三角形もしくは花状につつみ油で揚げたアメリカの中華料理

cynikalAhole99 Use to really love it in the Subway sandwiches...when they served it as a seafood salad.. It makes a great "faux" seafood roll..like a lobster roll

ghost_victim I miss that . Used to get it all the time!

Motored01 Same!

phoenixwaller I love it. I usually eat it just heated with butter, but I also toss some in quesadillas and in flautas.
(私もカニカマ大好きよ、普段はバターで過熱して食べるけど、ケサディーヤやタキートスに挟むこともある) ケサディーヤ:主な材料はチーズで、トウモロコシ、小麦、または穀粉のトルティーヤに包んだメキシコ料理のファーストフード

sumrdragn A friend from Russia stir fried it with onions and potatoes and salt and pepper. Yumm!

quarkus I like it for what it is. Better than a can of fish and it's around the same price.

Saffer60 Love it shredded with a mayo, garlic, ginger, chilli, lime and soy dressing with grated cucumber.

to_annihilate damn, trying this, that sounds bomb!

tspeaks83 I love it as a snack. Go through a package in no time


skeetinyoureye666 This has the be the most Walmarty post ever bro what the fuck even is that 😂😂😂
(史上最もウォルマートらしいスレ、何がどうなったらこんなことになるのよ 😂😂😂)

embarkguru People suck.

SasquatchUGonnaDo I used to work at a Baby Depot, and I will never forget the day a woman came traipsing through, with a bucket of fried chicken in her shopping cart.
(子供用品店のBaby Depotで働いていたことがあるんだけど、ショッピングカートにフライドチキンのバケツを入れた女性が現れた日のことは決して忘れないと思う)

She was was just smashing a thigh as she passed me, touching everything with her greasy fingers. We had to ask her to leave, but she didn't understand what the problem was. America, ladies and gentlemen, where impulse control is nonexistent.