
『WBC 第1ラウンド・日本vs.中国戦実況スレ』

Game Thread: China (0-0) vs. Japan (0-0) - WBC Pool B GM 2 | 5:00 AM EST, FS1



野球日本代表 - 大谷翔平
野球中国代表 - 王翔(オウ・ショウ)


米Fox Sports

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米Fox Sports


米Fox Sportsの野球アナリスト - ベン・バーランダー
「ヒア ウィー ゴー! 」


Tun710 Lets fucking gooo


cubbies1016 (カブスファン) I took a nap and woke up for this even though I work at 8am Pacific. Let's go Japan!!
(この試合のために昼寝をして今目が覚めたところだ。太平洋時間の午前8時には職場に行かなければならないけど Let's go Japan!!) ※太平洋標準時=西海岸標準時と日本との時差は17時間、試合開始時刻の19:00は西海岸だと9日の02:00

AcneBalls (カブスファン) I tried to take a power nap after the Australia vs Korea game but couldn’t sleep. I’m struggling. I will not miss the Ohtani start though.
(WBC豪韓戦を見た後に短い仮眠を取ろうとしたが眠れなかった。目を開けるのがつらい。でも大谷の登板を見逃すわけにはいかない) ※試合開始時刻の19:00はシカゴだと9日の04:00

cubbies1016 (カブスファン) Same. I only got one hour

Fischer-00 🫠🫠🫠 I am tired but I will watch

brandon_the_bald God I’m so tired

GameSmashing13 (ロッキーズファン) 1 ticket to the 3am Shotime please

KamartyMcFlyweight (マーリンズファン) 5AM on the East coast, pitch black outside, in bed, covers on, game on the fucking screen, ganbare Ohtani san

codars (レンジャーズファン) 2am in Oregon on an early Thursday morning and fully awake.

psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) Another Oregon lunatic checking in

Knucklles (メッツファン) I've stayed up all night lol and I kind of have heavy eyes but I'm here for Ohtani Time!
(こっちは寝るのをあきらめて徹夜だよw 瞼が重くなってきているけど大谷さんのためにスレにやってきたぜ!)

natarin_ Ohtani>>>>sleep

ThreePiMatt The trick to staying awake for this game is to travel to Japan and watch it in person.

SamuraiPanda19 (レッド ソックスファン) Does Shohei still get to hit after he's been removed pitching?

Tun710 Tun710 Yup the same rule as the MLB season last year
(残れるよ、昨年MLBに導入された "大谷ルール" と同じものが適用されるってさ)

doing-my-share Cool, I didn't know they adopted that rule.

Facelord1116 Letssssssssss fucking go bois games time baby

sofastsomaybe (日本ファン) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) It’s Shotime!!!

GummyMummys (エンゼルスファン) SHOTIME!!!!!!

duckandquack2 LETS GO OHTANI SAN

Desperate-Pin-9556 (ブレーブスファン) OHTANI SAN!!!!!

Ryuuken1789 (メッツファン) LET'S GO SAMURAI JAPAN

1005thArmbar (マリナーズファン) i'm the drunkest man who ever lived. wandered around the shelves of my house whispering "why can't we have some meats" like that orc from Two Towers, microwaved a bowl of my nieces' mini ravioli, then walked into my bedroom and proceeded to spill that shit all over my fuckin' floor

i will not be cleaning it up because i'm too busy getting ready to watch the baseball. that's tomorrow's problem

米Fox Sportsの野球アナリスト - ベン・バーランダー

Bb20223 98 first pitch not bad ey

AcneBalls (カーディナルズファン) The silence before the pitches is crazy!

Jdhill1188 (カブスファン) It's unsettling how quiet it is in between each pitch lol.

unknown The silence is bad for my heart

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) Shohei has this crowd under his control and it’s amazing to see!

badonkagonk (レッド ソックスファン) God, this is eerily quiet





Nejaru (カージナルスファン) LET’S GO NOOOOOT

KamartyMcFlyweight (マーリンズファン) NOOOOOOOOOT

(ブルージェイズファン) NOOT NOOT

KRH11 (エンゼルスファン) Let's gooo Noooooooooooot

AcneBalls (カージナルスファン) Noooooootttt!

overwearthief The chants following silence is crazy, man what an experience.

Knucklles (メッツファン) Japanese fans are awesome

KRH11 (エンゼルスファン) Walking before Ohtani and Murakami? Oh boy....
(そしてここにきて四球だと? 大谷と村上が来るのに四球? これアカンやつや...)

abyns3 Sho-bomb incoming

Cole_McKittrick (マリナーズファン) If China loses by anything less than ten it’s a fucking miracle. There’s a freaking 19 year old on the mound right now, and he has to face Shohei Ohtani

Recovery25 Hello 911? Yeah, I'm about to witness a murder
(もしもし警察ですか? はい、今目の前で虐殺が行われようとしているんですが)

Cole_McKittrick (マリナーズファン) For anyone who didn’t know, the Chinese domestic league hasn’t played a season since Covid. These guys have been scrimmaging since then, but this is gonna be an all out massacre

wedid (ツインズファン) Shohei home run here is an opening scene to his biopic in a couple decades

GummyMummys (エンゼルスファン) BIG FLY coming up

pakekify (エンゼルスファン) This shit is so hype!

psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) Here we go

Terrible-Ideal-7342 He’s a strike thrower

Has 1 total strike

1005thArmbar (マリナーズファン) "he's a strike thrower" after 6 straight balls lmao good work Nelson

LordOfHorns (ツインズファン) THROW A STRIKE

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) The pressure this 19 year old must be feeling

NRT25 (ドジャースファン) Pitcher looks terrified, not that I blame him

ryananderson_27 (ブルージェイズファン) And the bases are juiced…

KamartyMcFlyweight (ファン) Bases loaded for Murakami oh lawd

EvaderDX (ブルージェイズファン) BOOOO PITCH TO HIM
(BOOOO、大谷とちゃんと勝負しろ! )

Cole_McKittrick (マリナーズファン) He’s doing his best man

mnikolaevna (エンゼルスファン) Cmon king throw a strike

LocksTheFox (オランダファン) And even if you walk Ohtani, Murakami is waiting

ryananderson_27 (ブルージェイズファン) If only the Angels were that deep…



weguccino BRUH

UltimoMan7 (ドジャースファン) 11 straight balls jesus

spoonfedsam (パドレスファン) Man I feel bad for that poor pitcher. Kid looks scared

Jambrokio (広島東洋カープファン) Bahahahahaha this is gonna be 40-0
(こりゃ 40-0 で日本が勝ってしまうかもな、なっはっは)

LocksTheFox (オランダファン) man i feel for this kid

PalanabooTwo bro, throw strikes

AlexanderWun (マリナーズファン) Who would have guessed a 19 year old would have a rough go of it against a bunch of elite professionals. This is a confidence killer for the kid

SDFriar (パドレスファン) This kid is so intimidated, I feel for him. 19 and going against a stadium full of opposing fans and facing the best of the NPB plus Ohtani.

CoolstorySteve (ブルージェイズファン) Gonna be a long day for China




psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) This isn’t fair lol

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) -- MLB hitters after Ohtani steals Clay Holmes' 100mph sinker

Ryuuken1789 (メッツファン) Ohtani's got amazing feel for his slider right now.

--THRILLHO-- (イギリスファン) Holy shit I love watching Shohei

FilopianTube (パドレスファン) Dealin’

doing-my-share if the pitch clock doesn't stop him he's gonna be so good this season

theamazinchad (オリオールズファン) This atmosphere is crazy! Dead silent for sho when he pitches
(それにしても日本の球場の空気が素晴らしい! 大谷が投球フォームに入る度に静寂さに包まれる)

SamuraiPanda19 (レッドソックスファン) The silence is like when a crowd goes silent for a free throw

1005thArmbar (床にラビオリをまき散らしたマリナーズファン) i need to pee but i don't want to miss ohtani pitching. i need to invent a roman aqueduct system so I can piss in bed and just deliver it straight into my toilet. or just drink less wild turkey but that's fucking insane, i'll never do that
(今私の膀胱が危険信号を送り続けている、だが大谷の登板を見逃したくない。ここはベッドとトイレとを古代ローマ式の水道橋で繋いでベッドで小便ができるように家をリフォームすべきか? ウイスキーを飲む量を減らせば解決できるかもしれないが...いやそんなことは正気の沙汰ではない、俺はウイスキーを飲み続けるぞ!)

ryananderson_27 (マリナーズファン) Wild Turkey? At this hour? It’s 5 o clock somewhere
(ウイスキー? この時間に? もう朝の5時近くなのに?)

theamazinchad (オリオールズファン) Just piss in your mouth, coward.

SirExplosive (マリナーズファン) You know what? China actually did a great job there, wow

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) Props to China for limiting the damage to just one run

CAPTAINxCOOKIES Makes me think it may not be as one sided as that first inning was appearing. Hope so.

SirExplosive (マリナーズファン) I’d love a close game, but as someone who has no idea how good the Chinese team is, I’d be worried about their hitting.



Nejaru (カーディナルズファン) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

DrUlysses314 (カーディナルズファン) N👀tbaar


KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) NOOOOOOT

Knucklles (メッツファン) Damn nice catch Noot

Terrible-Ideal-7342 (日本ファン) TACCHANNNNNNN

unco_ruckus (レンジャーズファン) NOOOOOT NOOOOOT

SuperMario_49 (エンゼルスファン) Lars Nootbar, Japanese legend!

PowderBlueJays ( ブルージェイズファン) Nootbar for Japanese PM 2024

pwnd32 we are all Noot fans on this blessed day

suzie17 Noot Noot Noot

Knucklles (メッツファン) Wow China's defense is killing it

SirExplosive (マリナーズファン) Chinas defence actually looks really good so far

HeverPacheco (エンゼルスファン) What a bounce back by China tho

Cole_McKittrick (マリナーズファン) Im rooting for them not to get mercy-ruled, that alone is a win

spoonfedsam (パドレスファン) Damn near 600 comments in a game thread at 2:45am PT. We really are some sickos
(それにしても午前2時45分 (太平洋時間) の時点で実況スレに600件近くのコメントが寄せられるとは。俺たちマジで病気だな)

matt8mo (マリナーズファン) Where my 5:45 am homies at
(私の住んでいる所なんて今、朝の 5:45だぜ?)

koleiki (マリナーズファン) No brother, baseball is sick


1005thArmbar (マリナーズファン) YEAH LET US FUCKING GO

psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) Holy shit

theamazinchad (オリオールズファン) Oh my god

Knucklles (メッツファン) Breaks up the no no!

abyns3 Damn congrats to China!

first on base

PaintedSoILeft (パドレスファン) Duuuude I would brag about that til the day I died

Jambrokio Perfecto gone

(ホーリーシット、大谷相手に中国がヒットを打ったよ!w) ​

cherish that moment forever



psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) Nasty

abyns3 nasty

Terrible-Ideal-7342 (ファン) ABSOLUTE FILTH

psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) He’s mad

mnikolaevna (エンゼルスファン) Lol he totally got mad about that one hit

silentorange813 (日本ファン) Ohtani's slider is filthy today.

Jambrokio If Shohei just throws his slider there is no way they can hit it

choconut5 If Ohtani wasn't held back by pitching restrictions, today is a prime candidate for a perfect game.

soFresh_and_Clean Shohei is just overpowering

flightsim9fan (ロイヤルズファン) AND HE STAYS BELOW 50

psilocybin_therapy (ジャイアンツファン) Nice! 49 pitches

kredditeva101 King Ohtani

GummyMummys (エンゼルスファン) Gets the K on pitch 49 so he doesnt have to be on 4 day pitching break

Total_Preparation_67 give him a run support already!

doing-my-share Just a 1 run lead, this game can turn around so quickly

LordOfHorns (ツインズファン) I do not believe in china’s offense at all

米Fox Sportsの野球アナリスト - ベン・バーランダー


KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) OHTANI!!!

brandon_the_bald Ohtani!

BigSportsNerd Ohtani!

pakekify (エンゼルスファン) SHOHEI!!!

JvHffsPnt (マーリンズファン) SHOTIME LETS GOO

ps2sanandreas (ドジャースファン) Ohtani 2-run double!

Ryuuken1789 (メッツファン) THERE WE FUCKING GO!!!!!

AcneBalls (カージナルスファン) That’s what I stayed up to see!

mnikolaevna (エンゼルスファン) Eyyyyy

pwnd32 (日本ファン) Of course it was Ohtani to make the first non-BB RBI, he’s inevitable

JohnRamos85 RBI Double Ohtani San

AcneBalls (カージナルスファン) How did it go that far? My god.
(というかあの打球でなんであそこまで飛んでるの? なんてこった)

GameSmashing13 (ロッキーズファン) Just casually poked that that one all the way to the wall

sofastsomaybe (日本ファン) That pitch was at his ankles LMAO

natarin_ lol that was nearly a homer

LordOfHorns (ツインズファン) Opposite field golf shot that almost went yard. That’s some power

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) 113 new comments what a pop off


bigkinehaole (エンゼルスファン) THATS MY MVP

Total_Preparation_67 He gives himself a run support.

peachypal (スワローズファン) Shohei was like “l have to do everything, don’t l.”

bigflyohtanisan Shohei not only carries the Angels but also Samurai Japan!!!

theamazinchad (オリオールズファン) Oooh that is a FINE GRIND
(大谷の ペッパー・グラインダー (コショウひきパフォーマンス)も様になってきたで)

LordHoovy (カージナルスファン) Seeing Ohtani do the pepper grind puts the dumbest smile on my face, you gotta love it.

ryananderson_27 (カージナルスファン) OHTANI TO STL 2024

CoolstorySteve (ブルージェイズファン) How is it only the 4th inning this has been going on forever
(ちょっと待って、まだ4回が終わっていないってどういうこと? まるで永遠のように感じる試合だな今日の試合は)

Ryujin_707 Almost 2 hours. This is gonna be 5 hours game easy.

unco_ruckus (レンジャーズファン) walks + no pitch clock
(四球が多すぎた + ピッチクロックがないからな)

khataisuki (ドジャースファン) as a shohei stan this doesn't feel very different from watching the angels

zeropointcorp Yeah so far it’s just another Angels game with Thanotani
(確かに今のところいつもの "サノタニとのエンゼルスの仲間たち" 感が...)

“Fine I’ll do it myself”
(大谷が「もういい俺が自分でやってやる」と叫んでいる声が聞こえる) Thanotani=Thanos(サノス)+Ohtani(大谷)

SDFriar (パドレスファン) Comments slowed way down since Ohtani left the mound


「甲斐拓也がさらに2ランを決めて日本が8-1とリード、日本は8回裏に来てリードを大きく広げる! 🇯🇵」

sofastsomaybe (日本ファン) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A HIT WITH RISP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

samuenella A RUN!

natarin_ FINALLY

msijacoke (阪神ファン) Alright, Yamada has been on an absolute slump on the exhibition matches but at least he's clutch when it matters

KRH11 (エンゼルスファン) Crazy how the bases are loaded multiple times and yet it is still 5-1.

bigflyohtanisan (エンゼルスファン) Samurai Japan of Anaheim
(侍ジャパンは "侍ジャパン・オブ・アナハイム" だった?) ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス・オブ・アナハイム:ロサンゼルス・エンゼルスになる前の球団名

JohnRamos85 (アメリカファン) 2-RUN RBI DOUBLE

8-1 Japan!!!

JohnRamos85 3 OUTS

Japan WINS!!

F: 8-1 JPN

sofastsomaybe (日本ファン) LTBU!

il_postino (ブルージェイズファン) I would love to be at this game. The atmosphere is amazing.

abyns3 Great job to China for their fight today

Ryuuken1789 China's defense has been outstanding.

BigSportsNerd was closer than expected until the late innings

libera_mefromhel honestly frustrated but anyway

LordHoovy (カージナルスファン) Genuinely a really good effort by China, but Noottani are an undefeatable duo.

misterferguson (ヤンキースファン) 8-1 really doesn’t tell the full story. China showed up.

peachypal See you all tomorrow for Korea v. Japan. It’s gonna be intense.

Basic_Bichette (ブルージェイズファン) 8 AM: time for bed!

PlatinumHalo (エンゼルスファン) Oyasumi!

「日本代表が何とも素晴らしい "ショー" を見せてくれました」