
『WBC 決勝・日本vs.アメリカ戦実況スレ』 - その2

Game of the Day 3/21 ⚾ United States (0-0) @ Japan (0-0) 7:00 PM ET


米FOX Sports

米国の投球アナリスト - ロブ・フリードマン

greywolf2155 (マリナーズファン) What the fuck was that pitch

NeilOwnsYou (ヤンキースファン) Feel like this game is over

Samulton2223 (カージナルスファン) Still early. But damn we gotta get something cooking here soon. Team Japan is legit

bbmarco What happened to the killer lineup

jelde (ヤンキースファン) Bats need to wake the F up!

sidslidkid (ブレーブスファン) We need 8 more Turners.

DrunkSpaceGrandpa (ヤンキースファン) damn they good

therealgoat1212 (ダイヤモンドバックスファン) They’re far more balanced then us

DLM_13 (ドジャースファン) Time to get the lead back

LostMyOtherLogin 3 runs to gain the lead shouldn't be too hard for this lineup.

cherryfree2 (ブルージェイズファン) Time to wake up USA

bruvmode (フインディアンズァン) This pitcher is fucking filthy

KenshiroTheKid (ヤンキースファン) This kid is 20. Japan’s pitching is STACKED

SBMVPJustinHerbert (パドレスファン) this dude is fucking 20???

Eltneg (フィリーズファン) takahashi is a monster, how is he only 20?

claire_004 (エンゼルスファン) Are japanese pitchers got lectured Splitters since their child day ?

HandBananas (ブレーブスファン) Their pitching is so much better it's ridiculous

RufinTheFury (オリオールズファン) pain


「大谷翔平がブルペンに向かって歩いている 👀」

Ragingroseman (ヤンキースファン) Ohtani alert
(大 谷 警 報 発 令)

CampfireBeast (ホワイトソックスファン) Fuck.

Archaic_Avidity (オリオールズファン) It's happening!

GetReady4Action Ohtani to the pen lol oh boy.
(大谷がブルペンてw なんてこったい)

TJeffersonsBlackKid (エンゼルスファン) Fuck me that was amazing.

atdoyou The legend of Ohtani is getting a new chapter

jimbelushiapplesauce (レンジャーズファン) ohtani to the bullpen? i thought he wasn't supposed to pitch?
(大谷がブルペンに向かった? 登板しないと思っていたんだけど?)

LastPhoton (マーリンズファン) He gets 1 inning

tsuyoshikentsu (レッドソックスファン) We are so screwed

Maverick721 (ロイヤルズファン) Need runs this inning, especially with Othani going to the bullpen

Only-Individual2125 Yeah we’re fucked now

db_blast7 (メッツファン) How do you beg for mercy in Japanese

joey_1324 (ガーディアンズファン) Holy shit we're actually gonna get Trout vs Ohtani aren't we?

FormosaIsNumberOne (カージナルスファン) GIVE ME OHTANI VS FISH MAN

petalsandplumes Ohtani heading to the bullpen! IT’S HAPPENING

NarcissusLovesEcho (オリオールズファン) If Ohtani comes in and shuts us down, I won't even be mad.

The_Astros_Cheated (ドジャースファン) We are in a bad spot if the next two pitchers we face are Ohtani and Darvish

1nf1niteCS (カブスファン) We have to score here, I don't have a ton of confidence in a comeback vs Ohtani and Darvish


thiswasandy Crazy side movement on Itoh’s sliders.

3luejays (ブルージェイズファン) Japan's pitching has been on point tonight

OceanPoet87 (アメリカファン) Japan's pitching is so dominant.

reddit_beer_map (オリオールズファン) Japan scored all of their runs last night in the 7th/8th/9th...

Dengru (ドジャースファン) Damn

TadpoleFishTaco (パドレスファン) I know there are still 3 innings left, but the US hitters look lost

Tonyhdz2001 (ドジャースファン) USA looks so lifeless now

「これは日本にとって大きいダブルプレー! アメリカが0死1・2塁のチャンスを作るもトラウト→アウト、ゴールドシュミット→併殺で7回表も無失点に押さえる。試合は3-1のまま日本がリード」

Rox217 (ロッキーズファン) Fuckin’ LOBster-fest tonight for USA.
(今夜のアメリカは完全にロブスター祭りじゃないですか!) LOB=Left On Base=残塁


bkbeam (ヤンキースファン) We're cooked, that was the best chance

Samulton2223 (カージナルスファン) Can't blame the pitching when we are leaving so many stranded on base. If we lose it will be because of hitting.

BrandoC95 (マリナーズファン) 0-7 with runners in scoring position, is this the 2021 Mariners or something?

thaitiger29 jesus christ

EaglesPvM (フィリーズファン) Goldshmidt has been terrible tonight

lucabrassiere (エンゼルスファン) Huge missed opportunity there, now they’ll have to go through Darvish/Ohtani to win this…

Trickzyz Don’t blame Trout, he’s not used to hitting in a game where a championship is on the line lmfao

cableguysup (ナショナルズファン) We need 9 Trea Turners apparently, and a few Betts

GamblingMikkee Japan yesterday BUNTED to get a run. USA playing hero ball. Deserve to lose

PrancingDonkey (ドジャースファン) Bunts are basically non-existent in the MLB

chiastic_slide (レッドソックスファン) Pain



Kakali4 (レッドソックスファン) LETS GOOOO

welcome_oblivion HELL YEA!

LuisRobertDylan (ホワイトソックスファン) Thank Yu

hottytoddy_sko (カージナルスファン) You could definitely see that coming

culpepperjosh (パドレスファン) That was predictable after 5 pitches ;(

Cicero127 Alright, one more run and we're in business. Lets go USA.
(よーしよし、これでもう1点取ったら完全に試合はリセットだな、Lets go USA)

kingryan300 Okay, now I can cheer for the US again

greywind618 Ughhhh 🤦‍♂️

PecorinoMan (ヤンキースファン) Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggghhhhhhh

legitocracy (オリオールズファン) To go from 1 on 1 out to 3 outs in a span of two pitches kinda sucked ngl

regarding_your_cat (ヤンキースファン) My god that’s disappointing

Solid_Cicada_9613 (エンゼルスファン) Oh my god. Trout vs Ohtani is really happening in 9th.

eagleboy444 (ブルージェイズファン) Holy shit, Ohtani is facing Trout. And he's dur up 3rd. Holy shit holy fuck.

Infraready Ohtani is really gonna pitch to Trout with the game on the line holy shit

coolon23 (ナショナルズファン) WERE GETTING OHTANI VS TROUT

st01cz Otani vs Trout to end the game. How fucking sick is that!?!

RunawayRobocop Trout could come up against Ohtani with 2 outs in the 9th down 1 run. Oh man. You could not script this better.

vacuum11 (ドジャースファン) Ohtani gonna strike out Trout to win the championship

DaBears2112 Trout vs Ohtani, this is not a drill!

Waste_Week Baseball gods demand a Trout v Ohtani duel

Unciano404 TroutXOhtani ...lesssgooooo!


brosen87 How can you not be romantic about baseball?

Jawnshames76 Trout ohtani match up gonna break reddit

PatchyK (ブレーブスファン) Trout vs. Ohtani in the 9th in a one run game. Thank you baseball gods.
(9回に1点差でこの2人の対決! 野球の神様ありがとう)

米USAトゥデイ紙の野球記者 - Bob Nightengale

Mc_Lovin81 (ヤンキースファン) HERE WE GO!!!!!

bigleaguechyut (ダイヤモンドバックスファン) It's really happening.

Trout vs. Ohtani.

9th inning.

Thunder_nuggets101 (ドジャースファン) I’m gonna pass out

TheMadDefenestrator (レッドソックスファン) Here we go boys. This what we’ve been waiting g for

MagicCactus8732 I am so hyped

Total_Preparation_67 this is the anime situation.


tumblemagnet This game deserves an Emmy!

spennin5 (ブレーブスファン) The script writers deserve a raise

SwifferWetJet711 I'm so nervous

itsnursehoneybadger (ブルージェイズファン) Can somebody hold my hand pls?!?

PatchyK (ブレーブスファン) Here we go. Most likely the best 9th inning ever played.

zurlocke (タイガースファン) Post-season type heart rate


elmariachi304 (ヤンキースファン) This Trout/Ohtani at bat is capable of crashing the subreddit. I can't believe it's really gonna happen

bichettes_helmet (ブルージェイズファン) MY HEART IS RACING

Easy-Priority-2703 (ジャイアンツファン) My butthole is so tight an ant couldn't crawl in

chofito88 (ドジャースファン) I don’t know who to root for

YesLikeTheJeans (フィリーズファン) I want either Trout to get a walk off, or Ohtani to strike out Trout to end the game. I don’t care either way honestly.

EskettiMySpaghetti (ジャイアンツファン) Trout vs Ohtani, finally 👀

NipsAhoy2 (レッドソックスファン) This is better than the WS.

This is crazy


That_Geek (レッドソックスファン) Holy shit we are so lucky are you fucking kidding me what a tournament

3luejays (ブルージェイズファン) Holy shit, Ohtani for the save

ikindahatereddit This game is so freaking awesome. What a tournament. What a championship game.

rlmaster01 (ブレーブスファン) It’s been a pleasure shitposting with you all. Tomorrow, we are once again enemies. Today, we pray to the baseball gods for a miracle

xepa105 (レッドソックスファン) Here we go, folks!

greyhair_ (マリナーズファン) Very happy the game is ending like this.

new_wellness_center (ブレーブスファン) I cannot believe it’s going to come down to Ohtani v Trout.

iamcollarblind (ブレーブスファン) No matter what happens this tournament has had some of the best baseball I’ve seen in my entire life. Let’s go USA!!!

strcy (レッドソックスファン) This is a win/win situation for baseball fans

menellus (ホワイトソックスファン) Shohei plot armor too strong

Puppybl00pers (ガーディアンズファン) Fish Man may be Team USA's last hope

yeahnothanks (エンゼルスファン) I love baseball

RichHomieKhan21 (ジャイアンツファン) HERE WE GO FELLAS

sevelev711 (ホワイトソックスファン) Is Trout's at-bat going to be the most watched at-bat in history? Not only millions watching in the USA, but millions in Japan, and also a bunch of LatAm countries tuned in right now as well.
(これトラウトの打席は歴史上最も多くの人間に見られた打席になるのでは? アメリカだけでなく日本でも何百万人もの人々が視聴している、多数のラテンアメリカ諸国の人々も)

MercuryInVirgo (オリオールズファン) The USA fan in me wants Trout to go yard. The baseball fan in me wants Ohtani to have this moment.

qwertythe300th (レンジャーズファン) ITS ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENING BOYS

SouffleStitches (ホワイトソックスファン) My adrenals are maxed out right now

killermoose23 (フィリーズファン) My butt is clenched

Report_Submitted Jesus Christ. I can’t take this shit

H1N1777 (エンゼルスファン) When Trout comes up I’ll piss myself

b2717 It’s so funny rooting for both the pitcher and the batter at the same time.

「日本がやってくれました! 2023年WBCの王者に!!」




MeshiKuuna (イギリスファン) Ohtani made sashimi out of Trout

xepa105 (レッドソックスファン) What an ending! This was baseball at its absolute best!
(なんというエンディング! これは最高の野球だったよ!)

I_GOT_THE_MONEY Amazing game to top off an amazing tourney. Even though it's an L it's hard to be upset

NBAKefka I have never watched baseball so intensively as I did during that final at bat. Wow,

reptilot Dude's like the main character of baseball.

Tinder4Boomers (ブリュワーズファン) undisputed GOAT

trunksfuture27 Ohtani is a literal baseball god

coolon23 (ナショナルズファン) Who tf is Babe Ruth
(ベーブルース? 誰ですそれ?)

tofilmfan What a great game and a perfect appetizer for opening day

SeaworthinessOk6742 What a moment to end the WBC! Iconic, nothing else to say.
(WBCの締めくくりとしてなんて素晴らしい対決だったろう! まさに劇的、他に言うことなんてない)

Nuckin_futs_ (マリナーズファン) So uh.

Fuck Mike Trout Fuck Mike Trout:マリナーズファンにとってマイク・トラウトとは仇敵であり "Fuck Mike Trout (FMT)" とは単なる罵りを通り越して挨拶や掛け声のようなものになっている。なおWBCが開催されている間はマリナーズファンもFMTを自粛していた

Data_Vomit_57 Sad day for America. Congrats Japan and baseball

bumbledink (レッズファン) i never want this tournament to end. it's so much more fun than watching the reds lol

LazerSatin My god I never thought my heart could beat so fast just sitting on the couch

phantomtap (カナダファン) That was the perfect ending to an incredible tournament

cire1184 (ドジャースファン) Really is a classic
(本当に "Classic" だよ、WBCとはよく言ったもんだ) Classic:不朽の価値/非常に面白い/第1級