
『4月17日 エンゼルス対レッドソックス戦実況スレ(レッドソックス4連戦4日目)』

4/17 Angels @ Red Sox [Game Thread]


敵地フェンウェイ パークで午前8時10分より開幕

エンゼルス - 大谷翔平(2勝0敗、防御率0.47)
レッドソックス - ブレイヤン・ベロ (0勝0敗、防御率 ---)






jnuclear Oof

carbine23 Depression

aj_og I wanna die

triggergza I'm just so exhausted watching this team already.

ReferenceVisual2327 new fan of the game drawn in by ohtani during wbc. only 15 games in and i'm exhausted already, i can't imagine how it is for long time angels fans

landoisamastermind Stop watching. Mental health first.

strokeskid We had a chance to win today tho. Detmers did good

claire_004 Just like last year when the pitching good, offense not and vice versa

WhalesForChina I’m confident that…one day…we will be able to score runs and have solid pitching performances at the same time.

One day.


burnsrado When’s the next Halley’s Comet?
(遠く離れた軌道を周回するハレー彗星が地球に接近する的な? 次にハレー彗星が来るのっていつだっけ?) ハレー彗星:76年に一度の間隔で太陽に近づく周期彗星

WhalesForChina I’m holding out for Hale-Bopp

mason195 Lol! Wonder if anyone knows that comet won’t be back for like 2000 years.
(それ一度近づいたら2000年は戻ってこないやつじゃないですかw) ヘール・ボップ彗星の公転周期は約2530年

CaptZombieHero it will be one day and only one day

hollyw00d8604 1 game away from getting swept by the shitty red sox

strokeskid I thought that too but maybe we’re the shitty team

sharpLess89 Maybe? Where you been for 10 years?
(”たぶん” ですと? おいおい君はこの10年間何を見てきたんだ?)

Worst run franchise in baseball.

ghost_rider24 Eh, the pirates, reds, and A’s would like a word.

listinglight778 All of those franchises have gotten to the playoffs more recently than this franchise

FreedomChords The Angels are 🐶💩

TheRealNexusPrime I hate how its already starting to feel like last season where we basically looked at Ohtani starts as our only decent chance of winning
(エンゼルスは去年、勝利できるほぼ唯一のチャンスが大谷の先発登板日で我々はその日を支えに1週間を過ごしてい時期があったが、今その時と同じ気持ちになりつつあるのが辛い) 当時の反応がコチラ:

Huggly001 We suck again…. Anyway, the Lakers are on
(またエンゼルスがヘッポコチームに戻ってしまいました... 同じロサンゼルスのスポーツチームでもNBAのレイカーズが絶好調なのが救いだな)

owledge The Lakers are my saving grace right now
(レイカーズはマジで "saving grace (悪い状況の中で神から与えられた救い)" ですわ) 球団創設以来1回しかワールドシリーズを制覇したことがないエンゼルスと違ってNBA優勝17回を誇る名門ロサンゼルス・レイカーズのプレイオフ2023に対する海外の反応はコチラ:

jnuclear An Angels tale as old as time.

GalleonRaider Yeah. I imagine tomorrow our hitters will get 9 runs, but the pitching will give up 10.

KurtVonnebeergut Not happening on an Ohtani start, I’m expecting a 5-0 win tomorrow optimistically.

jnuclear Yup




エンゼルスの地元紙OC Registerの記者 - Jeff Fletcher
「皆さん目を覚まして! 本日午前8時10分より始まるレッドソックス戦のラインナップがコチラ」

PearlDrummer No trout today. 😱

sofastsomaybe We're one game away from getting swept and both Trout and Rendon have the day off.

PsychologicalRange55 Sooo discouraging with this lineup…

aeriselle17 Damn.. No trout, no rendon. Neto lead off?

Tallywashere Man, I believe in Shohei but the potential run support is yikes.

CaskStrength898 Total bullshit lineup. Lmao

TVloverCam What a disastrous lineup. It’s like Nevin is trying to get swept.

triggergza What a shitty lineup

digitaldumpsterfire What the fuck is this lineup?

Jasonictron Shohei is just going to have to pitch all 9 innings

TheCheetosTiger Shohei pitches into the 8th inning today, holds the red Sox to 1 point. Moore closes out the game.

We lose 0-1.

Any SP with this lineup would be infuriated.

Jhopedaisensei Angels to Shohei:
‘go get it champ! (we mean you need to score your own run and pitch a shut out)’
(エンゼルス:「よっ、大将!ここはガツンと行っちゃってください! (意訳:完封よろしく、得点は自分で取ってね)」)

sofastsomaybe Typical Ohtani day lineup.
(去年からお馴染みの "大谷先発登板の日の光景" だな)

Educational-Pass404 I don't have good feeling abt this game after seeing the lineup. The weather in Boston is not ideal for Sho. I dead worry abt his command. Hope he has best stuff today

BiovaniGernard A little worried about Ohtani out there today, real cold and wet on the east coast today

tristpa2 The stadium is saying the start of the game will delayed

Brohei_Flowtani This rain really sucks

Hour_Insurance_7795 Boston and shitty fucking weather, name a more iconic duo.

HeverPacheco No trout, no Rendon, but at least I'm gonna watch an Ohtani vs Yoshida

Away_Independent7269 I hope they win but I'm prepared to be hurt today.

xThe-Legend-Killerx Ohtani in semi wet and cold weather might result in a wild commandless Ohtani start.

Baseballbooty So 6BB 2HBP 3H 0R in 7 IP?

chasecards19 If we can't manage to win series, the next best thing would be to avoid sweeps. If we can do that, we'll be in good shape.

phelinephile Let's go Halos! 😇 👏👏 👏👏👏

Philosophy_bit I had a dream last night that in the game today the Angels scored 7 runs in the first inning but also gave up 10 runs.

Sullyville That's not a dream. That's a nightmare.


Zenithreg Ohtani!

nanao2018 Sho-time :)

Super_Kaleidoscope_8 Ohtani, why only a single and not a HR?!

米国の野球ポッドキャスト『Talkin’ Baseball』

Lily Peony 🤣

Nick Crews At least we know he's human now 😅

packers1503 Never knew you can wear a sweater while on base lol




Fischer-00 Renfroe!!

rstepaniuk0 Yes!!! Renfroe!!!



skinnypanda3732 LETS GOOOOO

Total_Preparation_67 Whoa! we score when shohei pitches!

gggggrayson absolute MOONSHOT

dinosorcerer Yeeeeeeeeesh


uphillbrevity Holy shit Shohei has early run support!

doing-my-share Run support!!!

Baseballbooty Run support for shohei?

Rover16 Nice! Home run and ohtani gets to sit in the dug out now!

TVloverCam Renfroe gives Ohtani early run support‼️‼️

bigflyohtanisan WE GOT TWO MIKE TROUTS

Apprehensive_Major45 Who said Mike trout wasn't playing?

WhalesForChina Who needs Trout when we have Trout?
(トラウトなんていらんかったんや、うちにはトラウト(偽)がいれば十分やで) ↑マイク・トラウト(左)とハンター レンフロー(右)、スプリングトレーニングより


prisonrach WOOOOOOO


sho_hidaka I'm worried now lol

xThe-Legend-Killerx Oh great we have an early lead. We’re fucked
(エンゼルスが先制? 話は聞かせてもらった、エンゼルスはもう終わりだ)

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Now I’m worried! Lol
(嬉しいけどまたいつもの "エンゼルスが先制→相手に逆転されそのまま負け" の流れになる予感がして今度は不安にw)

listinglight778 Nice, let’s get more, shouldn’t need it because of Ohtani, but I’m scarred after that game a couple days ago

packers1503 Renfroe and urshela have been playing amazing, great pick ups!

doing-my-share Hunter Renfroe is a hero! Now we just need the new 'O'Hoppe homering on Ohtani day' tradition to continue!
(ハンター・レンフローさんはマジでヒーローやで。さぁ後は "なぜか大谷が登板の日になるとホームランを打つオーハッピー" という新たなエンゼルスの伝統が今日も継続することを期待するだけだな!)

Zenithreg Even Lamb

rstepaniuk0 Holy crap, even Lamb got a hit.

Any_Application7786 LETS GO LAMB!

doing-my-share Am I dreaming? We're about to go through the whole lineup in the first inning?!




HeverPacheco LFG Drury

sho_hidaka We might be winning

HuckleBears Shhhhhhhh

Total_Preparation_67 raining again!!

mnikolaevna Crap its raining now

Dablackbird The rain will ruin this game...

Cooleybob Angels 0-1 in the series after a 4 run 1st inning 😬

TVloverCam Yeah but Ohtani is pitching this time

Jcoch27 Angels try not to screw up this one challenge


oOoleveloOo I’m blaming the rain delay and long first inning

Total_Preparation_67 I'm nervous.

Sullyville Sho's first inning is always shaky before he warms up.

Baseballbooty Aw shit ohtani can’t throw a strike

Baseballbooty Not a single pitch close to the strike zone yet

Teddy_Ohtani OMG Sho What was that!?

TVloverCam Jesus.. two wild pitches

mnikolaevna Oh no his command

costigancranberries If we can’t win with a 4-0 lead with Shohei pitching against fucking Boston then this team has no hope

Sullyville this is normal for him

WhalesForChina If Shohei didn’t start the game with a walk and a few base runners I’d be concerned




mnikolaevna Fuck

kirbyfaraone Well that run is on Shohei, but I think we can get some more

Educational-Pass404 His walk came back and bite him. At least it's just 1 run

st1r That’s fine

doing-my-share Ohtani and first innings!

bigflyohtanisan Confident that Shohei can shake off the poor start and settle in, one run isn't the worst thing in the world, cmon Angels

PlatinumHalo Ohtani vs. Yoshida! Oh my!
(それより大谷vs吉田ですよ! なんてこった!)



sanguinearrowfall Ohtani went through Yoshida like nothing damn

doing-my-share Struck him out twice.

PoroAhri Not today macho man

nanao2018 Sho looks cold

slankthetank It looks a lot colder than 50 degrees there


Fischer-00 Neto!

Monttavius HE DID ITTTTT

nanao2018 Neto first hit!

TVloverCam Yay Neto first hit!!!

Educational-Pass404 Finally, congrats Neto

Brilliant-Fun-922 Congrats on hit #1 Neto!

No_Slice_5178 Congrats Neto!! 🫡

digitaldumpsterfire Get that man a helmet that fits


rstepaniuk0 Ohtani on fire at the plate today.

Fischer-00 Shohei: My bad Shohei, I will hit to make up for it

Shohei: It's okay Shohei

nanao2018 Sho nice hit & Neto nice run




doing-my-share That lineup looked so shit but it's incredible!

Educational-Pass404 Renfroeeee. He seems doing real good at #4
(レンフローさん最高っす! マジで頼れる4番じゃないですか)

Fischer-00 4RBI

Sleepynappygirl Renfroe Trout twin, just not for speed

Clear-Raisin-6111 Renfroe was such a good pick.

Jakearooni Renfroe masterclass

Clear-Raisin-6111 I love when we add runs each inning instead of holding onto an early lead and doing nothing the rest of the game haha.

skinnypanda3732 oh it's coming down now here

Tight_Ad905 Oh god it’s raining

st1r Absolutely pouring

nanao2018 Too strong rain…

TVloverCam Oh man it’s really pouring. Not another delay :(



Clear-Raisin-6111 I don't know the last time I saw a game this rainy haha

st1r No way they’re gonna keep playing

Zenithreg Just call the game right here. Angels win, off to NY lol

SuperShadowStar This rain is an ill omen...

digitaldumpsterfire Bad News: Shohei's hand is wet.

Good News: Shohei is wet.

Zenithreg Keep the fantasies between you and his topless poster on your bedroom ceiling.

digitaldumpsterfire Prude. 😂

rstepaniuk0 Fuck Boston's weather. How the fuck is somebody supposed to pitch through this?

doing-my-share Get Ohtani an ☔

gggggrayson shohei if you like the nice weather stay in so cal (oc to be specific) forever haha

Teddy_Ohtani I hope this rain is not going to ruin his ERA

st1r Can’t believe they have him standing out there “warming” up
(この雨のなかマウンドに立たせておいて "ウォーミングアップ" も何もないでしょ)

bigflyohtanisan Shohei gotta change his uniform before the next inning, can't be soaking wet the whole game


PoroAhri Angry ohtani

mmcc120 This is unusual

nanao2018 Pitch com not working?

prisonrach are they really booing him

Teddy_Ohtani Are they really booing at Shohei? WTF?
(大谷にブーイングするとか正気? 何考えてんだ)

SpiceNugget Boston’s shitty weather is to blame

Zenithreg Booing is better than what they usually do in Boston.

Sullyville oh shit you can see his breath. so cold!

Baseballbooty Ohtani looks so uncomfortable lol

quakthunder What a shit show lmao. Poor Sho

HuckleBears He’s still gunna throw a hell of a game, watch




米国の投球アナリスト - ロブ・フリードマン

Educational-Pass404 He's nastyyyy

Solid_Cicada_9613 What a nasty pitch

Consistent-Horse-273 Nasty

dinosorcerer Wow, nice pitches.

Golfnut80 NASTY

strokeskid nasty strikeout sheesh

Baseballbooty Beautiful

Zenithreg That was a beautiful pitch man

_Androxis_ Straight filth goddamn

yeahnothanks Inconvenienced Ohtani about to kill the red sox

prisonrach he said that’s what you get for booing me

bigflyohtanisan I still find it mind bogging a man with a 100mph fastball throws predominantly breaking pitches

st1r Longevity

Sullyville pissed off ohtani is kinda sexy

BaldOnPurpose Any Ohtani is sexy. Even unsexy Ohtani is sexy.

TVloverCam Unhittable pitch!

rstepaniuk0 OMG those pitches were filthy.

Jasonictron Just Disgusting

_Androxis_ Sheeeeeesh

Rust_Cohlon This is how a cy young season starts. Are 20 wins in play too?

Baseballbooty It pains me that he didn’t get the win in game 1, should be 4-0 after today

Rover16 Filth inning with great command. Keep it up!


nanao2018 Rain again

Consistent-Horse-273 Wtf is this weather

trickdog775 It’s called rain. God cries when Trout doesn’t play.
(この天気は "雨" です。トラウトが出場しないことを嘆いた野球の神が流した涙だと言われています)

Im_A_Halo_Masochist Lol

strokeskid oof

TVloverCam Oh no another delay :(

Educational-Pass404 This game will last forever.

doing-my-share The poor people attending this game have been there for about 3 hours...

_Androxis_ Fuck Boston’s shitty ass weather

KrabS1 Imagine living like this LMAO
(こんな所に住むとか想像できます? レッドソックスファンの気が知れないねw)



ItsLeJiMan Is Ohtani done for the day after this?

WhoDey918 Very curious to see if Ohtani comes back out or not. I would assume he wouldn’t.

quakthunder Well RIP to Sho’s start :(

Hopefully the bullpen can hold the lead when play resumes. Need this W.

claire_004 Ohtani probably can go like 7 innings if it's not because rain

ScottyD82 It'll be Barria or Davidson, I imagine.

Weird-Afternoon7389 Damn Ohtani prob won’t come back out

donkeyjr Yea, Ohtani is def done pitching for today......

Jhopedaisensei Why did they even try to start this game?? Smh

Basileus Cause this game will be a bitch to reschedule

dustymag Barria or Moore hopefully.

Jamo1129 without ohtani this lead feels like nothing lol

donkeyjr Have some faith in our bullpen.

donkeyjr bullpen needs to hold the lead..










DunbarDiPianosa Fuck

yeahnothanks Jesus

The_Awesometeer There we go

yeahnothanks I don't feel good

BiovaniGernard I don’t like it

astrosblow69420 Good ol Blowpen
(古き良きブロウペンが、そこに) Blowpen(ブロウペン)=Blow(台無しにする)+bullpen(ブルペン/リリーフ投手陣)

Randerzzzzz Walkoff homerun incoming. How could anyone expect anything else

Jcoch27 Most predictable walk off ever

Responsible-Major-95 Death, taxes, and Angels blowing the lead.

astrosblow69420 No please not like this

Sullyville I wish Ohtani would come out right now just to close.

st1r My heart

p-mode My poor heart

st1r Yeesh full clench

Captainpayback Clench at 100% sir. Could go 110% but not recommended

gggggrayson CLENCH

robismarshall99 fuck this team seriously

owledge This is actually the worst bullpen in professional baseball history

choconut5 It's over

shiny__things Angels baseball.

MichaelS10 Guys I don’t know if I can do this anymore

HeverPacheco Man I miss Iggy so much

TVloverCam Omg throw a strike man. WTF

kevkevlin It's over lmao, angles can't do anything without shohei


paulp696969 No way!

Alive-Carrot107 We won???!?!!!

DunbarDiPianosa Holy shit we needed that badly. LTBU!


infinitepi Thank god

digitaldumpsterfire THANK FUCK

Captainpayback Whew!!!
(( ´Д`)=3 フゥ)

sinchichis Thank the lord!

SuperfluousHombre Never in doubt right?

Jasonictron Angels Win! I wasn't scared at all. XD
(エンゼルスが勝ったよ! はい、私は少しもビビったりしませんでした)

YellowShorts Never a doubt tbh

WhiteMunch not even sweat....

Brilliant-Fun-92 I need a drink lol ltbu

MichaelS10 Holy fuck my heart can’t take this all season

sharpLess89 Ugliest win of all time

finkelberg24 This team makes even winning feel bad

SuperMario_49 We didn’t get swept!! Hell yes!!
(ヤッターー! 全敗回避だ!)

infinitepi This team is gonna give me an aneurysm

decent_attorney50 I think I've aged a couple of years there in the last inning. LTBU!

KRH11 From 5-1 to 5-4 holy 💀 Glad we won the game.

MulhollandMaster121 Why does every Angels victory not feel like a victory? 🙃

Away_Independent7269 Because they actively try to give them away.

Total_Preparation_67 This team has damaged my anus.