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「来年公開されるゴジラ対キングコングの続編よりも、こちらの方に興奮してしまうことは悪いことでしょうか?」 ※映画『ゴジラvsコング』の続編でモンスター・ヴァースの第5作目『ゴジラxコング:ザ・ニュー・エンパイア』は2024年公開予定


cheapskateaunt 「こりゃ欧米のメディアは激怒必至だな...黒人も出演してなきゃカラフルな髪のトランスジェンダーも障碍者も出演していないじゃないか


edburrito1 The Japanese one doesn't have enough strong independent black women
(日本のゴジラには "男性に依存しない自立した黒人女性" が足りないよな)

henriksaxebol98 who gives a fuck about what mentally ill people like or dont like xD

anttheknee I'm excited for it too. I recently sat down and watched all the old Godzilla movies for the first time as an adult.

tyrantre1 same. This is gonna be lit

blacksunshine86 There's going to be a Godzilla v Kong 2?

not_chrishansen Godzilla vs Kong was pretty shit. They even added that Stranger things girl there for absolutely no reason even though she had absolutely no bearing to the plot
(『ゴジラvsコング』は本当にクソだったわ。誰だっけ? あのドラマの『ストレンジャー・シングス』に出ている女の子? あの子とか物語的にまったく必要ないにもかかわらず出張ってくるし)

mohammedkarimu1 deport kong back africa

mlfr85 「逃げろ!ゴジラだ!」

jualbaagui 「このコミュニティをとても誇りに思います」 ※9gag.com ではゴジラの話題が出ると取り合えず映画『オースティン・パワーズ ゴールドメンバー』で俳優のマシ・オカが「Run! It's Godzilla! (逃げろ!ゴジラだ!)」と叫ぶGIF画像を張るのが "お約束" になっている。

「I Am So Proud of This Community (このコミュニティをとても誇りに思います)」:

nanu_ Why do I feel they have already put all of godzillas scenes into this trailer

pugnax87 Its what most trailers are today, its anoying.

invookr dont worry, it's not hollywood.

ntaevd If you watch Shin Godzilla (2016), you'll see that in Japan-made movies, Godzilla's screentime is quite long. Actually it was a really good movie, no family drama, no romance, purely human (with their will and mind) vs Godzilla.

am0n_ra but they have meetings. A shit ton of meetings.

durandahl I also liked the japanese dilemma with nuclear weapon ins shin godzilla. Also godzilla looked nasty.

weasle_lord I wanna see Godzilla in Pacific Rim against a Jaeger

regmee 「やっぱ日本のゴジラ>アメリカのゴジラだな」

kdziera 「 良い日本のゴジラ映画 > アメリカのゴジラ映画
その、日本のゴジラ映画にはかなりクソ...どても変わった作品もあるからね :D」

yeah312 「これとか?」


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/GODZILLA (ゴジラ板)』

Fickle-Shower-7243 This looks soooo good!

hoffmannsama It looks soooooo damn good!

Fickle-Shower-7243 It really does

Elapid36 Looks incredible


H3dg3v0lt Jesus, the spines move up oh lord

ariathriven And slam back in before the breath!

BlackSocks88 I got chills on the super fast cut of him bout to unleash at the end

choff22 So sick.

TGE I will have multiple boxes of tissues ready at the IMAX theater for this moment 😳😏

yeaboiiiiiiiiii213 Umm

TheGrandChonkus he means from tears of joy!

gungusfungus i LOVE the way his dorsal plates shift outwards and then punch back into him for the atomic breath

dappercat456 It makes me think of control rods in a nuclear reactor

MusicHater I read it like control rods being lifted from a reaction chamber, increasing the nuclear energy inside of the vessel.

DinoDudeRex_240809 They took the part of Legendary’s Godzilla having his atomic breath slowly charge up, plate by plate, and made it even cooler.

LudicrisSpeed Man, they should've kept that for the movie proper. The little tease of that in the first trailer was enough to pique interest and get you wondering "yo, wait, what's going on?"

Coppin-it-washin-it Imagining that moment without the music over it... Yeah, should have saved it for the movie, like how Godzilla 2014 saved the atomic breath for the movie.
(予告編だと音楽に合わせて "ドン、ドン、ドン" って生えてきていたけど、これを予告編で知らずに劇場で音楽無しで見たらどんな事になっていたか想像してごらんよ...ゴジラのアトミックブレスのシーンは出さない方が良かったと私も思うわ、ハリウッド版の2014年GODZILLAがそこを隠していたみたいに)

Filmscore_Soze Happy Goji day, all! The trailer looks insane, and I don't want to see any more clips! I am jealous of the fans in Japan who get to see this today.
(皆さんハッピー・ゴジラ・デー! 予告編の出来が素晴らしすぎる、もうこれ以上劇中の映像は見なくていいわ! 日本の人たちはもうこの映画を観ることができるんでしょ? 妬ましいわー)

HomeMysterious4622 The action here looks so good! He's so much more energetic and physical compared to the more stiff and statue-like movements we've gotten from some of the other versions of godzilla. I'm also glad they're not drawing inspiration from Shin Godzilla. The wait for this to release in theaters is gonna be hard to get through!
(ゴジラの動きもとてもいい! 他のバージョンのゴジラの硬くて彫像のような動きに比べて今回の彼はずっとエネルギッシュで活動的だ。シンゴジラを引きずってないのも嬉しいねぇ。これが劇場で公開されるのを待つのは大変そうだ!)

ImNotHighFunctioning It's coming out on the US on December 1st, early screenings on November 29th.

Haricariisformen I just bought early showing tickets for the 29th and I can’t wait!!! This trailer has me pretty hyped for it!
(29日の先行上映チケットを購入したところだ、すでに見るのが待ちきれないぜ!!! このトレーラーにはこれでもかとワクワクさせられましたよ!)

zgreat30 That scene on the boat looked really fun. I still cant get over how janky that first shot of the train being thrown onto the tracks looks, it just kinda sticks into the ground like a nerf dart.

RedLotusVenom Yeah that shot is really poor movie physics for sure, and it worried me at first. But we’ve seen so much footage so far and everything else looks spectacular so I’m not gonna think about it too hard lol.

moonwalkerfilms I know everybody is excited about how good Godzilla and the action looks, but I feel like even some of the human stuff here looks compelling, at least the bit about wanting to protect the child's future. I cannot wait to watch this next month 😋

lu_is_ghost It’s weird .. but I’m also looking forward to the human story .. strange, lol

redvelvetcake42 Fucking hell it just looks like nature's response to man in the most devastating form possible. The spikes unlocking his blast, the aggression, the fury. This Godzilla gives no fucks.

JaySw34 I absolutely think we're in for the greatest Godzilla movie ever. This looks absolutely incredible

zillah1985 Broooo this looks so fucking lit.