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オーストラリア出身でドイツ在住の人口統計学者 - Simon Kuestenmacher



dani2812 「注意:『定時』の基準は国によって大きく異なる。例えばスイスでは列車が到着予定時刻から "3分以内" に到着したら『定刻に到着した』とみなされるが、他の国では到着予定時刻から 15分 (!) 以内までは定時扱いされている」 ※日本の定時の基準は1分以内、定時運行率は90%以上で日本の鉄道は世界で最も時間に正確といわれている

Velour_Jock In Croatia people are happy if the train arrives at all.

Logan_MacGyver In Hungary it is a cause of celebration when it even arrives

IHaveTheHighground58 In Poland we're happy if it even arrives

No_Bathroom2927 In Sweden the train never started from the depot because there was a shortage of drivers.

Fragrant-Paper4453 When the train does arrive on time, I’m stood there wonder ing if I’m suddenly in a parallel universe where German trains are punctual.

smuxy 「スロベニアではその日のうちに到着したらそれだけで喜ばれるぞ」

DerNogger 「ここドイツでも同じだ。ここまで来ると時刻表を調べる必要すら無くなってくる。ただ駅に行き、最善を祈るのみだ」

_PineappleEater As a Slovenian, I didn't know that German railways are also quite bad before visiting. I took a a train from Bonn to Frankfurt which was supposed to take like 2 hours but it ended up taking like 5-6 lol.
(スロベニア人だけどドイツの鉄道がスロベニア並みに酷い状況にあるなんて現地に行くまで知らなかったよ... ドイツ北西部のボンから中央のフランクフルトまで電車を使って移動したら予定では2時間くらいで到着するはずだったのに結局5~6時間かかったわ(笑))

nasty_radish Welcome to Germany 😌

Hyadeos I've never had one train be on time in Germany.

Phil198603 Yep … Germany the land of the trains … not! Cruising from Neustadt to Ludwigshafen for work and there wasn’t one day I came to work in time for months!
(ああ...欧州有数の水準を誇るドイツ鉄道...は過去の話さ! 仕事で数か月間ノイシュタットからルートヴィヒスハーフェンまで通勤していたが(※電車で23分ほどの距離)一日として仕事に間に合う日はなかった)

ItsStormcraft At least we’re not last!

matttk DB has gone completely down the train. It was definitely much better in 2009 when I arrived in Germany. Of course there were problems still then but now it's really bad. Even Switzerland sometimes refuses to let DB trains into Switzerland, so it doesn't screw up their network.
(ドイチェ・バーン(ベルリンに本社を置くドイツで最大の鉄道会社)の劣化ぶりはヤバい。 私がドイツに来た2009年頃はまだ良かった。もちろん当時も問題はあったが今は当時とは比べ物にならないくらいに酷い。スイスから「運航スケジュールに混乱をきたす」という理由でDBのスイスへの入国が拒否されることがあるくらいだ)

exploding_cat_wizard Decades of using up built up infrastructure without sufficient investments starting to catch up. Right when we're trying to get people to give up personal vehicles...

Larifar_i I lived near and went to school in Freiburg. Between Basel and Karlsruhe more trains have been driving than the infrastructure can handle.

Just looked it up: The second track has been planned since 1980, DB says it will be ready in 2041?!?

Unmechanikal It is way worse than it looks in the graphic, Germany only counts trains that arrive more than 5 minutes too late but not the ones that don't arrive at all, they aren't included in the statistic. And the graphic is talking about long distance trains which are the "punctual" ones, the short distance trains are the true horror
(現実はグラフで見るよりも遥かに酷い、ドイツでは5分以内に到着した列車が『定時通り』とカウントされるが "そもそも到着しなかった列車" は統計に含まれていない。そしてこのグラフは長距離列車について語っているが、短距離列車こそが本当の恐怖だ(..............) )

road_ahead Canceled trains aren’t even considered in the DB statistic

No-Media-3923 In belgium lots of trains get cancelled and taken out of the statistics. Can't be late if you never arrive at all.

gfrewqpoiu Also, at least in Germany, all cancelled trains or missed train stops don't count into the delayed trains. So from the perspective of a train commuter the punctuality is even worse than shown here.
(少なくともドイツでは "遅延の結果の運休" を統計上遅延にカウントしない。なので実際に列車で通勤している者からすると体感的にはグラフに示されているものよりもずっと酷い)

Glum218 "In Switzerland a train is considered to be on time when it arrives within 3 minutes of the scheduled arrival time, while other nations have definitions of up to 15 (!) minutes within scheduled arrival time. (例えばスイスでは列車が到着予定時刻から "3分以内" に到着したら『定刻に到着した』とみなされるが、他の国では到着予定時刻から 15分 (!) 以内までは定時扱いされている )"

Who has 15 minutes?! The most I know about is the (pretty common) 5 minutes still ok, from 6 minutes on not ok.
(15分遅れても定刻扱いする国なんてあんの?! 私が知る限り5分まではOK、6分以降はアウトというのが一般的なはずだけど)

goran_788 I know some rail companies in Canada use 15 minutes. Idk about Europe

Amiesama Sweden. 😩

IrishMilo UK is something like 15 minutes, Japan it’s 60 seconds.

snowmandala Uk is 10min
(イギリスは10分までだな) ヨーロッパ各国の遅延の定義:
左(Regional Service=中距離列車)/右(Long Distance Srvice=長距離列車)
オーストリア 5分以上/5分以上
デンマーク 2分29秒以上/4分59秒以上
フランス 5分59秒以上/5分~15以上(列車種によって異なる)
ドイツ 5分59秒以上/5分59秒以上
リトアニア 5分以上/5分以上
オランダ 3分以上/5分以上
スペイン 3分~5分以上/5分~10分以上(列車種によって異なる)
ポーランド 5分以上/5分以上
英国 5分以上/10分以上
イタリア 5分以上/5分以上

Kaining I was gonna say "this is fake data, i claim bullshit on France". But reading you, i'd be incline to say that so long as the train arrive at all in France, it might considered to be on time.

expat_123 Switzerland was amazing and so was Austria in terms of punctuality. Germany has been a disappointing though.

RaZZeR_9351 Bigger countries means more complex railway infrastructure, I'm not surprised that countries like austria, switzerland, luxembourg and belgium are at the top.

DerNogger That's true but also the trains in Germany are particularly notorious for being unreliable. Which is mainly an issue of underfunding. Some of the tech they use wouldn't be out of place in a museum. And I say this as a German.

RaZZeR_9351 Oh definitely, size isn't everything, Japan is a big country and is well known for its punctuality.
(国が大きいほど鉄道インフラがより複雑になるから遅延が増えるのも仕方がない? 日本は欧州各国と比べたら国土が大きい国だが時間を厳守することで広く知られていいるのに何を言っているんです?)

darthwhy Sometimes in Switzerland when a train is too late and there is an equivalent following, the first gets cancelled at a mid stop and passengers have to wait for the next. This way the first train is not counted as late (I think at least)

Snizl With that in mind i severely doubt the 98% for Switzerland

TurtleneckTrump This is fake. In Denmark the punctuality is in the government contract: 75% of all trains have to be no more than 3 minutes late. This is already ridiculously unambitious, nonetheless the railways failed this requirement 8 years in a row. Last year it was 73%
(デンマークの時刻表順守率が90%とか出鱈目にもほどがある。実際全列車の75%を定刻通り(3分以内の遅れ)に運行するよう国会で定められたのに8 年連続でこれを満たせないでいる。昨年は73%だったはず)

DesertSpringtime Maybe that includes local trains while this graph is for long distance only.

teeodeeo 「イタリアの電車がドイツより正確だと言われても信じるイタリア人はいないと思う」

11160704 「ドイツ人だけど私はイタリアの鉄道システムの正確さにマジで驚いたぞ」

Metalmind123 German trains have become spectacularily shit when it comes to puncuality since everything was privatized.

teeodeeo I remember during interrail in 2012 and 2013 German trains were the best, things are changed maybe

Canonip 「一方その頃、日本は遅延を秒単位で測定していた」

jfk52917 「定刻より20秒早く出発したことを鉄道会社が謝罪してニュースになってなかったっけあの国」
