
『3月6日 ドジャース対ホワイトソックス戦・実況スレ』


ドジャースのキャンプ地キャメルバックランチで午後 12 時 05 分スタート

ドジャース - 山本由伸 (-勝-敗、防御率---)
ホワイトソックス - マイケル・コペック (-勝-敗、防御率---)


「#ITFDB (It's Time For Dodger Baseball=ドジャース野球の時間だ)」

ドジャース地元メディア『Dodger Blue』

ドジャース地元メディア『Dodger Blue』

DonnyBullish Yamamoto 🚀🚀🚀


BookLAA anyone know how many inning moto is pitching today?

Infraready Three innings seems to be where we’re at right now for starters

Apprehensive_Major45 Dave said 3 to 4, depending on his pith count.

UraniumDisulfide Yamamoto is gonna throw 3 immaculate innings, just you wait

Infraready Mooktaniman back in action today

(ドジャース野球の、いや "山本野球" の時間だ!)




StudioSixtyFour Shohei fast as fuck boiiiii

ChrisTaylorsNipple I will never not smile seeing Ohtani in Dodger blue
(未だにドジャースブルーを着た大谷を見て笑顔にならずにはいられない )

BenLaZe 70% of me says “WOW THE SPEED + BASEBALL IQ I LOVE IT” 30% of me says “Shohei plz don’t risk anything in this meaningless ST game :0”
(「さすがのスピード&野球IQ」と喜ぶ心が7割、「大谷さん所詮はオープン戦なんだから怪我する可能性のあることはやめて!」と心配する心が3割) baseball IQ:野球ファンの間ではよく「適切なタイミングで適切なプレーを行うこと」「状況に応じた野球ができること」「チャンスを見つけたらそれをちゃんと掴める能力」という意味で使われるスラング



ringdinger It’s Yamamoto-ver 😔

rye_parian I've seen enough. Season is over.

StudioSixtyFour Absolute disaster of a first inning.

Sullyville Yams a little shaky early today.

notus_knitter They would have gotten 1 run if our SS could make a throw to first

notus_knitter Yama is fine, but it’s true Lux’s defense is a worry

Murdoc1984 WTF is Lux doing

notus_knitter Lux can’t even throw to 1st

StudioSixtyFour Lux's arm is so suspect.

Boros-Reckoner This entire spring at short

MyChemicalMaiden Spring training dooming is so funny 😭

kakugeseven I don't think it's dooming when talking about Lux's defense. He's been pretty bad defensively in Spring, when he had trouble in the past. He's more of a "needs to prove he can stick at Short" due to the evidence prior to this spring, rather than an abnormal spring causing people to be irrational.
(ギャビン・ラックスの守備に関しては過剰反応とは思わない。彼は以前から守備に問題を抱えていた、だからこそ彼は "遊撃手として使えること" を証明しなければならないのに今年のオープン戦でもその問題を改善できていないんだから人々の反応も当然のことだろう) ※ドジャースのギャビン・ラックス内野手(26歳)は超有望として期待されていたが昨年のオープン戦で株右膝前十字靭帯を断裂しシーズンを全休。また以前から送球の問題を抱えており今年のオープン戦でもすでに2つのエラーを犯していたためドジャースファンからの当たりが強い


legolaslives Infield might be rough this year...

Corregidor So it seems that they're having Yama change his windup to prevent the tipping, but that might be having an adverse effect on his control.
(どうやら山本は以前から指摘されていた "テレビ中継カメラに握りが映りやすい投球フォーム" を改善するためにワインドアップを変えたようだな、それがコントロールに悪影響を及ぼしているのかもしれない) windup:投手がボールを投げる直前の腕や体の動きの総称

kevin41714 The tipping was never a problem in the NPB since you can only see it from the broadcast angle right? Why change what ain't broken
(日本プロ野球時代は問題にならなかったし、そもそもテレビ中継カメラにしか映らないんだろ? 壊れていないものを変える必要なんてないでしょ)

ringdinger I think the problem is in The US cheating is more prevalent and teams like the Astros probably have guys in the broadcast booth looking and sending signals to the batters.

Sullyville Hmm. It'll probably take some time to just get used to it.

Infraready Even small tweaks like glove positioning can throw things off for a bit, he’ll be fine

Murdoc1984 Bad inning for Yams, but this is what spring training is for.

yentrib I’m not worried at all about Yamamoto but I am about lux at short

donald-duck23 I don’t know if everyone knows this but Lux is coming back from a torn ACL. And even if he’s a below average defender he’s overall still a significant upgrade from Rojas considering how much better of a hitter he is
(皆さんがご存じなのかわからないので一応言っておきますけど、ラックスは靭帯断裂から復帰したばかりですよ? それにたとえ彼の守備が平均以下でも彼が打者としてどれだけ優れているかを考慮するれば "守備だけは上手い" ミゲル・ロハスよりずっと使えるでしょ)

kakugeseven I don't think people are debating Rojas vs Lux right now. Lux being the better hitter makes him our starter for sure. It's a long term concern.

米国一の大谷ファン - ベン・バーランダー


rye_parian WE'RE SO BACK.

RadioKnife Love the headbutt

tanman1344 Ohtani covering for his boy Yama

Personal-Cap-7071 Ohtani involved in all 3 runs scored lol, putting the team on his back
(この3得点の全てに大谷がからんでいるというw ドジャースに来てもチームを背負うかこの男は)

whatmodern Bro is a RBI machine

Mikeg5680 over or under on ohtani 100 rbi this season?

Psychological_Fly627 definitely over, he was this close so many times with the triple A angels

ejdupras He had 95 last year while playing for the Angels and with Trout missing half the season. Comfortably over

imnotcreative415 Over with mook and Freddie ahead of him

lukewarmlife-84 I'm starting to get excited



yentrib Welp

legolaslives Yamamoto hasn't been great but he's getting absolutely shafted by his infield lmao

Murdoc1984 Oof Muncy and Lux.

wako944 Left side infield looking quite sus

StudioSixtyFour Any ball hit to the left side of our infield is free real estate.

Electrical_Leg1654 Lux bounces every throw

legolaslives why does lux have to bounce every throw?

StudioSixtyFour Noodle arm.
(腕がふにゃちんだから) noodle arm:ふにゃふにゃの腕=肩が弱い

wako944 No way Lux bounced that throw lol I'm actually concerned now
(ラックスさん今の送球をワンバウンドさせるとか嘘でしょw ...ちょっと本気で心配になってきたぞ)

Wild_Object_8547 Lux wtf dude

st1r 5 ER but like… with average defense that’s 0 ER

Splinterman11 I can't watch the game at the moment. Is it Yama's fault or more the defense failed at ground balls?
(今試合を見れないんだけど、この失点は山本のせいなの? それとも守備が失敗したせいなの?)

StudioSixtyFour Muncy and Lux are defensive terrorists.

imnotcreative415 It’s a combination. He has been shaky, but several of these runs have scored because lux and muncy are having a rough one

thaGr8ape His accuracy today was not there. That being said, with better defense I think he only gives up 2 runs at most instead of the 5 we see here. The defense on the left side (muncy/lux) has been absolutely horrible.
(山本は前回の登板で見せた制球力が失われている。とはいえ守備がきちんと仕事をしていたらせいぜい2失点で済んでいただろう。 左サイドの守備(マンシー/ラックス)が本当に酷い)

donald-duck23 the sox have barely hit the ball out of the infield.

Sullyville He's not tipping anymore but because of it, his control is a little off. It will just take him some time to get used to it. That's all.

lukewarmlife-84 Today will be a good experience for Yama All for his first MLB season

J-Wop Having both left infielders on tilt in one inning is a disaster.

StudioSixtyFour Alright, hear me out. We make Lux DH and we move Shohei to short.

weguccino He’ll be fine throwing left handed (probably)

StudioSixtyFour Couldn't be worse than Lux throwing right-handed.


sofastsomaybe bruh it's spring training, pitch to Sho!
(おいおい、まだオープン戦だぞ? 大谷と勝負しろや)






donald-duck23 FREDDIE 💣

yentrib Grand slam!!!

Infraready Making sure Yama doesn't get tagged with the L what a guy

sofastsomaybe Let's goooooo!

Rover16 That's what you get for pitching around Ohtani!

kevin41714 It was infuriating watching Shohei getting walked constantly last year and the Angels couldn't punish the pitchers for it

Freddie batting after Shohei is the way to do it

Sullyville This is what Ohtani never had with the Angels. The knowledge that if he was walked, that someone could bring him home.

Splinterman11 I remember when he had 8 RBIs against the Royals and they still lost....

Then the next day he strikes out 13.

Ohtani is going to be godly for the Dodgers.

st1r Yeah I mean he did have Trout batting behind him, but they had a grand total of what, 1 season where they were both healthy most of the season? So yeah it’s rough.

imnotcreative415 Having three mvps at the top is, in fact, fun

NotoriousMutt The sight of mookie, Shohei and Freddie jogging into the dugout after an absolute jack is insane to think

SouperSally Deadly offense 💥

bam2028 That was beautiful

notus_knitter Ohtani makes our lineup A LOT better. The odds of getting through the top 3 now is just so much lower than getting through 2 of them

omegakukki Lmao this lineup is going to cover up for so many issues the team may have.

donald-duck23 hopefully the left side of the infield defense is the only issue. bullpens are volatile but if the bullpen is good then i don’t see any other obvious flaws

omegakukki I don't think the team has any real issues except for the left side of the infield but that could and should get better as the season goes on. Things like injuries or a bad month for the bullpen are going to be somewhat ignored with how incredible this lineup will be.

thaGr8ape This year is gonna be a lotta fun

lukewarmlife-84 When I came back from the bathroom, the score was tied
