


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

「MLBが日本に帰ってきた、2025年MLBレギュラーシーズン開幕戦が日本で開催することが決定! br />


speech-geek (ドジャースファン) 「日本の東京ドームで、今永&鈴木が、大谷&山本と対戦!!!

俺の体も準備万端ですよいえ~い!」 My Body is Ready:2007年7月11日に開催されたゲームの祭典E3で米国任天堂の社長兼最高執行責任者であるレジナルド・フィサメィ氏がWii Fitのデモンストレーション中に発した言葉が元になったインターネットミーム。


JpnDude (ドジャースファン) Holy F***! I'm so there. It'll be extra sweet if it's after Shohei's first WS title.
(なんてこった、今から待ちきれませんよ! しかも大谷がワールドシリーズで初優勝した後だったら一段と盛り上がりそうじゃないっすか!)

copyrightname (ドジャースファン) I can't imagine how exciting this will be over there. I was just there for vacation a month ago and even in Tokyo Disneyland people were wearing Dodgers Ohtani merch - including his jersey- at Disneyland!
(日本の人たち大盛り上がりでしょこれは! ちょうど1か月前に日本に旅行しに行ったんだけど東京ディズニーランドでもドジャース大谷のグッズを着ている人がいたくらいだぞ!)

He's on so many advertisements- people would randomly talk to my family on the train platform because of our Dodgers caps. And of course add in the other amazing players this will be ELECTRIC.

SuckMyLonzoBalls (ドジャースファン) sasaki too maybe?

how1you1doing (ドジャースファン) I'm going. Idc how. I'm going.

AgnarCrackenhammer (メッツファン) Dodgers aren't going to start a season in the US for the next decade

SuzukiSwift17 (ブルージェイズファン) Poor guys :(

I couldn't imagine having to play 3 games in another country once a year in exchange for just signing all the good free agents all the time.

Jewrisprudent (メッツファン) It just feels so anticlimactic to have opening day be in another country halfway around the world a week before the 28 other teams open.

Like I’m not opposed to off-site games to grow the brand in other countries, but opening day used to feel like a holiday for me and now it’s in an unwatchable time zone a week too early. Don’t think I can ever be a fan of this.
(いやMLBというブランドを他の国で成長させるためだってのは理解しているし反対しているわけでもないけど、開幕日は私にとっては特別な日だったのに海外で開幕されるせいで視聴できない時間帯になってしまうし、開幕戦から1週間試合がない日が続いてしまうしで私は好きになれそうにないわ) ※ドジャースとカブスの開幕戦は2025年3月18日、他のチームは27日にアメリカで開幕戦を行う予定。 今年のドジャースの開幕戦は韓国で3月20~21日に行われアメリカでの試合は29日からスタートした

theunnoanprojec (ブルージェイズファン) I mean this isn’t opening day for your team

c_ray25 (ブルワーズファン) It’s still opening day of the baseball season

Pizzaplan3tman (パイレーツファン) It’s not that bad and it’s pretty cool and fun to have some early baseball

I3ill Shoei vs Shota gm 1 barring injuries

azureknightmare (ジャイアンツファン) Tickets will sell out within seconds.

Corregidor I wonder if tickets will only be available for Japanese citizens, I'd love to fly out to watch the game!
(これってチケットは日本国民のみに販売されるやつ? そうじゃないなら喜んで試合を見るために飛行機に乗るぞ!)

sakibomb523 It wasn't like that for the Mariners vs Athletics series. Each team season ticket holders had a presale. Korea was fucked cause they played in a tiny ass stadium.

Due_Connection179 (カブスファン) I'm buying tickets as soon as I can.


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』
reddit.com/r/Dodgers / reddit.com/r/Dodgers

SenorTortas (ドジャースファン) Dear Lord Baby Jesus, give me the chance to buy tickets at a semi-reasonable price

Ok-ChildHooOd (ドジャースファン) Price will be reasonable. Will probably need to win a lottery to get tickets though.

usernombre_ (ドジャースファン) Time to learn Japanese buddy

Material-Return-9419 (ドジャースファン) I’m selling a kidney to pull this trip off. Fuck it
(この試合を観に行くためだったら腎臓だって売ってやんよ! 2つのうち1個くらい無くなったってどうにかならぁ!)

(ドジャースファン) I’m doing double dumps at my local sperm bank daily. Time to start saving up!
(俺は今日から地元の精子バンクで毎日2回発射してくるわ! 今から貯金しまくるで!)

DeckardsDreams (ドジャースファン) I feel like this is going to be so hard to get tickets to. Been trying to go to Japan for a while now and this might be the incentive to finally make a trip over there. It’s gonna be media frenzy I bet. Like 10x the Seoul Series.

Jloother (ドジャースファン) Anyone know how to get tickets for this?

TheKingWhite (ドジャースファン) 2nd this.

Responsible_Theme491 (ドジャースファン) If the Tokyo Dome treats this like any other Japanese League game, then the tickets will be easy to get as long as you're fast. I saw a Tokyo Giants game at the Dome and just used my credit card on their official English site. Fast, Easy, Convenient. No hoops to jump through. Fingers crossed it'll be the same!

Get_on_base (ドジャースファン) Already looking at tickets to fly out. If I can’t make the actual game I’d might as well just be there and enjoy the atmosphere!!

nyko323 (ドジャースファン) Hell yeah! I planned my japan trip with the hopes of attending the game! Now I just have to secure the tickets lol
(最高じゃないっすか! 元々日本で野球を見に行きたいと思って日本旅行を計画していた所だから大歓迎ですよ! さぁ、後はチケットを確保するだけだw)

Ink_Slinger31 (ドジャースファン) It makes too much sense. It's gonna be a good series.

imnotcreative415 (ドジャースファン) This is pretty cool. I’ll like it less when I have to wake up at 3 am on a work day lol

Esleeezy (ドジャースファン) I’m going no matter what

latinlingo310 (ドジャースファン) Getting stationed in Japan for 3 years starting in November. I’ll try to be there 🙌🏽, but it’s very unlikely I’ll get a ticket 🤣

Borrum (ドジャースファン) That's going to be very cool, but it's another odd 2 game set abroad before returning to spring training for more games. That was super strange this season.
(日本での開幕戦はとても楽しみではあるけど、海外で開幕戦をした後に再びオープン戦をやるスケジュールはちょっとなぁ... 違和感が凄かったし)

Gets_overly_excited (ドジャースファン) I don’t see why they can’t just make it happen like the night before opening day and then just give those teams a few days off.

jaydubb90 (ドジャースファン) I love and hate this. I’m not a fan of playing international games and having them count towards regular season standings, but it’s gonna be a lot of fun seeing Ohtani Yamamoto Imanaga etc playing in front of their home country. If roki is a dodger I say he should get one of those starts

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/CHICubs (カブス板)』
『 "いつか" と夢見た日がついに現実に。東京で会いましょう』

「 "いつか" と夢見た日がついに現実に。東京で会いましょう」 ※カブスが日本で開幕戦を開催するのは2000年のカブス対メッツ戦以来

maxralph_ (カブスファン) THIS IS SO SICK

pham_910 (カブスファン) bro im ngl that gave me chills

stelio_kontos_91 (カブスファン) WHY DID THIS MAKE MY EYES LEAK
(( ;∀;) イイハナシダナー)

RealShelfy (カブスファン) How can you not be romantic about baseball

Evan_Rook (カブスファン) Props to the production team, this video is really good

adambuckled (カブスファン) This is the best thing the Cubs have done in 8 years.

TampaTones (カブスファン) I’ll have my 4 AM alarm ready!

RpKTanKK (カブスファン) What a great promo, hopefully all the Japanese players can stay healthy and keep up their great form 🎌

intercut (カブスファン) Very excited about this. Seems like a fun excuse for a Japanese vacation.

GonzoCubFan (カブスファン) This would be just before the start of the cherry blossoms in & around Tokyo, IIRC. Might make for a great trip to catch this and extend the trip for a week or 2 afterwards. Of course no way to know exactly when they cherry trees will actually start to flower and certainly no guarantees, but it's worth considering IMHO.

stache_twista (カブスファン) I visited Tokyo/Japan last year and it is amazing. I could write a whole book about it but 100% worth an extended trip.
(昨年に東京/日本を訪れたが素晴らしいところだったよ。どれだけ素晴らしかったかについては本1冊分くらい書けるが、誰も読んでくれないだろうから "長期旅行する価値が100%ある" とだけ言っておこう)

Angrydwarf99 (カブスファン) We need to get Roki Sasaki

Mr_BigShot (カブスファン) Sorry already a dodger