
【2024年大統領選挙】 ドナルド・トランプ優勢を聞いた民主党支持者の反応

以下の方々から投げ銭を頂きました gigaton 様、m 様、ぶりぶりぼうや 様、ミタマ 様、そこらへんの草葉の陰 様





英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/democrats (民主党板)』

sev45day 「パニックにならないように必死に努力している...

apricotsanddaises 「同じ世界に生きている人間と思えない、まるで並行世界に生きている人間たちを見ているかのようだ。彼らが私と同じ人間を見ているは​​ずがない」

intensetoucan 「すでに一部の州で2020年のバイデンより投票数が低くなっている理由が理解できない。相手は同じトランプなのに、どうしてバイデンには投票できてハリスには投票できないんだ。これはあれか? 性差別の問題か?」

Secure-Childhood-567 「カマラ・ハリスの肌や性別は人々が求めているものと違った。人々の差別意識が人々をトランプにまわらせたんだ。実際トランプは好きではないが女性が大統領になるなど許せないと文字通り言っている人間もいるくらいだ」

sirona-ryan It’s embarrassing. Anyone still voting Trump after Jan 6th 2021 is officially a traitor to the country and I don’t care who gets mad that I say that.
(恥ずかしい、誰が何と言おうと2021年1月6日以降もトランプに投票する人間は正式に国の裏切り者と扱われるべきだ) 2021年1月6日=連邦議会議事堂がトランプ支持者の攻撃を受けて占拠された2021年アメリカ合衆国議会議事堂襲撃事件のこと

vaporking23 I’ve been watching CBS and they keep showing those exit polls of Harris compared to Biden. I’m shocked by her numbers being lower in just about every category.I’m wondering the same thing about why that is.

For me it appears that the energy around Harris is so much more resounding than it ever was with Biden. Where did these voters go?
(選挙戦の時のあの盛り上がりは何だったんだ? ハリスが候補者になってから人々はバイデンが候補者だった時よりもずっと盛り上がっていたはずだ、彼らは一体どこへ行ってしまったんだ?)

Torracattos Just what the fuck is going on!? What happened to all the excitement Kamala brought back!? I'm scared now. These fucking MAGA clowns don't deserve the satisfaction of him winning.
(本当に一体全体どうなっているんだ!? カマラがもたらした興奮はどこへ行ってしまったんだ!? 恐ろしくなってきた、あのトランプ支持者の道化師どもが喜ぶような展開になるなど、そんなこと許されるのか?)

Bookshelfhelp People really hate women, especially WOC, don't they?

fgbfjb Yes, we live in a sexist, racist country.

fomo216 I’m going to wake up tomorrow to President Elect Trump, aren’t I? Oh my god, how?!
(これ明日起きたらトランプ大統領誕生ってことになってるよね? オーマイガー、一体どうしたらこんな結果になるんだ?!?)

f0urxio not saying it's rigged but do you honestly believe that many people actually voted for a fascist?! give me a break
(不正投票だとまでいうつもりはないが、本当にあのファシストに投票した人がこんなに大勢いるだなんて信じられるか?! 勘弁してくれ!)

CheapEater101 I guarantee you it’s most likely the economy optics.

muscari2 I really cannot believe after all the racism that he still gets that Latino vote

Glass-Phrase-8013 Why are the Hispanics voting for dump? Wtf

Captcha_Assassin A criminal is better than a woman. The misogyny is real with Latinos.
(犯罪者の方が女性よりマシってか? ラテン系の人間の女性蔑視は本物だな)

Pope_Carl_the_69th I don’t think people realize that the people who hate illegal immigrants the most are the legal ones already here.

ukcats12 Latinos who are citizens and can vote don't give a shit about undocumented immigrants and mass deportations doesn't deter them in any way. It's 100% about the economy for them.

fgbfjb because hispanic is a made up group created in the US. There's no alliance. Cubans don't care about Mexicans. Puerto Ricans don't care about Hondurans. etc. It's not like Black Americans.
(人々は勘違いしているがヒスパニックなどというグループは存在しない、ラテンアメリカ出身の人間を無理やり一括りにしただけの架空のグループに過ぎない。キューバ系がメキシコ系のことを気にすると思うか? プエルトリコ系がホンジュラス系のことを気にすると思うか? 彼らの間には同族意識はない、”黒人”で括れるアフリカ系アメリカ人とは違うんだよ)

natedog63 How do you go from inciting a violent insurrection to being a real chance of winning the very next election?

kcharles520 a large portion of our country apparently has zero morals or critical thinking skills...sad really

fomo216 This is what I cannot grasp. How? How the hell is it this close? Half the country was really just ok with him trying to overthrow democracy 4 years ago?
(全く理解できない。どうして?どうしてこんなに接戦になっている? 4年前に民主主義を転覆させようとしたことをこの国の半分の人間は許すというのか?)

ThE_LAN_B4_TimE It really is shocking isnt it? I guess the orice if tour fucking eggs is nore important than democracy or any other major issue affecting millions of people. Climate issues? Abortion? Healthcare? Foreign policy? I mean fuck! Donald Trump fucking saluted J6 terrorists. What the FUCK??!!
(本当に衝撃的だ。信じられるか? 人々は民主主義や何百万人もの人々に影響を与える他の大きな問題よりも卵の価格などというものの方が重要なようだ。 気候問題も人工妊娠中絶に規制を書けようとしていることもヘルスケアも外交政策も関係ないってか? クソッ! ドナルド・トランプがJ6テロリストに敬礼する要何インゲンだぞ、一体どういうつもりだ??!! ) J6テロリスト=2021年アメリカ合衆国議会議事堂襲撃事件の参加者のこと

SteelPenguin947 It's the economy. People aren't happy with inflation.
(人々の最大の関心は経済だ、ここ数年ずっと続いているインフレに人々はウンザリしているんだよ) 関連記事:「卵1パックが1000円!」米国で高騰する卵の価格に対する海外の反応

milesgaither I think a lot of it was she wasn't really "chosen" as the democratic candidate. biden was, and harris was delivered on the platform. this gives the voter a perspective of voting for harris simply because they don't want to vote for trump, which unfortunately isn't a very strong position. she didn't get nominated on her policy through a strict democratic election; she became the nominee because Biden dropped out. it makes a massive difference.

obelix_dogmatix We have highly educated friends who have not been able to find a job in almost 8 months. Layoffs have been rampant. Moving jobs internationally has been rampant. The economy has been shit as far as white collar jobs go.

There is growing resentment towards immigration policies, which I think many people don’t speak about in fear of social isolation. Increasing the taxes to combat inflation was an absolutely wrong decision. Not holding a legit primary wasn’t a good life choice either.

greywind618 「まだ諦めはしないが、この国は一体どうなってるんだ? どうしてこんなに多くの人間がこのクソ豚に投票できるんだ?」

WingedShadow83 「女性蔑視だ。「それに人種差別」と人々は言うだろうがオバマが2回も勝っているので結局は彼女の性別の問題だ。この国は女性を憎んでいる」

charliemike I cannot believe how obtuse and self-destructive so much of America can be.

BizzyHaze People will get what they deserve, if they get Drumpf.

Ok_Card9080 I don't even know what to do. Trump broke me so badly, that I'm still in therapy. I feel like all hope is lost

Cyancrackers I just don’t fucking get it. What do people see in Trump? He’s a 34-count felon who’s done nothing but divide this country and sow hate and fear for the last 9 years.
(まったく理解できない。人々はトランプに何を見ているんだ? あいつは34件の犯罪歴を持つ重罪人で、この9年間やってきたことはこの国を分断し、憎しみと恐怖を撒き散すことだけだったろ)

Zarathruster_ Jesus this country is full of dumbasses

GATA6 Did you ever think that constantly calling them dumbasses drives them to vote? If people didn’t constantly bash republicans and call them every name in the big you wouldn’t drive all these random rural voters to the polls to “own the libs”.
(そうやって常にバカ呼ばわりすることが人々を共和党支持に駆り立てているとは思わないの? もし民主党支持者が共和党支持者を常に非難し、あらゆる悪口を言うのをやめていれば、こんなことにはならなかったと思うけどね)

For the record, I did not vote for Trump.

AnonAmbientLight The Harris campaign did not call people dumbasses

GATA6 I just know there is a significant number of people who are voting because they are tired of being called nazis and racist, etc. when they’re really not.

obelix_dogmatix People who have a surprised Pikachu face, well if you still don’t understand why Kamala is losing, you are part of the problem.


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/moderatepolitics (もっと穏やかに政治を語ろう板)』

『r/moderatepolitics (もっと穏やかに政治を語ろう板)』:Redditは極端に左寄りか右寄りな板ばかりなのでもうちょっと穏やかに政治を語ろうという目的で作られた板。

例えば『r/politics (政治板)』は極めて左寄りでトランプのことを少しでも褒めようものなら必ず(コメントが)消されてしまう

slimkay NYT: 87% chance of Trump win. 301-237 implied result.

Neglectful_Stranger You guys see the NYT shifts from 2020 map? It's crazy looking.
(お前らニューヨークタイムズの2020年からの変移図見た? クレイジーなことになってるぞ)

Silverdogz If you haven't looked at the shift from 2020 on NYT, you really should.

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/11/05/us/elections/results-president.html 青の矢印=2020年と比べて民主党支持が増加

※2024/11/06 18:00時点で投票結果が全て出た地域のみが表示

Mahrez14 Holy shit

Life-Implement7346 Wow!

nolock_pnw Maybe Trump isn't Hitler?

God_I_Love_Men Now NBC news is insinuating rural voters are racist for not voting Harris

cjhoops13 Yup I just watched this too lol

soundsfromoutside They’ve been calling rural folks racist since forever. Racist isn’t even a real word anymore.

janeaustenfiend NBC already trotting out misogyny as an excuse 🙄 I am a woman and an independent. They can’t admit that the DNC absolutely bungled this
(NBCは既に女性蔑視が悪いとも言っていたな 🙄 彼らは民主党全国委員会が完全に失敗したことを認めることができないんだろうなぁ。ちなみに私は女性で無所属だ)

slimkay Maximum Malarkey Democrats pushing identity politics and woke policies have led to this.

Meanwhile, Trump ran a simple campaign trying to address issues affecting most Americans regardless of their background or race.
(一方のトランプは背景や人種に関係なく、ほとんどのアメリカ人に影響を与える問題に対処しようとするシンプルなキャンペーンを展開した) アイデンティティ政治:ジェンダー、人種、民族、性的指向、障害などの特定のアイデンティティに基づく集団の利益を代弁して行う政治活動

Otaku_Instinct I think it's safe to say that the polls underestimated Trump for the third time in a row

1234511231351 Have to wonder if they're hard to poll or it's intentional

Rosehus12 CNN are panicking 😂

Specialist_Usual1524 CNN is getting a big confused

Euphoric_Inspiration Latinos are socially conservative per cnn!
(CNN によるとラテン系は社会的に保守的だそうですよ!)

DontCallMeMillenial NO WAY

MinnPin Political Fatigue I wish I were kidding but "immigrate to Canada" is starting to trend right now
(「カナダに移住」が今トレンドになり始めている。冗談だろって? 冗談だったらよかったんだけどね...)

Neglectful_Stranger again?
(またっすか?) ※2016年にトランプが大統領になった時も同じことが「カナダに移住」がトレンドになった

Otaku_Instinct They're dancing to YMCA at Trump HQ in Palm Beach 🤣

DontCallMeMillenial lmfao Trump and his love of YMCA will never not be funny

cGilday I’m not really his biggest fan, but I can’t lie, his little old man dance to YMCA is kind of endearing to me lmao
(私はトランプ支持者じゃないけど... 嘘はつけない。彼のYMCAおじいちゃんダンスはちょっと愛くるしいw)


JacobfromCT The Democratic party needs major reform.

soundsfromoutside Do they need it? Yes. Will they do it? No.
(改革が必要か? YES
本当に改革するか? NO)

StripedSteel I hope they stop trying to push their hateful rhetoric, and we can go back to our roots.

grimoireman NO. Democrats do not have hateful rhetoric

StripedSteel Go post in r/politics that you're glad Trump is going to win and tell me how long it takes to change your mind.
(「トランプが勝ってくれそうで嬉しい」と『r/politics (政治板)』で書き込んでみな、考えが変わること間違いナシだぞ)

daddybronny Guys over on the politics sub were saying how charismatic, eloquent, and inspiring Kamala was. C’mon… she had like one good speech, the DNC nomination one. They act like she’s the second coming of Obama.
(『r/politics (政治板)』の連中はカマラ・ハリスはカリスマ性があり、言葉に説得力があり、人の心を動かす力があると褒めちぎっていたけどさぁ... 正直になろうよ、彼女のスピーチでまともだったのは民主党全国大会の指名演説時くらいだったろ? まるでオバマの再来のように彼女を扱うのは無理があったって)

Cowgoon777 NBC blaming Russia lol

reaper527 i mean, biden/harris's awful ratings when it comes to foreign policy are a thing, and part of that is how weak they looked dealing with russia.

(of course, i'm sure that's not what msnbc is saying)
(NBCが言っていたのはそういうことではないって? ですよね!)

Silverdogz NYT calls NC for Trump

jpminj Bye bye Harris.

soccerperson I don't give a shit about how good or bad of a candidate Kamela is when the alternative is Trump

Legitimately what the fuck is wrong with people

sloarflow You live in a bubble
(君がそういう考え方しかできないのは君がバブルの中で生きているからだ) "bubble" という単語には「弾けてなくなるもの」という意味の他に「閉鎖空間」という意味があり、近年は『同じ価値観を持った者同士の閉鎖環境』『外から異質な価値観や情報が入ってこない状態』などを意味するようになった

MSNBC blaming nc on white women now

Cowgoon777 MSNBC now blaming white women for not turning out for Harris

makethatnoise I've been saying for weeks, abortion alone isn't enough to win the "white women" vote.

Can confirm, as a middle class, college educated, white woman, who didn't vote for Harris.

SeasonsGone People keep using the word “blame” when talking about demographic voting blocks. Do you just mean that they’re analyzing how people voted lol?

Cowgoon777 no they're basically saying these groups aren't doing their job
(いや、彼らはこれらのグループの人々が "やるべき仕事をしていない" と言っている。直接そう言っているわけではないがそういう意味で言っているのは確かだよ)

r2k398 If Kamala loses, is Hillary happy or sad?

zibrovol Oh she'll be happy for sure

CauliflowerDaffodil smiling and nodding like in The Departed meme.

The Departed meme:👇

thisisfine_8869 Once again, Democrats don't realize there's no such thing as the "black vote" or the "Latino vote", etc. They rely too fucking much on identity politics and less on how to talk about real issues in a way that matters to people.

Apprehensive-Catch31 And what’s the message from Kamala’s campaign for young men? Oh wait, they didn’t have one. They did nothing to earn my vote and so I didn’t vote for them

BackgroundHuman4188 We hate you is Kamala’s message to young men

Nerd_199 -Catch31 How long before some journalists blame "White Supremacist" for Harris losing?

CauliflowerDaffodil They're already blaming misogyny.

RedditIs4ChanLite Why is it so hard for people to understand that America is ready for a woman president but isn't willing to just accept any woman who gets the nomination?

MARS5103 People don't care abput the gender of the president they care more baout key issues, like immigration, gun rights, the economy, foreign policy, and abortion

Cowgoon777 this lady on MSNBC is drunk or something
(あのMSNBCで喋っている女性は何なの? 酔ってるの?)

Otaku_Instinct MSNBC you can't push this threat to democracy stuff when Trump is handedly winning the popular vote

Kal-El_Skywalker1998 MSNBC is basically the Fox News of the Democratic Party.
(MSNBCって実質的に民主党版の Fox News だよね)


Life-Implement7346 CNN calls GA for Trump

Remarkable-Medium275 Negative voting doesn't work on a lot of people. You need to have a reason why to support your candidate, not just "my opponent bad".
(民主党は「トランプを大統領にするわけには絶対に行かない」という "Negative voting票" に期待するのをやめるべき、ありゃ一部の人間の票は集まるが本当にそれだけだ。候補者を支持してもらいたかったら「私の対戦相手こんなに酷い」というアピールだけでなくちゃんと支持できる理由を用意しなきゃ)

MinnPin Political Fatigue Kamala is at 67.8% of the vote in NYC. Worst performance for a Democrat since 1988

UY-SCUTl Support for Trump from black under 40yo nearly doubled in NYC! When will they learn calling him a racist doesn't work.

grateful-in-sw Support for Trump from black voters is 0% because according to Biden they ain't black
(黒人有権者のトランプ支持率は0%だよ。バイデンによると彼らは黒人ではないからね) ※バイデン大統領は2020年5月22日にラジオ番組で「私とトランプのどちらを支持するか決めあぐねているなら、あなたは黒人ではない」と発言していた