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teedeedeelalala 「一体どうして滑走路の端にセメントの壁なんてものがあるのさ?!」

lowrider3000 「着陸装置なしで完璧に着陸するとかパイロット凄いじゃん

celestial_being 「確かに滑空からの滑走路へのタッチダウンは完璧だけど... パイロットは接地した後にエアブレーキをかけていない、さらに不時着する際には燃料を減らすものなのにそれをしなかったせいで減速が全く間に合っていない」

artbot 「緊急着陸にしては綺麗に着陸している、問題はなぜか存在している巨大な壁だ」

tmf4s 「誰だよ、滑走路の端に壁を置いたやつは!」

firen2k9 「そりゃあ韓国人じゃろ」


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/aviation (航空板)』
reddit.com/r/aviation / reddit.com/r/aviation

NightDisplay 「墜落したという話だけどそこまで大きな被害は出なかったのかな?と思いましたよ、あの壁を見るまではな!」

same_same1 「おお、パイロットの人やるじゃん⇒おい、なんか減速してなくね?⇒おいおい滑走路の外まで行っちまうぞ?⇒嘘だろコンチクショウ?!」

Caminsky 「マジで滑走路の端にあんな壁を建てるとかどこのバカの仕業だよ?!」

simplyk2 It’s insane, I was not expecting a goddamn concrete wall

WoodenBookkeeper2386 I have done 30 seconds of research, and satellite images don't give me a clear indicator of why they would make this design choice.

rhineauto Street view seems to show a cinder block perimeter fence. I have no idea about the design choice though.


Select_Cantaloupe_62 What the fuck!? There's a huge open field after that. I think if a plane overruns the runway, it's better for it to potentially take out an unlucky car than guarantee the death of 100-200 people.
(どういうことだよ?! 滑走路の先に何かあるのかと思ったら道路くらいで後は広大な空き地が広がっているだけじゃねねぇか! そりゃ飛行機が滑走路をオーバーランして道路に突っ込んだら運の悪い車が巻き込まれるかもしれないけどさ、壁に突っ込んで数百人の死者を出すよりはマシだろ...)

Alkazaro I was going to suggest that maybe it led into a big residential area. But that's just flat out wrong. It leads towards highways on either north or southbound sides. So I can't say I know what the reasoning is for a wall.
(大きな住宅街に通じているのではないかと考えていたがそんなことは一切なかったな... 空港の北側も南側も高速道路が走っているだけだった、コンクリートの壁を設置した理由が何なのか正直分からない)

skat0r I think they crashed into this thing and not the wall.


Orianous Looks like an ILS localizer atop a hill of dirt and concrete.

rhineauto Yeah I think you’re right

Chtholly_Lee then why tf there is such a thing over there?

BrianDawkins Still a dumb design

Select_Cantaloupe_62 People have reportedly survived this!?!? How? I look at that and I see 100% mortality; I think I'll stop complaining about my airplane seatbelt from now on.
(この事故から生き延びた人がいるって報告があるとかマジかよ?! どうやってさ? どう見たって死亡率100%でしょ!

BurpleMan Passengers been evacuated from the tail section apparently

Striking-Ad-6815 In the video it looks like everyone was evacuated immediately at the same time.

rockemsockemcocksock If you look really close, you can see the tail section break up and away from the rest of the plane

FlutterKree It's basic physics. In the event of a frontal crash, the front and mid portions of a plane act as a crumple zone for the tail section.

Beenjamin63 Tail section the place to be apparently...

photoengineer In most crashes tail section seats are the most survivable.

gyojoo Can someone else also confirm this from the video? It looks like flaps are not deployed either

ryansnipes99 I'm seeing the same thing, possible no flaps down, and I didn't see spoilers either.

Direct_Witness1248 No flaps, spoilers or gear. It's gotta be a hydraulic issue right?

N301CF this plane is going really fast to be at the end of a 9,000 runway, looks to definitely be at around 100kts they must’ve landed late, fast or both

jgmiller24094 There had to have been something else going on.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/aviation (航空板)』
reddit.com/r/aviation / reddit.com/r/aviation


ResponsibleMuffin740 do you guys really believe that a bird strike was the sole cause of this crash?

nextongaming It wasn't. Bird strikes are a common event in aviation. only in like 5% of instances they cause a bit of damage, and very rarely enough to cause a crash like this.

InsertUsernameInArse Bird stike or compressor stall doesn't explain the rest of the events that played out.

Cold_Ad_2160 Boeing 737 has two primary hydraulic systems and a third backup. Hydraulics are used to normally extend and retract the gear. Also has a manual gear extension system used when hydraulic systems fail. Not sure what problem they had that led to gear up landing.

Slinky_Malingki Exactly. One engine going out does not disable landing gear, flaps, slats, and air brakes. Something really weird is going on here.

if155 Would landing on the ocean work?

Rook8811 That is much worse than land

lululenox There's an old footage of an Ethiopian airlines doing a ditching in calm seas and broad daylight, ditching really is only a last option if it's time sensitive and there's no other available landing options


cancerman1120 I thought they try to empty the fuel as much as possible when attempting these types of landings? Or is that just the movies?

KG_advantage 737 does not have ability to dump fuel. You would need to burn it by circling. Maybe flight control issues and they wanted to land right away. Bigger question is the barrier they struck at the end of run way. What is it why was it there.

bigtakeoff seems like that barrier caused their unfortunate death

StrongFaithlessness5 Yeah, judging by the video, the pilots managed to land the airplane even without the landing gears. The wall was the factor that transformed this incident into a tragedy.

MataAgent One of the worst accidents in recent years.

IvantheCzech In terms of casualties, the worst full stop.





geographus 「またボーイング737ですよ」

proroknv2 「ボーイングさん...5分でいいから飛行機を墜落させるのをやめてくれませんかね!!!」

nicebritishfrog 4 crashes in the space of a few days

25/12 - Azerbaijan Airlines E190 crash
28/12 - KLM Boeing 737 skids off runway
29/12 - Jeju Air 737 crash
29/12 - Air Canada DH8 crash lands and catches fire
(12/25 - アゼルバイジャン航空E190墜落事故
12/28 - KLMボーイング737の不時着事故
12/29 - チェジュ航空737墜落事故
12/29 - エアカナダDH8不時着&炎上事故)

gigabased Why are there plane malfunctions lately wtf is going on

BzhizhkMard After what happened in Korea, I would be so stressed!

Charming_Register620 「1時間後に飛行機に乗る予定の今の俺氏の様子👆」

paxilsavedme And me waiting to fly to Korea tomorrow with my fam.

BirdieNumNum21 Kid calmly watching a movie on iPad while adults terror praying.
(なお大人たちが恐怖の祈りを捧げる中、子供は iPad で静かに映画を観ているのであった)

Dahleh-Llama Ngl, I would probably be shitting myself

Sonova_Vondruke right?! Kids these days... need to look up from their electronics and enjoy reality's terror.
(全く、これだから最近の子供は... スマホやタブレットなんかから目を離してちゃんと現実の恐怖を楽しむ必要があると思わないか?)

cpt_morgan___ LOL