


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』(※1か月前の2025/1/8)
『藤浪晋太郎とマリナーズがマイナー契約で合意したと関係者が語った。契約にはマリナーズ・キャンプに招待選手として参加できることも含まれている模様』 招待選手:基本的に春キャンプに参加しているマイナーリーグの選手は「招待」という形で参加している。メジャー契約するほどではないが間近で見てみたいケースで用いられる

theleftovers1014 (ジャイアンツファン) 「この男について私が覚えている事は、剛速球を投げられるけど、制御不能で実際に打者の命を奪う可能性があるってことくらいなんだが」

RichardNixon345 (Dバックス&Rソックスファン) 「日本版のジョー・ケリーかな?」

Worthyness 「信じられないだろうが、藤浪を見た後だと「ジョー・ケリーってコントロール良いのでは?」と思うレベルだ」 ジョー・ケリー:背番号17を大谷翔平に譲ったドジャースの投手(36歳)。一部から「速球は凄いがコントロールが酷い」と評価されるが息をするように死球を出したりはしない

lucktar3782 Signing him was the only for the Mariners to protect their hitters.

sir218 I remember seeing Fuji once at T-mobile. It was either the eighth or ninth inning and he was warming up. He threw a 100+ mph fastball straight over the catcher's head, a noticable knock from hitting the backstop being audible even from our 300 level seating. Remember my dad muttering, "holy shit."

Thehawkiscock (ヤンキースファン) You don't often see Japanese players grind it out like this when it goes really poorly for them. He had a 6.68 ERA with 33 walks in 32.1 IP at AAA last year. Most guys pack it up and head home.

Lucky_Alternative965 (ドジャースファン) I can't imagine being stuck in the minors is better or more fun than having an npb job. But respect to those that do grind it out for years to hopefully get a chance.

PM_ME_QT_TRANSGIRLS By the time he left Japan, he wasn't very good there either. He was being shuffled to their minors every season.

UnchartedFields I feel bad for him though because from what I remember reading, it was pretty clear that Hanshin (the org he was with in Japan) messed up his development a ton. There was a game early into his career where he was struggling with command badly, but his coach intentionally kept him in the game to 'teach him a lesson.' He finished with like 165 pitches thrown that game. I think the MLBPA would sue (rightfully) a club if that ever happened here.

Salvalicious252 This guy was literally Ohtani's high school "rival" and was seen as the #1 prospect even over him.
(知っているかい? この男は文字通り大谷の高校時代の「ライバル」だったんだぜ? 大谷よりも有望な選手とさえ見られていたんだぜ?)

Jeff_Banks_Monkey (オリオールズファン) It's interesting to have what is essentially a journeyman pitcher from Japan this early in his American career

PlatChat (オリオールズファン) The Japanese pitcher Mariners fans have been wanting all winter finally signs with them

SardonicCheese (マリナーズファン) Good K rate. Look at the positive look at the positives

Meme_Investor (マリナーズファン) If anyone can fix him, it's us. Right????
(彼を直せる人がいるとしたら、それは私たちだ。そうだろ????) ※シアトル・マリナーズは投手育成に定評がありチーム防御率も昨年は30球団中1位の3.49

AnnihilatedTyro (マリナーズファン) M's pitching factory feels like the last/best chance for him to salvage a MLB career. And a minor league deal carries no risk for the M's.

JVMJRDOT (マリナーズファン) No such thing as a bad MiLB contract

AnnihilatedTyro (マリナーズファン) Smart move for HIM to come to the Mariners pitching factory, and a minor league deal doesn't actually mean anything with regards to the Mariners. This doesn't even use a 40-man roster spot.

NuevoXAL (メッツファン) We couldn't get him to figure out his control in AAA but if anyone can figure out pitchers it's the Mariners.

McCoyPauley78 (アスレチックスファン) Neither could the Athletics nor Orioles. I don't hold a lot of hope that Fuji will put it together at this stage.

all_teh_money (マリナーズファン) wait why am i actually excited for this signing

cjackc11 (オリオールズファン) Because when he’s on, he’s absolutely electric. When he’s off, you can tell immediately and it’s going to go horribly. But when he’s got his stuff, amazing. Just doesn’t happen all that often

Hour_Speech_5132 (マリナーズファン) Having a hard time controlling my excitement.

LlamasPajamas206 (マリナーズファン) Just as hard as Shintaro finds controlling the baseball.

Broad_Lynx5702 (ドジャースファン) Mariners please turn this guy back into the high school ace he used to be.

betakay (ドジャースファン) he just might have the most electric fastball in baseball today. really hope he can get it under control and find success.

ins8iable (オリオールズファン) Rooting for him. Hes exciting to watch and when he’s on there aren’t many guys who can spin it like he can.

lovemesomefood (オリオールズファン) Dude has insane stuff and no idea where it’s going

itreallydob The Mariners have great pitching coaches. Hope he finds success there.

[deleted] Go Fuji go


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Mariners (マリナーズ板)』(※今日・2025/02/24)
『2/23 マリナーズ対Dバックス戦・実況スレ』

MarinerButter (マリナーズファン) Shintaro Fujinami everybody!

afrokidiscool (マリナーズファン) Shintaro fujinami pitching

Cabal90 (マリナーズファン) Oooh Fujinami is on the mound. Hope he has a good spring training.
(おお、藤浪がマウンドに立っている! 良い春季トレーニングになるといいな)




TyDaneGonzalez (マリナーズファン) It's been, like, five pitches and we've already basically gotten the entire Shintaro Fujinami experience

AsWeGoAlong013 (マリナーズファン) Fujinami — still zero control

LegendRazgriz (マリナーズファン) Man, his arm is thoroughly cooked. Still has the stuff, just no clue where it'll go

afrokidiscool (マリナーズファン) Good recovery

afrokidiscool (マリナーズファン) Nice

maikuyaro (マリナーズファン) hell yeah Fujinami redemption year
(よっしゃー! 今年は藤浪の逆襲の年になるで!)




CPat11 (マリナーズファン) Full Fujinami experience today. Filthy stuff, terrifying control

MarkDarden15 (マリナーズファン) 2 strikeouts and a HBP… full experience for sure lol😂 …. Pretty sure he’s toast but maybe they’ll find something for sure
(奪三振2つに死球1つだからな… 確かに藤浪晋太郎体験のフルコースだわw 彼はもう駄目だと思うけど、マリナーズなら何かしてくれると期待しよう)

noahpawlowski_4 (マリナーズファン) 2 K’s, one attempted murder
(奪三振2回+ 死球 殺人未遂1回)

othertimbo (マリナーズファン) He has a filthy cutter and then a “lol good luck” fastball

Mariner Muse (マリナーズファン) Fujinami might get an edge from hitters having to live in fear that he’ll accidentally dome them with a heater at any moment.

verybaseballguy (マリナーズファン) the HBP was arguably a walk. no replay but I think it just grazed Thomas' jersey.

RaiseTheTrident (マリナーズファン) Maybe I’m wrong but it seems Fujinami has reduced bis velocity a bit (avg more 98 instead of triple digits) but it has not helped the control much…

MarinersTrident (マリナーズファン) Interesting that he threw exclusively sinkers with some cutters and one slider. Definitely feels like they’re trying to get him to simply his repertoire.

cplane97 (マリナーズファン) I wasn't watching the inning, how did Fujinami look? From the zone it looked effectively wild? If he can hone it in that'd be a huge pick up.
(試合を観れなかったんだけど藤浪はどうだった? ストライクゾーン判定だけみてると荒れていたように見えたけど。結果は1回無失点2奪三振1四球だしもうちょっとゾーン内に収められるようになれば大助かりなんだが)

afrokidiscool (マリナーズファン) 80 grade stuff 20 grade command.

wtfuji (マリナーズファン) Still 2 K’s in 1 IP… He’s not magically going to have great control right after signing with us. They’ll put him in Tacoma for a while and try to get that figured out. He looks promising

Jeromy Krom (マリナーズファン) I think my favorite possible random outcome this year is Fujinami figuring it out. Likely? No. But it would be so fun

Kwkdawg (マリナーズファン) It would be super fun if he did

trav_put5 (マリナーズファン) If the Mariners can fix Fujinami’s control issues they’ll have 4 pitchers who throw 100 with a 90 mph off speed pitch. What a bullpen potentially

Ryan1h3Lions (マリナーズファン) The risk reward is outrageous

hersent (マリナーズファン) Yep I’m buying his stock right now

The_Cryogenetic (マリナーズファン) So excited to see Fujinami, I feel like we can make him into something amazing.

AnnihilatedTyro (マリナーズファン) Fujinami is going to be an adventure, that's for sure.