


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』
『2月25日 ドジャース対マリナーズ戦・実況スレ』

マリナーズ (0勝-0敗)
ドジャースのキャンプ地キャメルバック ランチにて午後 12 時 10 分スタート

マリナーズ - ブレイク スネル (-勝-敗、防御率---)
マリナーズ - ルイス カスティーヨ(-勝-敗、防御率---)


「#ITFDB (It's Time For Dodger Baseball=ドジャース野球の時間だ)」

xxthinkpositive (ドジャースファン) I’m at work so I can’t watch but LETS GO DOYERS

theicecreamtruck_59 (ドジャースファン) Let’s go snell!!

Kimberly Tia (ドジャースファン) Let's go SNELLzirraaaaa!!!! 🦖🦖🦖

※「Snellzilla (スネルジラ)」はブレイク・スネルのニックネーム。



DeathClaw9999 (ドジャースファン) I saw someone saying Roki will pitch today. Is that true?

Infraready (ドジャースファン) In the backfields for the minor league game, not the main game

NicoLacko (ドジャースファン) Not even a minor league game. It’s just a sim game against the white Sox minor league guys, no base running or anything. Basically live bp with some extra steps

bigeatsyum (ドジャースファン) Sasaki got lit up in his sim game vs white Sox minor leaguers - how we feeling?

jaydubb90 (ドジャースファン) Meh, no big deal. Tanner Scott and Blake treinen got lit up too. It’s spring training, it happens.

UraniumDisulfide (ドジャースファン) Like nothing, it’s spring training

baribigbird06 (ドジャースファン) Japanese pitchers always have to adjust to MLB ball nbd

NeWbAF (ドジャースファン) Yoshi got lit up in Korea last year too. It happens.



Chessinmind (ドジャースファン) First strikeout LFG

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) Absolutely filthy I see why he won 2 Cy youngs 😭

Horror-Bath-531 (ドジャースファン) Let's goooooo
(٩( ᐛ )و)

Chessinmind (ドジャースファン) I am irrationally excited for Snell. The analytics suggest he’s due for maybe the best year of his career if he can stay reasonably healthy. He’s coming off the best xERA of his career (2.57), highest average velocity, lowest FIP and xFIP of his career, highest strikeout rate, lowest HR allowed rate since his rookie season, one of his lower wall rates, etc. And now you get him at Dodger stadium with what is almost always a very good fielding group under Roberts.
(正直スネルに理不尽なほど興奮している。分析によれば怪我さえしなければ今年はスネルにとってキャリア最高の年になるらしい。なんせ昨年の彼はキャリア最高のxERA(2.57)/平均球速/三振率、キャリア最低のFIP/xFIP、ルーキーシーズン以来最低の被弾率等々の記録を残しているからな。その彼が名将ロバーツ監督の下で、ほぼ常に非常に優れた守備を見せる我々の守備陣と共に戦うというのだから興奮しないなんて無理な話だ) xERA (予想防御率):防御率よりも客観的な投球能力を評価するための指標。防御率に絡んでくる守備や天候や球場などの要因を排除し打球の質(打球速度や打球角度など)や奪三振、与四球などを基に算出する

LAタイムズ紙の記者- Jack Harris


pro4banned (ドジャースファン) Damn 30 pitch inning

ManimalNYC01 (ドジャースファン) 30 pitches is too many pitches

st1r (ドジャースファン) Get used to it with Snell. He's amazing, but he will find himself with high pitch counts reasonably often. Dude doesn't pitch to contact. The nice thing is that means big innings are rare for him.
(これに関しては慣れろとしか。スネルは素晴らしい投手だが "打たせてアウトにするタイプ" ではないので投球数が多くなることがある。というかそうなることが多い。その分あれだ、大量失点とかは滅多にしないのでそこは安心していい)

st1r (ドジャースファン) This is the Snell experience. He draws a lot of chase, and hitters are always uncomfortable against him, and he makes sure that if they make contact it's not in their hot zone which altogether means a lot of soft contact, a lot of Ks, and few barrels. But also means a lot of walks and some lost efficiency and therefore higher pitch counts.
(これがブレイク・スネル体験だ。スネルは "つい手を出してしまう球" を投げるのが上手い。さらに当てられても芯を捉えられないように投げているので凡打になりやすい。一方で四球やファウルも多くなるので投球数が多くなる傾向にある)

UraniumDisulfide (ドジャースファン) That’s the first half Snell experience

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) second half snell gonna be a true sight to behold

DalekEvan (ドジャースファン) I have no doubt he will be good but I also already sense that Snell will drive me nuts lol.

Many THROW A STRIKE BROs to come this year

patm718 (ドジャースファン) How many batters did Roki face? Anyone know how he was other than the HR he gave up?
(ところで佐々木が何人の打者と対戦したか知っている人いる? 本塁打を許したのは知っているけどその後どうなった?)

Chessinmind (ドジャースファン) Roki Sasaki pitched three innings in his sim game. Gave up a long home run to his first hitter. Retired the next six in a row, including one swinging strikeout. Then finished walk-double-walk. He threw 38 total pitches.

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) So.. he’s ready?
(つまり... もう行ける感じ?)

st1r (ドジャースファン) Sounds good to me. Dude's an incredible raw talent. Dodgers are the exact best team to get the most out of him, he just needs some time to develop. Expectations look to be between 3.0-4.5 ERA his first year, with ace potential as he develops.

「試合終了:ドジャース5-11マリナーズ ※ドジャースのオープン戦の成績は1勝5敗、10失点以上はこれで3回目

LearningT0Fly (ドジャースファン) Bruh
(( ㅍ_ㅍ))

notlyssa (ドジャースファン) We may never win another game again

owndodgerhaters (ドジャースファン) It’s been a rough spring

3-2_Fastball (ドジャースファン) We might have the worst spring training pitching staff of all time

Borrum (ドジャースファン) Fair to say at this point that the Dodgers are using spring training games for pitchers to work on things and tweak pitches much more than it’s about getting batters out.

whiskeybenthellbound (ドジャースファン) I know it "doesn't matter" but it still "feels bad."

New_Championship_912 (ドジャースファン) Wake me up when we get to Tokyo. 😴✈️

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』


Lix_zo1 (ホワイトソックスファン) Kyle owns Roki

Mateo4289 (ホワイトソックスファン) Sox back?????

HumanzeesAreReal (ホワイトソックスファン) Are the White Sox back?

XfinityLoginIJ (ホワイトソックスファン) yep. it’s so our year

Decent_Nobody_8830 (ホワイトソックスファン) 162-0 here we come

juan_grande801 (ホワイトソックスファン) Plan the parade

LFGSD98 (パドレスファン) My bold prediction: they are better than last year

who_are_you_people24 (メッツファン) I'd be more impressed if they weren't
(良くならなかったらむしろビビるわ) ※昨年ホワイトソックスは1962年のニューヨーク・メッツの年間120敗以来最多となるの121敗でシーズンを終えた

RandyGrey (ホワイトソックスファン) Might be the only way we impress anyone this year
(今の俺たちが人々をビビらせるためにできることって、マジで "さらなる低み" へ行くことくらいしかないと思うんだ)

ttam23 (ドジャースファン) Gave up a homer to his first hitter but then he retired the next 6 in a row

Omana___97 (ドジャースファン) Good, he needs the experience to grow. That’s what these sprint training games are for.

cultu54099 (ドジャースファン) It’s called spring training for a reason. You train.

TheMoonIsFake32 (ツインズファン) Why are the White Sox hitting against the Dodgers on an empty field?

Jason82929 (ファン) They share a spring training complex. The fields they use are separated by hundreds of feet, so it’s pretty simple for each team to just walk over to each others fields and play a B game or get some work in against players that aren’t wearing the same uniform.

a-weird-username (ドジャースファン) I’ve gone every year since they moved to AZ, haven’t seen this happen once. Must be new this year.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

st1r (ドジャースファン) His shoulders… that smile… 🥵🥵🥵
(あの肩... あの笑顔...!)

Ariella222 (ドジャースファン) He is a unit

AverageSatanicPerson (ドジャースファン) NSFW tag please

TasteTheBizkit (ドジャースファン) I quickly closed the tab when mom walked by.

tarrfan (ドジャースファン) Stupid sexy Shohei

spititout__ (ドジャースファン) Dude looks more like Superman than Superman. That S stands for Shohei!

greyjedimaster77 (ドジャースファン) Bro is built like Captain America

theunworthyone (ドジャースファン) He’s Japan’s equivalent to Captain America, right? Grown in a lab.

(ドジャースファン) It looks like he leaned out a bit. I'm guessing he increased his cardio to be able to pitch and hit this season
(身体を少し絞った? 今年は投手復帰するし投打を高レベルに維持するために引き締めたのかね?)

InclusivePhitness (ドジャースファン) He looks like he has noticeably less body fat than spring training last year.

ZiggyPalffyLA (ドジャースファン) You can really see it in his face

Apprehensive-Agency2 (ドジャースファン) He's the Anti-Doncic where they just completely let go during the offseason and turn into a round mound of lard that slowly plays its way into game shape over a grueling regular season to then ideally peak during the playoffs.

Shohei, otoh, during the off-season his training regimen is absolutely insane and he goes into the regular season with the body of a god, then due to the grind of the season, he's unable to maintain his godlike body and it slowly degrades to absolute top tier human. It's the only way for Shohei to maintain his elite form as a 2way player for as long as possible.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

TheSimonToUrGarfunkl (ブルージェイズファン) Shohei looking like a little pipsqueak

Former-Ad8679 (ドジャースファン) Ohtani is pretty big too 😮😮😮 how tall is Mamadou?
(大谷ってMLBの選手の中でもかなり身長が高い方だよね? このンダイェって人は何mなのさ?)

Crazy_Baseball3864 Shohei is 6'4 (1.93m), Mamadou is 7'6 (2.29m)

my_one_and_lonely (メッツファン) basketball players are fucking freaks damn

BatmanNoPrep (ドジャースファン) And he’s thin all over. Shohei’s chest is enormous by comparison.

nightdrive370z (エンゼルスファン) Shohei looking girthy compared to the twig

False-theblackbear I remember watching him play in high school. It was crazy how tall he was and how far he could reach compared to everyone else.

If you wanna good laugh - watch his high school highlights.

Chemical-Fly-787 「ストライクゾーンがホセ・アルトゥーベくらいありそう」

kevin_nguyen03 (ブルージェイズファン) アルトゥーベ:「どうしてそんな酷いこと言うの? 俺なにも悪い事してなくない??」

maj3st1cllama (Dバックスファン) 「💥🗑️🤛」 ※アルトゥーベらアストロズの選手らはサインを盗むためにフィールド中央にビデオカメラを設置、チームのダッグアウト付近に置かれたモニターでその映像を確認しゴミ箱をたたくなどして打者に球種を伝えていた

GoastCrab (ドジャースファン) His strike zone would be 26.5% of his height in the ABS system, so ~2ft, so ya, you're spot on!
(今年のオープン戦から一部の試合で導入されたロボット審判ことABS (自動ボール/ストライク判定システム) は身長の 26.5%をストライクゾーンとしているので...
ママドゥ・ンダイェのストライクゾーンは約2フィートになる。うん、アルトゥーベがすっぽり収まるな!) 2フィート=約61㎝


g-burn (ブレーブスファン) Basically Altuve
(ほぼアルトゥーベだな) ※他の球団ファンもアルトゥーベを嫌っている