


ドジャース地元メディア『Dodger Blue』




「ドジャース投手陣による快速球 🔥」




ドジャース地元メディア『Dodgers Nation』の記者 - Noah Camras





英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

headlikeacole (ドジャースファン) King Geedorah!

humansruineverything (ドジャースファン) Dang. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

NFFLpro (ドジャースファン) The Dodgers are stacked with talent. The negligee uniforms have to go.

EnvironmentalBaby328 (ドジャースファン) Pants are terrible

Vespene (ドジャースファン) Fucking see through

ProfessionalNeophyte (ドジャースファン) It looks like they’re wearing nothing at all nothing at all, nothing at all!

Repulsive-Ad-7180 (ドジャースファン) Fck those pants

Trainwreck800 (ドジャースファン) The see-through pants really undercuts the power of this picture

BertMacklinMD (ドジャースファン) Fix the damn pants, Fanatics and Nike

Throwaway68024 (ドジャースファン) I thought the issues with the pants were fixed? They still look see-through.

AlternativeLoquat343 (ドジャースファン) They announced a few weeks ago that only the gray pants would be fixed and the white pants will wait till 2026 🙃

SummonMason (ドジャースファン) Yikes those pants hahaha

MLB/Nike/Fanatics are prioritizing updating the road grays for all teams due to sweat causing them to be multiple different shades. I don’t think we’re getting updated pants until 2026 on the home whites unfortunately

wizgset27 (ドジャースファン) plot twist, this was a ploy to get more women watching baseball.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

vorlando9000 (ドジャースファン) Lfg!
(٩( ᐛ )و)

SuperRam56 (ドジャースファン) Turning on AM 570 to hear the boys in blue driving in traffic.
(AM 570 にラジオを合わせて、ドジャースの選手たちの活躍を聞きながら渋滞の中を過ごす日々がまた来たな)

SteakBinder749 (ドジャースファン) The final time I listened to AM 570 last season was the 5th inning of that historic Game 5.
(昨シーズン、AM 570を最後に聞いたのはあの歴史に残るWS第5戦の5回だった)

Had to stay at work and didn’t see the beginning, but the entire drive home was me tuning into that legendary 5th inning, and by the time I finally reached home, it was the middle-5th, drawn at 5-5, and it was a brand new ballgame.

SuperRam56 (ドジャースファン) Listening to Freddie Freeman's walk-off grand slam on AM 570 always gives me goosebumps.
(フレディがサヨナラ満塁ホームランを打った時のAM 570の実況を聞くと毎回鳥肌が立つ)

Armaced (ドジャースファン) I think an off-season of rewatching Freddie hit that grand slam has made me forget how bad it feels when we are losing. I’m going to need to realign my expectations before the games begin - he’s not going to hit a grand slam every time he’s at the plate.
(いかん、今年のオフシーズンはフレディがワールドシリーズで放ったサヨナラグランドスラムをひたすら見続けていたせいで感覚がおかしくなってる。開幕戦までに浮かれた気分を鎮めねば... このままじゃ地区シリーズで敗退した2022&2023年みたいなことが起きたらあの時以上の絶望に襲われてしまう、フレディが毎打席グランドスラムを打ってくれるわけじゃないんだし)

UDPviper (ドジャースファン) So hyped to watch all the pitchers.

Low-Hovercraft-8791 (ドジャースファン) I'm actually excited to see the Reds, Yankees, Rangers, and Red Sox spring games this year. Easier to root for past players when the games don't count.

tamin9 (ドジャースファン) Can’t wait 💙

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』
reddit.com/r/Dodgers / reddit.com/r/Dodgers

Satin_Jacket (ドジャースファン) Gahhhdamn that looks good

jayteazer (ドジャースファン) Okay, this is just getting ridiculous!!

jujubats10 (ドジャースファン) This is fucking insane man. Cant believe this is real

deathinmidjuly (ドジャースファン) I'm just imagining an "all hands on deck" game 7. A 9 inning pick and mix of Yoshinobu, Shohei, Glass, Kershaw, Snell, Blake, Roki, Kopech, Kirby, and Scott
(妄想が捗る... 例えば2025年ワールドシリーズ第7戦を想像してみてくださいよ。山本、大谷、グラスノー、カーショウ、スネル、ブレイク、佐々木、コペック、カービー、スコットの中から選びたい放題ですよ? 妄想が捗るわぁ)

No_Count_8739 (ドジャースファン) Those names... Insane.

AbbreviationsCold822 (ドジャースファン) This is just.... NUTS. I've never seen anything like this. I've never even let myself DREAM of something like this. But here they are. HOLY CRAP. I'm literally in awe. I don't know how to process this.

Psychological_Ice242 (ドジャースファン) Honestly more excited for the pitching than i am for the AB this season

okokok569 (ドジャースファン) They won’t stay healthy. Hoping our depth at the position can help us weather the storm of injury.

Enginehank (ドジャースファン) having a much deeper rotation so guys can rest is going to be a huge factor this year. none of these guys are going to be pitching on less than 5 days rest.

RJMonkhouse (ドジャースファン) Stacked bullpen, stacked rotation, stacked lineup. Can’t go wrong with this team! Hopefully they stay on the healthy side
(先発陣もリリーフ陣も打線も強力かつ分厚い! このチームなら優勝間違いなしでしょ! あとは怪我をしないことだけ祈るわ)

-WayoftheSamurai- (ドジャースファン) Good team to be a Dodgers fan!

HeavensRoyalty (ドジャースファン) I'm so so so thankful to be alive to experience this.

p777s (ドジャースファン) This is a fans dream.

LA-Fan316 (ドジャースファン) This season is gonna be insane!

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

米国の統合型リゾート運営会社MGMリゾーツ・インターナショナル参加のスポーツ賭博会社『BetMGM』 -

1位. 大谷翔平 (MLB・ドジャース)
2位. レブロン・ジェームス (NBA・レイカーズ)
3位. ルカ・ドンチッチ (NBA・レイカーズ)
4位. ムーキー・ベッツ (MLB・ドジャース)
5位. プカ・ナクア (NFL・ラムズ)
6位. フレディ・フリーマン (MLB・ドジャース)
7位. ジャスティン・ハーバート (NFL・チャージャーズ)
8位. マシュー・スタッフォード (NFL・ラムズ)
9位. アンゼ・コピター (NHL・キングス)
10位. ジェームズ・ハーデン (NBA・クリッパーズ)

uey01 (ドジャースファン) 「1位に関しては議論の余地はないな」

NinJ4ng (ドジャースファン) the fact they have any LA king on this list is astounding. people usually pretend hockey doesn’t exist.
(このランキングにLAキングスが入っていることに驚く、みんな普段は「アイスホッケー? あったねそんなの!」みたいなノリなのに)

Hussle-And-Motivate (ドジャースファン) Puka over Freddie is crazy, that man killed the Yankees and gave our generation a Gibby moment. Luka I get bc he’s global.
(プカ・ナクアがフレディよりも上ってのもどうかしてるって、大舞台でヤンキースをボッコボコにしたヒーローにして今の世代の中で最も輝いていた1人だぞ? ルカ・ドンチッチが3位なのは彼の世界的な人気を考えたら納得だけど)

jujubats10 (ドジャースファン) Disgusting to not have Kersh here

No_Frosting2811 (ドジャースファン) I believe this is at the current moment. But I really think they need to bump Luka down and Mookie or Freddie up. For heavens sake they just won a WS

jujubats10 (ドジャースファン) I’m assuming active players only (no Kobe, no Magic, etc)

Apprehensive-Cry6476 (ドジャースファン) Luka over mookie is blasphemy

just_one_random_guy (ドジャースファン) I mean Luka is THAT guy

No_Frosting2811 (ドジャースファン) Freddy is THAT guy

redundantPOINT (ドジャースファン) I guess but what are they basing this on?

mynamewhatisit (ドジャースファン) It’s just a popularity contest

Razatiger (ドジャースファン) If its a popularity contest then its Lebron and its not even close

drfrink85 (ドジャースファン) MGM logo at the top so I'm guessing betting has a good influence on this list somehow

itsfiji (ドジャースファン) I was thinking this ranking is probably based on betting yields and how much people have bet on individual players/parlays.

lunatocracy (ドジャースファン) It’s Ohtani #1, a gap, then everyone else. I’m a huge LeBron fan but the dude is 40 and Ohtani is in his prime, likely to go down as the greatest baseball player of all time. If LeBron was still in his prime then that would be a good argument between 1 and 2 for king of LA.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/lakers (レイカーズ板)』

bondiw (レイカーズファン) 「トップ4は妥当かな。5位はプカではなくフレディかも、ワールドシリーズでグランドスラムを打ったのは大きい」

ONE_PUMP_ONE_CREAM (レイカーズファン) Agreed.

kezzinchh (レイカーズファン) There ya go, put some respek on his name. One foot Freddie throughout that entire postseason run.

ItsGettinBreesy (レイカーズファン) Right? 2x WS champ, 1x WS MVP, 1x NL MVP, and the most legendary at-bat in WS history, which says A LOT considering how old the MLB is.
(だよな? ワールドシリーズ優勝2回、ワールドシリーズMVP1回、ナショナルリーグMVP1回、そしてワールドシリーズ史上最も伝説的なサヨナラグランドスラム! 最後のは文字通りMLBの歴史に残る快挙だ)

polymathicus (レイカーズファン) Didnt Kawhi claim to be King of LA when he signed lol
(あれ? カワイ・レナードはロサンゼルス・クリッパーズと契約する時に「俺はロサンゼルスの王になる」みたいなこと言ってませんでしたっけ?)

pocket_passss (レイカーズファン) went from kawhi to ka who?

nottherealstanlee (レイカーズファン) Freeman and Stafford over Puka and Herbert.

Otherwise probably right.

Sir-Psycho-Sexy-69 (レイカーズファン) If it’s by popularity LeBron is 1 by a country mile and it’s not close. Yes I know Ohtani is big in Japan but literally everyone knows who LeBron James is, there’s some people in America who don’t even know who Ohtani is

nottherealstanlee (レイカーズファン) I think you're underestimating Ohtani by quite a lot here. Ohtani isn't just big in Japan, he's big throughout Asia, he's just a god in Japan. Estimates had Shohei at or around 100m in endorsements this last year alone.

And there are still plenty of people who know who Ohtani is in the US lol

I'm not 100% sure LeBron is more popular globally. He might be still, but Ohtani is certainly not behind by all that much.
(ついでに言うとレブロンが今でも世界的に人気があるかどうか... 今でもまだ人気があるかもしれないが、大谷の人気がそれほど引き離されていないことは確かだ)

breakwater (レイカーズファン) Ohtani makes so much his interpreter could steal millions and it was unnoticeable

LongTimesGoodTimes (レイカーズファン) Based on what exactly?

Executive-111 (レイカーズファン) It’s according to MGM. I think it’s just who runs the sports world in LA

Razatiger (レイカーズファン) Makes sense

Executive-111 (レイカーズファン) I think it’s a little too soon for Luka at 3. But Ohtani is a whole economy anywhere he goes

10hifi (レイカーズファン) Putting a guy who moved here last week right next to the greatest player in NBA history is a bit funny. Love Luka but he needs to earn it.

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Bill Simmons (ビル・シモンズ板)』
『LA市民の皆さん、これについてどう思います?』 Redditの『r/Bill Simmons (ビル・シモンズ板)』: ビル・シモンズとはロサンゼルスで活躍するスポーツライター、テレビタレント、人気ポッドキャスト番組の司会者でロサンゼルスのスポーツ全般を扱う板
reddit.com/r/Bill Simmons

chinoischeckers2 I mean, if all 10 players walked into a restaurant that only has 1 table available, which player gets it? Probably Lebron, no?
(例えばこの10人の選手全員がテーブルが1つしかないレストランに入ったとしたら、どの選手が優先されると思う? おそらくレブロンだろ)

DisastrousEast825 Is it top athlete or most popular athlete? Ohtani is better in his sport right now, unequivocally

EmergingEllie It’s gonna be Ohtani in a lot of LA. People like LeBron but he’s never really become one of the canonical LA guys and people LOVE Ohtani.

mtrn3 Lebron is the bigger star but not in Los Angeles. That title belongs to Ohtani. Ohtani will rival Kobe for most beloved figure in LA when his career is done.

tikitiger Ohtani is the king of the city, sorry LeBron.

Successful-End7689 Lebron is not as popular in LA as people think. That has and always will be Kobe's town no matter which athlete comes plays there.

709678 The city doesn't love LeBron, largely due to Kobe. They love Ohtani.

uphillbrevity Shohei literally has a day. LA declared May 17 to be Shohei Ohtani day for the length of his contract. Shohei murals are everywhere. For sure he’s number 1 in LA right now.

kodiak_boy Where is Mike Trout?

isNice99 Anaheim isn’t in LA County

throwawayjoeyboots Funny I believe they go by the name “Los Angeles Angels”, no?

xaloque The Angels renaming to "Los Angeles" to pull in more money but also piss off their conservative fanbase is my 2nd favorite part of this franchise. My favorite part is that Ohtani left them for the Dodgers and instantly won the World Series
(エンゼルスがもっとお金を稼ごうとして「アナハイム・エンゼルス」から「ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス」に改名して保守的なファン層を怒らせた、というエピソード好き。あのチームが残した伝説の中で2番目に好きだわ。1番好きなのは何かって? もちろん「大谷がエンゼルスからドジャースに移籍したらその年にワールドシリーズで優勝したこと」だよ)