


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』
『3月11日 ドジャース対ガーディアンズ戦・実況スレ』

パドレスのキャンプ地ピオリア・スタジアムにて午後 1 時 10 分スタート

ドジャース - 佐々木朗希 (-勝-敗、防御率---)
ガーディアンズ - ダグ・ニカジー (-勝-敗、防御率---)

ドジャース地元メディア『Dodgers Nation』


CartierrCB (ドジャースファン) Roki cruised through that first inning!

Dodger_Dog9 (ドジャースファン) Good results, command seems slightly off to me.

buubrit (ドジャースファン) We're looking pretty good boys.

lsdzeppelinn (ドジャースファン) With a kid like Sasaki with so much stuff and gas your biggest worry is efficiency. 10 pitch 1-2-3 is exactly what you like to see

birdbathz (ドジャースファン) Give him cy young

st1r (ドジャースファン) RokiOTY



1回裏、ドジャースの攻撃: ・大谷⇒四球
(投手交代) ・ロハス⇒四球


st1r (ドジャースファン) TOMMY 🎽

BuddhistMonk72 (ドジャースファン) Tommy Tanks!!!

NRT25 (ドジャースファン) Tommy Tanks!
(トミー・タンクス!) Tommy Tanks:トミー・エドマンのニックネーム。“tank”は飛距離の長い本塁打を意味する野球用語で小柄にもかかわらずボールを強く打つ能力があることから呼ばれるようになった。エドマンのチームメイトであるミゲル・ロハスとギャビン・ラックスが呼び始めたのがきっかけ。

SeaworthinessOk6742 (ドジャースファン) Atta boy Tommy! Looking promising going into the season!
(よくやったトミー! いやはや今シーズンもトミーさんには期待できそうじゃないですか!)

fatalmudd (ドジャースファン) Tommy Tanks is 🔥

Vespene (ドジャースファン) THE TANK

StudioSixtyFour (ドジャースファン) It's crazy how quickly after trading for Edman the fan sentiment went from "Is that guy even healthy?" to "I would literally die for Tommy Tanks."

SuperRam56 (ドジャースファン) 2-run RBI by Mad Max. 4-0 Dodgers.
(さらにマックス怒りのタイムリー二塁打! ドジャースが4‐0でリードやで!)

Horror-Bath-531 (ドジャースファン) The boys are ready!!

xT1TANx (ドジャースファン) Does it look like Muncy lost weight to anyone else?

klaatuzero (ドジャースファン) Yep, more streamlined.

st1r (ドジャースファン) Maximum aerodynamics
(マキシマム空力性能!) ※Maxという名前の選手にはとりあえずマックスやマキシマムと言っておけばいいという風潮がある

StudioSixtyFour (ドジャースファン) Freddie made 66% of the outs that inning. DFA.

st1r (ドジャースファン) This Frederick guy doesn’t seem very good, I bet he couldn’t even win WS MVP

Thunder_nuggets101 (ドジャースファン) Freddy did that because he’s a nice guy

st1r (ドジャースファン) God this lineup is absolutely relentless when pitchers can’t throw strikes. Dodgers have IIRC the lowest chase rate in the league several years in a row

catashake (ドジャースファン) Was worried for Roki waiting so long.

nottherealstanlee (ドジャースファン) Man Cleveland pitching is awful today.

Corndog_Popsicle (ガーディアンズファン) Cleveland fan just lurking here, sorry. Figured I’d at least comment and say that these guys are AA/AAA guys who have never pitched in the majors. Tough day for them against this lineup lol

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) Imagine your first game of spring training is 3 MVP’s back to back to back 😭😭

「オープン戦初先発の佐々木朗希が2イニングを快調に投げ切る 🙏 ここまで2回無失点1安打0四球1奪三振/投球数は20球」


米国の投球アナリスト - ロブ・フリードマン




goldengod93 「おいおい佐々木の球エグすぎだろ!」

indubitable96 (ドジャースファン) Sasaki's curveball is unreal!

Igneas (ドジャースファン) He doesn't have one, its a splitter that just drops of the face of earth which is even more impressive lol

itsyourdestini (ドジャースファン) Roki is nasty

klaatuzero (ドジャースファン) Roki looking good! Efficient with the pitch count as well.
(佐々木いいじゃん! 投球数も少ないし)

36CharizardsOfDeath (ドジャースファン) Mr Efficiency

kugino (ドジャースファン) they're all so afraid of his splitter they're first pitch swinging. like how ppl are with kersh.

kugino (ドジャースファン) 96-97 but hasn't allowed hard contact. cruising.

lsdzeppelinn (ドジャースファン) Just noticed that Roki put "R. Sasaki" on his jersey instead of just Sasaki

kugino (ドジャースファン) there are other Sasakis in Japan...he just wanted to keep the same wording as he had in Japan

st1r (ドジャースファン) Meanwhile we have 2 Hernández on the team lol

SuperRam56 (ドジャースファン) 8-0 Dodgers.

st1r (ドジャースファン) 8 runs on 4 hits, 0 errors lmao
(なんでヒット4本で8得点もしているのさw エラーだってここまで0なのにw)

36CharizardsOfDeath (ドジャースファン) Bro stop walking us, I want to see Roki
(ガーディアンズさん四球を出すのやめてくれません? こっちは佐々木が見たいのに攻撃がいつまで経っても終わらないじゃないですか)

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) Double digit walks is crazy

spency_c (ドジャースファン) 11 walks in 2.2 is fucking nuts

mistabuford (ドジャースファン) How did my boy Sasaki do?

TDH818 (ドジャースファン) Only like 30 pitches. Looks great.

mistabuford (ドジャースファン) Velocity looks kinda low?

hungover247365 (ドジャースファン) Velo down 1-2 mph from first start. Might've been told not to throw as hard early on to pace himself.

st1r (ドジャースファン) Looked like he was struggling with fastball command so he took a couple MPH off to compensate

chigginbutt (ドジャースファン) Sigh…Chris

ManimalNYC01 (ドジャースファン) 11 walks and somehow CT3 finds a way to K

itsyourdestini (ドジャースファン) Taylor….

EntrepreneurNew3183 (ドジャースファン) Man CT looks absolutely cooked

Recent_Command5604 (ドジャースファン) I understand we are giving him a chance but CT3 is just such a black hole in this team

StudioSixtyFour (ドジャースファン) Dodgers have swung and miss 11 times today. Chris Taylor has 5 of them. Also 2 of the 3 team strikeouts.

xT1TANx (ドジャースファン) damn CT3 :(





SeaworthinessOk6742 (ドジャースファン) Dodgers Win!

Can’t wait for the Tokyo Series!

Berrynerd7 (ドジャースファン) I can't get over the fact that he's 23! He's so calm and poised on the mound!
(佐々木がまだ23歳だなんて信じられない! あの歳であれだけ落ち着きがあって冷静なのは本当に大したものだよ!)

ConsiderationOld5808 (ドジャースファン) comfortably dominant, even fielded a play

Comments (ドジャースファン) Roki Sasaki is a monster

Horror-Bath-531 (ドジャースファン) Living up to his "the Monster of the Reiwa Era" moniker

catashake (ドジャースファン) I know Cleveland wasn't playing their big dogs in the batting lineup. But it's still nice to see Roki only give up 1 accidental hit.

donald-duck23 (ドジャースファン) I have been tempering my expectations for this season since he’s so young, and I’m sure there will still be growing pains, but his performance this spring makes it easy to imagine him being a stud right away
(佐々木を見ていると期待を抑えるのが大変だw もちろんまだ若いし粗削りなところがある、この先苦戦することもあるだろう。でも今春の彼のパフォーマンスを見ているとすぐにスター選手になるだろうと容易に想像できる)

StudioSixtyFour (ドジャースファン) Chris Taylor has seen 13 pitches today. He's whiffed on 6 of them.

jestwindering (ドジャースファン) That’s the CT3 I know

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

HeavensRoyalty (ドジャースファン) Hell yeah. He's looking Hella solid. Our coaches are going to make him insane
(やったね! オープン戦を見る限り佐々木は凄くしっかりしているし、コーチ陣が彼をさらに凄いものにしてくれると信じているよ)

addictedbeaner (ドジャースファン) Haven't really followe spring training, is our rotation Snell, Glassnow, Yoshi, Roki, and May?

SoCalDanSports (ドジャースファン) Yes, it is. Yoshi and Sasaki for Tokyo. Then for home opener I would assume Snell, Glassnow, Yoshi, Sasaki, May for the first month or so. Then in May when there is less days off I'm curious if they'll still go to a six man rotation even if Ohtani is not ready

jujubats10 (ドジャースファン) Snell and Glasnow are definitely better. But I think Sasaki looked good enough for them to feel comfortable giving him the Tokyo start and not feel like it’s 100% charity

Lucky_Alternative965 (ドジャースファン) He was getting the start no matter what. He'll most likely be the number 4 starter upon opening day.

tuckedfexas (マリナーズファン) It’d be disappointing if Yoshi & Roki weren’t both pitching.

CarpeDiemCat (メッツファン) Yamamoto and Saskai, plus Ohtani great chance this might MLB's highest viewed Japan series crowd and viewers.

jujubats10 (ドジャースファン) You didn’t even mention Imanaga and Suzuki lmao

Busy_Trash9830 (ドジャースファン) Dodgers legend Dave Roberts managing the dodgers too!

Adventurous-Rise7975 This yr will be a "settlement" year for Roki but I fully expect him to contend for ROTY. Next year though, he's gonna fucking dominate the league. The stuff is ridiculously nasty.

SEAGOATbestgirl (ドジャースファン) I am predicting that Roki is going to have the same kind of start that Yoshi had last year in Japan.

its already a really big transition to have to play with a new team, being asked all those stupid questions in english and facing MLB hitters only a couple times before and it kind of sucks they're just throwing him into the deep end with this much pressure when he's really only been with the dodgers for a few weeks.

ZachMatthews (ブレーブスファン) What day does that series start?

jonpictogramjones (ドジャースファン) March 18th

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

tesstikcle (ドジャースファン) he's having trouble with mlb pitching velo or batting exit velo?

Carefuljupiter (ブレーブスファン) I remember Joe Morgan talking about how Matsui would be a very good changeup hitter but would struggle to pull fastballs because of the velocity difference between Japan and the US pitching.

betakay (ドジャースファン) perhaps initially, but he was a too good of a hitter and made the necessary adjustments

xerostatus (ドジャースファン) I just fell to my knees at an H-mart

JAWinks (カブスファン) I just saw a guy fall to his knees at an H-mart
(今Hマートで膝から崩れ落ちた男を見たんだが!) Hマート:米国のスーパーマーケット・チェーン

Tight_Ad905 (エンゼルスファン) The Dodgers being able to sign highly sought after free agents solely to prevent other teams from getting them and having them waste away in Oklahoma is great for baseball in my opinion.

ChunkyMilkSubstance Took less money to play in OKC over signing with the Angels btw
(しかもエンゼルスの方が高い契約金を提示したのにこれである) ※ドジャースに新加入した韓国人内野手のキム・ヘソンはエンゼルスも獲得を試みていたが、エンゼルスの方が好条件を出したにも関わらずヘソンはドジャースを選んだ

OSRS_Socks (ブレーブスファン) Aren’t the angels a triple a team since Trout and Rendon injured all the time?

JaWoosh (エンゼルスファン) The AAAngels

AmateurZombie (エンゼルスファン) Dodgers AAA team currently has a 12% chance of winning the world series
(今年ドジャースがワールドシリーズを連覇する可能性は24%って話だけど、ドジャースの二軍チームですら12%はありそう) 関連記事:大谷ドジャースがWS連覇する可能性は24%、エンゼルスが優勝する可能性は0.2%、MLB公式データ分析サイトが予想(海外の反応)

Rufio69696969 Highly sought?

PaleBlueKY Exactly, highly sought is an overstatement.

Same-Art4349 Highly sought and less than 0.01% of the subreddit knew of this dude's existence before the off-season.

officerliger (ドジャースファン) Kim was seen as a defense-first utility player with questions if his bat could actually hang at the MLB level and signed for a little more than $4 million a year AAV. Any team with a good development system would be starting him in the Minors based on how far behind his bat is.

Furiosa27 (ヤンキースファン) Not to defend them too much but this makes logical sense. His bat is sus and they have the depth to work him into being at least solid with it. I’d imagine a lot of teams that aren’t super desperate would have done this also

Stratos_Speedstar (ブルージェイズファン) They’ll call him up soon, when CT3 gets traded to a trash team when he doesn’t improve.

Living__A__Meme So 5 years ago?

Stratos_Speedstar (ブルージェイズファン) Yes.
(左様) クリス・テイラー:ドジャースのロバーツ監督はなぜか彼を重宝している

imnotcreative415 (ドジャースファン) Probably a good decision. The bat and defense need some adjustment time.

futureformerteacher (マリナーズファン) Could be the best infielder on the Seattle Mariners.
(マリナーズに来てくれていたらマリナーズ最強の内野手になれたかもしれないのに...) ※マリナーズはチーム防御率がMLB30球団で1位だがチーム打率は29位で打撃力が決定的に足りていない

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』

supremegnkdroid (ドジャースファン) 「始まったな」

No-Economics4128 (ドジャースファン) Well, somehow, we will go into the post season with bullpen game, won’t we?
(ははぁ~ん、さてはあんなに補強したのになぜかまたプレーオフでブルペンデーをすることになるんでしょ? そうなんでしょ?)

kenny1911 (ドジャースファン) You can never have enough pitchers