

7/29 Athletics @ Angels [Game Thread]



エンゼルス - ディラン・バンディ (1勝-7敗、防御率 6.69)
アスレチックス - フランキー・モンタス (8勝-8敗、防御率 4.34)



reddit.comのコメント欄より: ソース


Jeffrey Weidle Yikes!!!

Eaton4CyYoung Oh god…

ArteSucks I am sad

zach Make a trade

Josh Tse make a trade.

Merai Make a trade

DisneyGrow I have a reached a level of Stoicism where I don't care what Shohei does just him being present on the mound or the batter's box brings a smile to my face.
(もはや私はストイシズムの境地に達しました。ショーヘイがただマウンドに立ち、ただバッターボックスに立つ。それだけで私の顔に笑顔をもたらしてくれます。他のことなどもうどうでもよいのです) ストイシズム:(苦しみ・喜びなどへの)無関心、自分の中にある欲望や邪念に打ち勝つこと、禁欲主義

AlmostWrongSometimes Stoics have nothing on Angels Fans ability to deal with disappointment, or rage.

timetopractice Hopefully no puke this time. Well, maybe puke. Depends on how many runs have scored by the second inning.

garbanzo-beanzz Sending positive Bundy vibes into the universe since y’all are in here putting bad shit out there haha

tristpa2 I have no idea why, but I'm getting strong CYlan Bundy vibes for tonight: My prediction, 6.2 IP, 2 ER. I may have recently suffered head trauma
(理由はわかない、だが今夜はディラン・バンディではなくサイラン・バンディになる予感がビシビシ来てる。私の予想では今日のバンディは6.2回2失点。なんだろう、私は最近頭部外傷を負ったのかもしれない) CYlan Bundy=Cy Young(サイヤング賞)+Dylan Bundy


Gelu6713 Going to the game tonight and really hoping for some CYlan Bundy 🤞

AlmostWrongSometimes I believe in you Dylan. I shouldn't, but I do.

phelinephile Let's go Halos! 😇 👏 👏 👏👏👏







RapFuzzy Really Bundy? Really?

TheAliasOfAnAlias Bundy is awful

budhapalm Somebody give Bundy the Spider-Tack

cfc25_ Bundy puke meter 📈

emm-eye-zee Pain

rubberbrain And the pain begins....
(そして "pain" が始まった)

jimmyp231203 This is already painful

JohnMuellerr We’re the laughing stock of the league


CompetitivePatient33 this is bad

BaldOnPurpose Is somebody already warming up?

hereforthesportsbook Can’t believe I let myself think Bundy would bring it today :(

sanmed327 This is a lovely start when the season is on the line lol

hereforthesportsbook 1 hit 3 runs. Is there any better way of personifying angels pitches?

FletcherCollector I would’ve rather have Quintana start this game, and that’s insane to say.

AKASHI2341 Had a stressful day and my dumbass really thought watching an Angels game with fucking Bundy on the mound would make me feel better smh

throatbutterz I live in the UK. I stayed up until 3AM for this shit. Should of just gone to bed.

basik_kh I feel bad for the fans at this game tbh

sdc4589 Bundy is so trash

_Androxis_ Fucking Christ...

HighOffLife420 old Bundy is gone

cheesyburtango1 man how many first inning runs have we given up in the past few games. hoooly dumpsterfire
(この数試合で一体何点初回に失ったよ? 大惨事過ぎるだろ)

Artyhko Checked Rs in the 1st in our recent games

July 29th: 3 (Bundy)
28th: 2 (Heaney)
27th: 2 (Suarez)
26th: 0 (Ohtani)
25th: 2 (Barria)

Cytempest Our ERA in the 1st is actually insane

throatbutterz We're going to lose 8-3, but we'll get an Ohtani HR.



地元ラジオKLAAの実況アナウンサー - Trent Rush

Artyhko Bundy is getting better!

metmaz123 NICEEE, great inning Bundy

Ryangugs01 Dylan 1-2-3 Bundy 1-2-3:三者凡退

tristpa2 Bundy actually had a clean inning. Against the A's

MartOut three fly ball outs, who is this guy, Jered Weaver?
(フライで3アウト、誰だこいつは、ジェレッド・ウィーバーか?) ジェレッド・ウィーバー:2012年と2014年に最多勝利、2010年に最多奪三振を記録した元エンゼルス投手

BaldOnPurpose A Tale of Two Bundys.

midsommar_ Bundy just went from an australopithecus to a neanderthal.
(バンディはアウストラロピテクスからネアンデルタール人に進化しました) 人類の進化の大きな流れ:





_Androxis_ Based Bundy

bombad_jedi_501 Yes Bundy!!

metmaz123 Nice, nice. Quick inning is what we need

mmcc120 Bundy’s neck beard make me feel itchy just looking at it

metmaz123 NICEEE

dedgyjones_88 Oh yeah 2020 Bundy is back

pwnd32 Watch bundy actually do amazing today (minus that first inning) and then the offense just completely dies lol

tristpa2 Let's get our ace some run support

AKASHI2341 Wow Bundy another clean inning. Offense support ur ace

Ryangugs01 2020 Bundy unlocked

tristpa2 Have we entered a portal to 2020?

tristpa2 Maybe just Bundy did

sanmed327 Bundy is throwing well quick let's trade him

ArteSucks Any coincidence that Bundy’s ERA is 6.66?
(ところでバンディの防御率が 6.66なのだがこれは偶然か?)

KamartyMcFlyweight Los Diablos Fallen Angels of Anahell
(ロスディアブロス・堕天使・オブ・アナハイム) Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

2005年 - 2015年までの球団正式名称

sinchichis 😈

ahughes61 At the game rn and Quintana is warming up in the pen no I’m not joking …..

mmcc120 Bundy was originally scheduled to throw no more than 60 pitches

ahughes61 I’m aware but fucking Quintana ?!?!


tristpa2 Let Bundy stay in please

AKASHI2341 Quintana after Bundy is the last thing u want to see.

bigflyohtanisan Bundy off and Quintana on... :'(

prmark34 Bundy/Quintana might be the worst 1-2 duo ever assembled

emm-eye-zee Bundy to Quintana, what did we do to deserve this

pwnd32 What an inning lmao

WurstThrowEver Did Quintana just come in relief with 2 runners on and STRIKE OUT 2 GUYS?!

AKASHI2341 Omg Quintana I am so happy

boots42069420 Nice relief pitching

metmaz123 Alright offense, our pitchers did the impossible. LFG!!!!!!




米スポーツメディア『The Athletic』

「ああ、それと彼は投手だ 😄 」

winterbIoom ily shoheeeeiii ily=I Love You

lalalaoki Ohtani!!

Shohei-The-Money Hahaha, what a speedster.

tomc44 Ohtani could probably have made the Olympics in the 400 meters

Ineedcoffee Sho always steal the show😍


Steven Graham he also has struck out over 100 people…

Joey Hawkeye ...while maintaining an ERA under 3.50

Son of a Lorax Just insanity.

Trey Paulhus We are witnessing GREATNESS!!

mmcc120 Funny thing about Ohtani is that he looks slow af when he's actually blazing fast

mmcc120 Ohtani is like a graceful gazelle. Doesn’t even look like he’s running all that fast.

sackerficemath I made that same observation yesterday. Dude looks like he's barely trying. He's the inverse of Tom Cruise running.

ffrederick He’s just really trying to do everything every time he’s on the field to help his team, what a labor.

So It Goes I feel fortunate to have seen him play and hit a homer in person. An all time great, already

sackerficemath What's the record for stolen bases for a starting pitcher?

angelsfan99 Whatever the record is, Ohtani is breaking it this year

jacktipper Feels like we havent scored on the A's all year...

808Kickz420_ 1 run on 30 INNINGS vs A’s….

theobnoxioussquirrel That’s very depressing lol

jrswish3 Garbage ass offense. EMBARRASSING

AKASHI2341 Ohtani the only one having quality at bats

owenzane without walsh, trout and rendon. teams can just keep walking ohtani

KSabot The Ohtani walks are gonna be annoyingly effective until we get some people back from injury...

AKASHI2341 Bro Quintana pitching like Pedro Martinez and we still can’t get a run?

metmaz123 Wow 3Ks for Quintana

metmaz123 Holy shit make it 4Ks lol

WurstThrowEver WTF 5Ks in a row?!

KamartyMcFlyweight Quint strikeouts for Quintana what the hell

_5GOLDBLOODED2_ Quintana - absolutely dealing.

phelinephile Quintana wowowowowowow

claire_004 Who is this impersonating as Quintana ? Scherzer ?
(キンタナになりすましているのは誰だ? マックス・シャーザーか?)

Subject-Winter-2214 Damn what did Quintana eat today holy fuck😳

Shohei-The-Money Quintana, a diamond in the trash.

MartOut what the fuck is happening

Shaggyarchangel His job is on the line

Darkstarr89 Guess Quintana doesn't want to be the one that gets DFA'd 🤣




schavez44 Just as I was going to compliment Quintana LOL

i_run_from_problems There's the Quintana we know and despise

sanmed327 Sighh.......

pachauaia Good quintana didnt last long

cheesyburtango1 pain

akwilliamson This is just sad man. I feel bad for the announcers that have to make the game sound interesting


donkeyjr They are just pitching around Ohtani, fuck this shit.

i_run_from_problems Cowards

owledge Walking Ohtani is the smart move. He's the only one in the lineup that could do anything tonight

Im_A_Halo_Masochist I’d pitch around Ohtani too

WurstThrowEver God damnit I wish we had Trout behind shohei rn

Mooncake76 Stop walking Ohtani!

ServerStoneMonkey 3 walks tonight..

PurpleWelcome7142 Other guys need to hit otherwise Ohtani will walk the entire series.

garbanzo-beanzz I feel like I can ONLY hear Warren’s family rn haha




mmcc120 At least we aren’t getting no-hit!

RapFuzzy At least Ohtani’s OBP is going up

mmcc120 .500!!!!! Perfectly balanced
(勝率5割ピッタリ!!! 完璧なバランスだ)

optimist 😐
