


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『自動車板』 (※公開1週間前)

gazorpaglop 「私はプリウスを買う気はないけど、それでもどんな新型を出してくるかにても興奮しているよ。新型プリウスのプラグインバージョンがトヨタ・RAV4ハイブリッドみたいに "買いたくても買えない" 状況にならないことを願ってるわ」

関連記事:ホンダが新型「シビック TYPE R」を世界初公開(海外の反応)

Yotsubato If it’s a crossover it’s game over, that thing will be sold 2x MSRP

mccullkh True but that just makes it a RAV4 Prime. Id prefer a sleeker more efficient hatchback shape
(間違いない。でもそれだとただのRAV4プライムでは? 私としてはプリウスにはハッチバックでいてほしい、より洗練されたより効率的なものになってもらいたいね)

lehel_g Hopefully it will crack the 60 mpg mark

ToleranceDeathCamp If they add a slightly bigger batter, it probably will crack 60 in the city.

HellYaBrotherCheers I'll predict the typical toyota reborn. Same chassis, same drivetrain, uses thinner oil, a little bigger battery, a slight upgrade of the interior.

EnaBoC Yep, not expecting anything but would be happy to be proved wrong.

NoNewFriends1738 Yeah I love the Prius..had one as a rental and it was everything I wanted in a commuter.Cheap to run, very fuel efficient, probably the best visibility in any car I've driven, the cloth seats were comfortable, and very spacious too.
(プリウスいいよね... リース契約で所有していたけど通勤車として欲しいもの全てを兼ね揃えていた。メンテナンス費が安く、燃費が良く、おそらく私が運転したどの車よりも視界が良く、布製のシートは快適で、とても広々としていた)

10500rpm I love my Honda Insight for similar reasons. It’s a perfect daily driver. I picked it because it looks better than a Prius in my opinion

RainbowCheez 「馬鹿デカいフロントグリル!

Seohcap 「おい誰だBMWのデザイナーを檻から出したのは!檻に戻せ!」

ledfrisby BMW is very bad about this, but Toyota and Lexus may be even worse in some cases such as the LX, Tundra, LM and Avalon.

c0d3c They're all worse than the worst from BMW... IMHO.
(個人的にBMWの最悪のものよりも酷いと思う) 関連記事:BMWの新型『XM』のデザインが酷いと話題に、BMWは「醜いのは狙い通り」と反論(海外の反応)

kramark814 Excited to see how Toyota will improve the styling and performance/fuel economy of the upcoming Prius. Nowhere to go but up from the hideous current model.
(トヨタが新型でスタイリング/パフォーマンス/燃費をどのように改善するか楽しみだ。現行モデルのスタイリングは "もうこれ以上酷くなることはできない" ってレベルの酷さだからな、どうしたって前より良くなるに決まっている)

chucknun Somehow they have managed to make it uglier every generation.
(でもどういうわけか "先代より確実に醜くなる" を実現してきたのがプリウスだぞ?)

Quiet_Independent930 Pleaaaaaase don’t be ugly! My Ioniq lease is up in 2 years and I’d like to be able to put the Prius on the list.
(お願いだから新型は醜くならないで! 今乗ってる車のリース契約が2年で切れるから次の車の候補リストにはプリウスがいてほしいの!)

extemporaryemissary Well it can’t be uglier than the current one.



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Prowl GTDM ​omg it's beautiful

Frizzionnare ​not bad!

Thitichai Ratanavises ​That's look good!

JR C ​woah that looks actually good!

Jun Rosamura ​Yes, better than 4th gen

UltraGoldCoin far superior to 4th gen‼‼

seogab onotjah ​clean yet bit electic esque

Tamir ​I smell Tesla design

bapebandana ​it looks like a Tesla x Toyota crown

Chris Sabin ​the front looks good. the back still looks ugly.

SLEY ​Nice interior

CrianCRNA ​Dude the interior loooks siccc AF

UltraGoldCoin ​that interior looks great🥳🥳

(最近流行りの "空調も音量もタッチパネル操作" じゃなくてちゃんとボタンやスイッチがあるヤッター!)

Emirame ​I LOOOVE IT

NOOTNOOTNOOT-YEET fucking finally, a good looking prius
(ついにですよコンチクショウめ、ようやく "カッコいい" プリウスが誕生しましたよ!)

Wizard-In-Disguise Took them fucking 18 years to make it look like a fucking car

phantomfires1 Looks great. Massive improvement over the previous generation.

Abetok Why am I horny for a Prius? The PHEV actually looks like a pretty decent piece of kit and not insanely boring like priuses of old
(ちょっと待ってなんで俺プリウスなんかにムラムラしちゃってるの? あの常軌を逸した退屈さが見る影もないじゃない)

omoderncultureo 「見た目が本当に良い、俺買うわ。フロント部分は新型クラウンのデザインを思い起こさせるな」

rickshaw99 Clown’s upfronts are my favorite

Simon_Illyan Clussy

voodoorage Full press release (English)


artie_rd Damn, that's a size bigger wheel than previous generation.

DrSilverworm 58 mile ev-only range, thanks this answered my question

JC-Dude Looks 10 million times better than the current one. And 220 hp sounds like it should be quite potent.

Wtf, am I seriously liking a Prius?

SH4RPSPEED That's not good looking for a Prius. That's good looking, period. Damn, Toyota.
("プリウスにしてはカッコいい" じゃなくて本気で "普通にかっこいい"。トヨタさんマジっすか)

DetectiveBaby_Legs Thought it was a coupe for a second

caxplrr All I wanted out of the new Prius was more power and a nicer interior. Looks like they (probably) got both covered. I might seriously try to get this next year if pricing is decent

Vanzmelo Man that thing looks rad

penol700 This is my next car

DeTomato_ It looks pretty sweet. Damn, never thought I would like a Toyota Prius. 220 HP, 0-100 in 6.7 seconds, that’s awesome, especially for a Prius.

n0bellicious Nobody has mentioned it yet but no giant grille?! I think this is the first Toyota in a while that actually has a normal sized front grille. I really hope this becomes a "trend" so other manufacturers (BMW) follow
(誰もツッコミしないけど、いつもの馬鹿デカいフロントグリルはどこに行っちゃったのよ? トヨタがノーマルサイズのフロントグリルを採用したのは久しぶりじゃね? これが「トレンド」になって他のメーカーが追従してくれることを心から願ってるよ、BMWさん聞いてます?)

Ilpav123 The last one was probably the ugliest car on the road...this one's a huge improvement.

Ackables I'm surprised at how fast it is.

Lostmybrakes Looks great, PHEV gets 50% more range, and actually fast?! Now how impossible will it be to get one at MSRP….
(見た目は素晴らしい、PHEVバージョンは航続可能距離が50%増、しかも走りも速くなってるとな?! これは希望小売価格で購入するの不可能ですわ...)

Sillypuss Will it get 60mpg?

ztherion Press release says same fuel economy as previous model. But you can do 58 miles on electric only.

ry-cul Looks great, would’ve preferred a bump in mpgs to all the extra power though

minda_spK As someone who lives in the mountains, a little extra power was sorta needed

SweetHurry7751 There's a chance one of the trims might have better MPG

ramadz Is the new Prius PHEV only?

SweetHurry7751 No, they have HEV and PHEV versions according to the site

gor134 I love it. SO much cleaner than the previous gen, and much needed improvements all round.

msudchts Not ugly enough to be a Prius