
「大谷翔平を今オフにトレードすることはないとミナシアンGMが明言」 - The Athleticのエンゼルス担当記者ブラム氏のツイートより

https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/yp4f9b/blum_shohei_ohtani_will_not_be_traded_this/ - 2022/11/08


米FOX Sports

USA TODAYの野球コラムニスト - Bob Nightengale

Former-Billionaire (アストロズファン) Too bad for Ohtani

BrendanKwapis Poor guy

Couthster (メッツファン) Dangit. :(

SLR107FR-31 (カージナルスファン) I am disappointed but not surprised

LP99 (カージナルスファン) Of course he won’t be. The Angels stadium is packed when he starts at pitcher and there’s a ton of ads in Japanese. And lord only knows how many Ohtani shirts have flown off the racks. Trading him would be an awfully dumb financial decision.
(そりゃもちろんその気はないだろうさ。大谷が先発登板するだけでエンゼルスタジアムが満員になるんだぜ? しかも球場の広告看板も日本企業の広告で埋め尽くされる。大谷のユニフォームあまりに売れすぎて神様くらいしか総数を把握できないレベル。球団経営的に彼をトレードに出すことはあまりにも馬鹿げた判断だろ)

stv7 (ブルージェイズファン) Good, because I'm tired of reading hypothetical trade proposals in r/Torontobluejays
(良いことだ、最近のr/Torontobluejays (ブルージェイズ板)は「大谷をトレードで獲得するには誰を差し出せばいいのか」という話題だらけでこっちは飽き飽きしていたんだ)

brandon_the_bald There was 0 chance Moreno would allow it

matchosan (エンゼルスファン) He needs Shohei to get a buyer for the team.

Mrpetey22 (マリナーズファン) Probably much more enticing to the new owner group with Ohtani still there. But also Arte is gonna suck that well dry of merch sales until it he is gone.
(買い手からしたら "大谷がいないエンゼルス" よりも "大谷がいるエンゼルス" の方がはるかに魅力的だしね。エンゼルスを去る前に大谷グッズを売れるだけ売って、搾り取れるだけ搾ろうという思惑もあるだろうけど)

JayOnes Moreno isn't offloading the most valuable piece of his franchise while actively trying to sell the team.

Jrahn (ジャイアンツファン) New ownership is gonna have to do a hell of a job in enticing him to stay.

Raid_Raptor_Falcon (レッズファン) I have zero belief he will stay. It makes no sense. Even if he likes the new owner it will be a tumultuous change and take a couple years to sort out all the flaws the Angels have. Ohtani wants to win NOW. He could literally go to the Dodgers and have a shot every year and not have to move from where he lives now.
(大谷がエンゼルスに残る可能性はゼロだと私は確信しているけどな。彼が新しいオーナーを気に入ったとしてもエンゼルスが抱える問題を解決するには数年はかかる。だが大谷は "今勝ちたい" のであってエンゼルスが改善するのなんて待っていられないだろう。しかもFAになった後にドジャースに行けばそこから毎年優勝争いに参加できるようになるわけだし、今住んでいる家から引っ越す必要すらない)

nashdiesel (エンゼルスファン) Him staying and the Angels also improving seems diametrically opposed.
("大谷が残る" と "エンゼルスが改善する" が両立する可能性が全く見えない)

I don’t see how the Angels pay the guy 40+ million a year AND build a team around him and Trout at the same time in their competitive windows without a payroll over $300 million.
(エンゼルスが大谷に年間4000万ドル以上を支払いつつ、大谷とトラウトを中心とした新たなチームを構築する? しかも同じ地区にアストロズなんていう強敵がいるから生半可な強化は通用しないわけで、今のエンゼルスの年俸総額は1.8億ドルだけどこれを3億ドル以上に増やさない限りできる気がしない)

Beach_house_on_fire (メッツファン) Seems like a bad move unless they know he is open to an extension

BitIndividual1510 (マリナーズファン) It's unrelated to attempting to win at baseball, Ohtani just draws in a ton of extra audience whose dollars wouldn't be coming in otherwise.

nyxian-luna (アストロズファン) This is the answer. Tons of people only watch the Angels (and buy merch) because of Ohtani. He's a bigger draw than Trout. Arte's gonna squeeze that cash cow until it runs away.
(コレ。大谷のためだけにエンゼルスを見る人間が、そして商品を購入する人間が大勢いる。大谷は今やトラウトよりも球団に金をもたらすドル箱商品だ。アルテはその "金のなる木" が逃げるまで絞るつもりなんだろうさ)

Jamalamalama (レッドソックスファン) Ohtani-san is fun and very handsome. Fishman is boring and looks like thumb.
(大谷さんは見ていて楽しい上にとてもハンサムだからな。魚人は退屈だし顔も のぺーとした顔だし)

TheTurtleShepard (ヤンキースファン) I’m sure he also sells a shit ton of merch too

The best baseball move is probably capitalizing on his value since he is highly unlikely to even consider re-signing. Best business decision is to just ride it out and take in the tickets and Merch sales while you can

Gundank (マリナーズファン) Him being a rental dampens the price a bit. That extra time means a lot.

TheTurtleShepard (ヤンキースファン) Obviously but they still could have salvaged a lot of value trading him now as opposed to half a year rental

IInviteYouToTheParty (マリナーズファン) Moreno doesn’t care. He just wants to keep the value of the club up until the sale is complete and Ohtani brings in fans and merch sales.

ExecutiveMoose I don’t care who has him, give me Ohtani in a World Series!!!
