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(午後12時31分) 「イスラエル中部で警戒のサイレン」

(午後12時56分) 「サイレンはイスラエル全土に拡大」

(午後13時46分) 「第一報: テロリストがガザからイスラエル内に侵入。同地域の住民に自宅に留まるよう要請。詳細は追って報告する」





「速報: ガザからイスラエルに数十発のロケットが発射されたとの報告。迎撃システムのアイアンドームが爆撃されたか故障したとの噂も」







FlyingSMonster Seems very different from the usual activity with Israel and Gaza, normally we only hear about rocket attacks but they seem to have men on the ground and in trucks entering Israel, not something I can ever recall happening before.

Droll12 Boats from the sea too

FlyingSMonster and if those videos are real, fucking paragliders.

SleepingVertical They're real. It is all over the Israeli news.

avromsky News from a couple minutes ago report that they stole an actual tank from the IDF as well, this is serious

Risley Where the fuck is Mosad? How could they let this get this organized without knowing?
(モサド(イスラエル諜報特務庁)は何をしていたんだよ? どうしてこの大規模作戦を察知できなかったんだ?)

banana-junkie It's absolutely insane.

enkae7317 Bruh can we cstegorize this as full on invasion at this point?

dapoorv When was the last time something of this scale was done by Hamas? Lately all they did was fire rockets which were usually shot down.
(ハマスがこれほどの規模の攻撃をしたのなんて何年ぶりだよ? 最近はロケット弾を撃つ程度で、それらも迎撃されてたでしょ)

KellyKellogs This is the biggest one they've ever done.

Axelrad77 Never. This is the biggest attack Hamas has ever done.

Boborbot Nothing, this is the biggest attack Hamas has ever managed to do. I dont think there is any comparable singular achievement by a terrorist organization against Israel since the second intifada.
(何年ぶりも何も "初" だよ、これはハマスが過去に行ってきたものの中でも最大の攻撃だ。 少なくとも第2次インティファーダ以降これに匹敵する攻撃はなかった) 第2次インティファーダ:1987年12月から1993年までの最初のインティファーダ(パレスチナ民衆蜂起)に続く第二の蜂起、2000年9月に勃発し非暴力的だった第1次とは対照的に激しい戦闘が行われ戦闘員と民間人を含めた死者数は推定でパレスチナ3,000人、イスラエル1,000人

Cal_Aesthetics_Club Almost exactly coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. Makes me think that this was planned for a long time

theBrD1 It exactly does, it's Saturday 7th of October in Israel. Also Shabbat, also a holiday (end of Sukkot).

theBrD1 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, this was no coincidence.

ZaxiaDarkwill Hostage situations reported in Southern Israel.

Palestinian infiltrators have taken over a police station in the city of Sderot, Northeast of the Gaza Strip and are currently in an active firefight with Israeli police. There are multiple casualties, including civilians. Livestreams from palestinian infiltrators show them executing and shooting Israeli citizens.

Tropicalcomrade221 Jesus Christ.

ZaxiaDarkwill All military branches of Israeli have reportedly begun counterattack operations. To say things will be bloody will be an understatement.

Thatoneguyonreddit28 This clash is going to be different, isn't it?

ZaxiaDarkwill Given the number of reported executions of Israeli civilians which has already surpassed 100 individuals, it can be fair to assume the Israeli military response will be nothing short of catastrophic for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Emergency-Charity-57 I predict that if Iran has anything to do with giving Hamas weapons, Isreal is going to respond to Iran also. And it will not be pretty.

HelpfulYoghurt Saw some photos and videos from Sderot, piles of civilian bodies stacked on each other, bodies all over streets, blood everywhere ...

I would have not been surprised if Gaza is leveled to the ground today

ElegantRabbit888 Hamas is so fucking stupid. With the current Israeli government, they’ve just signed their own death warrants.

levi_Kazama209 at this point isreal will respond in a massive push. Sure they just bomb a few locations for all their past attacks. This will push much of the Isreali population to forgive mist actions their govermant takes. At this point they are free to take any actions to protect Isreal.
(もはやイスラエルによる大規模報復は避けられない。これまでイスラエルはミサイル攻撃を受けてもガザにピンポイント爆撃をするだけだったけど、今回の攻撃でイスラエル国民は政府が "国民に理解を求めない行動" をしたとしても許すようになるだろう。イスラエルは自国を守るためにあらゆる行動を自由にとることができるということだ)

SometimesTea Goodbye, Palestine.