


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/JapanTravelTips (日本旅行助言板)』

同じように感じている人たちへ、皆さんはどれくらいの頻度で日本を再訪してるんだい? また日本に行きたいという気持ちが抑えられない。来年の3月か4月頃にまた戻りたいと思っている。というか会社が許すなら一時的に日本でリモート勤務してしまおうかという気にすらなっている、数週間ほど。

kaniyajo The struggle is real, OP. I was honestly pretty depressed after returning back from Japan.

lotusbow (スレ主) Same I feel like that right now. I want to pop to a FamiMart and get convenience food but sigh…
(私も今そんな気持ちだ。 ファミマに行ってコンビニメシを買いたくてため息が出る…)

hotdogundertheoven Welcome, you're on your way to full blown addiction.

Ghostintheshellsuit Joining the Family Mart recovery group. Got back a couple of days ago from Japan and need my cake and famichiki fix 😭
(『ファミリーマート依存症を克服する会』の会合はここですか? 私も参加させてください、数日前に日本から戻ってきたばかりなんですがファミマのデザートとファミチキを身体が欲しているんです 😭) recovery group=Drug addiction recovery groups=薬物依存回復団体
I need my fix:「禁断症状が出始めたのでお薬が必要になりました」を意味するフレーズ。薬物以外の「今切実に欲しい物」に対しても使われるが通常は薬物に対して使われる

chickenwingcmdr Those pork cutlet sandwiches and easy beer.

kaniyajo A cool Yebisu was my go-to beer 🥹

sashap10 I just returned. Those pork cutlet sanwiches, I think I had a thousand in the 3 weeks ther :-)
(私もつい先日帰国したばかりだけど、あのポークカツサンドを3週間で1000個は食べたと思うわ :-))

_shizzledizzle_ Oh no, not FAMIRY MARTU :((( I MISS IT SO MUCH. I bought 4 pairs of socks and I regret not buying more. I love them.
(おいやめろファミマの話をするんじゃねぇ、恋しくなるだろうが! ちなみにファミマでソックスを4足買ったんだけど今は後悔している、なぜもっと買わなかったんだと。あれ最高)

furkeepsfurreal Did you have famichiki? Hahaha I discovered it this trip!
(ファミチキは試してみたかい? ハハハ、私は今回の旅行で発見したよ!)

lotusbow (スレ主) I did! 😭❤️ It was sooooooo good.
(食べたよ! ファミチキ美味しいです!)

anonymous11119999 7/11 … why are the 7/11s in the US so inferior compared to any of those in Japan… I rarely walk into any 7/11 in the US and it always feels sketchy, and snacks always look stale ( not to mention usually overpriced)…
(嗚呼セブンイレブン...どうしてアメリカのセブンイレブンはあんなにも日本と比べて劣っているんだ... アメリカのセブンイレブンなんてほとんど行く価値がない、いつ行っても「大ざっぱ」という印象しか受けない、お菓子類は新鮮味のかけらもない、値段が高過ぎる事に関しては言うまでもない...)

but I loved those 7/11s in Japan, especially the snacks, plenty of something surprisingly great for just around 100 yen

dcr108 The best part about any trip to japan is the nightly family mart/Lawson/7-11 run for snacks and drinks

wolfbetter Is it THAT good? Any favorites? I'm going the day after tomorrow
(そんなにウマいんか? 明後日日本に行くんだけど気に入ったものがあったら教えてくれない?)

lotusbow (スレ主) Some of my favourites were:


Yakitori sticks

Premium grilled salmon onigiri (looks similar to this packaging - I ate that every night for dinner 😂)

Egg sandwich

Pork katsu sandwich

Fruit sandwich

DawnOfTheDutch Oowh nice to know! I haven't tried the yakitori yet, but I digged the Tuna onigiri and pretty much every sandwich from 7/11 :P
(参考になるわ、焼き鳥はまだ試してなかったな... でもツナおにぎりとサンドイッチにはハマって特に7/11のサンドイッチなんてほぼ全種類食べたよ :P)

hamiltd3 the triangle shaped sushi with salmon was amazing, I ate that almost every day, and the dark chocolate covered meiji almonds, God I miss those so much. I miss Japan a lot and we went in March.

lotusbow (スレ主) Honestly it’s GOAT tier onigiri. I could eat that everyday and not get tired of it.

I also don’t understand how the rice is so moist, soft and perfectly cooked! So many supermarket sushi in the UK are so dry - the Japan ones are just so elite. 🔥
(というか出来合いのご飯がどうしてあんなにしっとり柔らかくて完璧な状態を維持できるのか理解できん! イギリスのスーパーの寿司のシャリなんて大半が乾燥しているというのに... 日本の米ウマ過ぎだろ 🔥)

McDaddySlacks I miss that and ika tendon more than anything else.

krallfish Are you me?

Raust I had a couple bad experiences with soggy fami chicki. Lawsons spicy chicken nuggets were my addiction.

Olympic_Magician Egg sandwich from 7/11 is where it’s at

DYRTYDAVE The best egg sando!

DawnOfTheDutch I second this x'D

furkeepsfurreal Aww. I hope you get to go back sooner than later! I think my next trip could be in November 2024 🥲
(君が一日も早く日本を再訪できることを祈っているよ! ちなみに私の次の日本旅行は2024年11月になる予定だ... 🥲)

mimi01124 Same! I can still hear the Famima jingle in my head 😭


KaijuAlert Family Mart, I miss you so. More than the super fancy places that the relatives took me to. I had one last egg sando at the airport, it's weird how much tastier they are than mine at home.

kihou I regret not bringing home an entire suitcase of the chocolate stuffed marshmallows from I think it was 7/11. They are so good with hot cocoa! And my son loved them so much. They just aren't the same back home here.
(7.11の商品だったと思うが、チョコレートが詰められたマシュマロをスーツケースいっぱいに持ち帰らなかったことを後悔している。ホットココアとの相性も抜群だ! 私の息子も大好きになったんだけど、こっちのそれとは味が違うんだよなぁ)

ZushiZushinoMi This is how I’m feeling right now after returning last week. I’m already planning my visit for next year

Wingedvictory00 real

tedbakerbracelet Real for sure. Count me in.

afrorobot I always miss the toilets. I feel uncivilized using regular north American toilets.

JimmyTheHuman Oh my. Even public ones are much better than some of my friends homes.

mulierosity I bought a Toto bidet lol.

IJAF Same, Toto for every bathroom after this last trip.

Matcha_Maiden My husband and I are already planning to buy a washlet for our new place!

Ohhhh_LongJohnson Who the heck thought of wiping their butts with only paper and no water at all? The paper industry - that's who. They're keeping the western world uncivilized/brainwashed through their greed.
(なぜ我々は「水を一切使わずに紙だけでお尻を拭けばそれでで十分」などと思っているのか? 答えは製紙業界だ、彼らはその貪欲さで西側世界を洗脳し、未開なままにしているのだ! これはやつらの陰謀だ!)

furkeepsfurreal "Just got back from Japan and I already want to go back. (日本から帰ってきたばかりだけど、もう日本に戻りたい)"


Once a year is ideal for me. Of course I’d like to be there many times a year, for different seasons sans summer, but I think going there too often will lose the magic for me.
(理想を言えば年に1回は行きたい。 もちろん年に何度でも行きたいたいとは思うが、頻繁に行きすぎると "魔法" が失われるだろうし)

Infamous-Warthog-999 i thought i was the only one being weird visiting japan few times a year. i'm planning to go again on December and it will be my 4th time this year. it hasn't lost its magic yet for me. booking hotels in advance and only sticking to business hotels like APA made my trips very budget friendly

lotusbow (スレ主) Amazing. I kinda splashed out on my hotel on this trip but might need to look into a few more affordable types so I can also visit Japan more often.

Crazy thing is I’m not sure if I would move to Japan permanently as I’ve heard lots of things about work culture there. But I’d more than happily go to Japan just for vacation, relaxing and shopping!

markgatty I'm here right now and don't want to go home. Mostly because the food back home isn't nearly as good.
(私はまさに今日本に滞在しているけど国に帰りたくない... メシがウマ過ぎるのが悪い、ウチの国じゃここまで美味しいメシは食えん)

andrean_ So funny you posted this because I came back 2 weeks ago and was literally just looking at February flights for cherry blossoms. I told myself I would definitely come back for that and fall time. Easily my favorite trip I’ve taken so far
(2週間前に帰国したばかりなのにすでに来年2月に再訪する予定を立てているところだったから同じような人間がいて笑ったw 日本を去る際に桜を見るために、あるいは紅葉を見るために必ず戻ると心に決めていた。日本はこれまで行った旅行の中で一番気に入っている)

lAnastasial Feb is a bit early for cherry blossoms, but you will see plum blossoms and magnolias which can be just as spectacular!

birdguy76 Same got back 2 weeks ago and I already have a trip planned for the beginning of December I miss being able to walk around and not having to drive a car everywhere
(同じく2週間前に帰国したばかりだがすでに12月の初めに再訪する計画を立てている。どこに行くにも車を運転する必要があるアメリカと違って "歩き回れる" 日本が恋しくて仕方がない)

lotusbow (スレ主) One weird thing I miss is the general feeling of feeling safe! I can just have my phone in my hand and not worry about stuff like that. I also love customer service over there. They make you feel so looked after. 😭

WhiteSkinButDickLong OMG exactly! I walked back to the hotel around 11pm twice for 2 kms and first I was a little scared but it was so nice walking in the peace and quiet! This was just lovely!
(それだよそれ! 午後11時頃に2キロの距離を歩いてホテルに戻ることが二度ほどあったんだけど、最初は少し怖かった、でも平和で静かな中を歩くのはとても楽しかった。あれは素晴らしい体験だった!)

orangezeroalpha I was out late and learned when the subway closes... I got to walk home through random streets at 130am and didn't feel nervous at all
(時間を忘れて夜遊びした結果午前1時に歩いて帰宅する羽目になりましたよ、地下鉄って24時間じゃないのね... でも真夜中に外を歩いていても全く不安を感じることはなかったわ)

blueeeV Got back a week ago and I'm feeling this. Just keep staring at my pictures to relive the moments.

thasova We are literally got back in the States from our first time, but it’s jarring how different Americans act vs the Japanese & just the overall quality of things, like food. I mean, we noticed it while there, but it’s insane. My boyfriend said it while there, but again now that we’re back, that he’s ready to go back (or move lol)
(私たちは文字通り先ほど初めての日本旅行からアメリカに戻ってきたところなんだけど、アメリカ人と日本人の行動の違いや食べ物などの全体的な質の違いに軽く絶望している。 いや日本を訪れた時点で気づいていたけど、ここまで違うものかね? 私のボーイフレンドも日本にいる時から「また日本に来よう」と言っていたけど帰国した後も同じことを繰り返していましたよ(いっそ日本に移住しようとまでw)

lotusbow (スレ主) I’m from the UK and I miss the Japanese politeness and customer service.

Jenjenben We just got back from Japan 2 days ago and is already missing it. Especially Lawson, family mart and the 7-11

hikariko Omfg same. I came back a few weeks ago and I'm seriously miserable back in Canada. I still dream about japan. I want to go back asap but it's hard with limited vacation days and life planning :(.
(こっちも同じだよ! 数週間前に戻ってきたけどカナダの生活のなんと惨めなことか。今でも日本のことを夢に見る。できるだけ早く戻りたいが限られた休暇と人生設計を考えると難しい...:()

CommitGrind Two trips this year alone. After our 4th trip we bought a house there.

lotusbow (スレ主) Omg that is amazing! Can foreigners buy property in JP? I thought you might need a visa for that??
(凄いな! というか外国人は日本で不動産を購入できるの? 永住ビザとかが必要になると思っていたんだけど??)

CommitGrind Buying is easy, it doesn’t let you live there though.

Super easy to buy then if you have cash, and utilities are handled by escrow for a small fee. Check out, they specialize in purchasing and property management for foreigners. I signed two notarized papers and sent a wire transfer and that was it basically.
(外国人向けの不動産購入&管理を専門としている を調べてみるといい。基本的に公正証書2枚に署名して電信送金するだけで購入可能だ、公共料金の支払いも仲介業者に少額の手数料を払う必要があるけどそっちでやってくれるぞ)

Longjumping_Talk3391 Reading this makes me glad that I just extended my Nov Japan trip by two more days. Def not enough…but better than not having that

lotusbow (スレ主) I also extended my Japan trip by 1 day and so glad I did it! It’s worth every single penny!
(私も日本旅行も1日延長できて本当に良かったと思っているところだ! 1分でも1秒でも長いに越したことはない、それだけの価値があそこにはあるからな!)