
映画批評集計サイト『Rotten Tomatoes(ロッテン・トマト)』





「『ゴジラ-1.0』のレビュー: 怪獣界のスーパースターが怪獣映画に求められるすべてを実現」

- 感情を揺さぶるストーリー展開と、巨体で街を踏み潰し熱線放射をまき散らす大怪獣アクションがたっぷりと描かれた「シン・ゴジラ」以来となる日本の実写ゴジラは今、この長寿シリーズのピークに達した -

「『ゴジラ-1.0』は単に素晴らしいゴジラ映画であるだけでなく今年の最高の映画の一つである。 ハリウッドのモンスター映画は足元にも及ばない」

『ゴジラ-1.0』のレビュー:新たな驚愕の傑作 - discussingfilm.net

「フォーブス誌も「2023年最高の映画の1つ」と絶賛! 本日から全米で公開スタート!」


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/GODZILLA (ゴジラ板)』

aduncan8434 I saw it Wednesday evening, Imax and I'll tell you it's the first movie in a long time that I immediately looked forward to watching it again as soon as possible.

SneezyHydra Sammmmme

idropepics I saw it on he 29th immediately left the theater and bought tickets for the next showing at 4:00 the next day.

vengeanceintobeing Saw it last night and after I left the theater I immediately bought tickets so I could take a friend to see it on Sunday. I haven’t paid to see a movie multiple times in the theater since Return of the King was released.

Malevolent-Heretic In Imax, and not a single noise heard during that silent scene at the end. I have NEVER heard a theater go that quiet in my life. I couldn't even hear people's clothes being rustled by movement. Everyone was dead quiet and dead still.

maddrb Saw it Wednesday night in IMAX and it was exactly the same... complete and utter end of the universe silence. I don't think anyone even breathed... I know I sure as hell didn't.

Admirable_Source5743 Almost the same for us. Dead silent. One bloke snoring a few rows away from me. Whole cinema burst into laughter

hellbilly69101 「さっそく昨夜観に行ってきたぜ。元々期待はしていたけど公開が近づくにつれてどんどん高まってハードルは当初よりもずっと高いところにあった、だがそれを超えてきた。特に印象に残ったのが人間ドラマの部分が非常によくできているということだ。本気で感情移入させられた。

もしかしたらここ数年で見た映画の中で最高の映画かもしれない。今回のゴジラは言うなれば、"ジョーズとジュラシック・パークのティラノサウルスを足して2で割ったものに高さ50.1メートルの高さと放射性物質の肉体を与えた怪獣" だ、彼はこれまで見たことのない、全く新しいレベルで "暴力的" で "危険" だった。


nic_af First Godzilla movie I was rooting for the humans. Every time I was like please don't hurt the characters. So good

hellbilly69101 The same here too. That kid got me crying with her as I have 5 kids myself and I know that feeling of sadness.

Wolfsblut_AD Watched it last night and it absolutely blew me away. 10/10 Godzilla movie.

passengerv This was probably the only Godzilla movie where I ever cared for the people as well. It was so well done.

RightAd4185 Same!

garden_of_light I'm sure it has been mentioned but Naoki Sato did an AMAZING job with the score to this film. Blew me away!

Killbro_Fraggins Any of the classics in there?

garden_of_light Oh yes!

PeteyG89 Seeing it tonight i cant contain my excitement

HeroicJakobis Got my tickets for 1:50 tomorrowwwww.

Rammipallero I will get to see it sunday. CAN'T WAIT!

getpoopedonsir I get to see this movie in 2 hours and I can't describe how excited I am. It's almost emotional.

triffy Just watched it. It was soo good. Best Godzilla movie I have seen. Easily one of the best. Must watch again asap.

Angiers_Clone Movie is incredible. Somehow made the human characters interesting and Godzilla is legitimately scary. Can’t wait to see it again.

Modron_Man Wrt the characters one of my main takeaways was "I kinda want to see where this movie would go if godzilla didn't exist and it was just about a guy dealing with guilt over not having done his duty as a kamikaze pilot and raising a found family"

Angiers_Clone Thought the same thing. Just a testament to the solid writing.

CringeNaeNaeBaby2 I never thought a godzilla movie would make me think “wow I’d love to see more of these human characters”

T_Peg This movie was absolutely outstanding. I'm a long time Godzilla fan and not only might this be the best Godzilla movie ever it might be the best movie I've seen all year.

WestSideBomber Godzilla is downright terrifying here and I loved it.

kain459 It was made on a budget of 15 million USD.

How the fuck.........

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/boxoffice (映画興行板)』

米国のエンタメメディア『The Hollywood Handle』

The Anime Guy 💯🈁🇺🇸🍜🇯🇵 「これをすべて1500万の予算で撮影しただと???」

NÆ 🆑𝕏 「『シー・ハルク』なんて1話あたり2500万ドルですよ? ディズニー関係者はどんだけピンハネしてんだよ」

Joshua Terry 「ハリウッド映画=マネーロンダリングだらけだからな」 『シー・ハルク:ザ・アトーニー』:マーベル・コミックに登場する超人ハルクの女性版シー・ハルク(She-Hulk)を主人公にしたディズニープラスで独占放送中のドラマ。アベンジャーズ最強の力と、弁護士としての最強の頭脳をあわせ持っているらしい。なおドラマの評価は散々だった

Prudent_Fox_3601 Are you telling me they paid Godzilla less than these big name Hollywood actors?!

Icy-Pause6304 Scandalous. No wonder he's so pissed off in the movie
(おいおいハリウッドはどんだけ恥知らずなのよ? そりゃゴジラもあんなに怒るわけやで)

BlerghTheBlergh CGI isn’t that expensive if planned out correctly, CGI the way marvel does it (redo on a whim) is expensive but not if it’s well planned out

PlasticMansGlasses Cost of CGI is very expensive.

Terrible_Emu_6194 In reality CGI is much less expensive than people think. District 9 only had a budget of $30 million despite having some of the best CGI for it's time.

dynamoJaff It's expensive but doesn't have to be anywhere near as expensive as some films, especially Disney ones allow it to be. The Creator had top-notch CGI in every frame of its 133-minute run time and cost $70 - 80 million. A comparable Disney movie with that many VFX shots would be $250 million due to the bloat and rushed production process and still look shit.

You can save massively and have a better end result with CGI when you have a director with the power and ability to plan out shots

Firefox72 Its a well budgeted movie thats for sure but the CGI is clearly a few steps below Holywood standards and can look a bit wacky at times especialy when things are in motion.

Andonaut The CGI might be a few steps behind the absolute best Hollywood can produce. It is not behind the standards of many recent films, including those with 10x the budget.
(『ゴジラ-1.0』のCGIは "ハリウッドの最高レベル" からは数段遅れているかもしれない、だが最近の映画の大半と比べても見劣りはしない、『ゴジラ-1.0』の10倍の予算を使った映画も含めてね)

scheeeeming Exactly. The Marvels is more than 15x this budget, Quantumania 14x etc

Gadgets Hub 𝕏 And here Marvel and DC be producing shite quality visuals with $200M budgets.

mayowafunmi_ Disney would have spent over $250million on this movie

SmokingCryptid It shows how far use of a budget can take a film when you spend it wisely.

I noticed that most of the human stuff took place on small sets that were used repeatedly, but were shot from different angles to not have the setting feel stale. I also noticed that a good chunk of the movie takes place on open water with no discernable detail in the distance.
(人間ドラマのほとんどは小さなセット内で撮影され同じセットが繰り返し使用されているが様々な角度から撮影することでそこに違和感を感じさせない工夫をしていることに気づいた。映画の大部分が外洋を舞台にしているけどあれも "海以外ほとんど何もない" = "余計なものを描きこまないで済むから安く済む&何もないことに説得力が生れる" という工夫だったんだろうね)

I feel like these were the cost saving measures enacted to really spend the budget on the scenes that needed it and it paid off.