
英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/GODZILLA (ゴジラ板)』

サウジアラビアの英字新聞アラブニュースの日本版『ARAB NEWS.jp』

- 記事の要約 -

『ゴジラ-1.0』が実写とアニメーションを含めた "日本語+英語字幕映画" の全米興収としては歴代最高となる興行収入をあげた。

現在『ゴジラ-1.0』米国で公開された非英語映画としても興行収入で歴代5位となっており、最終的に全世界で145億円 (1億ドル) 以上の興行収入が見込まれている。

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/boxoffice (映画興収板)』


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/movies (映画板)』
「『ゴジラ-1.0』の白黒版『ゴジラ マイナスワン/マイナスカラー』が1月26日から1週間限定で全米公開へ、公式ポスターがコチラ」


興収 $2,426,074/興収(先週比) -41.4%/劇場数 1,050/劇場数(先週比) -130/総興行収入(米国国内) $49,866,917

興収 $998,025 /興収(先週比) -60.8%/劇場数 900/劇場数(先週比) -365/総興行収入(米国国内) $62,817,619

lordherobrine37 The thing that I think most blew me away with this release was that us was initially limited to certain theaters and show times over a small period of time. But it started generating so much demand that they extended the release multiple times and added a lot more theaters.
(何に驚かされたって、北米では当初『ゴジラ-1.0』は "特定の劇場" かつ "短期間" での限定上映だったのに未だに興収を伸ばし続けているってことに一番驚かされたよ。蓋を開けてみれば想定外の大人気ぶり、公開は何度も延長され公開劇場数も増えるという)

MarcoRosato7 And both movie critics & casual movie audiences love to add on top of that. I repeat a Japanese Godzilla movie is liked by both movie critics & casual movie audiences. I find this to be very surreal.
(しかも映画評論家からも一般のアメリカ人からも好評価だからな。繰り返すが "日本" の "ゴジラ映画" が評論家からも一般のアメリカ人からも大好評だぞ? ほんと現実とは思えないわ)


Anonlady1997 This is huge news. Because of this we will likely be seeing most new Godzilla film releases here in the states again.

MrGroovySushi First Japanese Godzilla movie to ever go pass $100M WW too. Also half of that is thanks to North American lol. Such a great film.
(日本のゴジラ映画としては初めて全世界興収が1億ドルを突破、それも半分は北米のおかげってんだからビビるわw ほんと素晴らしい映画だよ)

cactusmaac Well done my boi Godzilla. Who would have thought this was going to only be $30m or so behind the Captain Marvel sequel.

FarthingWoodAdder And like $11m behind Wish

Tjengel And it is getting a one week black and white release in my area next week I'm so hyped!!

ContinuumGuy I remember reading somewhere that Japanese fans are amused/befuddled by the fact that there are more total American fans of Godzilla than there are Japanese fans of Godzilla (although Japan still has us beat in Per-Capita, presumably).

CosmicAstroBastard People forget that Godzilla’s popularity in the US is actually a huge contributor to the franchise’s longevity.
(実は "アメリカでのゴジラの人気" がゴジラシリーズの長寿に大きく貢献していること知らない人は多い)

The original Godzilla was the first Japanese movie to ever get a wide release in America of any kind, and it made very good money here. Godzilla vs. Megalon made a profit solely from the US after bombing in Japan. The 2014 Legendary film’s success drove Toho to make Shin Godzilla.
(初代『ゴジラ』は日本映画としてアメリカで広く公開された初めての映画でアメリカでも非常に高い収益を上げた。さらに『ゴジラ対メガロ』は日本では大コケしたが、アメリカで成功したおかげで赤字を免れている。東宝が『シンゴジラ』の制作に乗り出したのも2014年のレジェンダリー版ゴジラの成功を受けてのことだ) ※1973年に公開された『ゴジラ対メガロ』はチケットが98万枚しか売れず入場者数が100万人未満となった初のゴジラ映画になってしまった。しかし米国では大成功を収めテキサス州とルイジアナ州だけで最初の3日間で38万3,744ドルの興行収入をあげた。


RadonRanger1234 A movie so good that if Godzilla wasn’t in it, it would still be a good movie lol.

domoarigatodrloboto I genuinely found myself forgetting that it was a Godzilla movie, and I mean that in the best way possible. I'd be getting so caught up in the family dynamic and the bonding between the guys on the boat that I had to remind myself "oh shit, right, there's a monster out there" whenever Godzilla showed up.

AWildWilson That's genuinely why it was a good movie. At it's core, movies about giant monsters/monster fighting (etc) feel ungrounded and dimensionless (like godzilla vs kong). - that's fine, but the background story adds so much depth here
(でもそれこそがこの映画を名作にした理由だよ。基本的にモンスター映画って観客側も "モンスター映画を観ている" って感覚になるだろ? ゴジラ対コングなんかはその典型だ。別にそれが悪いわけじゃない、でも普通のモンスター映画なら陳腐にしか感じられない "モンスターが暴れている裏で起きているストーリー" が『ゴジラ-1.0』の場合は作品に深みを与える要素にちゃんとなっている)

gusonthebus_ IMHO, it was one of the best if not the best film of 2023.

lopakjalantar And they still not realese it in my country yet :(

JediKnight_TyrionL Digital release when? 😭

wookiewin Please release it on 4K disc 🙏🏻

ThaPhantom07 I cant wait to pick this up on 4K and show all my friends who I have been gushing to about it.

Superzone13 I hope people realize how incredible $50m is for a foreign language film. Awesome run for an awesome movie.
(米国で外国語映画が5,000万ドルを稼いだって本当に凄いことだからな、それがどれだけ稀有なことか人々はちゃんと理解しているだろうか? ともかく素晴らしい映画に相応しい素晴らしい成功だ)

Edupakistan Crazy, that's just show the quality of movie.

SomeMockodile The problem imo was that this movie basically had no US marketing. I think with a more pronounced marketing push this movie probably passes wish, but it’ll be a lesson learned for next time for Toho who will almost certainly do this again some point in the next decade

Frogacuda Yeah, this probably could have done another $20M with a real marketing spend, but I get why Toho would see that as a risk, given there isn't any real history for big box office performance abroad for their films.

I imagine the next time they'll have the confidence to spend a little.

KingoftheHill63 Yeah no marketing in Australia either. Only heard about it from YouTube rave reviews. But it had a pretty good run based on number of screenings that were available.

Caledor152 What an incredible achievement especially when you consider the low budget in comparison and very little marketing and limited release in the US to start.

Sparkcreatives_ It should be more than that

SaarioBrandon The best movie I have seen in the last 4 years
No mention of victimhood
No lectures about any isms
All about Redemption
Great film

spidii Best movie I've seen in theaters in years.

There was a guy and his son in the popcorn line next to me and I heard the son say "dad, I just heard this movie is all subtitles" and the dad let out a groan and they both begrudgingly wandered over to the theater complaining.

The movie ended and they both looked at each other and the father stood up said "holy shit that was good" and the son nodded in agreement.
