


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/CHICubs (シカゴ・カブス板)』(※昨日の試合直後)
reddit.com/r/CHICubs / reddit.com/r/CHICubs

--Shake-- (カブスファン) Back to being the lovable losers I suppose.
(ふっ、どうやらいつもの "愛すべき負け犬" に戻ったようだな)

garrettjk1 (カブスファン) This team isn’t even lovable lmao
(いやウチらは別に愛されてはいないので、ただの "負け犬" かとw)

BorgBorg10 (カブスファン) Very few things lovable about this team lol

QuavoHuncho31 (カブスファン) Starting pitching is still good. The offense is just awful

(カブスファン) It’s almost comical how bad the offense is - for a $230M payroll.

JamesTiberiusCrunk (カブスファン) Great teams have multiple top 30 hitters. The Cubs have one top 50 hitter and he's 42nd.

BobbleBobble (カブスファン) Gotta be honest, losing to the cards at home to drop behind the pirates into last feels like the low point of the Jed era

ree_hi_hi_hi_hi (カブスファン) 3 fucking hits!! 27 outs and 3 hits 😔

bearssuperfan (カブスファン) Why does our hitting coach still have a job?

Yetis22 (カブスファン) The team hasn’t played good baseball in well over a month

No_Goat_2714 (カブスファン) And really they played good for only about 3 weeks. we could get away with it if we had elite defense and elite bullpen. But only good thing this team does is SP. that’s it.

No_Goat_2714 (カブスファン) It’s so depressing. God we stink

king_k-rool (カブスファン) I’m military. Going to SERE school for the next two weeks. I’m going to sleep in the woods, a dog cage, get tortured and abused and I’m actually looking forward to it since it means I cannot possibly watch the 2024 Chicago Cubs. When I am starving, laying butt naked on a concrete floor I will simply think of the Cubs and I will be grateful that I’m not on my couch watching this team.
(私は米軍に属していてこれから2週間『SERE訓練 (※)』を行う事になっているんだけど今はそれが楽しみになってきたよ。訓練では森の中や犬の檻の中で寝たり拷問や虐待を受けることになるが日頃の習慣でつい見てしまうカブス戦が物理的に見れなくなるからね。コンクリートの床に裸で横たって飢えに苦しむことになっても、私は今のカブスを見ないで済むことに感謝していることだろう) SERE:Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape(生存、回避、抵抗、脱走)の頭文字をとったもので主に航空機乗組員が受ける訓練。戦闘や事故によって脱出せざるを得なくなった状況を想定してサバイバル能力や捕虜にされた場合の対処方法を学ぶことを目的としている

Lagavulin26 (カブスファン) Remember that game the Cubs were tied or in the lead in the 7th inning only to lose? No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. No, not that one. Yeah, that one.


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/CHICubs (シカゴ・カブス板)』(※今日の試合)
『6月15日 カブス対カージナルス戦・実況スレ』

リグレー フィールドにて午後 1時20 分スタート

カブス - 今永昇太 (6勝1敗、防御率 1.96)
カージナルス - アンドレ・パランテ (2勝2敗、防御率 4.88)
reddit.com/r/CHICubs / reddit.com/r/CHICubs

Hating_life_69 (カブスファン) Don’t bother watching. Here how it ends: Stl wins 3-0 with three runs in the 8th.

soapyhandman (カブスファン) Imanaga goes 6 and 2/3rds giving up 1 run, striking out 5 and walking 1. Cubs lose 3 to 1.

LordDaybreak (カブスファン) Hello, gang. How will the cubs lose today? Place your bets here.

Tomko401 (カブスファン) I am ready to be hurt again.

chichris (カブスファン) Man! I love watching Imanaga pitch. Let’s take the early lead here.
(でも今日は今永が先発だよ! 彼の登板を見るのは大好きだ。ここは頑張って序盤からリードを奪おうじゃないか!)

MLB.comのカブス担当記者 - John Denton


Jvick88 (カブスファン) Fuck

chichris (カブスファン) Oof

squirrelinmygarret (カブスファン) Whelp, it's time to start drinking heavily. Sorry kids, Daddy's gon' be a little grouchy tonight.

chichris (カブスファン) It’s almost unreal how bad this offense has been.

calbinjohnson (カブスファン) 7-9 are totally useless

Hawkize31 (カブスファン) *1-9
(7~9番 1~9番が全く使い物にならねぇ)

tesd44 (カブスファン) Feels like we’re down 10

JmanJacob05 (カブスファン) This team is more predictable than the fucking sun rising in the fucking morning

omgitsbillyfrick (カブスファン) Welp I doubt they score two

Hope4years (カブスファン) Maybe you should say this more often



LordDaybreak (カブスファン) LETS FUCKIN GOOO


brooklyndavs (カブスファン) Omg is it happening??? Offense???
(マジか、ついに来たんか? 打線の目覚めがついに来たんか??)

omgitsbillyfrick (カブスファン) Not really just did the bare minimum to result in two runs

tallslim1960 (カブスファン) Kind of sad when you look at how the last 4 runs we've scored were all with balls that didn't leave the infield.

elgenie (カブスファン) Other teams score by hitting the ball out of the infield.

chichris (カブスファン) At least we got 2. Ugly as hell but I’ll take it.

cawcawthehawk (カブスファン) This team is very consistent. Good starting pitching, scratching a few runs, bullpen blows it. Rinse and repeat.


「今永昇太が見事なパフォーマンスを見せる ⭐️」


Spyingeagle3 (カブスファン) Mikeyyyyy

Jhopedaisensei (カブスファン) MIKEY!!!!

Penguinkeith (カブスファン) MIKEEEEE

okay_throwaway_today (カブスファン) I love Shota Imanaga

Edit: sorry meant Mike II

intercut (カブスファン) MY MAN MIKE

cubswinagain (カブスファン) HIMANAGA
(ヒマナガ!) HIMANAGA=Him+Imanaga


stelio_kontos_91 (カブスファン) HE IS HIM. HE WILL CONTINUE TO BE HIM.

MisunderstoodScholar (カブスファン) Imanaga is a treasure

b3_yourself (カブスファン) Shota deserves to be our only all star this year

Wonderful-Media-2000 (カブスファン) Shota is easily the best part of this cubs season

randomusernamegame (カブスファン) he's the only reason i'm watching this game

Wonderful-Media-2000 (カブスファン) Definitely an entertaining pitcher

Angrydwarf99 (カブスファン) I love Imanaga so much. Greatest offseason pickup of any team

Jhopedaisensei (カブスファン) Let’s go Mikey II !!!!!
(いいぞマイク・イマナガ2世さん!!!) ※今永がマイク・イマナガ2世になった理由は後述

Lagavulin26 (カブスファン) Well, sorry guys. We reached the 7th inning only up 1 run. That's another tough loss, but we'll go get em tomorrow.



Milesweeman (カブスファン) Omg omg omg

b3_yourself (カブスファン) Finally!

chichris (カブスファン) Finally!!!

cubswinagain (カブスファン) FUCKING FINALLY!!!!!!!!

Baybears (カブスファン) THANK YOU

Angrydwarf99 (カブスファン) FUCK YEAH IAN HAPP

EstimatedProphet72 (カブスファン) Wait, the Cubs are allowed to hit more than just singles?!?!

Spectre211286 (カブスファン) thats not a bunt
(いいの? いつものバントじゃないよ、ホームランだよ?!)

_Jerwin10 (カブスファン) Is this allowed???

Maleficent_Author853 (カブスファン) It’s a miracle.

deleted (カブスファン) It’s a miracle lol

chichris (カブスファン) I think we got this one today. I’m feeling it.


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/CHICubs (シカゴ・カブス板)』(※今日の試合)
『6月15日 カブス対カージナルス戦・試合後スレ』

Gyro88 (カブスファン) By god, the 2024 Chicago Cubs have won a baseball game by more than 1 run

R0enick27 (カブスファン) Finally a decent dub!

shadowpawn (カブスファン) Wow, first win by 4+ runs since Mayy 15th

SnugglyIrishman (カブスファン) That’s insane

SilkyJohnson72 (カブスファン) A comfortable win.. what are those?

giziti (カブスファン) I forgot what this feels like

ponzianienthusiast (カブスファン) Mike Imanaga II 1-0 so far this year

Bobson-_Dugnutt2 (カブスファン) Imanaga is legit one of the best pitchers in baseball.

Interrobangersnmash (カブスファン) Hope temporarily restored!

TheRealCatDad (カブスファン) It's amazing how quickly hope can come back after a single win 😅

brooklyndavs (カブスファン) Honestly we might never loose again

chichris (カブスファン) This is the start of our run. Strap in!
(これがカブスの連勝街道の始まりや! みんな気合い入れや!)

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』
reddit.com/r/baseball / reddit.com/r/baseball

Curious-Swan9331 (ドジャースファン) I missed it. Why is Shota, Mike, now?
(俺なんか見逃した? なんで今永昇太がマイク・イマナガ2世になってんの?)

N_DiT That’s the name he uses when he orders coffee

MarcBulldog88 (ドジャースファン) But where does the II come from?
(そうなのか、でも "2世" はどこから来たのさ?)

N_DiT “It just sounds cool” - Mike
(「だって2世ってカッコいいだろ?」 by マイク・イマナガ2世)

カブスが運営する地域スポーツネットワーク『Marquee Sports』の記者 - Andy Martínez





coffee name:コーヒーネーム。カフェで使うニックネームのこと。

米国のスターバックスなどのカフェでは注文の際に客の名前を聞いて、注文ができたらその名で呼ぶことが一般的になっている。しかし米国は多民族国家であるため普通の人からすると発音が非常に難しい名前/馴染みがない名前の人が大勢おり、そういう人たちは店員が困らないようにカフェで使うニックネーム (コーヒーネーム) を予め用意している。


UnchartedFields Shota seems like a fun dude

JaWoosh (エンゼルスファン) Stop the dead naming, please. It's Mike Imanaga II now.

Angry_Walnut (レンジャーズファン) I love this guy lol

Saucetown77 (カブスファン) Every time I think I can't love this guy anymore than I already do a post like this shows up

CHKN_SANDO (オリオールズファン) I hate the Cubs but I love this man

NakedGoose (カーディナルスファン) Shota seems pretty easy to me. But not Mike easy
(ショータは割と簡単に発音できると思うのだが... でもまぁマイクほど簡単ではないな)