
『3月4日 ドジャース対レッズ戦・実況スレ(※2025オープン戦13日目の翻訳)』

以下の方々から投げ銭を頂きました ima 様、nuts 様



英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』
『3月4日 ドジャース対レッズ戦・実況スレ』

ドジャースのキャンプ地ピオリア・スタジアムにて午後 17 時 05 分スタート

ドジャース - 山本由伸 (-勝-敗、防御率---)
レッズ - チェイス・ペティ (-勝-敗、防御率---)

英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/Dodgers (ドジャース板)』
『本日のラインナップ - 大谷・ベッツ・フリーマンのビッグ3に佐々木朗希がOP戦初登板予定!』

Kissa2006 Not just the big three. Except for Taylor, this is pretty much the regular season lineup.

automatedsinks This is basically the everyday lineup except for CT right?

Ok-Wrongdoer1164 Awesome lineup ❤️

Busy_Trash9830 Ohtani, Betts, Freeman, Teo, and Smith, Muncy, and Edman 🥹🥹🥹

Cozmicbot I picked a damn good day to go to a spring training game

MD32GOAT Why am I licking my lips right now?

GTmatsuura this is pretty much the crew everyone wants to see

jaydubb90 Today is like Christmas for me. Yoshi AND Roki????
(今日は理想的な打線じゃないっすか! しかも山本に佐々木だと?!)

query626 Roki? I see Yoshi as the starter
(佐々木? 先発投手の名前は山本になってるけど?)

soenormous Yoshi is starting and supposed to pitch 3-4 innings. Then Roki is supposed to take over as relief for maybe 3 innings for his debut tonight

RoyalRumbleSTi I dislike Pages at CF

kpopsns28 Pages is not the 1st choice CF. Someone else should be

soenormous More or less. He’ll probably be interchangeable with Conforto. And hopefully Kim finds his way soon so that Tommy can replace Pages in the outfield

funko_fanatic52 We're bringing the big guns tonight. Let's freaking go!!!

West-Computer2 Let’s Go Dodgers!
(٩( ᐛ )و ٩( ᐛ )و ٩( ᐛ )و)

No_Sheepherder_8947 Predict Roki’s stat line for tonight

st1r 3 immaculate innings, 9 Ks, and a thumbs up from Shohei 👍
(3回無失点9奪三振、それに大谷からの 👍)

SoCalDanSports I would love that but temper expectations. It's his first start and a minor Leaguers took him deep in his second pitch. He also walked two and had a double off him before they stopped. Temper them.
(興奮するのはわかるが落ち着け、そうなったら私も嬉しいが初めての登板だし前回のマイナーリーグの打者との打撃練習では2球目をホームランにされていただろ? 降板する直前には四球も2つ二塁打を許してもいた、なので落ち着け)

No_Sheepherder_8947 I got maybe 1 earned and 4 K’s with a walk.

SoCalDanSports Your prediction is probably on point to what I expect except less strikeouts. Maybe 2-3 K




Busy_Trash9830 I just got my food and missed the game a little, why is it 2-0 ☹️

birdbathz Yamameatballs
(山本さんがヤマミトさんになってるんですけど) Yamameatballs (ヤマミートボール) =Yamamoto+Meatball
Meatball:Meat (バットの芯) に当ててくれと言わんばかりの甘い ball (球) =ど真ん中に飛んでくる甘い球を意味するスラング

dilly_dill428 Might have to get Roki in earlier

crab_soul Yama… cmon you’ve got this
(山本... しっかりしろ、お前ならできる)

New_Championship_912 Yamamoto looks terrible today

Sullyville he is often shaky to start then battens it down

No_Sheepherder_8947 It was just that one ball that was smoked by hays. If our fielders has been positioned better in the shift that 2 outs

SDFitness91 Just remember guys, even Yamamoto has stated that he’s trying things out in spring training.
(それにほら、山本も春季トレーニング中にいろいろ試していると言ってただろ? 忘れちゃったのかい?)

fatalmudd Needed that

wwhty44 Much needed double play in terms of pitch count

maddenallday When Roki

allgasnotrash_fm 5th inning, if can Yamamoto can go 4 innings.

40ozofOldeEnglish Oh CT3...

Busy_Trash9830 CT3 struck out before i even turned my head back to the screen 😭😭

Champions Dude is a free out

MyChemicalMaiden Usually I don’t think spring training means anything but CT and Outman are done man😭😭😭

米国の投球アナリスト - ロブ・フリードマン


Infraready sheeeesh

J_FoggytheOne Sexy splitter

MyChemicalMaiden That splitter is so sexy

No_Sheepherder_8947 Yoshinobu “I give up runs in the first but lock tf in after” Yamamoto is dealing

st1r Classic Yama. 1st inning struggle then lights out.

Busy_Trash9830 There we go yoshi

crab_soul THATS MY BOY!!

birdbathz It’s hilarious how progressively better yama gets every single time

sadclassicrocklover Just got here how did Yama look?

SoCalDanSports 2 earned run in first inning since then he's been great.

36CharizardsOfDeath Not the best start honestly but seems to have settled down


Chessinmind Wow, nice throw

Busy_Trash9830 Good hit sho it happens that’s a beam

YamaniAnime Ohtani's bat looks so good so far😎

klaatuzero Good time to practice a shoulder-safe slide.

kpopsns28 I guess Shohei's new slide is slower??

Rover16 Spring training, so Ohtani was saving his legs and wanted to try out his new slide.
(オープン戦だしレギュラーシーズンばりの全力疾走は避けているんじゃないか? それに新しいスライディングを試したいという意識が強かったのかも)



SoCalDanSports Mookie!!!!!!!!


SeaworthinessOk6742 A Mooklear Bomb!
(ムークリア・ボムキタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!) bomb / Hit a bomb:打った瞬間に柵を超えるとわかるようなホームランの意。あまりにも強くボールがバットに当たる様を爆発に例えた表現
nuke / nuklear bomb:核爆弾。 "bomb" よりもさらに凄い特大打の意


Cheap-Bathroom-4426 Dang it, Sho should’ve stayed at first base 😂

Significant-Check837 Meh, meaningless game. Perfect way and time to test his new slide and iron out the kinks without any repercussions.

theicecreamtruck_59 Roki incoming

imnotcreative415 ROKI

salarymanhell Roku coming up 👀👀👀

kirkalto hype for roki but im expecting some first game nerves - hopefully he can get comfortable here
(初登板という事でワクワクしまくりだけど初戦は緊張するだろうと予想している - 開幕戦までに落ち着いてくれることを期待しよう)


xT1TANx Typical Yama outing.. a little rough early then locks in. :)

Busy_Trash9830 Disgusting curveball

klaatuzero Easy peasy for Yama

No_Sheepherder_8947 Every time a ball goes to pages i get very concerned

Busy_Trash9830 😂😂😂

runninthruthe818 ngl dude pages in CF is a scary proposition

Significant-Check837 Roki time!


itsyourdestini Roki time!

klaatuzero Let's go, Roki!


40ozofOldeEnglish 99.2 first pitch 👀

itsyourdestini Lovely

No_Sheepherder_8947 One pitch one out. He may be the goat

Busy_Trash9830 First pitch 100 MPH 😭🔥🔥🔥

HeavensRoyalty Let's go Roki
(٩( ᐛ )و ٩( ᐛ )و ٩( ᐛ )و)



Puch1ca3 Welp
(( ㅍ_ㅍ))

Infraready Youch

spency_c Roki hates bunters. Got it

Younggod9 Damn Roki got something against players that bunt

Cheap-Bathroom-4426 I felt a little bad for laughing at that.

Wild_Object_8547 Why the fuck are you bunting in spring training in the 5th inning?

rancar1 How does his stuff look?

Busy_Trash9830 Control is wild but this is so fun

FosterTheHumans Crazy movement on the splitter

st1r The way his splitter moves reminds me of Treinen’s slider, it looks impossible




klaatuzero Yeah baby!

xrbeeelama Good lord that kid is NAAAAASHTY

FosterTheHumans Jeez that moves like crazy
(こいつ…動くぞ! こいつの球めっちゃ動くぞ!)

theicecreamtruck_59 100 heat holy hell

JpJ951 Filthy

wwhty44 That slider is better than advertised

0h14eth and he'll get better? haha
(そしてさらにここから良くなるだと? 笑うしかねぇw)

(連続奪三振! ひえぇぇぇ)


MyChemicalMaiden Rookie of the year

Busy_Trash9830 ROKI OF THE YEAR

DeathClaw9999 ROOOOOOOKIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jamalfunkypants Absolutely filthy.

40ozofOldeEnglish I feel like I'm watching prime Joe Kelly ...but switch out Joe's knuckle curve for an even nastier splitter

Wild_Object_8547 He’s going to be our ace in a few years

st1r What an insane raw talent, jesus

tttvvvooo Sheesh his stuff is as advertised.

ThRoWaWaY9423xyz What a great bargain signing for the Dodgers

Mikeg5680 just give him the cy young already

agreaterfoundation34 Roki looking good!

lordkronos awesome fucking inning Roki!!

tesstikcle how did he look?

Mookie_97 Nastyyyy

UraniumDisulfide Really good

Necessary Splitters are unhittable already

Icy-Accountant3312 Looked really damn good, never seen a splitter move like that lol

Puzzleheaded That cutter was filthy

El2oo7 Bro wtf was that pitch? Slider fastball or some shit??? Shit was so nasty
(ってかあの球は一体何? スライダー・ファーストボールとでも言うの? えげつない動きしてたけど)

spysoons Once he settled down he was unhittable

King_Wizard42 Watching Roki being absolutely filthy and seeing Ohtani in the batters box is still unreal to me. What a fucking time to be a Dodger fan.

Busy_Trash9830 Much deserved golden era

HeavensRoyalty This year is going to be so much fun

ドジャース地元メディア『Dodgers Nation』


wwhty44 Beautiful fastball

salarymanhell Strikeout machine!

sofastsomaybe These whiffs are so sexy 🥵

SeaworthinessOk6742 Sasaki’s pitches are as advertised.

st1r Man how do you prepare for 99 at the knees after seeing all those filthy splitters and sliders??
(いやいやあのエグいスプリッターとスライダーを見せられた後に膝の位置に時速99マイルとか投げられたらどうしようもないだろ... どうやって打てと??)

Mookie_97 100MPH Fastball 3 times in a row to a 86 Nasty Splitter. Holy shit
(3級連続で時速100マイルの速球を投げたと思ったら86マイルのスプリッターだと...?! おいおいおい)

No_Sheepherder_8947 Damn near triple digit fastball to 86 off speed is gonna be a nasty combo

No_Sheepherder_8947 I love love love that Roki is handling adversity like a pro. Despite the base runners, he’s doing great managing the bases and taking it one out at a time

failing_light Command is shaky which was expected but wow im so stoked on what I see

No-Economics4128 Like what we see so far. Did not get shook by 2 runners on base. Roku handled it like a vet.

kpopsns28 Work on his command and he will be so great




米国の野球ポッドキャスト『Talkin’ Baseball』

sofastsomaybe NASTY

Busy_Trash9830 the drop is devious 💀💀

UraniumDisulfide that splitter is ridiculous

lordkronos that pitch is definitely a knee-buckler

st1r Such an unusual looking splitter, I love it.

wwhty44 Yep the hype is real

YamaniAnime HAHAHAHAHAHA🤣🤣🤣🤣 This boy is absolutely a freak. This talent is insane...
(この子凄いよ! 才能の塊なんてもんじゃないって、もう笑うしかないっすわw HAHAHA)

Busy_Trash9830 My expectations were not this high tbh, roki was phenomenal, we’ve truly got a gem.

wwhty44 Now imagine him in a year or two once he’s fully adjusted

No_Sheepherder_8947 I have never in my life got up and jumped for a spring training strike out. Roki Sasaki has me leaping for joy

churidys Super promising! And we get this guy for 6 years, right? Damn that's a good deal
(将来有望過ぎる! しかも6年契約だろ? 大勝利過ぎるわぁ)

Rover16 I've seen enough! Roki's the game 2 starter in Tokyo!