

Drawing Mike Trout every day until the lockout is over. Day 6.


『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。6日目』 reddit.com

WalksWithKemba (ロッキーズファン) 「あの素晴らしい尻はどうだ」 dat booty:「いい尻をしている」といった意味のスラング

am19208 「そしてあの小さすぎる手」

ZZaddyLongLegzz (アスレチックスファン) I like the way his little arm just creeps out of the darkness.

Jordan901278 (ヤンキースファン) he got them t-rex arms

VamosRapids Giant booty, little arms.

bichettes_helmet (ブルージェイズファン) Troutosaurus

CommunistOrgy (アスレチックスファン) Mike T-Rex

Tipist (エンゼルスファン) it’s from his rookie card
(今回はルーキー時代のトレーディングカードがオリジナルみたいだな) https://i.imgur.com/SVX9tAe.jpg

Kenway89 (ファン) That’s actually pretty damn good!

GimmeeSomeMo (ブレーブスファン) Seriously looking better each day!

Radiohead_dot_gov (タイガースファン) 1日目2日目3日目4日目5日目






Jimmy_Mc_Nulty https://imgur.com/a/Uic8vJg

Jpsla (ドジャースファン) Honestly I can’t get enough of Day 2. Every time I look at it I burst out laughing. And the longer I look at it, the more and louder I laugh.

AltuveBuzzerBeater Please keep posting. I am looking forward to more!

『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。7日目』 reddit.com

MaizeBlueBurntOrange (レンジャーズファン) 「冗談抜きに上手くなってる」

gatemansgc (アストロズファン) The improvement between this one and even the last one is HUGE

brandon_the_bald He’s improving

I expect the Mona Lisa by January

Rytho (ツインズファン) Dude the story of you getting better at drawing is keeping all of us invested during the lockout lol

rfguevar (ドジャースファン) I kinda don’t want the lockout to end just to see how much these improve over time

I fully expect a hyper realistic charcoal or water color painting by the end of February

nicholus_h2 i expect a fresco or an oil painting by next month.

『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。6日目』 reddit.com

Bug-03 (アストロズファン) 「1日前に絵の上達っぷりが凄いと言ったばかりなのに...もう達人の域じゃないですか」

WasteAd6390 Smells Like Trout Spirit

Dizzy_Amphibian Perfection

Braves-and-Gamecocks (ブレーブスファン) Magnificent.

y2knole (ブレーブスファン) Best one yet 🤣

Power-Wagon (レッドソックスファン) BEST ONE YET!

mahldawg By far the best one

spideroger BEST ONE YET!!!!!!

tmking01 (タイガースファン) Best one so far

88Problems88 (ヤンキースファン) If you print this I will buy it

Sirtopofhat (ドジャースファン) Didn't think we'd go tasteful nude so early but here we are.

egus (ホワイトソックスファン) one week and one day and we are already into true works of art.

BiologyJ (ヤンキースファン) Someone check to see if this man has both his ears left.

DillyDallyFukBally (レイズファン) We are witnessing evolution

starcrap2 I'm not sure if I want the lockout to end or go on forever.

purplenurple24 (マリナーズファン) You’ve taken it to another level

Crafty-Ad-9048 (ブルージェイズファン) I didn’t see this cumming

AquariumGravelHater (レッドソックスファン) This is genuinely the first time I've laughed out loud at something in weeks. Oh my god

low_me_steelers (ブレーブスファン) What the hell is day 150 gonna look like if this is already 8

CrumbsAndCarrots https://i.imgur.com/T44yglE.jpg

japalian https://i.imgur.com/NBsqaRY.jpg

ras5003 (ロッキーズファン) 😂

『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。9日目』 reddit.com

TacosAreVegetables (フィリーズファン) 「27の圧が凄い」

Confused_Mirror (レッドソックスファン) Oh shit! We're adding color now!
(なんてこった! ついに色がつき始めたぞ!)

OsTrigonum (アストロズファン) He’s getting better

luisstrikesout (ヤンキースファン) Is it me or the drawings got more realistic?

loupr738 (アスレチックスファン) your improvement in 9 days is amazing

ProsciuttoFresco (アスレチックスファン) The only reason I’m visiting this sub anymore.

Confused_Mirror (レッドソックスファン) If the lockout ever ends you should keep doing these as a "Drawing Trout and/or Ohtani until the Angels make the playoffs"

GimonNSarfunkel Dude's gonna be the Michelangelo of drawing Trout if he draws till they make playoffs

『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。10日目』 reddit.com

Olthoi_Eviscerator Ok we're getting abstract now

baudinl (オリオールズファン) Interesting evolution.... you're really veering into surrealism and post-modernism

docontheweb (カージナルスファン) Looking more and more like Trout everyday.

GOATmar_infante (ロイヤルズファン) These get more realistic every day

DidItForTheStory (スレ主) Reference here


burnsrado (エンゼルスファン) I hope the lockout lasts until 2025. You are a legend.

gatemansgc (アストロズファン) Let's not go that far. But definitely needs to last all winter

burnsrado (エンゼルスファン) I’d rather see four more years of this art than another .500 season from the Angels.

『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。11日目』 reddit.com

Red_VIII This is some Louvre type of shit

double_dose_larry (レイズファン) Salvador Dalì would be proud

stinkydimples This is high art. Depending on how long this lockout goes, I’d buy these as a page-a-day calendar.

Checkmynewsong Massive dumper on that trout
(なんて大きな "dumper" をしているんだあのマス男は)

fairteezy (カージナルスファン) The dumpy is back, boys.
(諸君、"dumper" が戻ってきたぞ) dumper/dump-truck/dump-truck ass:歩くたびにブルンブルン震える巨大な尻

junebug_davis Whoa!!!! What an ass!!

Yabba_Dabba_Doofus (タイガースファン) Every day I think we've reached the mountain top.

And every tomorrow, I am horrendously wrong.

What magic does tomorrow hold? I can't wait to find out.
(明日はどんな魔法が見れるだろう? 待ちきれません)

mabdulra (オリオールズファン) I'm living for this.

personofinterest18 Do we really need the lockout to end?

『ロックアウトが終わるまでこれから毎日マイク・トラウトを描く。12日目』 reddit.com

kasutori_Jack (ジャイアンツファン) 「1つ...いやいくつか質問があるのだが」

SnuggleMonster15 (ヤンキースファン) Only several?
("いくつか" で済むんです!?)

hamutaro (アスレチックスファン) Trout's facial expression suggests that he does as well.

doozydownstairs It’s the Squid game doll

brandon_the_bald He’s beautiful

GoatWeasel Cute Troutfit! Troutfit=Trout(鱒)+outfit(洋服)

Baffelgab (ブルージェイズファン) I know it’s the doll’s hair, but my headcanon is that he retained his gills from the last drawing

turtlemustangnick1 (カブスファン) There it is. Now I can finally stop refreshing the subreddit until tomorrow :)

IamaKing (ジャイアンツファン) Wow look at that shading. This dude’s becoming a professional before our very eyes

Quesly (ドジャースファン) its only day 12 and we're getting avant garde with it

seanpark0107 (ヤンキースファン) these bring me joy every night

mattjovander (ジャイアンツファン) You are a gift to mankind

KamartyMcFlyweight (エンゼルスファン) OP you are the light of my life. i haven't been this much in love with a person since Shohei Ohtani

Cheezitflow I love this sub in the offseason
