

[HOT TAKE] Home Alone 2 is one of the best sequels of all time






TonightsDaNight Marv getting hit by the brick twice is one of the funniest scenes ever

Ret0x Just watched. It was 4.

Rubberfootman The massive toolbox bouncing down the stairs is my high point.

Rubberfootman I was breathless from laughing last time I saw it.

mohand93140 Watching it over and over again is worth it. Can't remember how many times i rewatch that movie. It's indeed a master piece.

clicksmoney The actors has the best expression that gives life on that movie.

callmemacready 「ペンキまみれのマーヴが蛇口をひねって感電死するシーンだけでそこらの続編よりも優れていると言っていい」

hookisacrankycrook 「感電して骨になるシーンで毎回腹を抱えて笑っちゃう。彼らの体を張ったコメディーは素晴らしいの一言だ。ハリーが燃える頭頂部を鎮火するために灯油で満たされたトイレに頭を突っ込む⇒建物の外側にカメラが変わり閃光が放たれるシーンとかほんと神!」

Reddit_User_7239370 The way he dunks is head is hilarious too. Does a full on handstand on the toilet bowl before lowering his head down into the water. Great comedy.
(それもただ頭を便器に突っ込むんじゃなくてわざわざ逆立ちするところが笑えるw 実際素晴らしいコメディ映画だよ)

Ricky_Rollin Even decades later I still laugh my ass off at the skeleton. His scream is so perfect too.

Mrcollaborator 「基本的には1作目をコピーしただけなんだけどね、でも下手したら1作目より面白いんじゃないかってくらいに楽しんだよ。クリスマスのニューヨークっていう舞台がまた素晴らしい」

action_nick 「それな、クリスマスのニューヨークという舞台、1作目のあらゆる要素をパワーアップさせている点、鳩おばさんの存在、この辺が2作目を1作目よりも良いものにしている」

AnOldLawNeverDies And Tim curry

v1p3rsbite The lip quiver and eyes watering after Kevin’s mom slaps the snot out of him is what I think of every time his name is ever mentioned.

safarifriendliness 「ホーム・アローン2に関しては暴力描写が「ちょっとこれはどうなんだと?」と思ってしまうけどな。1作目のそれはもっとマンガチックだったし、泥棒たちを懲らしめるシーンもクリスマスデコレーションで飾られた家の中だから雰囲気が全体的に軽かった。


1作目は「あら可愛らしい、おもちゃを使って泥棒を撃退するなんて」みたいなノリだったのに2作目は「なんかこの子警察に通報する代わりに大人2人を暗い無人の建物におびき寄せて屋上から投げたレンガを顔面に喰らわせてるんですけど! やってることスラッシャーホラーなんですけど!」みたいな気持ちになる」

TheOncomingBrows Yeah, the second is really a massive step up terms of violence.

Shadowwynd Have you seen the Internet theory that Macaulay Culkin grows up to be Jigsaw? There’s a couple timing holes but otherwise the theory seems to hold water.

danasider And like in the first movie, Kevin only decides to call 911 AFTER he's had his fun brutalizing these two criminals. I gotta have to worry about Kevin's mental wellbeing. Seems pretty psychotic. XD
(1作目もそうだったがケビンが警察に連絡したのは泥棒たちを散々痛めつけた "後" だしな。彼の精神状態を心配せずにはいられない、あまりにもサイコパス過ぎる)

solohack3r I remember reading an article that basically broke down how the violence is justified in the 2nd film because repeatedly Kevin is threatened by the Bandits. Multiple times Harry tells him he's going to kill him, plus he pulls a gun on Kevin twice. The film is supposed to be darker than the first.

nrsys The first is a true classic.

The second is in many ways technically superior - they rewatched the first, took notes and then set out to improve it. The problem is that they also copied a lot of the first one, so while in many ways it is better, it also loses some of the spark and the unique feeling that the first had, because we have already seen a lot of it before...

damnatio_memoriae yeah it's basically the same movie in a different setting with a pigeon lady instead of old man whatshisface.

princeisraelk1 But nonetheless it's still a good movie.

Top-Abrocoma-3729 That Donald Trump cameo in the film is surreal

Top-Abrocoma-3729 Lmao. Omg that’s right!!!

garlicriceadobo COMPLETELY forgot about this

boredcircuits If I remember right, that was a condition for using the hotel in the movie.

KellyJin17 His hotel at the time was very popular for Hollywood filming as a “NYC location,” so he used to require that any film or TV show that filmed at the hotel included a scene with him in the final edit. It was in the contract.
(トランプの所有していた例のホテルは当時の映画界で人気の "ニューヨークらしさに溢れるホテル" だったからね、映画やテレビ番組に使用の条件として彼を出演させる契約になっていたはず)

HortonHearsTheWho We showed the kids The Little Rascals movie a few weeks ago and were completely surprised when he showed up.
(数週間前に子供たちに『ちびっこギャング (1994)』の映画を見せたんだけどそこにもトランプが出てきて本気で驚いたわ)

Killowatt59 I always wanted to go to Duncan’s Toy Chest. And go there in a limo with a New York style cheese pizza.

KieshaK The older I get, the less I can tolerate Harry and Marv in the sequel because they got like 10x stupider. Maybe it’s brain damage from the first movie.

But all the scenes at the Plaza are gold. And the Pigeon Lady is great.

heel2014 Agreed! I’d like to offer Rush Hour 2 and Sister Act 2 as other amazing sequels.

Venturin Disagree. The original Home Alone hit so many things perfectly at the same time.

The John Williams score is terrific, Culkin carries the movie with his performance, the script is great, the supporting characters are all excellent, and the finale’ showered audiences in warmth like a great Christmas movie should.

Two is good, but in large part they tried to hit the same perfect story beats of the first film

YoungBeef03 Also, Macaulay’s acting is awful compared to the first

quietworlock22 It’s prob my favorite Christmas movie more than the first . I love NYC especially around Christmas and this movie captures it perfectly

Mayumoogy It is a perfect sequel. The only thing that sours it at this point is a cameo by a certain someone


acleverusername3 And also hit by a falling metal bar

…and fell down several floors

…and a shelf fell on him


Zonsiee The magic of Christmas
