

How would YOU make Japan television content less shitty? - 2023/01/27

LeDerpingson 『急募:日本のクソみたいなテレビ番組を多少なりともマシにする方法』

「日本のテレビコンテンツが酷いのは皆さんご存じの通り。この悪名高い "日本のテレビ" をあなたならどう修正する?」


HalleysComet41 「食レポや食べ物系番組を増やせばいいんじゃないかな? そんで有名人に食べ物を食べてもらってそのリアクションを映せばいいんだよ」

gugus295 「おいおい有名人の反応だけじゃ駄目だろ、ワイプ芸人を映すワイプ画面がなきゃ、食べ物に対する有名人の反応に対する彼らの反応を見ることができないじゃないか!」

Nishinari-Joe 「"美味しいいいいいい & へえええええええええー" と叫ぶ司会者や番組出演者の全員を牢獄に入れる」

Sbjoern0313 That would reduce the actual content to less than 1hour a day and they would probably add more advertising to keep on with their schedule.

borborborbor Usually I just hit the power button. Seems to do the job.

MatterSlow7347 Every time a Japanese TV comes to the obligatory food scene, I shut the TV off.

Disshidia So basically the TV is never on.

Bykimus You mean the old lady running some mediocre at best udon shop in bumfuck nowhere isn't interesting to you?
(そんな! どう見てもド田舎としか言いようがない場所の、どう見ても平凡にしか見えないうどん屋で、どう見ても平凡にしか見えないうどんを作るおばさんに、あなたは興味を引かれないって言うんですか?)

Any-Mechanic1607 「日本のテレビが酷いと言うが、君は最近アメリカのテレビを見たことがあるかい? CMはつまらない、どのチャンネルを見ても時代遅れ / ヤラセ台本があるようにしか思えないリアリティー番組だらけでもっとつまらないぞ。今やアメリカのテレビがYouTubeやストリーミングサービスと競争するのは難しいと言わざるを得ない、実際私が見ているのもそっちだし」

Ryoukugan 「アメリカ人だけど私は15年以上前の高校生の時点で定期的にテレビを見るのをやめたよ。はっきり言って日本のテレビもアメリカのテレビも両方とも糞だよ、草食動物に糞と肉食動物の糞くらいの差であって、臭いが違うだけで両方とも糞であることに違いはないよ」


gugus295 I'd rather spend the free time I have that isn't already dedicated to other hobbies playing video games than watching 80% of TV shows

I'd rather watch those 20% on a streaming service or otherwise on-demand and without ads than watch them as scheduled TV programs with commerical breaks.
(その見てもいいかなと思う残りの20%も、それを見るくらいならストリーミング サービスかオンデマンドで動画を視聴する方を選ぶ、そっちの方がCMはないし、いつでも見れるし)

The rare times when I do want to just randomly watch whatever's on, or just like in the background while I'm doing other stuff, I'd much rather put on YouTube videos of stuff that I'm at least mildly interested in than watch whatever drivel that's playing on TV at the time

butternutzsquash Remove all food content besides a dedicated show now and again. Tired of close up views of shaking chopsticks holding food I can’t smell or taste… Also more world news

blackrain29 Let the Japanese people speak out their minds

UnabashedPerson43 What if my opinion is that it’s おいしい?
(もしそれでも感想が "おいしい" だったら?)

Junsui11 Straight to jail

Lordstrade29 Have a Gordon Ramsey like character go to restaurants and give them his honest opinion. We need a good dose of negativity to balance out all the vapid 美味しい!!!
(芸人に料理のレビューをさせるんじゃなくてゴードン・ラムゼイみたいな人を送り込んで素直な感想を言わせよう。どいつもこいつも感情のこもっていない「美味しい!!!」しか言わねぇし、ゴードンみたいな人間を増やすことでバランスを取るんだ) ゴードン・ラムゼイ:スコットランド出身の3つ星シェフでロンドンにある3つのレストランで合計7つのミシュランの星を持つ。テレビにも数多く出演するセレブリティ・シェフで思ったことをそのままを口に出す歯に衣着せぬ毒舌ぶりで人気を博している。口癖は「Fuck」

無名の若手シェフにお題を与え、彼らを叱咤・罵倒しながら料理を競わせる『ヘルズ・キッチン〜地獄の厨房』や 様々な問題を抱えるレストランを立て直すためにオーナーが泣き出すほど叱りつける『Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares』などの番組で有名。

Pro_Banana Continue to not pay for NHK

LeDerpingson Nihongo taberaremasen....
(NHK? すみません日本語はちょっとわからないです...)

Ryoukugan They've learned that one now, you have to switch it up.

G'menuhsigh wuhtAHshi uuuuuh, wuh Kneehonego ummmm wackaree mahsin.
(ゴメンニュサァイ ウァタ⤴シ アー ウァタシ ウァ ニーホネゴ ワァ ワカリーマシィン)

Opening-Performer714 I will start from small steps: remove the guest face reaction in the corner of the screen, we don't need their pretentious face.
(日本のテレビをどうにかするとしたら小さなステップから始めるかな? まずは画面の隅に映るゲストのリアクション芸画面を消す、いちいち大げさな反応なんて見せんでいい)

Remove the quizzes section, they always make everything to be quiz just so that even the unimportant guest get the turn to talk

And the meaningless countdown before revealing something.

Totally hate that pattern where they cover something or mosaic etc especially before CM.

Oh, and the cringey dub..

...and the list goes on.. But I will let Suiyobi Downtown be as it is coz I like it lol.

Nakamegalomaniac I find many variety shows to be good, with the level of creativity the producers/creators are forced to use given their limited budgets is quite amazing. (Wendsday downtown, Chidori Kun to Hanadai San)

chriskys000 I find no reason to change it. I avoid the shows I don't like and watch the shows I do like. "Japanese television sucks" is generalizing things too much.

otherworlds Japan is starting to make really good content on streaming services, Gannibal on Disney+ and First Love on Netflix for example.
(日本の番組でも最近ストリーミングサービスで配信されているものは良いものが多いぞ。たとえばDisney+で配信中の『ガンニバル』や Netflix の『First Love 初恋』 とか)

Ken_Meredith TV is targeted towards old people. Young people don't watch TV as much as YouTube. So I think we're not going to see any changes in the near future.

But since we're doing this thought experiment, I would hire a bunch of kids right out of film school or art school and give them a budget and a late-night time slot to go crazy.

Late night is when more young people watch TV or record shows to watch later.(Source for young people facts: my two teenage kids)

_mi1210 I'm honestly tired of seeing a bunch of people fake laughing at unfunny jokes and all those food shows. And the very cartoonish and over-the-top effects too.

The only tv show I will ever accept is sekai neko-aruki. No other tv show can be as important and good.

sxh967 put a cap on the number of "talento" any one show is allowed to have in the studio. Seriously why do they need 10, 15, 20 people sitting in a mini stadium "reacting" to stuff?

a complete ban on the picture-in-picture thing. I can watch a video and react to it myself, I don't need someone in the corner of the screen telling me what is or isn't おいしい or すごい or やばい or ふううううううえええええーーーーーーーーーあああああああーーーーー .
(ワイプ画面の全廃。他人の反応なんて必要ないし、画面の隅で「おいしい」だの「すごい」だの「やばい」だの「ふううううううえええええーーーーーーーーーあああああああーーーーー 」だの叫ぶ必要はない)

Don't allow "talento" on news shows because we don't need to hear their irrelevant opinion on important topics.

Hazzat TV shows, even news ones, are so clearly made to waste as much of the viewer's time as possible.

yogurtisturkish Ban the five words of apocalypse: Oishii, umai, kawaii, omoshiroi, and most importantly, ee.

hai_douzo1 Stop with the reaction square...

orientpear I think the mistake is thinking the content is for the viewers. The content is merely filler in between the ads. The customer is the advertiser, not the viewer. So the content is as cheap/broad as it can be to get the widest viewer base for the ads.

"Good" tv costs money, talent, etc. and that's why it's on Netflix or other OTT streaming platform and not on regular TV.

ajpainter24 I’d like to see more ass kissing gaijin praising japan unconditionally…

laserdiscsan More drama to balance the talk/variety shows would be a welcome change.

Overall, I like Japan TV. It's relatively wholesome, which I like compared to angry/violent content I used to see surfing American channels.

Freak_Out_Bazaar I miss TV from the 80’s and 90’s when seemingly TV stations had infinite budget and the compliance was almost non-existent

TINKAS_ARAE They miss that too

ancapwr Invite Gordon Ramsey